we looked at some very interesting research that showed ways in which scientists could actually manipulate people's political beliefs and make them either more conservative or more liberal scientists yeah how ways that you would be very surprised let me talk about ways in which they were able to make liberal people more conservative they took a bunch of students and they have them fill out these questionnaires looking at their political ideology and they could give them a score how liberal how conservative they were they invited up into two groups one group had it fill it out and there was a hand sanitizer nearby the presence of the hand sanitizer made the more conservative the presence of the hand sanitizer made them all conservative that's right the other group there's no hand sanitizer on average this group filled out their questionnaire in a more conservative way than the other group did why is that the reason is the hand sanitizer is a sign of threat it reminds you that you are at risk of becoming infected it's a tiny subtle intervention but it reflects a much larger intervention that we all understand attack make the country more conservative if there's an election coming up and there's a attack around the time of the election the polls shift in favor of the Conservatives because when you feel under threat you say I need to protect what I have it's when you feel safe you say let's take some risks let's make the world a better place that's dopamine now it's funny is election seasons in November who did this study I can't remember crazy to me now we can do it in the other direction too so different group of scientists very similar kind of questionnaire and they told people imagine that you have superpowers and nothing can hurt you I just want you to spend five seconds just imagining you have superpowers and nothing can hurt you shifts people are more liberal because it's the opposite you take the threat away a lot of conservatives have fears how are immigrants going to change country how are people who are different from me going to threaten my way of life if you can lower those fears they will become in subtle ways not formatic but in subtle ways more liberal