[heart monitor beeps]
[80's music plays in background]
How you doin', Bob?
How you doin'?
It's all gonna be good.
You're in safe hands.
Dr. Pewds is in...in....uh...in the house?
[bell dings]
Alright, Bob.
You may feel a slight pain in your chest area.
Don't worry, it's normal.
And if your balls tickle, that's normal too.
In three. One...two...three....
[bam, bam bam, bam]
Oh...whoa, whoa, whoa,whoa.
That's how we do it in PewDiePie town, bitches.
Get out!
Uh? What the fuck are you?
[squishy liver sound]
Is that his liver?
Awww, they're cuddling.
They're so cute.
High five.
No? You bitch!
Don't make me slap you.
I do believe this is how you hold a scissor.
That's how they teach you in school, isn't it?
Alright, Bob. This is gonna--
[scissors embed into skull]
Are you ok there?
Come on, baby. [yells]
Alright, let's get the stomach out.
[squishy sounds]
There you go. You don't need that shit.
Yugh. Disgusting, isn't it, Bob?
There it is! [Gasp]
Come on, baby.
Don't you dare die on me now, Bob.
YOLO mode.
[more squishy noises as PewDiePie jams heart into torso]
Get that shit in there.
It's in. It's in. IT'S FUCKING IN.
[wham, wham, wham]
It's in, I tell you.
It's in.
What do you want from me?
Calm down.
[more squishy sounds]
[PewDiePie yells in Swedish]
[depressing piano music starts to play]
Surgery fail.
It was going so well...
[phone rings]
Ah. Stop calling me, Miranda!
I don't want to date you.
[phone rings again]
Desperate bitch.
Are you ready for the insertion, baby?
Oh, that's right.
Oh! [laughs]
What the fuck?!
Don't you dare resist my insertion.
I finger you.
What the fuck?!
What the-ahhh. AHHHHHH.
[techno music plays]
[party favor sounds]