WEBVTT 00:00:06.769 --> 00:00:09.708 You hear the gentle lap of waves, 00:00:09.708 --> 00:00:11.913 the distant cawing of a seagull. 00:00:11.913 --> 00:00:15.820 But then an annoying whine interrupts the peace, 00:00:15.820 --> 00:00:19.459 getting closer, and closer, and closer. 00:00:19.459 --> 00:00:21.568 Until...whack! 00:00:21.568 --> 00:00:26.617 You dispatch the offending mosquito, and calm is restored. NOTE Paragraph 00:00:26.617 --> 00:00:31.730 How did you detect that noise from afar and target its maker with such precision? 00:00:31.730 --> 00:00:35.466 The ability to recognize sounds and identify their location 00:00:35.466 --> 00:00:38.518 is possible thanks to the auditory system. 00:00:38.518 --> 00:00:43.160 That’s comprised of two main parts: the ear and the brain. 00:00:43.160 --> 00:00:47.374 The ear’s task is to convert sound energy into neural signals; 00:00:47.374 --> 00:00:52.079 the brain’s is to receive and process the information those signals contain. NOTE Paragraph 00:00:52.079 --> 00:00:53.898 To understand how that works, 00:00:53.898 --> 00:00:57.547 we can follow a sound on its journey into the ear. 00:00:57.547 --> 00:00:59.621 The source of a sound creates vibrations 00:00:59.621 --> 00:01:03.323 that travel as waves of pressure through particles in air, 00:01:03.323 --> 00:01:04.221 liquids, 00:01:04.221 --> 00:01:05.725 or solids. 00:01:05.725 --> 00:01:07.986 But our inner ear, called the cochlea, 00:01:07.986 --> 00:01:11.966 is actually filled with saltwater-like fluids. 00:01:11.966 --> 00:01:15.852 So, the first problem to solve is how to convert those sound waves, 00:01:15.852 --> 00:01:17.532 wherever they’re coming from, 00:01:17.532 --> 00:01:20.249 into waves in the fluid. 00:01:20.249 --> 00:01:23.833 The solution is the eardrum, or tympanic membrane, 00:01:23.833 --> 00:01:27.230 and the tiny bones of the middle ear. 00:01:27.230 --> 00:01:30.170 Those convert the large movements of the eardrum 00:01:30.170 --> 00:01:33.928 into pressure waves in the fluid of the cochlea. NOTE Paragraph 00:01:33.928 --> 00:01:35.986 When sound enters the ear canal, 00:01:35.986 --> 00:01:40.013 it hits the eardrum and makes it vibrate like the head of a drum. 00:01:40.013 --> 00:01:43.939 The vibrating eardrum jerks a bone called the hammer, 00:01:43.939 --> 00:01:48.677 which hits the anvil and moves the third bone called the stapes. 00:01:48.677 --> 00:01:53.042 Its motion pushes the fluid within the long chambers of the cochlea. 00:01:53.042 --> 00:01:54.389 Once there, 00:01:54.389 --> 00:01:59.179 the sound vibrations have finally been converted into vibrations of a fluid, 00:01:59.179 --> 00:02:03.204 and they travel like a wave from one end of the cochlea to the other. 00:02:03.204 --> 00:02:07.793 A surface called the basilar membrane runs the length of the cochlea. 00:02:07.793 --> 00:02:11.803 It’s lined with hair cells that have specialized components 00:02:11.803 --> 00:02:13.536 called stereocillia, 00:02:13.536 --> 00:02:17.936 which move with the vibrations of the cochlear fluid and the basilar membrane. 00:02:17.936 --> 00:02:22.265 This movement triggers a signal that travels through the hair cell, 00:02:22.265 --> 00:02:24.154 into the auditory nerve, 00:02:24.154 --> 00:02:28.301 then onward to the brain, which interprets it as a specific sound. NOTE Paragraph 00:02:28.301 --> 00:02:31.720 When a sound makes the basilar membrane vibrate, 00:02:31.720 --> 00:02:34.369 not every hair cell moves - 00:02:34.369 --> 00:02:39.244 only selected ones, depending on the frequency of the sound. 00:02:39.244 --> 00:02:41.715 This comes down to some fine engineering. 00:02:41.715 --> 00:02:45.438 At one end, the basilar membrane is stiff, 00:02:45.438 --> 00:02:50.926 vibrating only in response to short wavelength, high-frequency sounds. 00:02:50.926 --> 00:02:52.745 The other is more flexible, 00:02:52.745 --> 00:02:57.513 vibrating only in the presence of longer wavelength, low-frequency sounds. 00:02:57.513 --> 00:03:00.461 So, the noises made by the seagull and mosquito 00:03:00.461 --> 00:03:03.537 vibrate different locations on the basilar membrane, 00:03:03.537 --> 00:03:06.751 like playing different keys on a piano. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:06.751 --> 00:03:08.663 But that’s not all that’s going on. 00:03:08.663 --> 00:03:12.639 The brain still has another important task to fulfill: 00:03:12.639 --> 00:03:15.576 identifying where a sound is coming from. 00:03:15.576 --> 00:03:19.613 For that, it compares the sounds coming into the two ears 00:03:19.613 --> 00:03:22.126 to locate the source in space. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:22.126 --> 00:03:26.950 A sound from directly in front of you will reach both your ears at the same time. 00:03:26.950 --> 00:03:30.744 You’ll also hear it at the same intensity in each ear. 00:03:30.744 --> 00:03:34.305 However, a low-frequency sound coming from one side 00:03:34.305 --> 00:03:38.847 will reach the near ear microseconds before the far one. 00:03:38.847 --> 00:03:42.775 And high-frequency sounds will sound more intense to the near ear 00:03:42.775 --> 00:03:46.010 because they’re blocked from the far ear by your head. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:46.010 --> 00:03:49.765 These strands of information reach special parts of the brainstem 00:03:49.765 --> 00:03:54.124 that analyze time and intensity differences between your ears. 00:03:54.124 --> 00:03:58.747 They send the results of their analysis up to the auditory cortex. 00:03:58.747 --> 00:04:01.733 Now, the brain has all the information it needs: 00:04:01.733 --> 00:04:04.539 the patterns of activity that tell us what the sound is, 00:04:04.539 --> 00:04:08.433 and information about where it is in space. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:08.433 --> 00:04:10.604 Not everyone has normal hearing. 00:04:10.604 --> 00:04:15.049 Hearing loss is the third most common chronic disease in the world. 00:04:15.049 --> 00:04:19.115 Exposure to loud noises and some drugs can kill hair cells, 00:04:19.115 --> 00:04:23.012 preventing signals from traveling from the ear to the brain. 00:04:23.012 --> 00:04:27.671 Diseases like osteosclerosis freeze the tiny bones in the ear 00:04:27.671 --> 00:04:29.841 so they no longer vibrate. 00:04:29.841 --> 00:04:31.305 And with tinnitus, 00:04:31.305 --> 00:04:32.964 the brain does strange things 00:04:32.964 --> 00:04:36.672 to make us think there’s a sound when there isn’t one. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:36.672 --> 00:04:38.208 But when it does work, 00:04:38.208 --> 00:04:40.970 our hearing is an incredible, elegant system. 00:04:40.970 --> 00:04:44.723 Our ears enclose a fine-tuned piece of biological machinery 00:04:44.723 --> 00:04:48.397 that converts the cacophony of vibrations in the air around us 00:04:48.397 --> 00:04:51.537 into precisely tuned electrical impulses 00:04:51.537 --> 00:04:56.299 that distinguish claps, taps, sighs, and flies.