Hi everybody
I will share with some experiences about
activities that are taking place
nowadays in Cuba and also related with
the Debian Project
Who am I? I am Jonathan Bustillos Osornio
(Jathan) also
I am a Debian contributor and a Debian
user since 2008 and I have been helping
on some teams like po-debconf templates,
translations in the Debian Spanish
Translation Team since 2011 and on Debian
Reproducible Builds in 2017
In Cuba there is a community of Free Software
users and developers who have been working
on different activities and useful
developments to extend the use of Debian
and other Free Software projects
throughout the country
The first group that we have is the GUTL
The Free Tecnologies Users Group, in
Spanish - Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologias
Libres, is an organisation in Cuba since
the development of the GNU/Linux users
communities of the whole country.
It pushes the usage of free technologies
organizing events, workshops, courses and
many more activities of social impact with
Free Software.
Some of this events are like the Free
Document Day related with Libreoffice
And this are the pictures of the events,
also the FLISol the Latin American
Festival Free Software Instalation
Also recreation activities
GUTL has a website in each they publish
many articles or news related with Debian
and another Free Software projects.
The GUTL was born in 2009 and since then
it has been one of the most influencial
organisations in Cuba