Hi, this is Xiaoying, today I will share a recipe of pumpkin Slice a piece of peeled pumpkin, remove the seeds, you can keep the seeds and make them dried, they would be delicious Steam the pumpkin slices for 15 mins and mash them, then chill the mash Mix the cold mash with 4g yeast and a spoon of sugar Mix the mash with three eggs Mix the mash with some flour and make them into a dough Put some flour on the cutting board, cover the dough with a basin for 5 mins Then knead the dough for 10 mins Brush the dough with oil, cover it with the plastic film, proof the dough until it doubles in size Chop up some scallions. Mix them with flour, salt, 13-spices, hot oil Keep kneading the dough, and make them into one big ball and some small balls. Turn the balls into round wrappers Brush the big wrapper with some shortening, except for the edges Then put a small wrapper on the big wrapper, brush it with some shortening. Repeat this step Brush the top one with some water, fold them together Turn it over, brush the surface with water, add some white sesame seeds, use the rolling pin to roll the cake Proof the cake in the steamer for 10 mins Then steam the cake over the high heat for 25 mins. Take the cake out 5 mins later It is very soft and delicious, you can put the leftover in the fridge. That is all, see you next time