Hi everybody I will share with some experiences about activities that are taking place nowadays in Cuba and also related with the Debian Project Who am I? I am Jonathan Bustillos Osornio (Jathan) also I am a Debian contributor and a Debian user since 2008 and I have been helping on some teams like po-debconf templates, translations in the Debian Spanish Translation Team since 2011 and on Debian Reproducible Builds in 2017 In Cuba there is a community of Free Software users and developers who have been working on different activities and useful developments to extend the use of Debian and other Free Software projects throughout the country The first group that we have is the GUTL The Free Tecnologies Users Group, in Spanish - Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologias Libres, is an organisation in Cuba since the development of the GNU/Linux users communities of the whole country. It pushes the usage of free technologies organizing events, workshops, courses and many more activities of social impact with Free Software. Some of this events are like the Free Document Day related with Libreoffice And this are the pictures of the events, also the FLISol the Latin American Festival Free Software Instalation Also recreation activities GUTL has a website in each they publish many articles or news related with Debian and another Free Software projects. The GUTL was born in 2009 and since then it has been one of the most influencial organisations in Cuba to learn, use and share Free Software, hardware and knowledge The main work objectives of this organisation are technological sovereignty Social Comptroller, socialization of Information, Project development International visibility for Cuba in the field for free software and free Technologies. Now we will know about free software projects and it's achievements The GUTL group has created a repository called REPOGUTL which is an implementation of something called the Cuban Sourceforge, by their developers and users where free software developers have the opportunity to publicize their creations and get feedback, promoting the migration and use of Free Software to Cuban users. This is the system which you could find in the website the repository generated with Cuban free software called Alfidi is structured in two major categories, these are applications and products, with subcategories under them and they include the title of the application, the author, contacts if it is desired by the creator, size, a brief description and a long description in addition to the instructions for installation. These are the main developers of REPOGUTL and maintainers, Maikel Enrique Pernia Matos And Delio Orozco González. Also we have a free software project called MISOX Misox is of set of Free Software applications developed by Maikel Pernía Matos , Delio Orozco González and Alberto Miguel Nuevo Rojo in the province of Manzanillo Granma in Cuba, under the GNU GPL license and also packaged as .deb for our debian distribution with the purpose of helping computer users to create a customization of Debian GNU/Linux adjusting it to their necessities since an easy and well integrated environment. These are some screenshots of the program, it's main purpose is to facilitate some computer users customization of debian GNU/Linux operating system and to put the packages the users want, to set the graphical interface like Gnome, Kde [???] like Fluxbox, Awesome, I3 And also it offers the possibility to add individual debian packages from an external source. There is another project called VideoMorph