WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.568 It’s okay, if we lose, just start another round 00:00:02.828 --> 00:00:22.782 That is right, but I have a question, why are you sitting in a helicopter? 00:00:23.602 --> 00:00:39.069 So many people in Port G? It's okay, wait until I get the gun 00:00:39.984 --> 00:00:46.114 Bizon, and AK, good, at least I can protect my teammates 00:00:47.536 --> 00:00:55.563 Bro, your backpack is good, 00:00:58.054 --> 00:01:30.160 Keep shooting, I don’t have any restrictions today, the airdrop is what I have to grab 00:01:36.444 --> 00:01:38.915 Another one -Hold on 00:01:41.955 --> 00:02:03.625 Nice, the G port is silence now -There is another flare gun -Really? Let me see the airdrop 00:02:04.470 --> 00:02:29.202 Groza, AWM, nice! I got the groza, and gave AWM to my teammate, this Tesla is so handsome 00:02:29.232 --> 00:02:37.506 There must be someone above the light -Truly, guys, let us shoot 00:02:56.247 --> 00:02:59.707 Well done, and there is a red car, let us go 00:03:03.941 --> 00:03:11.011 The car is about to explode-let's change cars quickly. Wait for me, I haven't got in the car 00:03:12.971 --> 00:03:36.492 The final circle, 4 VS 2, we must win, AMR? Nice, let me try it 00:03:38.641 --> 00:03:48.341 Nice, we win! It’s great to have teammates, be sure to play with your friends, see you next time