0:00:54.776,0:00:56.710 Ever since I was a young girl... 0:00:56.978,0:01:00.778 ... you'd find me up in my room[br]dancing in front of the mirror. 0:01:01.182,0:01:04.419 Carly and her street dance crew,[br]smashing it on some stage... 0:01:04.420,0:01:06.046 the crowd going wild. 0:01:09.090,0:01:10.887 It kept me going after[br]I left home. 0:01:11.626,0:01:14.959 I came to London where[br]street dance led me to my new family. 0:01:15.863,0:01:17.023 My crew. 0:01:19.801,0:01:22.395 I'm still dancing and dreaming[br]in front of that mirror. 0:01:28.009,0:01:29.271 It's just now... 0:01:30.645,0:01:32.135 I share my dream. 0:03:04.272,0:03:05.534 We're going to be late, man. 0:03:40.975,0:03:42.772 Hello? Guys! 0:04:04.332,0:04:05.733 We're halfway to New York. 0:04:05.734,0:04:08.202 If we dance like that in the finals[br]who is going to beat us? 0:04:08.203,0:04:09.999 Final call for The Surge. 0:04:31.392,0:04:32.290 Guys. 0:04:56.017,0:04:59.077 - Damn they're good.[br]- That's why they're champions, Carly. 0:05:10.164,0:05:12.826 Guys? Show some class. 0:05:13.167,0:05:15.567 - Are you going to get the drinks in, then?[br]- Maybe. 0:05:31.919,0:05:34.683 Jay-2-0, the next UK champions! 0:05:38.793,0:05:39.987 I love you. 0:05:41.095,0:05:42.289 Your round, Mac! 0:05:42.897,0:05:43.693 Guys! 0:05:43.998,0:05:44.896 Guys! 0:05:46.133,0:05:49.728 Okay, this is... this is the[br]hardest thing I've ever had to do. 0:05:52.239,0:05:53.467 I'm going. 0:05:54.642,0:05:57.945 - I wanted to end it on a high.[br]- Yeah, good one, Jay. 0:05:57.946,0:06:00.848 I'm serious. I'm under a lot of[br]pressure right now... 0:06:00.849,0:06:03.284 ...at work and Uni... 0:06:03.285,0:06:05.052 something's got to give,[br]and it's got to be this. 0:06:05.053,0:06:06.487 - So, what are you saying?[br]- Jay? 0:06:06.488,0:06:07.922 We've all got pressures, bruv... 0:06:07.923,0:06:10.024 we've got a chance to be[br]UK champions... 0:06:10.025,0:06:11.726 ...go to New York and[br]represent our country. 0:06:11.727,0:06:14.061 And I wouldn't do this[br]if I didn't think you could handle it. 0:06:14.062,0:06:15.296 But, you can. 0:06:15.297,0:06:17.298 Carly knows all the choreo,[br]she can take it from here. 0:06:17.299,0:06:20.961 - Can't we just talk about it?[br]- I've made up my mind. 0:06:22.603,0:06:24.093 It's your crew now. 0:06:31.145,0:06:32.476 I'm gonna miss you guys. 0:06:34.548,0:06:35.572 Come on, man. 0:06:37.651,0:06:39.380 This is some joke, t'ing. 0:06:39.687,0:06:41.279 I'm going to sort it, alright? 0:06:51.132,0:06:53.726 - You're not going to change my mind.[br]- What's wrong, Jay? 0:06:54.635,0:06:57.037 I thought you wanted to win?[br]Be UK Champions! 0:06:57.038,0:06:58.800 Sometimes you've got[br]to make choices. 0:06:59.006,0:07:01.236 Why didn't you tell me?[br]I looked like such an idiot. 0:07:02.243,0:07:05.235 I need to get my head straight.[br]Have a bit of a time out. 0:07:06.313,0:07:08.247 Well, have a week off[br]and come back. 0:07:08.516,0:07:11.974 I mean from everything...[br]everyone. 0:07:15.589,0:07:19.787 - I need to get rid of distractions for a bit.[br]- Thanks, and I'm a distraction? 0:07:20.094,0:07:21.254 The biggest. 0:07:23.063,0:07:27.261 - Is it because I said I love you?[br]- No! It's just a time out. 0:07:28.636,0:07:31.264 If you take over the crew,[br]you won't even notice I'm gone. 0:07:32.907,0:07:34.033 Okay? 0:07:36.744,0:07:39.440 One jacket, with cheese.[br]Enjoy! 0:07:40.514,0:07:44.251 - He said it was just a time out.[br]- Oh, cut and run, Carls. 0:07:44.252,0:07:46.981 He's ditched us all five weeks[br]before the finals! 0:07:48.289,0:07:50.655 I can take Jay's place[br]in the crew... 0:07:50.791,0:07:53.727 ...as your man.[br]- Yeah, right, Eddie. 0:07:53.728,0:07:54.995 Keep practicing! 0:07:54.996,0:07:57.930 Let's just concentrate on winning[br]the streetdance finals, yeah? 0:07:59.400,0:08:00.890 Yeah, you're right... 0:08:01.869,0:08:03.666 ...and then he'll want me back,[br]won't he? 0:08:04.805,0:08:07.603 Blonde and northern.[br]Tragic, really. 0:08:07.942,0:08:10.344 Thanks, Eddie...[br]Let's get down to rehearsals. 0:08:10.345,0:08:11.902 Offer still stands, Carly. 0:08:13.214,0:08:15.850 Why me? Shouldn't you be[br]running the crew Shawna? 0:08:15.851,0:08:18.752 - I just dance. You see the bigger picture.[br]- Will they listen to me? 0:08:18.753,0:08:21.422 Not if you sound like that.[br]You've got to be kick-arse Carly, man. 0:08:21.423,0:08:23.515 Come on, give me some heat... 0:08:24.124,0:08:25.421 Is that all you got? 0:08:34.902,0:08:36.426 Allez. Go into the centre. 0:08:40.174,0:08:43.344 I don't get it.[br]He's lost his family, rude boy. 0:08:43.345,0:08:46.802 How can we be Jay-2-0 without Jay?[br]It don't make no sense. 0:08:46.914,0:08:50.350 - Why are they stood outside?[br]- Just march in and show no fear. 0:08:51.519,0:08:53.578 Come on, give me some heat.[br]Give me some. 0:08:53.654,0:08:54.518 Come on. 0:08:54.622,0:08:58.058 That was lame.[br]Kick arse Carly, or kissarse? 0:08:58.125,0:09:00.116 Come on guys let's get started. 0:09:10.137,0:09:13.507 - Okay, guys, slight hitch.[br]- You didn't book the rehearsal space. 0:09:13.508,0:09:15.276 - Was I meant to?[br]- Come on, Carly. 0:09:15.277,0:09:16.310 You were the boss, right? 0:09:16.311,0:09:18.312 If you want to lead,[br]Frankie, be my guest. 0:09:18.313,0:09:20.405 Without Jay,[br]it's a waste of time. 0:09:22.616,0:09:25.210 - Steph, what are you doing?[br]- I'm sorry. 0:09:25.853,0:09:29.619 - We're supposed to be a crew.[br]- Don't worry. They'll be back. 0:09:29.890,0:09:33.485 Guys... I... can replace them. 0:09:34.628,0:09:36.797 - Come on, Eddie.[br]- You got to learn from the Da Boogie Man. 0:09:36.798,0:09:39.027 Listen, guys,[br]I don't know how to do this yet. 0:09:39.199,0:09:41.690 But what I do know is[br]we have got a heavy crew. 0:09:42.136,0:09:44.338 We've got a final in September. 0:09:44.339,0:09:46.674 Can't we just find somewhere to[br]rehearse and get on with it? 0:09:46.675,0:09:48.301 Show Jay what we're made of. 0:10:07.528,0:10:08.586 Fix up, man! 0:10:16.604,0:10:17.662 My hair! 0:10:34.288,0:10:36.323 - Oh, Shawna![br]- Sorry. 0:10:36.324,0:10:38.621 - Gosh, man.[br]- Alright, Aimee. 0:10:39.093,0:10:42.221 - I think I've got hypothermia.[br]- You're so extra. 0:10:43.631,0:10:46.967 - We're supposed to dance outside.[br]- Not in England. 0:10:46.968,0:10:48.869 - America, maybe.[br]- Then, let's get there... 0:10:48.870,0:10:50.962 ...but we've gotta be[br]UK Champions first. 0:10:51.071,0:10:54.308 Only if we rehearse in a studio.[br]Health and Safety, innit? 0:10:54.309,0:10:57.471 But we need money.[br]Have you got any? 0:10:57.845,0:10:59.369 Don't get rude, Carly. 0:11:01.815,0:11:06.218 If you let us use your studio for free[br]we'll wear T-shirts advertising your gym. 0:11:07.721,0:11:08.949 Hello? 0:11:12.059,0:11:14.857 - Bill for your little party last night.[br]- You what? 0:11:16.063,0:11:17.197 You wanna keep your job? 0:11:17.198,0:11:19.400 This ain't a drop-in-centre[br]for you and your mates. 0:11:19.401,0:11:21.960 - We only had a few Kit-kats.[br]- And? 0:11:22.202,0:11:24.571 I need every penny[br]I've got for dance space. 0:11:24.572,0:11:25.538 And? 0:11:26.807,0:11:28.434 Well, why don't you sponsor us? 0:11:29.910,0:11:31.434 Now, that is funny. 0:11:34.148,0:11:37.284 Right, off your butt, twinkle toes.[br]Eddie's late, so... 0:11:37.285,0:11:39.548 ...you deliver these and I'll[br]think about letting your off the bill. 0:11:43.090,0:11:44.887 With a smile, Carly. With a smile. 0:11:45.192,0:11:46.386 That's better. 0:12:52.726,0:12:55.286 - Are you the sandwich girl?[br]- Yeah, is it a chicken salad? 0:12:55.395,0:12:57.488 - That's me.[br]- And one drink... 0:12:57.865,0:12:59.696 That's £5.50, please. 0:13:09.143,0:13:10.878 You're welcome to stay and watch,[br]if you like. 0:13:10.879,0:13:12.243 No, you're alright. 0:13:13.213,0:13:15.306 I was looking more[br]at your room, actually. 0:13:15.582,0:13:18.949 - That doesn't say much for my dancers.[br]- No, they're very good. 0:13:20.087,0:13:24.023 They're not really feeling it though,[br]are they? They look bored stiff. 0:13:26.994,0:13:28.723 Why are you interested in the room? 0:13:29.363,0:13:31.831 I need somewhere to rehearse[br]for my street dance crew. 0:13:33.834,0:13:36.530 I don't suppose you rent these rooms[br]for a fiver, do you? 0:13:38.172,0:13:40.868 - Are you any good?[br]- God, yeah. 0:13:41.408,0:13:45.708 Got the UK finals in a few weeks.[br]We'd blow this lot out of the water. 0:13:45.913,0:13:48.347 Okay. I'd like to see it. 0:13:48.682,0:13:50.775 - Yeah, right.[br]- Really. 0:13:53.020,0:13:56.353 Well, we're dancing in the shopping[br]centre tonight, if you do mean it. 0:13:56.857,0:13:59.121 - Sevenish.[br]- If I can get away, I'll come. 0:13:59.326,0:14:00.350 Really? 0:14:02.062,0:14:03.393 How will I find you? 0:14:05.165,0:14:06.393 Follow the crowds. 0:14:23.050,0:14:26.918 You are Romeo and Juliet.[br]You could die for each other. 0:14:27.354,0:14:30.255 Could I please get[br]an inkling of this. 0:15:45.265,0:15:47.631 - You need a permit![br]- It's our money, we've earnt it. 0:15:49.770,0:15:51.397 Ain't that your Justine? 0:15:52.039,0:15:55.770 You big, ugly bear...[br]Justine, you come here. 0:15:56.109,0:15:58.478 Is this what you're coming here to do?[br]Shaming me like this. 0:15:58.479,0:16:00.412 - Do you want to get the police involved?[br]- But, it's ours. 0:16:01.548,0:16:03.846 - Cool it, Carls![br]- Thanks! 0:16:09.056,0:16:12.321 - Everyone in Topshop's watching us.[br]- So, why didn't you help me? 0:16:12.426,0:16:15.429 No, you know what? I don't want to[br]be a part of this anymore. 0:16:15.430,0:16:18.296 - Don't you dare flake out, Aimee.[br]- Flake out of what? 0:16:18.432,0:16:22.198 We're going nowhere with you.[br]Without Jay, this crew's got no chance. 0:16:22.269,0:16:24.567 Oh, thanks. Thanks a lot. 0:16:24.671,0:16:26.807 You whinge better than[br]you dance, anyway. 0:16:26.808,0:16:31.244 Come on, out! It's all done.[br]Finished! On your bikes. 0:16:31.478,0:16:33.446 On your way. Get your hair done. 0:16:47.961,0:16:50.731 You might want to refine some of[br]those management skills of yours. 0:16:50.732,0:16:52.028 Oh, piss off! 0:16:52.599,0:16:54.726 Well, whilst you're[br]in this mood, I will. 0:17:24.330,0:17:25.194 Come on. 0:17:30.871,0:17:34.204 A little chaotic... but good.[br]Vibrant. 0:17:34.841,0:17:37.036 Come and see me tomorrow[br]with the rest of your group... 0:17:37.244,0:17:38.302 when you find them. 0:17:45.252,0:17:46.719 Studio Three, four o'clock. 0:17:51.491,0:17:53.160 - Hello?[br]- Hi... 0:17:53.161,0:17:54.861 You shameful girl. 0:17:54.862,0:17:57.591 My Justine not dance[br]with you again. 0:18:03.937,0:18:05.700 And then there were two... 0:18:06.206,0:18:07.833 I've messed up, haven't I? 0:18:11.978,0:18:15.849 Changement, changement,[br]en force. 0:18:15.850,0:18:19.683 Open les bras.[br]Epaulemnt Allez. 0:18:20.821,0:18:23.449 Spot, spot, spot, spot. 0:18:25.592,0:18:27.651 Well, would we pay to see[br]this year's crop? 0:18:31.231,0:18:34.860 On present showing none shall[br]get through the Royal Ballet auditions. 0:18:35.569,0:18:37.671 Well, that's not going to dazzle[br]our benefactors, is it? 0:18:37.672,0:18:38.972 What's happened? 0:18:38.973,0:18:41.141 More and more I wonder[br]about our methods. 0:18:41.142,0:18:42.870 We drill the passion out of them. 0:18:43.110,0:18:46.739 The vital ingredient.[br]But, I have a plan to drill it back in. 0:18:46.880,0:18:48.472 It had better work, Helena. 0:18:48.849,0:18:50.817 Funding cuts mean other cuts,[br]you know? 0:18:52.152,0:18:54.484 Today it's all no good. 0:18:57.224,0:18:58.452 Carly, Shawna! 0:18:58.792,0:19:00.692 Oh, my God, it's you guys! 0:19:06.433,0:19:08.526 Oh, excuse me... no, thank you. 0:19:08.602,0:19:09.500 Mac! 0:19:52.379,0:19:56.281 - You pulled it off, Carly, man.[br]- Yeah, this place is nice. 0:19:56.550,0:19:57.642 Sick, man! 0:20:00.921,0:20:03.287 - Can I help you?[br]- Look at this bronx arse joke, brer. 0:20:08.628,0:20:10.493 We were told to be here[br]by this lady. 0:20:13.867,0:20:14.959 It's Helena. 0:20:18.471,0:20:22.305 - Have you come to watch us?[br]- Other way round, more like. 0:20:23.176,0:20:26.543 Get this one.[br]'Have I come to watch them'. 0:20:27.314,0:20:28.679 Not in those tights. 0:22:02.676,0:22:03.977 - Crap![br]- Oh, man! 0:22:03.978,0:22:07.242 I'm okay. I'm okay.[br]I just need to lie here a bit. 0:22:09.182,0:22:11.946 Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.[br]We'll pay for the damage. 0:22:13.086,0:22:16.487 I see you've made yourself at home,[br]but you're in the wrong room. 0:22:17.123,0:22:18.112 Hurry up, girls. 0:22:22.796,0:22:25.560 - Would this suit your needs?[br]- Are you kidding? 0:22:25.865,0:22:29.426 - This is amazing.[br]- And you've met my dancers? 0:22:30.136,0:22:32.839 - Kind of.[br]- Gabe, Isabella, Bex... 0:22:32.840,0:22:34.670 ...Chloe and Tomas. 0:22:35.308,0:22:36.832 I have a proposition for you. 0:22:37.143,0:22:41.715 Unlimited access to rehearse here[br]for your competition. 0:22:41.716,0:22:42.579 Nice... 0:22:43.683,0:22:46.083 If you include my dancers[br]in your routine. 0:22:46.186,0:22:47.175 What? 0:22:48.188,0:22:51.024 - No way, we're a street dance crew, it's...[br]- No, say, no. 0:22:51.025,0:22:53.618 It's like a family,[br]we can't just take on new people. 0:22:54.327,0:22:55.760 Say something to her! 0:22:56.096,0:22:58.832 - Helena, with all due respect...[br]- Thank you, Tomas. 0:22:58.833,0:23:01.167 I decide the content[br]for your final master class. 0:23:01.168,0:23:03.260 Sorry, Miss, this sounds crazy. 0:23:03.570,0:23:05.972 - I'm sorry, I don't know your name.[br]- Carly. 0:23:05.973,0:23:08.641 Carly, if you don't take my dancers,[br]I'll have to charge you 0:23:08.642,0:23:11.508 for the hire of the studio and,[br]of course, for damages. 0:23:12.345,0:23:13.713 It's your decision. 0:23:13.714,0:23:15.515 Where are we going to[br]get the money from, man? 0:23:15.516,0:23:18.973 - We can't win the finals with them![br]- I say we do a runner. 0:23:19.085,0:23:22.020 Guys, are you blind?[br]Bendy chicks, come on. 0:23:22.555,0:23:25.752 - Can they street dance?[br]- No, you'll have to teach them. 0:23:26.860,0:23:28.828 I'm sorry, her teach us? 0:23:28.829,0:23:29.795 Yeah. 0:23:31.398,0:23:33.593 This is a unique opportunity. 0:23:33.967,0:23:37.494 I hope you'll all embrace it and[br]perform well for the competition. 0:23:42.308,0:23:45.745 - I'm getting my dad to call the Board.[br]- Look at the state of them. 0:23:45.746,0:23:46.837 Like clowns. 0:23:52.385,0:23:54.819 Let's just have a go.[br]They'll be crap. 0:23:54.954,0:23:58.219 Then we can have the studio, anyway,[br]and we can get the others back. 0:24:00.927,0:24:02.360 Bruv, it's all green. 0:24:02.662,0:24:04.152 Where's the real food, man? 0:24:07.400,0:24:10.563 How's learning with those clowns[br]going to get us into the Royal Ballet? 0:24:11.237,0:24:13.569 Helena's known for[br]her unconventional methods. 0:24:14.107,0:24:15.506 We've just got to trust her. 0:24:16.009,0:24:17.442 What is street dance? 0:24:18.445,0:24:20.913 Oh, don't be a bun head[br]all your life, Bex. 0:25:04.624,0:25:06.683 Hey, this is Jay,[br]you know what to do. 0:25:07.894,0:25:10.727 Hi, Jay. It's me Carly... 0:25:13.867,0:25:16.358 ...give me a ring back[br]when you can, please. 0:25:17.303,0:25:21.034 If you want, or...[br]if you can, whatever... 0:25:28.581,0:25:31.141 Did I say it's me?[br]It's Carly. 0:26:13.560,0:26:15.289 Focus, focus! 0:26:16.896,0:26:18.261 Plus fort, plus fort! 0:26:39.485,0:26:40.952 Right, it's your turn. 0:26:41.254,0:26:43.916 We've got five weeks and[br]that's what we need you to do. 0:26:44.123,0:26:47.251 Yeah, do we have to be so... angry? 0:26:47.961,0:26:49.861 That's just the way it is,[br]ballet boy. 0:26:53.733,0:26:56.031 - What are they?[br]- My feet? 0:26:56.202,0:26:58.363 That's not suitable.[br]Where are your trainers? 0:26:58.504,0:27:00.406 You know that trainers are[br]rule number one. 0:27:00.407,0:27:03.209 This is what we dance in.[br]Do you want us to injure ourselves? 0:27:03.210,0:27:05.268 Surprised you don't do that[br]in your tights, mate. 0:27:09.816,0:27:10.942 Do I pass? 0:27:12.185,0:27:13.914 Just trainers tomorrow, yeah? 0:27:15.922,0:27:18.491 Tap, one, tap, one... and again, 0:27:18.492,0:27:21.187 ...five, six, seven, eight. 0:27:21.694,0:27:24.754 Tap one, tap one, tap one. 0:27:25.431,0:27:28.025 Let's try it to the music and[br]follow us if you lose the steps. 0:27:28.167,0:27:31.671 - What steps?[br]- Has she even heard of words? 0:27:31.672,0:27:34.273 All those girls are going to need[br]some hands on help from the Mac Daddy. 0:27:34.274,0:27:37.310 Can't you just calm yourself.[br]Look at them. They might snap, man. 0:27:37.311,0:27:39.801 Five, six, seven, eight... 0:27:41.681,0:27:45.447 Come on! You're going to be up against the[br]best street dancers in the UK in a few weeks... 0:27:45.551,0:27:48.520 Five, six, seven, eight... 0:27:52.558,0:27:54.458 You're going to make us[br]look like jokers! 0:27:57.897,0:27:59.728 Not good enough. Focus, please. 0:27:59.866,0:28:02.835 Five, six, seven, eight... 0:28:14.580,0:28:15.547 Carly! 0:28:16.082,0:28:18.141 - What did you say to her?[br]- I didn't say anything... 0:28:18.251,0:28:20.253 - You lot are bad, man.[br]- This is your fault, you know? 0:28:20.254,0:28:21.880 - Ours?[br]- Yeah. 0:28:24.590,0:28:26.922 - Carly.[br]- I can't do it. 0:28:27.527,0:28:29.927 - How was rehearsal?[br]- We're too different. 0:28:30.296,0:28:31.490 I can't do it. 0:28:33.099,0:28:35.601 - Can't or won't?[br]- Listen, I'm not a teacher, Miss... 0:28:35.602,0:28:38.195 Listen, I'm not a teacher, Miss, and I[br]think you've got the wrong idea about me. 0:28:38.671,0:28:41.435 Then that will be £ 250[br]for the hole in the wall. 0:28:42.041,0:28:45.278 Come on, I'm trying to tell you[br]this crew is going to fail. 0:28:45.279,0:28:47.547 Because you think it will,[br]or because you want it to? 0:28:47.548,0:28:51.074 Will you stop answering me with[br]questions. I don't want to lead this thing. 0:28:51.150,0:28:53.380 They're never going to[br]get it by the 27th! 0:28:55.888,0:28:58.220 Then I'll see you again[br]when you deliver my lunch. 0:29:00.193,0:29:02.593 But, go easy on[br]the mayonnaise next time. 0:30:43.863,0:30:45.164 I feel like a chav. 0:30:45.165,0:30:47.598 These things wreak havoc[br]on one's lines. 0:30:48.100,0:30:50.660 - I feel more comfy.[br]- Hey, guys. 0:30:51.270,0:30:52.405 More of them! 0:30:52.406,0:30:55.738 - Steph, Frankie![br]- You're not doing the finals without us. 0:30:56.809,0:30:59.039 - Shawna, tell them what's going on.[br]- What's going on, B? 0:30:59.145,0:31:02.342 We got off on the wrong foot yesterday.[br]So, let's start again. 0:31:02.481,0:31:04.745 Street dance for beginners. 0:31:05.351,0:31:07.649 Spread out.[br]Just move like you are in a club. 0:31:09.288,0:31:11.457 This should swing it[br]for the Royal Ballet... 0:31:11.458,0:31:13.322 Just slouch a bit.[br]Do your own thing. 0:31:13.426,0:31:16.918 - We don't do slouching, darling.[br]- So, improvise. 0:31:17.063,0:31:19.122 You know that's[br]how street dance started. 0:31:19.398,0:31:22.492 In the streets, in the clubs.[br]Ripping up the rules. 0:31:22.702,0:31:24.465 We're going to break it down[br]for you... 0:31:24.570,0:31:26.629 Like Brook... locking... 0:31:45.691,0:31:47.386 Mac... popping... 0:31:57.403,0:31:59.200 Steph... breaking... 0:32:09.081,0:32:10.048 Come on, Boogie. 0:32:22.828,0:32:24.159 Steph, show them your house. 0:32:44.083,0:32:45.550 Frankie, new style. 0:32:53.926,0:32:55.723 Come on, Shawna. New style. 0:33:10.743,0:33:13.143 Finally, Mac. Krumping. 0:33:31.630,0:33:34.326 Come on. Pick a move[br]and get practicing. 0:33:37.036,0:33:38.970 Young man, what are you doing? 0:33:39.605,0:33:40.765 Delivering. 0:33:41.574,0:33:45.476 Helene, can you please[br]control your street people? 0:33:45.711,0:33:47.880 Dancers, Madame. Dancers. 0:33:47.881,0:33:49.848 That is a matter of opinion. 0:33:54.754,0:33:58.349 - Chicken salad?[br]- Thank you, Eddie. How's it going? 0:33:59.492,0:34:00.686 It's painful, Miss. 0:34:10.136,0:34:13.272 You know it might make life easier[br]if you let me run the classes with you. 0:34:13.273,0:34:15.239 Are you trying to tell me[br]how to do this? 0:34:15.608,0:34:17.576 Well, you could do[br]with the help, couldn't you? 0:34:18.010,0:34:21.138 We're doing a street dance...[br]not a ballet. 0:34:23.248,0:34:24.876 So much for ripping up the rules. 0:34:28.888,0:34:31.721 - He loves himself.[br]- Just your type. 0:34:32.491,0:34:35.790 - What? It's one way of forgetting Jay.[br]- I don't want to forget him. 0:34:35.895,0:34:38.920 Well, I think the[br]ballet boys are buff. 0:34:41.100,0:34:42.498 We're the teachers. 0:34:43.536,0:34:45.527 I'm getting my parents to[br]call Mr. Harding. 0:34:45.638,0:34:48.630 I mean, they're not paying[br]for disco dancing. 0:34:50.876,0:34:54.333 - Dairy's deathly, you know?[br]- It's alright. It's okay. 0:34:54.547,0:34:56.174 Survival has arrived. 0:34:57.383,0:34:59.874 - That's my lunch.[br]- Don't make me laugh. 0:35:01.320,0:35:03.345 Look, they can't dance our way[br]without the proper fuel. 0:35:04.156,0:35:07.683 Can't dance? Did you just say[br]that we can't dance? 0:35:07.993,0:35:10.962 That ain't dancing.[br]That's just flapping about. 0:35:11.063,0:35:13.531 Well, at least I don't look like[br]I'm having a seizure. 0:35:14.667,0:35:16.635 Whatever you say, tutu tits. 0:35:21.841,0:35:23.035 Tutu what? 0:35:25.644,0:35:26.906 You heard. 0:35:33.819,0:35:34.843 Food fight! 0:35:51.704,0:35:55.105 Discipline. Etiquette. Grace. 0:35:56.142,0:36:00.203 A few words I'd like to remind you of.[br]This is not how we treat our guests. 0:36:02.148,0:36:04.844 I can only assume you know what you're[br]doing bringing these characters in here? 0:36:05.017,0:36:06.575 You should be pleased,[br]Mr. Harding. 0:36:06.685,0:36:08.949 Our students are finally[br]showing some spirit. 0:36:09.655,0:36:11.350 Well, I'd rather see it[br]in their dancing. 0:36:16.095,0:36:18.928 You've got to find a way to[br]work together. 0:36:19.465,0:36:21.092 Get out of here.[br]Have some fun. 0:36:21.233,0:36:22.757 Get to know each other. 0:36:23.536,0:36:25.663 After you’ve cleaned up this mess,[br]of course. 0:36:46.125,0:36:48.218 Let's ditch them[br]when the track stops. 0:36:48.561,0:36:50.290 Yeah. We've made the effort. 0:37:00.406,0:37:01.464 Shawna! 0:37:05.344,0:37:08.040 Looks like you're stuck with us.[br]Come on. 0:37:25.831,0:37:27.900 - Carly![br]- Aaron, are you alright? 0:37:27.901,0:37:30.926 - Are you on?[br]- We're up next. You been cool, yeah? 0:37:31.070,0:37:34.938 - I heard there was a bust up with Jay?[br]- No, we're just having time out. 0:37:35.441,0:37:38.569 - Is this your new crew?[br]- It's a long story. 0:37:38.911,0:37:40.779 Hang around and tell me later.[br]We'll get a drink or something? 0:37:40.780,0:37:42.474 - I will do. Good luck.[br]- Right, see you later. 0:37:43.816,0:37:46.341 Okay, you lot,[br]you've got to watch these. 0:37:46.452,0:37:49.288 These were the UK Street Dance[br]champions two years ago. 0:37:49.289,0:37:50.456 They're the best. 0:37:50.457,0:37:52.057 We used to have classes with them. 0:37:52.058,0:37:55.390 So this...[br]this is what we're aiming for. 0:37:55.561,0:37:56.391 Who's Jay? 0:40:23.275,0:40:26.904 - What's that mumbo jumbo you're writing?[br]- It's choreography for our routine. 0:40:27.012,0:40:29.845 You've got steps,[br]formations, feelings. 0:40:30.749,0:40:32.774 - What, and you're doing that?[br]- Yeah. 0:40:32.918,0:40:34.579 You are actually doing that? 0:40:35.087,0:40:37.956 I don't think making sandwiches[br]is my calling in life. 0:40:37.957,0:40:39.355 You've got that right. 0:40:42.828,0:40:44.921 Justine, concentrate! 0:40:46.698,0:40:49.428 Five, six, seven, eight. 0:40:53.439,0:40:54.463 Faster! 0:41:04.316,0:41:05.340 Looser. 0:41:10.923,0:41:11.947 Okay. 0:41:16.762,0:41:18.093 Glimmers of hope, Miss. 0:41:28.974,0:41:31.738 Tomas, relax a bit, please.[br]You're forcing it. 0:41:32.644,0:41:34.441 Go back to where you started... 0:41:35.247,0:41:38.876 ...and try doing it not pointing your toes.[br]It looks a bit too pretty. 0:41:41.820,0:41:44.254 One and two and three and four... 0:41:46.692,0:41:48.560 Okay, I'm going to pick it up[br]from this section, please. 0:41:48.561,0:41:52.360 Now, Isabella, I want you to try it[br]with more attitude. 0:41:53.432,0:41:57.095 Five, six, seven,[br]eight and one, two... 0:41:57.903,0:41:59.972 Stop there, please.[br]Straight away, just slouch over. 0:41:59.973,0:42:01.462 Don't make it so upright. 0:42:03.542,0:42:05.237 No, no, no, you're not getting it! 0:42:05.444,0:42:07.810 Your arms are too flouncy and ballet. 0:42:07.946,0:42:10.881 Hands upright. Tight. 0:42:11.283,0:42:13.114 You should be able to do that, yeah? 0:42:20.025,0:42:20.923 What did I say? 0:42:23.295,0:42:26.025 Come on.[br]We don't have time for this. 0:42:27.533,0:42:30.934 Oh, how sad.[br]Crying over a street dance. 0:42:31.436,0:42:33.028 Oh, bite it, Chloe. 0:42:37.276,0:42:41.007 - Listen, I'm sorry if I was a cow back there.[br]- Carly, it's not you. 0:42:41.580,0:42:42.979 Do you know... 0:42:44.182,0:42:48.642 all my life I've been told to stand up[br]straight, turn out posture, and now... 0:42:50.489,0:42:52.184 Now, they tell me I look wrong. 0:42:53.859,0:42:55.690 They say I've grown too tall. 0:42:56.061,0:42:58.495 They won't even put me up for[br]the Royal Ballet auditions. 0:43:02.134,0:43:03.066 Come on. 0:43:04.736,0:43:07.762 I just... I don't know[br]where I fit in any more. 0:43:08.106,0:43:12.133 Forget them, babes.[br]You're with us now. 0:44:31.757,0:44:32.951 I feel bad. 0:44:33.358,0:44:36.128 Your students really[br]put themselves through it. 0:44:36.129,0:44:37.829 They're nothing if not hard workers. 0:44:37.830,0:44:39.797 But, they really want to do ballet. 0:44:39.931,0:44:42.900 Making them do something else?[br]I don't understand it. 0:44:43.235,0:44:46.363 - Have you ever been to a ballet?[br]- What do you think? 0:44:46.471,0:44:50.464 - Would you like to accompany me?[br]- I don't know. It's not really my scene. 0:44:50.609,0:44:54.636 How do you know...[br]if you've never been? 0:45:00.919,0:45:02.477 Maybe she fancies you. 0:45:02.854,0:45:06.551 - Get out.[br]- You never know with them arty-farty types. 0:45:08.660,0:45:10.287 Jay's a fool, you know that, right? 0:45:10.395,0:45:11.953 He's never going to call, is he? 0:45:12.097,0:45:14.565 - Nope.[br]- Never in a million years. 0:45:14.733,0:45:15.767 Thanks. 0:45:15.768,0:45:18.970 - You don't need him, anyway.[br]- It's all about Jay, though. 0:45:18.971,0:45:20.938 Stop putting yourself through it. 0:45:21.339,0:45:22.601 Tell you what... 0:45:23.341,0:45:25.468 - What are you doing?[br]- You call him. 0:45:25.844,0:45:27.946 - Have you dialled?[br]- It's on speaker. I want to hear. 0:45:27.947,0:45:28.913 Shawna! 0:45:29.648,0:45:31.980 Yeah, this is Jay.[br]You know what to do. 0:45:33.919,0:45:35.477 Jay, it's Carly. 0:45:36.521,0:45:39.257 I know it's over with me and the crew[br]and everything, I just wish you'd of said... 0:45:39.258,0:45:42.715 Just wish you'd said,[br]'you're dumped, muppet'. 0:45:43.095,0:45:44.830 Carly's taking us[br]all the way to the finals 0:45:44.831,0:45:47.594 with her new ballet boyfriend... 0:45:47.699,0:45:50.068 So, go suck on that[br]'time out', alright? 0:45:50.069,0:45:51.763 You tell him, rude girl. 0:45:51.970,0:45:55.167 That part of your life is now over. 0:45:56.975,0:45:58.704 It's time for the next phase. 0:46:17.863,0:46:20.024 - Nice to see you.[br]- Nice to see you, too. 0:46:20.165,0:46:22.656 Are you some kind of[br]ballet celebrity? 0:46:23.001,0:46:24.127 I used to dance. 0:46:25.103,0:46:28.072 - Helena, darling.[br]- Oh, Michael. 0:46:29.975,0:46:31.772 I'm so pleased you could make it. 0:46:32.210,0:46:34.804 I wouldn't miss it for the world...[br]you know that. 0:46:36.448,0:46:37.849 Michael, this is Carly. 0:46:37.850,0:46:41.785 An exciting young choreographer[br]who is working with my students. 0:46:42.554,0:46:45.216 And this is Michael who is[br]choreographing tonight's ballet. 0:46:45.357,0:46:47.257 I'd love to see some of your work. 0:46:47.425,0:46:49.188 Oh, we'll see if[br]that can be arranged. 0:46:50.262,0:46:51.661 Well, enjoy the performance. 0:46:52.230,0:46:53.561 You're in every scene. 0:47:01.907,0:47:04.899 - He's just an old student of mine.[br]- Oh, yeah. 0:47:05.877,0:47:07.902 What did you teach him, exactly? 0:48:20.318,0:48:22.081 I got goose bumps, like. 0:48:23.555,0:48:25.423 Oh, gosh...[br]they never even said a word. 0:48:25.424,0:48:26.822 But you understood? 0:48:27.492,0:48:29.960 Not everything,[br]but it was powerful. 0:48:30.262,0:48:33.254 - I could feel what they were feeling.[br]- Good. 0:48:34.532,0:48:37.933 - Remember that for your routine.[br]- But, that's ballet. 0:48:39.804,0:48:43.638 Think less, 'this is ballet',[br]'this is street dance'... 0:48:44.542,0:48:46.169 ...but more, 'this is dance'. 0:48:46.678,0:48:48.947 But, we're still entering[br]a street dance competition. 0:48:48.948,0:48:51.609 I mean, it's a different world. 0:48:51.783,0:48:53.182 Same world. 0:48:54.119,0:48:56.314 You'll have a stage[br]and an audience. 0:48:56.421,0:48:58.013 What do you want them to feel? 0:49:09.467,0:49:11.662 - Jay.[br]- I got your message. 0:49:13.305,0:49:14.739 It was Shawna, she's mad at you. 0:49:14.740,0:49:16.541 I'm sorry I didn't call you back[br]the other day. 0:49:16.542,0:49:18.065 You said you needed time out. 0:49:18.576,0:49:21.010 - I've missed you.[br]- Really? 0:49:21.246,0:49:22.178 Of course. 0:49:23.181,0:49:25.308 Look at you, where have you been?[br]You look amazing. 0:49:25.884,0:49:27.283 You wouldn't believe. 0:49:29.587,0:49:32.488 Do you want to ask me in?[br]Tell me about it. 0:49:33.024,0:49:33.991 Sorry. 0:49:34.926,0:49:36.757 It's me who should be apologising. 0:49:41.800,0:49:43.927 What will your[br]ballet boyfriend think? 0:49:44.970,0:49:47.962 Probably pirouette you to death,[br]if he existed. 0:49:50.308,0:49:52.037 You know I've been waiting for you. 0:49:54.179,0:49:57.114 - And you're still going for the finals?[br]- Gonna try. 0:49:57.849,0:49:59.680 Are the ballet dancers any good? 0:49:59.985,0:50:01.145 Really good. 0:50:01.987,0:50:04.387 Problem is trying to get them[br]to dance like us. 0:50:07.525,0:50:11.359 - You know there's still a place for you?[br]- It sounds like you're managing just fine. 0:50:12.030,0:50:14.089 One minute I think[br]we're doing good... 0:50:14.899,0:50:17.697 ...then I think of 'The Surge'[br]and we don't even come close. 0:50:18.003,0:50:20.767 - Not everyone can be a winner.[br]- Well, thanks. 0:50:20.872,0:50:23.238 But... you've got to do your best. 0:51:06.451,0:51:09.113 Oi! Fred and Ginger,[br]there is a queue. 0:51:14.492,0:51:16.187 Why now? I don't get it. 0:51:16.294,0:51:18.626 He said it was a time-out[br]and he meant it. 0:51:20.598,0:51:24.364 Besides which...[br]I'm a sex goddess. 0:51:24.469,0:51:25.902 He couldn't stay away. 0:51:27.005,0:51:29.064 Oh, yeah... forgot that. 0:52:04.275,0:52:05.867 The tone of the warm-up's changed. 0:52:06.044,0:52:08.308 That's because she had[br]a late night last night. 0:52:09.848,0:52:11.440 Means Jay's back on the scene. 0:52:14.486,0:52:16.420 You know what?[br]We should all go out tonight. 0:52:16.521,0:52:18.089 Check out some fresh moves. 0:52:18.090,0:52:20.425 - Yeah, I'm on that.[br]- Now you're talking. 0:52:20.426,0:52:21.892 Yeah, I think so. 0:53:12.810,0:53:15.244 - Do you want a drink?[br]- I don't drink. 0:53:16.281,0:53:17.646 So, what do you do? 0:53:18.850,0:53:20.010 I dance. 0:53:20.485,0:53:21.747 I can work with that. 0:53:31.996,0:53:34.157 Hello, babe.[br]Do you wanna dance? 0:53:41.239,0:53:42.206 Shall we? 0:54:03.795,0:54:07.287 Oh, yeah, right now you're seeing it[br]with your own eyes. 0:54:08.566,0:54:10.295 Ladies, make way. Make way. 0:54:11.135,0:54:13.160 I swear they must get off on[br]those uniforms. 0:54:14.672,0:54:17.408 It's the UK National Champs. 0:54:17.409,0:54:19.171 It's the Surge, baby. 0:54:19.677,0:54:22.168 - Let's get the others.[br]- The dance floor's open. 0:54:22.413,0:54:25.541 Anybody feels they want to step up[br]to the challenge, it's on you. 0:54:26.651,0:54:28.482 Let's see what you can do.[br]Let's do this thing. 0:54:36.027,0:54:37.654 So, what's the name of the game? 0:54:38.162,0:54:42.155 It's not a game, it's a battle.[br]Just throw down some moves. 0:54:42.433,0:54:43.957 Let's get it popping, let's go! 0:55:08.926,0:55:11.520 Do you know what I'm saying?[br]UK champs, baby. 0:55:13.298,0:55:15.289 Alright, what we got here?[br]What we got here? 0:55:19.837,0:55:20.929 Are we ready? 0:55:22.140,0:55:24.370 Alright, then. Let's go. 0:55:41.759,0:55:42.691 Did you see that? 0:56:02.280,0:56:03.304 Ladies? 0:56:06.751,0:56:08.844 Okay, the ladies are[br]getting involved now. 0:56:25.770,0:56:27.431 Hold it. Hold on.[br]What is it? 0:56:29.874,0:56:31.739 There's ballet in the building! 0:56:33.911,0:56:36.539 I don't know, man.[br]It kind of works, too. 0:56:40.351,0:56:42.553 I think that's called a pirouette,[br]or something. 0:56:42.554,0:56:44.316 I don't know.[br]But, it's all good. 0:56:48.326,0:56:49.759 See what Surge can do. 0:57:00.505,0:57:02.200 Oh, there's your girl. 0:57:02.507,0:57:03.667 We're going aerial. 0:57:34.272,0:57:36.365 360 aerial, baby! 0:57:41.679,0:57:42.976 Yeah. What have you got? 0:58:01.032,0:58:05.196 I don't know the name of this crew,[br]but I'm looking for these people, for real! 0:58:05.770,0:58:06.862 That was cheeky. 0:58:33.064,0:58:35.624 My God, this is getting[br]messy man. This is getting crazy. 0:58:38.236,0:58:40.329 Hey, all my people,[br]how are you feeling? 0:58:45.877,0:58:48.209 Boy, I wish I could lift[br]my arse up to do that. 0:58:55.586,0:58:58.487 Make me some noise for that move right[br]there. I'm not joking with you people. 0:59:01.325,0:59:02.292 What you got? 0:59:04.161,0:59:05.685 Alright, Surge. It's on you. 0:59:50.074,0:59:52.877 Don't touch him...[br]you're not worth it. 0:59:52.878,0:59:54.777 You didn't mind touching me[br]last night, though. 0:59:57.682,0:59:59.445 Hold it down, hold it down. 1:00:46.263,1:00:47.287 It's okay. 1:01:16.127,1:01:17.389 Welcome to my world. 1:01:22.199,1:01:25.691 College fees don't leave[br]a lot left over for fancy apartments. 1:01:52.229,1:01:54.254 It does have one redeeming feature. 1:01:57.401,1:01:58.390 What? 1:02:02.840,1:02:05.172 - Close your eyes.[br]- Don't be silly. 1:02:05.910,1:02:06.774 Come on. 1:02:34.939,1:02:35.928 Open your eyes. 1:02:40.444,1:02:41.706 That's not bad, is it? 1:02:43.280,1:02:44.577 It's beautiful. 1:02:52.857,1:02:54.415 This is where[br]I do my street dancing. 1:02:56.961,1:02:57.928 What? 1:02:59.063,1:03:00.223 Alright, check this out. 1:03:01.732,1:03:03.029 Honestly, what? Ready? 1:03:12.643,1:03:14.975 Alright, a bit more practice... 1:03:15.479,1:03:17.174 but, I tell you,[br]we'll beat those Surge guys. 1:03:21.685,1:03:22.982 No, we can't. 1:03:24.288,1:03:26.518 Who am I kidding?[br]They're the best at what they do. 1:03:26.957,1:03:28.390 So do something different. 1:03:29.360,1:03:30.588 What do you mean? 1:03:32.496,1:03:36.296 You've got five ballet dancers[br]in your crew... use us. 1:03:36.567,1:03:39.559 - What, put ballet and street together?[br]- Yeah, why not? 1:03:39.770,1:03:42.739 - It doesn't go.[br]- How do you know? 1:03:48.212,1:03:49.144 Come on. 1:03:51.782,1:03:52.942 What are you doing? 1:03:54.685,1:03:55.879 Put me down. 1:03:57.087,1:03:59.351 - Now look what you've made me do.[br]- Oh, God. Come on. 1:07:37.808,1:07:40.276 Can everyone come together please,[br]I've got something to say. 1:07:46.450,1:07:48.418 To those of you who know Jay... 1:07:49.353,1:07:51.287 ...he didn't think[br]we were good enough. 1:07:52.589,1:07:56.116 He didn't think we could[br]beat the Surge, so he joined them. 1:07:56.260,1:07:58.660 - Low life.[br]- And to the rest of you... 1:07:58.762,1:08:01.856 I've been trying to fit you[br]into a Surge shaped box... 1:08:02.166,1:08:04.657 ...and I'm sorry,[br]we're never going to fit. 1:08:08.539,1:08:10.507 We're going to do something different. 1:08:17.381,1:08:19.144 I want us to be ourselves. 1:08:20.283,1:08:21.841 Just be our best. 1:08:22.752,1:08:25.984 Whether that's dancing ballet[br]or dancing street. 1:08:26.723,1:08:30.215 We'll mix it all up.[br]Make something beautiful. 1:08:31.161,1:08:33.993 And we'll win the competition[br]because of who we are. 1:08:36.033,1:08:37.193 So, what we called? 1:08:38.469,1:08:39.834 Breaking Point. 1:08:40.537,1:08:43.734 Letters of concern[br]from Isabella's mother... 1:08:43.841,1:08:46.944 from Chloe's very rich and[br]very generous father... 1:08:46.944,1:08:51.073 ...worried that your street dance experiment[br]is unsettling their daughter's training. 1:08:51.548,1:08:53.584 They needed to be unsettled. 1:08:53.585,1:08:56.752 You are corrupting the discipline[br]of our best students. 1:08:56.754,1:09:00.416 I don't like to question your methods,[br]but this does seem willfully perverse. 1:09:00.756,1:09:03.624 Is it a mid life crisis? 1:09:05.194,1:09:09.393 The street dancers were bouncing off[br]the walls when they came in here. 1:09:10.200,1:09:12.935 Wouldn't you like to see that kind of[br]exuberance in our students? 1:09:12.937,1:09:14.267 Hey, hey. Non. 1:09:14.404,1:09:16.770 It could transform their performances. 1:09:16.939,1:09:18.600 And vandalise the college. 1:09:18.841,1:09:20.776 Look, I'm calling time on this Helena. 1:09:20.911,1:09:24.210 We must focus on getting[br]them into the best ballet companies. 1:09:24.281,1:09:26.374 And for that they need fire. 1:09:26.984,1:09:29.350 Believe me,[br]we all want the same thing. 1:09:33.724,1:09:35.316 Carry on,[br]we're just observing. 1:09:37.861,1:09:39.522 Found this class useful, Tomas? 1:09:40.264,1:09:41.424 It's invaluable, sir. 1:09:42.533,1:09:43.863 Carly is excellent. 1:09:52.309,1:09:53.173 Chloe? 1:09:53.777,1:09:57.269 Dope? I mean, very educational. 1:10:07.691,1:10:10.353 Much more joie de vivre,[br]n'est pas? 1:10:12.196,1:10:16.189 I think I can see how that might[br]put some attitude into their attitudes. 1:10:17.834,1:10:19.927 Very good.[br]Please carry on, Helena. 1:10:20.070,1:10:23.941 But Monsieur, being dopey won't[br]get them into the Royal Ballet. 1:10:23.942,1:10:25.272 Enough, Madame. 1:10:26.043,1:10:28.807 - Is everything alright?[br]- Yes, good. 1:10:29.112,1:10:30.170 Good work. 1:10:31.615,1:10:33.742 You knew we'd gel eventually,[br]didn't you? 1:10:33.951,1:10:35.475 Honestly? No. 1:10:36.954,1:10:39.115 Sometimes you just have to try things. 1:13:39.002,1:13:40.560 The Royal Ballet list must be in! 1:13:44.141,1:13:46.507 - Rebecca![br]- That's amazing. 1:13:49.746,1:13:51.805 What day are the[br]street dance finals? 1:13:53.049,1:13:56.186 - Who submitted them for this date?[br]- Does it matter? 1:13:56.187,1:13:57.154 It's the Royal Ballet. 1:13:57.155,1:13:59.645 The same day as their[br]street dance performance. 1:13:59.856,1:14:01.016 Is that an issue? 1:14:03.260,1:14:04.921 It was Madame Fleurie, wasn't it? 1:14:05.529,1:14:07.554 We all want the same thing, Helena. 1:14:13.837,1:14:15.168 Well done, young lady. 1:14:15.872,1:14:16.804 Helena. 1:14:17.908,1:14:19.307 I didn't know, Carly. 1:14:20.710,1:14:22.337 So, what you gonna do[br]about it, then? 1:14:22.712,1:14:24.509 Unfortunately,[br]there's not much I can do. 1:14:25.649,1:14:27.742 This has been the plan all along,[br]hasn't it? 1:14:29.319,1:14:32.811 Get some mugs in to liven up[br]your deadweight dancers and then drop them. 1:14:33.023,1:14:34.456 I didn't plan this. 1:14:35.926,1:14:37.860 Carly, there's something you[br]have to understand. 1:14:38.628,1:14:41.324 These auditions are their[br]street dance final. 1:14:41.565,1:14:42.759 And what about ours? 1:14:43.767,1:14:47.537 Why did you take me to the ballet and[br]feed me all that 'this is dance' rubbish, 1:14:47.538,1:14:49.869 knowing that you'd shaft us[br]in a second? 1:15:08.725,1:15:09.749 We know. 1:15:12.095,1:15:15.326 - They don't have to do their audition.[br]- Of course they do. 1:15:16.933,1:15:19.336 They've been training[br]for this their whole lives. 1:15:19.337,1:15:21.167 Carly, we can do both. 1:15:21.304,1:15:23.807 We'll do the auditions and[br]be there easily by four. 1:15:23.808,1:15:26.867 - Do you think?[br]- Yes, definitely. 1:15:28.578,1:15:30.603 Then go and rehearse.[br]Be brilliant. 1:15:31.715,1:15:33.478 We'll brain you[br]if you don't get in. 1:15:44.427,1:15:45.655 We'll be there. 1:15:46.796,1:15:47.785 Go on. 1:15:53.570,1:15:54.764 What if they don't make it? 1:17:23.460,1:17:25.189 Good afternoon, Britain. 1:17:28.398,1:17:30.229 Yo. Are we having fun? 1:17:30.467,1:17:32.332 Good, good, good.[br]Having a good time? 1:17:33.703,1:17:35.939 There's only two crews left. 1:17:35.940,1:17:39.306 Next on stage,[br]reigning champions, The Surge. 1:17:41.845,1:17:43.972 We're on next,[br]but they're not here yet. 1:17:44.080,1:17:44.910 I knew it. 1:17:45.682,1:17:47.350 Why don't we just go on anyway? 1:17:47.351,1:17:50.012 - What? Are you stupid?[br]- Come on, guys. 1:17:50.553,1:17:53.723 If we start tearing each other apart[br]again, it's all been for nothing. 1:17:53.724,1:17:56.317 - You know, she's right.[br]- Yeah, man. Come on, guys. 1:18:02.899,1:18:05.959 If we want to be[br]with them we have to go now. 1:18:10.940,1:18:12.100 Looking good. 1:18:12.475,1:18:14.909 Your old friend Michael's[br]on the audition panel. 1:21:38.948,1:21:40.415 Who liked The Surge? 1:21:41.818,1:21:45.276 Don't get too happy though, they haven't[br]won that trip to America just yet. 1:21:45.388,1:21:47.015 It's time for our last crew. 1:21:47.423,1:21:49.084 Breaking Point! 1:21:52.662,1:21:55.028 Come on, Breaking Point.[br]Don't be shy. 1:22:05.808,1:22:06.866 Come on. 1:22:09.913,1:22:12.143 On stage now,[br]or you’re disqualified. 1:22:15.351,1:22:17.114 Buck up, babe.[br]They'll be here. 1:22:31.367,1:22:34.165 Okay, must be[br]an additional item here. 1:22:39.142,1:22:46.947 Who are you? Who are you? 1:23:02.498,1:23:04.398 When did Eddie learn those moves? 1:23:04.534,1:23:05.865 A bit of old school. 1:23:15.912,1:23:17.072 Go on Eddie! 1:23:52.215,1:23:53.375 Where are they? 1:23:54.117,1:23:56.119 - They've gone.[br]- Gone? Gone where? 1:23:56.120,1:23:58.178 - To their performance.[br]- What? 1:23:58.388,1:24:01.457 To that thing... that, that... nothing! 1:24:01.458,1:24:04.426 No, not that nothing,[br]Madame, that dance. 1:24:04.694,1:24:06.753 You have ruined their career. 1:24:07.030,1:24:09.260 - What the hell is going on?[br]- Ask her. 1:24:09.499,1:24:10.898 I wash my hand. 1:24:12.268,1:24:13.462 You start talking. 1:24:16.806,1:24:19.331 - Michael?[br]- Helena! 1:24:24.614,1:24:26.241 How long is he going to[br]stay out there? 1:25:02.085,1:25:04.349 What is this?[br]Extreme auditioning? 1:25:10.626,1:25:13.925 I heard you're ditching, Carly.[br]Bad luck. 1:25:14.530,1:25:16.054 Get your hands off me. 1:25:16.632,1:25:18.896 Too bad we won't be seeing you[br]on that winner's podium. 1:25:20.103,1:25:21.229 Who cares? 1:25:21.471,1:25:24.304 We don't need some tacky bit of[br]metal to prove we're winners. 1:25:24.507,1:25:27.874 You can say it,[br]but I know you don't mean it. 1:25:29.078,1:25:30.705 I feel sorry for you, Jay. 1:25:31.914,1:25:35.247 A bit part player in someone else's[br]crew for the sake of winning? 1:25:37.153,1:25:38.848 I thought you had more ambition. 1:25:41.824,1:25:43.223 Can I have the next dance? 1:26:05.014,1:26:07.414 OK. Breaking Point,[br]this is your last chance! 1:26:50.826,1:26:52.657 - What?[br]- You're not serious? 1:26:56.699,1:26:57.757 What is this? 1:27:02.605,1:27:03.537 What? 1:27:33.236,1:27:34.703 Bruv, we've won this. 1:32:24.099,1:32:30.099 Thanks For Watching - For More Subscribe Us