1 00:00:10,398 --> 00:00:11,958 Are these big chunks ok? -Yes 2 00:00:27,056 --> 00:00:27,790 Add some water 3 00:00:51,647 --> 00:00:55,912 My wife has just recovered from an illness. She wants to go to the restaurant to drink mutton soup, which is impossible 4 00:00:55,912 --> 00:00:59,632 I bought 2.5 kilograms of lamb leg in the morning and I want to cook it for her myself 5 00:01:00,762 --> 00:01:09,893 Honey, add more water. Do not pour it on the lamb leg. Some peppercorns, ok 6 00:01:12,796 --> 00:01:21,761 Add some tofu skin and glass noodles 7 00:01:30,768 --> 00:01:36,118 Garlic sprouts, coriander, all ready, nice 8 00:01:38,042 --> 00:01:42,900 Our coriander are so small -They have not grown big -They are short of water, we have to water them later 9 00:02:04,301 --> 00:02:04,906 Two hours passed 10 00:02:15,557 --> 00:02:15,946 Tasty 11 00:02:23,160 --> 00:02:31,494 Tofu skin, glass noodles, salt, garlic sprouts, coriander, meat 12 00:02:38,202 --> 00:02:39,026 Ready, ready 13 00:02:42,644 --> 00:02:43,254 Great 14 00:02:47,403 --> 00:02:49,748 The big lamb leg, mine, her teeth are not strong 15 00:03:02,353 --> 00:03:06,138 Very good, there is soft meat in it 16 00:03:21,225 --> 00:03:25,244 Not bad, right? -Enough 17 00:03:28,733 --> 00:03:29,523 Lamb leg meat 18 00:04:18,475 --> 00:04:20,485 Eat glass noodles first, they are melting 19 00:04:31,130 --> 00:04:34,321 The chili oil will make it better -No way 20 00:04:55,106 --> 00:04:58,615 Leave some for you, and some meat 21 00:05:02,727 --> 00:05:03,451 One piece for me 22 00:05:06,131 --> 00:05:17,683 Two chunks are left, make a salad for my dad tonight -And my dad? -I will call him too