1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:36,014 Look, no, no, no, damn, it went in, I couldn't reach it, forget it 2 00:00:36,796 --> 00:01:05,553 A small crab, too small, turn over the rock, wow, an octopus, nice, now you can't escape 3 00:01:07,653 --> 00:01:52,621 A sea eel, I am rich, stop swimming, I can braise it and eat it with rice, nice 4 00:01:54,522 --> 00:02:14,218 A small blackhead seabream, it is good to stew it with tofu, take it 5 00:02:15,238 --> 00:02:32,212 Keep searching 6 00:02:33,308 --> 00:02:49,742 Wow, a marbled rockfish? So big, ouch, the fins hurt me much 7 00:02:50,712 --> 00:03:15,692 *Keep catching 8 00:03:15,692 --> 00:03:25,125 A good one, it can form a couple with that fish, they are beautiful 9 00:03:27,113 --> 00:03:37,922 *Keep searching 10 00:03:40,970 --> 00:04:01,711 Wow, an octopus, nice, take it, a tentacle is broken 11 00:04:03,680 --> 00:05:00,218 *Many starfish 12 00:05:01,324 --> 00:05:14,777 Another octopus, so good, it is escaping, please don't go away, bro 13 00:05:16,462 --> 00:05:30,819 The temperature has risen recently, I feel hot now, look at my harvest, see you next time