The Difference between Planning and Reliance on Allah. Javed Ahmed Ghamidi [Hassan Ilyaas] What is the essential difference between using your intellect to plan versus reliance in the divine will? We are often told to have faith, reliance in Allah, but then we set about a plan, we analyze the pros and cons, and limitations in order to achieve the desired result. If we always end up planning everything, where does reliance in God fit in? What is the difference between the two? [Javed Ahmed Ghamidi] In this world, do all the plans we undertake and opinions we form, lead to the same uniform results as, say, like water, when it is split, maintains the same level throughout. The way results come about in moral affairs are not the same as the results which come about due to physical laws. Often we end up putting in all our effort and strength into something but we don't end up achieving the desired result. Therefore, we have been taught that all results in this world can only be achieved through diligent planning. Therefore, one must plan and gain worldly knowledge. If one wants to achieve something, one must delve deep and obtain the requisite scientific knowledge to achieve the correct results. Scientific knowledge refers to obtaining knowledge through observations and experience of the facts. One must not slack in one's effort in planning. But since the outcomes of all our schemes are not determinately correlated, one must be satisfied and have faith that every outcome is by the Will of Allah. It is imperative for man to leave the eventuality in the hands of Allah; this enables man to not lose hope and move onwards to the next plan. [Hassan] We are told of this event attributed to Syeda Ayesha; The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has instructed us to ask Allah for something even as trivial as a broken shoe lace. This means that while one has to make an effort, one should also pray to Allah to give one the fruit of one's labour and protection from any afflictions, whether natural or human, on the way to the market [Ghamidi] One's stepping out, having the will to do so, the money to buy the laces, the money being secure is, all of this, by the permission of Allah. Man is dependent on Allah each and every step of the way. Therefore, he (pbuh) had said, that one must have faith in Allah when embarking for any task. He in no way told us to just stay at home raising our hands in prayer, hoping the laces would fall from the sky. No, one must leave go out for this, one must have money for it, make a trip to the market, and search for the laces. However, he said, that a devout Muslim needs to understand that all this can be possible to attain only through Allah's permission, and grace.