Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
With immense "Abhed-Bhaav", my Namaskar
to the God residing in all of you
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
Today we have a fun filled session
with Pujyashree for children
I will call out the names
and they can stand up
and ask their questions to Deepakbhai
Deepakbhai will have fun with everyone
You don't have to give any Gnan
related answers
only have fun
I don't know how much fun we'll have
but let's see
The first question is my question
If you hadn't met Dada Bhagwan then
what would you be doing now ?
I'd have been busy searching for
suitable girl to marry my son
It's been 54 years
you would get married at 22
You'd usually get a kid by 24
and by now he'd be 30 years old
Then you prepare to be a grandfather
Not a grandfather...
but yeah something like that
He'll say my third daughter is
yet to marry
I'm still focusing on
finding a boy for her
Children in the Gurukul
had hosted a program
They said my friends hair turned white
I asked why it turned white?
He said tension of my son not getting
married has caused it to turn white
Then he asked Deepakbhai "why your hair turned white?"
The tension of hoping none of my kids
get married
The next question is from Sidhraj Solanki
Jai Satchitanand
I want to ask a general knowledge question
Can you write in red ink using a blue pen
Use a blue pen to write in red
Red using blue pen
That's easy to write, how long does it take?
Just R - E - D
Show us by writing it here
I just wrote it
did you not see it
See here R - E - D
Using a blue pen
Yes yes it's blue only
Gaurang Majumdar, Mumbai
Deepakbhai if you come to my birthday
Then what gift will you bring?
I'll make you an Aptaputra
Yes but if it's your birthday then
you should come get blessings
You promise me?
Yes but you have to come
and you have to follow as guided
Then you'll surely become one
When will you come?
When is your birthday?
18 December
Then you will have to come here
to Simandhar City
We have to big Shibir going on
Which cake do you like?
Which food?
Cake cake
Which cake do I like?
I don't eat cake, then where's the question of liking
But still which cake?
Whichever cake is there I'll eat it with equanimity
When you were small which cake did you eat?
No no I was never into cake
All these cakes and all
I've never wanted to eat them
When was your birthday?
It was in May month
9th May
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
Next question is from Vaishali Panara
Jai Satchitanand Deepakbhai
Why do you only wear white clothes
and not any other colour?
There's a reason for that
If it stains you get to know immediately
But even other clothes stain
If our clothes are colourful then
People will get colourful with us
I have one more question
If a dog starts chasing you
what will you do?
Then I will help it get back up
My job is just to help the fallen,
not to make them fall
If the dog running behind you
then what is your reaction?
Look at it's pure soul
what else will you do?
You should say come sit with me
Are you hungry?
Do you want a biscuit or a toast?
Just ask him
If he says biscuit them give it to him
If you give a dog some
food it'll calm down
Jai Satchitanand
Next question is from Kunjan
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
Do you like having different, stylish haircuts?
I don't like it
But i do wish, my face looks good
Or else people will ask
Did you just wake up and come?
It's because your hair looks shabby
So I tell the barber to
cut my hair properly
I should look good on TV
and people like watching it
In the past were you fond of it?
No not really just that
I should look decent
I shouldn't look very fancy
Jai Satchitanand
You understand when i say cultured, right?
Normal, it seems.....
If you cut your hair in a weird way
then it will stand out, which i don't like
and if you style it still
it will stand out, also which i don't like
I like it such that, I don't stand out
in any way
Jai Satchitanand
Next Divya Veerpariya Superi
Deepakbhai, Jai Satchitanand
If you ever take a vacation
where would you like to go?
Simandhar City, Trimandir
You get to meet the Lord, Pray and
become "Vitraag" like him
But god is present in
a lot of other places as well
But I prefer this,
i told you what i prefer
Jai Satchitanand
Next Nikhil Gondolia, Rajkot
In what styles do you
like to take pictures?
You can't take a photo of me
Deepakbhai, no Gnan....
and the one who's
photo is taken isn't me
When you were small you
must have a photo taken
I never went... Yes! I did go for having
a photo taken for my passport
I remember
They said sit straight,
face down, don't smile
I took that photo, i remember
Why didn't you like to take pictures?
If we get into taking photos
we get engrossed in it
Jai Satchitanand
Forum Patel
Jai Satchitanand, Deepakbhai
Deepakbhai, I feel that..... people....
Everyone like your smile so much
How do you smile so well?
When your ego is dissolved.
you automatically smile
Don't your cheeks pain
No! it would if i did laugh.
But I'm not the one who is laughing
Cheeks just keep moving.
But you are laughing right now,
aren't you?
But Deepakbhai does laugh
but I'm not the one
I'm observing the one who's laughing
Deepakbhai, Gnan....
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
Chirag, Gurukul
Deepakbhai. Have you ever
impersonated Amitabh Bachchan?
No, aside form Dada bhagwan
I haven't copied anyone
Why not?
That's because I didn't look at
anyone else except Dada
And if you do what happens?
I won't know how to do it
if I have not seen him
I see the pure soul in him and
the absolute pure soul in Dada bhagwan
Why didn't you see him?
That's because what's there
to see in something that can be burnt
You must see the God inside
What if you're told to look?
Then I'll see the pure soul
inside the packaging
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand, Deepakbhai
Have you ever got on a moving train?
Yes I got on Dada's train
No I mean like a local train in Bombay
Yes I have got on, got off, everything
So what's the problem?
It's fine you can get off at some points
Is there any incidence when....
I boarded a moving train?
Yes, there are many incidences
The train leaves at 7:22 and you
reach the station at 7:22
Then you see it moving and
then you run and board it.
I mean catch the train
Jai Satchitanand
Next is Parth, Simandhar City
Jai Satchitanand, Deepakbhai
Deepakbhai, have you ever cooked?
Yes indeed
Who did you cook for the first time?
Niruma taught me
First time she taught me and
I made it and everybody ate it
Niruma also ate that day
Did Niruma like it?
She's the one who taught
so she was going to like it
What did you make that day?
Spicy Bhaakri
Did you like it?
I found it very sweet
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand, Deepakbhai
What is your nickname?
I don't know my nickname
For example, Dada used to call
Niruma as Niru
And we call Dada Dadu
So what's your nickname
I don't have one. Everyone
calls me Deepakbhai
Sometimes your mom must have called
you by a nickname
They called me Deepak
Maybe your friends
even they called me Deepak
Something they must have called you
Yes in school we had four Deepaks
So they called me DI Desai
There were two Deepak Desais
So there was DR Desai and DI Desai
So they called me DI Desai
Jai Satchitanand
Madhav Kiritbhai
Deepakbhai, Jai Satchitanand
If you got an magic lamp what would you do
What does a magic lamp do?
You get whatever you like
So get what you wish for, right?
I'll bring back Dada and Niruma
No not that, why don't you ask for
money or something like that
No! Is that something you ask for
If I get a magic lamp I'll take everyone to
Simandhar Swami in a huge aeroplane
No one will be left behind
even if they want it or not
Take every one to god
Deepakbhai, instead of taking everyone to
Simandhar Swami
Why don't you take them direclty to Moksh
No should follow the proper steps
and not try to act too smart
Deepakbhai one more question
What are the names of your Parents?
I call my mom 'Mummy' and dad 'Pappa'
No I mean their names,
just like your name is Deepakbhai
Rukshmaniben was my mother's name
and Indubhai was my father's name
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
Parth Shah
Deepakbhai, If I come to stay with you at your
house (Vatsalya) then what will you do?
I'll send you back home to study
But what if I want to stay with only you
We have a rule
People with one goal can stay together
you can't stay physically together
Jai Satchitanand
Panchal Raksha
Jai Satchitanand
Who do you like to talk with
the most in Vatsalya ?
The conversation that i enjoy the most
is between Deepak and pure soul
Any other person
Then Niruma and Dadabhagwan
Then all the Aptaputra and Aptaputri
Then Aptakumar and kumari, the
Bhramacharya Bhaio, Beno and the Mahatmas
The list goes on and on
I talk to everyone who comes
in contact with me
And there's no problem
regarding the people i don't meet
Jai Satchitanand
Saurabh Shah
Deepakbhai, I want to go to Mt. Everest
will you accompany me?
Who will go and suffer in such cold
what's the point
Better if we pray in Simandhar city and
stay in gnan then I'm comfortable there
But if you go to Mt. Everest then the
people there will also get gnan
No no ice doesn't need gnan
When you are getting filmed
that time how do you feel
I was being filmed once and my legs were
shaking and I was sweating
I don't do much in it
Just see what happens
I don't keep track of whether
I'm being filmed or not
It just feels like both of are
having a normal conversation
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Satchitanand
Dishla Dedhiya
Jai Satchitanand
You pretend to be Niruma and act as if she
is scolding you or someone
In acting the most difficult thing to do
is to acting like your scolding someone
If you tell me to act like I'm
laughing then its easy
But I can't act like scolding
Please Deepakbhai one time
"Why do you keeping asking questions
when you can't hold the mike properly"
"Give the mike to a person who can use it
so they can ask good questions"
"If you don't how to use it don't
ask questions, sit down"
Deepakbhai some more acting
No now sit down
Niruma has left
Niruma didn't scold much
We shouldn't ask her to scold us
we should ask for gnan
Jai Satchitanand
Once the question is over, sit down
Akansh Chauhan
Jai Satchitanand, Deepakbhai
Why are you so calm?
Looking at the worlds
problems has made me calm
Were you like this in your childhood?
No that time I was different
After I met Dada I became little smart
Before that there was no improvement
Tell us about before you met Dada
Nothing just " Home to school and back"
Were you mischievous?
No no I wasn't
If someone played pranks I didn't like it
I didn't like to fight
If someone is angry,
then i hope they calm down
Please stop fighting
You might have fought sometime
Someone might have fought with be
but I never fight with anyone
Can you share any such incident
While playing sometimes we might
have a fight and he gets angry
Then I feel like if he's so angry
then I should let it go
Did your mom ever hit you?
I always used to listen to my parents
and never used to hurt my parents
with Siblings?
My brother and sister do fight
with our parents
so looking at that I don't
want to hurt them
Hurt means... they were a bit hyper,
my siblings, so they used to get angry
They often clash with dad
so I decided to not do that
That will only increase the pain,
You shouldn't hurt anyone.
Jai Satchitanand
Jai Jain
Deepakbhai, have you ever hurt your
I never intentionally caused them any pain
But when I attended satsang
my dad did not like that
He thought his son got on the wrong path
so he was troubled by it
He didn't like that I wasn't married
But have 5-7 years he became happy
That it's good you didn't get married
you are here to take care of me.
My siblings got married and left
So I was the only one left with my dad
I have seen a lot of videos
with you and Dada
You were very silent
But now you are more open and making jokes
How did you suddenly get a sense of humor?
I always had a sense of humor
Meeting so many people
caused me to be more open
Before I didn't meet many people
so they thought I was silent
Not making jokes, but more like
having fun
Everyone should have fun...
No one should be hurt
Such is my personality
I have asked this question to many people
before but haven't got any answer yet
Now I'll ask you
"what came first the chicken or the egg"
No! Before both of these was pure soul
Yes but between the chicken and the egg
who came first?
There were other animals before them
that gradually evolved
So what came first chicken or the egg
Automatically, the organism develops
during which things occur naturally
We can't say that whether the egg
came earlier of the chicken
But naturally such environment
helps create such living organisms
Afterwards the husband and
wife have children
But automatically such
organisms come into existence
So the first one was automatic?
If there is a suitable environment then
the soul will automatically enter the body
and a living organism comes into existence
The egg is not need
Life will automatically start
There are countless lives that are born
in such a way in the atmosphere
Even in humans it is there
They are born automatically, afterwards
husband and wife have children
Jai Satchitanand