WEBVTT 00:05:45.416 --> 00:05:47.625 There is something I always emphasise 00:05:47.625 --> 00:05:56.875 (Talking about recycling) 00:05:56.875 --> 00:06:03.166 I can tell you the group I'm with today also lead the front on environmental protection 00:06:03.166 --> 00:06:06.291 Today's guest 00:06:06.291 --> 00:06:08.000 Protectors of Earth 00:06:08.000 --> 00:06:09.458 Dreamcatcher 00:06:29.541 --> 00:06:31.375 Welcome Dreamcatcher 00:06:36.541 --> 00:06:37.375 Welcome 00:06:37.750 --> 00:06:40.458 Can you introduce yourselves one by one? 00:06:41.208 --> 00:06:46.000 Hello, returning as the Bright Bunny, I'm Jiu 00:06:47.583 --> 00:06:52.166 Hello, doing the strongman challenge with my vocals, I'm main vocalist Siyeon 00:06:53.333 --> 00:06:58.958 Hello, I'm Dreamcatcher's one and only Ice Princess Handong 00:07:00.875 --> 00:07:03.708 Hello, I'm Dreamcatcher's Puppy Yoohyeon 00:07:04.333 --> 00:07:07.166 Hello, I'm Handsome Voice of Dreamcatcher, Dami 00:07:08.125 --> 00:07:11.041 Hello, I'm Baby Fox Gahyeon 00:07:11.833 --> 00:07:15.375 Hello, I'm Somnia Trainer, Sua 00:07:16.875 --> 00:07:18.250 Sua hasn't changed one bit 00:07:19.458 --> 00:07:21.541 She has such power(?) 00:07:22.166 --> 00:07:24.583 Let's start with a pre-emptive fanfare 00:07:24.583 --> 00:07:26.250 Please give us fanfare 00:07:26.250 --> 00:07:29.291 Dreamcatcher has won first place in a music show yesterday 00:07:31.916 --> 00:07:34.791 Things are very positive right from the get go 00:07:34.791 --> 00:07:35.958 That's right 00:07:35.958 --> 00:07:39.208 How was it, were you expecting this? 00:07:42.791 --> 00:07:45.333 Our Bright Bunny, how was it 00:07:47.666 --> 00:07:48.833 What should I say? 00:07:49.500 --> 00:07:51.000 Rather than expectations 00:07:51.000 --> 00:07:52.291 we always have hopes 00:07:52.291 --> 00:07:52.875 Preparation? 00:07:52.875 --> 00:07:54.666 Yes, we did have something prepared 00:07:55.541 --> 00:07:56.708 There are things like that 00:07:56.708 --> 00:08:00.083 Before you go on music shows 00:08:00.083 --> 00:08:05.000 After filming the M/V, taking a shower, you suddenly think about it 00:08:05.291 --> 00:08:06.625 "Thank you for your love" 00:08:09.125 --> 00:08:10.208 Isn't that right? 00:08:11.250 --> 00:08:12.416 I always prepare for it 00:08:13.583 --> 00:08:15.958 "Thank you for this special award" 00:08:17.166 --> 00:08:18.333 You have to prepare 00:08:18.541 --> 00:08:19.333 Of course 00:08:19.333 --> 00:08:20.458 You're a girl group 00:08:21.125 --> 00:08:23.458 They are prepared 00:08:24.041 --> 00:08:26.416 You did a strength show for your encore? 00:08:26.416 --> 00:08:28.125 Gahyeon, what is this about? 00:08:28.125 --> 00:08:32.375 Yes, since Siyeon does a show a strength with her vocals 00:08:32.375 --> 00:08:35.333 "Let's show an actual show of strength" 00:08:35.500 --> 00:08:38.583 so we prepared wooden planks 00:08:38.583 --> 00:08:40.708 and broke them on stage 00:08:42.375 --> 00:08:44.250 From vocal strength to actual strength show 00:08:46.458 --> 00:08:47.958 One message reads 00:08:47.958 --> 00:08:49.416 "I saw that" 00:08:49.416 --> 00:08:52.625 "Smashing the stage with strength show" 00:08:52.625 --> 00:08:54.041 "Smash the charts" 00:08:56.958 --> 00:09:01.250 If it's planks, you have to break it by the streaks 00:09:01.875 --> 00:09:03.541 Did any of you fail to break any? 00:09:04.125 --> 00:09:06.333 Siyeon failed a few times 00:09:06.333 --> 00:09:08.791 There were a couple smashing their thighs 00:09:08.791 --> 00:09:10.333 Smashing their thighs? 00:09:10.666 --> 00:09:13.291 Yes, just keeping to the rhythm with using planks 00:09:13.625 --> 00:09:14.708 Plank beats? 00:09:15.208 --> 00:09:16.708 Plank tambourine? 00:09:19.750 --> 00:09:23.708 She has vocal strength but not for planks 00:09:24.291 --> 00:09:27.791 Not just showing strength, there are members doing blinks? 00:09:28.916 --> 00:09:31.541 Did you use blink instead of driving here? 00:09:33.833 --> 00:09:35.375 I hear you use blink 00:09:38.500 --> 00:09:40.000 Blink? 00:09:40.000 --> 00:09:44.250 Blink is that short teleportation thing right? 00:09:45.125 --> 00:09:48.583 You copied a blink master in one of your previous videos 00:09:49.125 --> 00:09:51.041 Blink master! 00:09:51.833 --> 00:09:54.833 You copied him and used blink 00:09:54.833 --> 00:09:56.541 People are talking about it 00:09:57.416 --> 00:10:00.250 Sua did a first pitch as well 00:10:01.708 --> 00:10:05.541 Don't you get nervous starting with the practice session? 00:10:06.500 --> 00:10:09.583 It was something I always wanted to try 00:10:09.583 --> 00:10:11.541 Rather than being nervous, it was real fun 00:10:12.500 --> 00:10:16.125 They gave me such a proper basic training 00:10:16.125 --> 00:10:18.791 I had muscle-aches the next day 00:10:18.791 --> 00:10:20.583 You use muscles you don't normally use 00:10:21.250 --> 00:10:25.666 I heard the coach praised you a lot 00:10:25.666 --> 00:10:29.833 Thanks to the coach, I was able to pitch right into the strike zone 00:10:31.041 --> 00:10:32.458 He told me it was perfect 00:10:32.458 --> 00:10:34.416 It's really hard to hit the strike zone 00:10:34.416 --> 00:10:35.333 Yea 00:10:35.958 --> 00:10:37.916 It's normally straight into the ground 00:10:38.750 --> 00:10:41.125 It's hard to reach the zone 00:10:42.208 --> 00:10:45.375 Sua, if you had to pick another member 00:10:45.375 --> 00:10:50.250 who do you think will be good at first pitch or kick? 00:10:51.500 --> 00:10:55.125 I personally think Gahyeon 00:10:55.125 --> 00:10:58.541 since she is very interested in sports 00:10:58.958 --> 00:11:00.416 I think she's very knowledgeable 00:11:00.833 --> 00:11:02.625 Football or baseball? 00:11:02.625 --> 00:11:05.041 I love going to watch baseball 00:11:07.333 --> 00:11:09.083 She knows all the team songs 00:11:10.125 --> 00:11:12.833 I had a team I support 00:11:12.833 --> 00:11:16.958 If I get stressed before comeback 00:11:16.958 --> 00:11:21.041 I would go to the stadium and scream 00:11:21.041 --> 00:11:23.083 I would cheer loudly 00:11:23.083 --> 00:11:27.000 No place could be any better if you know the chants 00:11:27.791 --> 00:11:29.125 It's better than karaoke 00:11:30.375 --> 00:11:31.833 You can scream when they hit the ball 00:11:31.833 --> 00:11:33.625 Shaking the body 00:11:33.625 --> 00:11:35.125 Sweating 00:11:35.750 --> 00:11:38.041 It's different from dancing practice 00:11:39.166 --> 00:11:44.208 So Blink master Sua 00:11:44.208 --> 00:11:46.500 Who'll be good at penalties 00:11:46.500 --> 00:11:48.333 I think Siyeon 00:11:49.583 --> 00:11:52.250 I love Siyeon's legs 00:11:53.000 --> 00:11:56.125 Even when dancing she'd stomp 00:11:56.125 --> 00:11:58.250 her legs are strong 00:11:58.875 --> 00:11:59.958 Her hair 00:12:00.833 --> 00:12:02.125 There was a strand sticking out 00:12:04.000 --> 00:12:05.625 It's okay 00:12:06.125 --> 00:12:10.291 Please ask Dreamcatcher for first pitch and penalties 00:12:10.291 --> 00:12:12.541 Before we start the talk 00:12:12.541 --> 00:12:13.958 It's our signature segment 00:12:13.958 --> 00:12:15.166 Photo First Talk After 00:12:15.958 --> 00:12:17.625 Let's start 00:12:17.625 --> 00:12:22.333 The reporters will write nice articles for us 00:12:23.750 --> 00:12:24.833 Should we start with Jiu? 00:12:27.500 --> 00:12:29.166 Look at the centre camera 00:12:29.458 --> 00:12:32.458 ShinDJ's uncle is a master of grass pipe 00:12:32.458 --> 00:12:34.166 Dreamcatcher's leader Jiu 00:12:34.166 --> 00:12:37.291 is master of danso 00:12:38.916 --> 00:12:41.833 Let's move on to Siyeon 00:12:44.416 --> 00:12:46.166 Leave challenges with me 00:12:46.166 --> 00:12:49.416 Poster idol of Sorry I'm Cute 00:12:49.416 --> 00:12:52.000 I'm Dreamcatcher Siyeon 00:12:53.791 --> 00:12:55.791 Her eyes are trembling 00:12:56.000 --> 00:12:56.958 Her face 00:13:01.125 --> 00:13:03.125 Were you watching on MHZ? 00:13:05.166 --> 00:13:06.958 Next is Handong 00:13:08.291 --> 00:13:10.750 The burden starts building about now 00:13:13.791 --> 00:13:15.791 Move aside Sangam-dong, Mok-dong 00:13:15.791 --> 00:13:21.375 I'm the Dong of Dongs, Handong 00:13:24.291 --> 00:13:25.500 They put in effects too 00:13:26.166 --> 00:13:27.500 Dong of Dongs Handong 00:13:29.625 --> 00:13:31.125 Burden building up 00:13:31.125 --> 00:13:33.208 Yoohyeon next, she's getting ready 00:13:33.791 --> 00:13:36.458 Returning with short hair, Black Widow of Dreamcatcher 00:13:37.666 --> 00:13:39.250 It's Yoohyeon 00:13:41.833 --> 00:13:43.125 Making a sound 00:13:44.916 --> 00:13:46.708 Dami's up next 00:13:48.708 --> 00:13:51.041 She's checking her top 00:13:52.625 --> 00:13:55.708 I'm the lovely attention seeker 00:13:55.708 --> 00:13:59.500 God of acting, Dami 00:13:59.791 --> 00:14:00.583 Scream please 00:14:02.291 --> 00:14:03.458 She did the crying act 00:14:03.458 --> 00:14:05.416 Gahyeon next 00:14:05.416 --> 00:14:09.500 Artist mistaken for a fan at a soju labelling shop 00:14:09.500 --> 00:14:13.166 That's me, Dreamcatcher Gahyeon 00:14:16.416 --> 00:14:17.833 Gahyeon changed a lot 00:14:18.875 --> 00:14:20.833 She's back more confident 00:14:21.666 --> 00:14:23.083 Sua next 00:14:23.333 --> 00:14:25.125 First pitch? Let me 00:14:25.125 --> 00:14:29.041 Throw like the wind, I'm Dreamcatcher Sua 00:14:31.333 --> 00:14:32.625 Look at her small hand 00:14:33.583 --> 00:14:34.791 It hasn't changed 00:14:34.791 --> 00:14:37.833 I love Dreamcatcher's tension 00:14:40.833 --> 00:14:43.416 "You just took photos and already look so close" 00:14:44.916 --> 00:14:45.958 It's really loud 00:14:46.875 --> 00:14:49.916 I just went to the toilet with the girls 00:14:51.208 --> 00:14:52.666 They're so loud 00:14:52.916 --> 00:14:54.416 We met 00:14:54.416 --> 00:14:55.000 Really? 00:14:56.666 --> 00:14:57.625 I was passing 00:14:57.625 --> 00:14:59.166 "Hello sunbaenim" 00:14:59.166 --> 00:15:00.125 "Oh hi" 00:15:02.750 --> 00:15:04.208 I said "oh" 00:15:04.916 --> 00:15:06.250 Clap three times 00:15:07.750 --> 00:15:10.250 Dreamcatcher's 8th mini album 00:15:10.583 --> 00:15:12.958 Apocalypse : From Us has been released 00:15:15.541 --> 00:15:18.250 This album is the last in the Apocalypse chapter 00:15:19.125 --> 00:15:20.666 the finale 00:15:23.583 --> 00:15:27.583 It wraps up with Dreamcatcher disappearing 00:15:28.291 --> 00:15:29.666 Hard to see sad ending 00:15:31.041 --> 00:15:33.833 Didn't you feel a bit sad? 00:15:34.541 --> 00:15:38.458 It's not that we're leaving forever 00:15:38.458 --> 00:15:42.541 we're leaving for a short while for nature 00:15:42.541 --> 00:15:44.333 rather than a sad ending 00:15:45.166 --> 00:15:46.666 An open ending 00:15:46.666 --> 00:15:48.875 I think it's a happy ending 00:15:48.875 --> 00:15:50.125 It's an open ending? 00:15:51.458 --> 00:15:53.750 Dami, why're you scratching your ears 00:15:55.166 --> 00:15:57.500 She was scratching her ears as we talked about an open ending 00:15:58.708 --> 00:15:59.833 Very thorough 00:15:59.833 --> 00:16:01.916 It's easy with long nails 00:16:03.041 --> 00:16:04.041 She was being thorough 00:16:05.208 --> 00:16:07.375 So you had the Nightmare series 00:16:07.833 --> 00:16:10.166 and the Dystopia series 00:16:10.458 --> 00:16:12.291 and now Apocalypse 00:16:12.291 --> 00:16:13.625 Dreamcatcher's universe 00:16:14.583 --> 00:16:17.708 You have tried many different universes 00:16:18.333 --> 00:16:22.041 How is it completing the Apocalypse chapter? 00:16:22.041 --> 00:16:24.333 What universe do you want to try next? 00:16:24.333 --> 00:16:26.000 I have one I want to try 00:16:26.583 --> 00:16:28.125 Could you tell us? 00:16:29.083 --> 00:16:33.208 We always sang about warning, or protecting 00:16:33.208 --> 00:16:36.333 I want to try stealing? 00:16:37.791 --> 00:16:39.416 Someone's heart? 00:16:39.416 --> 00:16:41.208 I want to steal you 00:16:41.208 --> 00:16:42.125 You're going to steal me? 00:16:43.041 --> 00:16:46.083 She's really startled 00:16:46.083 --> 00:16:47.333 There's no need for that 00:16:49.333 --> 00:16:51.000 Just ask and it's yours 00:16:51.291 --> 00:16:52.125 Isn't that too easy? 00:16:55.791 --> 00:16:56.875 What is there to steal 00:16:59.083 --> 00:17:00.291 You can rent it 00:17:01.125 --> 00:17:02.500 Lease is possible as well 00:17:03.291 --> 00:17:05.333 You can do corporate 00:17:06.500 --> 00:17:07.375 Sounds good 00:17:10.416 --> 00:17:12.125 "ShinDJ will probably give her DJ spot too" 00:17:14.583 --> 00:17:15.625 Promise 00:17:18.416 --> 00:17:19.208 It's done 00:17:19.958 --> 00:17:21.208 I go on summer vacation 00:17:24.875 --> 00:17:26.000 It's all yours 00:17:27.833 --> 00:17:29.833 Lots of people are saying I want to go on holiday 00:17:30.625 --> 00:17:31.666 You've been made 00:17:34.291 --> 00:17:35.458 That build up was no joke 00:17:35.750 --> 00:17:37.833 You can go in pairs or solo 00:17:39.166 --> 00:17:40.125 She's already (making plans) 00:17:42.583 --> 00:17:43.750 I'm suddenly feeling nervous 00:17:44.500 --> 00:17:45.916 Are you making plans? 00:17:48.458 --> 00:17:50.250 It'll be mid-July 00:17:50.250 --> 00:17:51.458 Finish what you need to do 00:17:51.458 --> 00:17:52.958 and get together for mid-July 00:17:54.291 --> 00:17:57.583 That's awesome 00:17:57.583 --> 00:17:58.875 I love Dreamcatcher 00:18:00.416 --> 00:18:01.375 Bright 00:18:01.375 --> 00:18:02.458 good talkers 00:18:02.458 --> 00:18:03.583 good singers 00:18:03.583 --> 00:18:04.583 popular 00:18:04.583 --> 00:18:07.333 It's perfect 00:18:07.833 --> 00:18:09.541 Please call us whenever 00:18:09.541 --> 00:18:12.958 Even the title is called <BONVOYAGE> 00:18:13.875 --> 00:18:15.125 Have a nice trip 00:18:15.125 --> 00:18:18.000 Show them how it's done 00:18:19.583 --> 00:18:23.416 So bon voyage is French 00:18:23.416 --> 00:18:26.416 Literal translation means 00:18:26.416 --> 00:18:29.708 have a safe journey 00:18:31.583 --> 00:18:33.083 I love travelling 00:18:34.250 --> 00:18:37.041 If you get the opportunity 00:18:37.500 --> 00:18:39.208 not like 3 days 00:18:39.208 --> 00:18:40.458 a month 00:18:43.666 --> 00:18:44.833 Paid holiday 00:18:48.291 --> 00:18:50.250 You get to go on paid holiday 00:18:50.250 --> 00:18:51.833 It normally splits here 00:18:51.833 --> 00:18:53.416 Resort vs sightseeing 00:18:55.666 --> 00:18:58.375 Resort, just on an island somewhere- 00:18:59.458 --> 00:19:00.250 I pick resort 00:19:01.250 --> 00:19:02.416 Who picks resorts 00:19:04.958 --> 00:19:07.041 I think it depends on who I'm going with 00:19:07.041 --> 00:19:07.791 Really? 00:19:08.250 --> 00:19:11.333 5 said resorts 00:19:11.625 --> 00:19:14.333 Dami and Yoohyeon chose sightseeing? 00:19:14.666 --> 00:19:16.958 Since it's a month long 00:19:17.250 --> 00:19:19.500 You need to do some shopping 00:19:19.500 --> 00:19:21.500 go sightseeing 00:19:23.708 --> 00:19:25.708 Sightseeing and shopping 00:19:26.250 --> 00:19:27.541 I love shopping 00:19:29.000 --> 00:19:30.750 A gift for hard-working Shinyoung 00:19:33.083 --> 00:19:33.958 What about Yoohyeon 00:19:33.958 --> 00:19:35.166 I choose sightseeing as well 00:19:35.791 --> 00:19:36.958 I like being out alone 00:19:37.291 --> 00:19:39.458 I like being alone but there needs to be a lot of people around 00:19:40.166 --> 00:19:41.083 It needs to be safe 00:19:42.416 --> 00:19:44.875 The things you two mentioned are what I like 00:19:46.208 --> 00:19:47.166 I want to steal you 00:19:47.458 --> 00:19:48.333 Take it 00:19:49.250 --> 00:19:51.125 No need to steal, just ask 00:19:52.625 --> 00:19:55.708 So what do the resort team like 00:19:56.833 --> 00:20:00.541 I worked hard so I don't want to do anything kind of feeling? 00:20:00.541 --> 00:20:01.458 For a month? 00:20:02.500 --> 00:20:04.125 No sightseeing? 00:20:04.666 --> 00:20:05.791 Just looking at the sea 00:20:06.041 --> 00:20:08.583 Look at the sea, eat if someone cooks you something 00:20:08.833 --> 00:20:09.958 Have someone tidy up 00:20:11.000 --> 00:20:11.791 Amazing 00:20:11.791 --> 00:20:12.833 Like a hotel 00:20:14.791 --> 00:20:16.083 Something real comfortable 00:20:17.500 --> 00:20:18.875 Someone cooks for you 00:20:20.083 --> 00:20:24.375 Go for a short walk and the bed is made for you 00:20:24.375 --> 00:20:25.208 Sounds good 00:20:26.333 --> 00:20:31.833 If I get a month free, I want to try living in Jeju for a month 00:20:33.375 --> 00:20:35.416 It's quiet 00:20:35.416 --> 00:20:39.833 Whenever I go away, it needs to be nature 00:20:39.833 --> 00:20:41.833 Don't need shopping 00:20:41.833 --> 00:20:45.583 Just zoning out in nature is rest for me 00:20:45.583 --> 00:20:46.625 Zoning out in the nature 00:20:47.500 --> 00:20:48.916 Do you have a license? 00:20:48.916 --> 00:20:49.791 I don't 00:20:51.833 --> 00:20:53.791 I want to drive a camping car 00:20:55.500 --> 00:20:56.750 You're the complete opposite to me 00:20:57.833 --> 00:20:59.500 I don't do camping 00:21:00.625 --> 00:21:01.458 Why would you 00:21:02.625 --> 00:21:03.916 House is perfect 00:21:03.916 --> 00:21:04.833 You're right 00:21:05.291 --> 00:21:06.541 I'm a homebody 00:21:06.916 --> 00:21:08.208 Camping is hard for me 00:21:08.208 --> 00:21:09.666 You should get a camping car later 00:21:11.041 --> 00:21:11.875 It's my wish 00:21:12.458 --> 00:21:13.958 A roadtrip in the States 00:21:14.333 --> 00:21:17.000 Like the Eastern states 00:21:17.000 --> 00:21:18.541 in a camping car 00:21:18.541 --> 00:21:21.083 I think I'll get a driver for that 00:21:21.791 --> 00:21:23.750 You probably need 3 more people 00:21:23.750 --> 00:21:25.041 It's hard to solo 00:21:25.750 --> 00:21:27.791 What about Handong, you picked resort 00:21:27.791 --> 00:21:31.541 Yes, a resort, no plans 00:21:31.541 --> 00:21:32.500 No plans 00:21:32.500 --> 00:21:34.791 I'm a P so I don't like planning 00:21:34.791 --> 00:21:35.916 You're a P 00:21:37.500 --> 00:21:40.875 Just naturally waking up 00:21:42.000 --> 00:21:43.958 In the quiet, phone has no sign- 00:21:43.958 --> 00:21:45.000 Oh that won't work 00:21:45.666 --> 00:21:47.291 You're alright with no signal? 00:21:48.708 --> 00:21:49.833 I need to use my phone 00:21:51.250 --> 00:21:52.750 No work 00:21:55.041 --> 00:21:57.458 In the natural scenery 00:22:00.375 --> 00:22:02.750 Which member do you want to go on holiday with? 00:22:02.750 --> 00:22:03.916 Which member? 00:22:05.333 --> 00:22:06.791 She looked at Jiu right away 00:22:06.791 --> 00:22:08.583 Who wants to go with me? 00:22:08.583 --> 00:22:09.375 Me? 00:22:10.833 --> 00:22:11.708 Jiu 00:22:12.583 --> 00:22:14.083 Jiu was smiling then 00:22:17.208 --> 00:22:18.250 What about Sua 00:22:18.250 --> 00:22:19.166 Did you pick resort? 00:22:19.166 --> 00:22:21.833 I'm 100% resort 00:22:22.166 --> 00:22:26.541 Our place of work is really loud 00:22:26.958 --> 00:22:29.416 so I just want to hear bird cries 00:22:29.958 --> 00:22:32.333 Listen to ocean sounds, go surfing 00:22:34.583 --> 00:22:37.958 I want to try extreme sports I haven't tried before 00:22:38.916 --> 00:22:41.166 We just had a bird inside 00:22:41.666 --> 00:22:42.666 We need the BGM 00:22:43.541 --> 00:22:44.791 You need the BGM 00:22:44.791 --> 00:22:47.791 Normally the uncles do bird cries 00:22:49.208 --> 00:22:49.958 Hello 00:22:51.291 --> 00:22:52.125 Uncle bird 00:22:55.125 --> 00:22:56.916 Enjoying extreme sports 00:22:58.041 --> 00:22:59.083 How about Gahyeon 00:22:59.083 --> 00:23:01.833 I want a mix of the two 00:23:01.833 --> 00:23:03.625 Sightseeing and resort 00:23:05.291 --> 00:23:09.375 I can rest when I want to 00:23:09.375 --> 00:23:10.541 Rest a few days 00:23:10.541 --> 00:23:11.916 Take in the sights 00:23:11.916 --> 00:23:15.750 and when I want to go around, go to museums, go shopping 00:23:16.333 --> 00:23:17.791 and go around 00:23:18.000 --> 00:23:18.791 That's the best 00:23:20.541 --> 00:23:23.583 When it comes to holidays 00:23:23.583 --> 00:23:24.958 it's one day in resort 00:23:25.958 --> 00:23:27.291 I'll go crazy the next day 00:23:28.416 --> 00:23:30.041 I want to go to the forest of buildings 00:23:30.916 --> 00:23:31.750 Neon signs 00:23:33.041 --> 00:23:34.125 I have to walk 00:23:37.708 --> 00:23:39.416 "That's some serious talking skills" 00:23:39.666 --> 00:23:41.583 "I'm looking forward to the new track" 00:23:41.583 --> 00:23:45.291 We need to have a listen to the new song 00:23:46.125 --> 00:23:47.916 The M/V was out of this world too 00:23:48.541 --> 00:23:51.291 Denims, riding horse 00:23:52.458 --> 00:23:55.250 Like a page out of a fashion magazine? 00:23:56.083 --> 00:23:58.750 It was like a living fashion magazine 00:23:58.750 --> 00:23:59.916 There were lots of outfits 00:23:59.916 --> 00:24:01.583 A lot went into it 00:24:03.416 --> 00:24:04.916 We did a lot of things this time 00:24:06.291 --> 00:24:08.500 You'd be sitting one minute then something appears in the next 00:24:08.500 --> 00:24:10.166 The camerawork was different too 00:24:10.791 --> 00:24:12.291 The group choreo was quite the thing too 00:24:14.083 --> 00:24:15.541 It was hard this time too 00:24:19.166 --> 00:24:21.125 We have another signature corner coming up 00:24:21.125 --> 00:24:24.750 Please make sure to prepare an ending pose 00:24:27.958 --> 00:24:32.000 It is a sad ending but an open one 00:24:32.416 --> 00:24:35.250 We'll return after listening to <BONVOYAGE> 00:28:06.416 --> 00:28:07.875 Going for the ending pose 00:30:22.166 --> 00:30:25.458 Today we have the rock spirit idol 00:30:25.458 --> 00:30:27.166 We're with Dreamcatcher today 00:30:27.166 --> 00:30:30.708 We went straight to ad break 00:30:30.708 --> 00:30:34.333 after listening to the title track and the ending pose 00:30:34.333 --> 00:30:35.708 One message says 00:30:35.708 --> 00:30:38.708 "This song hits the spot" 00:30:39.041 --> 00:30:44.583 "Siyeon's part "even so" gives me a heart attack" 00:30:49.708 --> 00:30:51.750 It was like opening a treasure box 00:30:54.041 --> 00:30:57.208 "When I first saw the teaser images" 00:30:57.208 --> 00:31:02.125 "Refreshing? Oh, it must be a Midsommar concept" 00:31:02.875 --> 00:31:05.500 "I'm proud of our girls doing well with the super refreshing concept" 00:31:06.791 --> 00:31:09.916 There is something overwhelming 00:31:09.916 --> 00:31:12.625 There is a genre only Dreamcatcher can do 00:31:13.458 --> 00:31:15.083 I highly rate that 00:31:15.875 --> 00:31:17.125 I'm sincere 00:31:17.125 --> 00:31:19.750 If a different team did this? It'll look awkward 00:31:20.500 --> 00:31:22.000 There's something like that 00:31:22.000 --> 00:31:25.125 There's that one little missing detail 00:31:25.583 --> 00:31:27.291 but Dreamcatcher completes it 00:31:27.958 --> 00:31:29.333 I saw an article 00:31:29.333 --> 00:31:32.416 We have no rivals in our concept 00:31:32.625 --> 00:31:34.083 I felt so proud 00:31:35.875 --> 00:31:37.083 There has to be no rival 00:31:37.291 --> 00:31:39.166 Even Celeb 5 had a rival 00:31:39.750 --> 00:31:40.625 Norazo 00:31:42.250 --> 00:31:44.791 We were always competing with Norazo 00:31:45.750 --> 00:31:47.375 But Dreamcatcher is overwhelming 00:31:47.375 --> 00:31:49.708 This genre is Dreamcatcher 00:31:51.958 --> 00:31:54.541 We need to walk through the B-sides as well 00:31:54.541 --> 00:31:58.208 I like the last track 00:31:59.041 --> 00:32:00.500 =To You= 00:32:01.416 --> 00:32:02.333 It's good 00:32:04.541 --> 00:32:07.625 The feeling is different by each emotion 00:32:08.916 --> 00:32:10.541 I liked it 00:32:11.625 --> 00:32:13.250 I liked =DEMIAN= too 00:32:19.833 --> 00:32:21.000 Yoohyeon said annoying right? 00:32:21.583 --> 00:32:22.916 I was constantly annoyed 00:32:23.791 --> 00:32:25.166 Right next to you 00:32:26.458 --> 00:32:27.458 Nonstop 00:32:33.208 --> 00:32:36.708 Are the member's names hidden in <To You> lyrics? 00:32:36.708 --> 00:32:38.291 It is 00:32:38.291 --> 00:32:38.916 Wow 00:32:38.916 --> 00:32:40.583 It was hidden like easter eggs 00:32:40.583 --> 00:32:42.083 We need to have a listen 00:32:42.083 --> 00:32:43.791 I strongly recommend this song 00:32:44.750 --> 00:32:46.875 I strongly recommend <To You> 00:32:47.541 --> 00:32:49.875 Did any of you not know this? 00:32:49.875 --> 00:32:51.666 We all didn't know 00:32:52.125 --> 00:32:53.541 We didn't know 00:32:53.750 --> 00:32:54.833 Gahyeon didn't know? 00:32:54.833 --> 00:32:55.791 I didn't 00:32:55.791 --> 00:33:00.166 Our composer uploaded it on SNS after release 00:33:00.166 --> 00:33:01.416 That's how we found out 00:33:01.416 --> 00:33:02.875 You didn't know while recording? 00:33:03.666 --> 00:33:05.666 Right, you have to hurry when recording 00:33:06.875 --> 00:33:08.250 Fast and perfect 00:33:08.875 --> 00:33:10.500 You need to sing well 00:33:10.500 --> 00:33:13.000 You need to sing with the vibe the song needs to have 00:33:13.000 --> 00:33:14.375 there's that pressure 00:33:14.375 --> 00:33:15.458 You're right 00:33:15.458 --> 00:33:17.875 It's quite stressful 00:33:23.000 --> 00:33:25.958 =Propose= is great too 00:33:27.041 --> 00:33:29.333 I tend to focus on the B-sides a lot 00:33:29.333 --> 00:33:39.666 Titles are the most Dreamcatcher song that all the members, the staff select 00:33:39.666 --> 00:33:42.833 When I want to find out about members' inner feelings 00:33:42.833 --> 00:33:44.333 you have to listen to the B-sides 00:33:46.166 --> 00:33:48.250 I recommend the B-sides 00:33:48.958 --> 00:33:50.250 I really recommend <To You> 00:33:52.625 --> 00:33:53.666 Who was that 00:33:59.458 --> 00:34:00.916 This team is annoying 00:34:03.125 --> 00:34:04.541 Lots of annoying moments 00:34:07.291 --> 00:34:08.375 You embarrassed? 00:34:08.708 --> 00:34:10.083 Jiu looks embarrassed 00:34:10.083 --> 00:34:11.083 I'm used to it 00:34:11.833 --> 00:34:13.500 She's used to it, and she's the same 00:34:16.750 --> 00:34:19.291 She put Jiu in the same bucket 00:34:22.958 --> 00:34:25.208 "Tongue-whistling like ShinDJ" 00:34:27.375 --> 00:34:28.416 I do this a lot 00:34:30.541 --> 00:34:31.625 Tongue-whistling 00:34:33.291 --> 00:34:36.041 At the news of Dreamcatcher's arrival 00:34:36.041 --> 00:34:40.958 the listeners sent in a lot of questions 00:34:41.458 --> 00:34:42.958 so we prepared a corner 00:34:42.958 --> 00:34:44.750 Direct the Question 00:34:48.791 --> 00:34:50.916 Siyeon, you're in high tension aren't you 00:34:54.375 --> 00:34:55.583 It's one or the other 00:34:55.583 --> 00:34:57.875 Either you're really tired 00:34:57.875 --> 00:34:59.208 Or high tension(?) 00:34:59.208 --> 00:35:00.791 but you look tired 00:35:01.958 --> 00:35:02.916 I've been made 00:35:03.625 --> 00:35:04.875 I'm sometimes like that 00:35:05.750 --> 00:35:07.250 There's that moment of awakening 00:35:08.375 --> 00:35:09.833 like you're floating in the clouds 00:35:13.541 --> 00:35:14.958 "I love this team" 00:35:16.375 --> 00:35:19.958 The bucket in front has names of Dreamcatcher members 00:35:22.083 --> 00:35:24.833 I'll read the question first 00:35:24.833 --> 00:35:27.125 then pick the member to answer it 00:35:27.958 --> 00:35:29.625 You can't avoid it 00:35:30.750 --> 00:35:34.083 There's no don't you think? half way answers 00:35:35.291 --> 00:35:36.166 Sounds fun 00:35:36.166 --> 00:35:38.291 Let me run through the questions 00:35:39.916 --> 00:35:41.041 First question 00:35:41.500 --> 00:35:44.666 Title track that has joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure, <BONVOYAGE> 00:35:44.666 --> 00:35:49.291 If you had to pick a moment of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure for Dreamcatcher 00:35:49.958 --> 00:35:51.750 This is hard 00:35:52.166 --> 00:35:53.541 Dreamcatcher's sorrows 00:35:54.000 --> 00:35:55.625 anger 00:35:58.208 --> 00:35:59.583 Piggy is here again 00:36:03.125 --> 00:36:11.041 Joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure 00:36:12.125 --> 00:36:13.291 So hard 00:36:15.750 --> 00:36:18.791 Jiu gets the hard question 00:36:19.166 --> 00:36:22.666 Dreamcatcher's moments of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure 00:36:23.708 --> 00:36:25.500 Joy: when we won first place 00:36:31.625 --> 00:36:34.583 Anger: when we have to work without food or sleep? 00:36:38.833 --> 00:36:40.375 Just shows how busy you are 00:36:43.708 --> 00:36:46.958 We're the rain-bringers 00:36:46.958 --> 00:36:50.666 It always seem to rain when we have showcases or shows 00:36:50.666 --> 00:36:54.041 I feel sorry for Somnias, it makes me sad 00:36:55.375 --> 00:36:56.750 That's similar to my Aunt Davi 00:36:56.750 --> 00:36:57.625 Really? 00:36:58.333 --> 00:36:59.583 It pours 00:37:01.208 --> 00:37:03.625 It would be trouble when we're together 00:37:04.500 --> 00:37:06.166 Let's not meet outside 00:37:07.208 --> 00:37:10.333 If we meet outside, we'll be soaked 00:37:10.333 --> 00:37:11.166 It'll start pouring 00:37:12.208 --> 00:37:16.291 You feel bad for Somnias 00:37:17.958 --> 00:37:22.666 There is a song called <Silent Night> when we're doing concerts 00:37:22.666 --> 00:37:25.166 It blasts out EDM towards end of the concert 00:37:25.166 --> 00:37:28.958 I think I'm enjoying it the most then 00:37:31.916 --> 00:37:33.750 It does fall one way 00:37:33.750 --> 00:37:35.541 Most of it is related to work 00:37:36.583 --> 00:37:39.791 Because she's the leader 00:37:40.250 --> 00:37:42.083 It is tiring 00:37:43.250 --> 00:37:45.083 Happy when you won first place 00:37:45.083 --> 00:37:51.333 Slowly making your way up, the stairs-dol 00:37:52.500 --> 00:37:54.666 I always tell you this 00:37:54.666 --> 00:37:57.833 At the airport, the only person who recognised me 00:37:57.833 --> 00:38:00.833 of 7 people, the only one who recognised me 00:38:00.833 --> 00:38:03.250 They said they were a fan of Dreamcatcher 00:38:06.958 --> 00:38:08.375 "Please take care of Dreamcatcher" 00:38:08.375 --> 00:38:09.416 "I will" 00:38:11.125 --> 00:38:15.208 I still haven't had anyone recognise me since 00:38:15.708 --> 00:38:19.166 They were an InSomnia and very gentle 00:38:20.625 --> 00:38:22.125 I want to know who it was 00:38:22.916 --> 00:38:24.000 I still remember 00:38:24.000 --> 00:38:26.958 What they were wearing 00:38:26.958 --> 00:38:29.208 holding a huge camera 00:38:29.458 --> 00:38:31.541 so gentle 00:38:31.541 --> 00:38:33.875 I always speak about it when I meet Dreamcatcher 00:38:34.208 --> 00:38:37.166 Dreamcatcher's image has been improved more by the fans 00:38:38.250 --> 00:38:41.291 I'm shy, you know me 00:38:41.291 --> 00:38:43.416 I said hi and was passing by 00:38:43.416 --> 00:38:46.333 But after I met the fans 00:38:46.333 --> 00:38:48.458 I get happy when I meet InSomnias 00:38:51.500 --> 00:38:53.291 A message reads 00:38:53.291 --> 00:38:54.791 "Rain means good things will come" 00:38:55.541 --> 00:38:57.750 "We don't mind getting soaked" 00:38:58.416 --> 00:38:59.500 Noo 00:39:00.166 --> 00:39:02.166 I'll send this person a banana milk coupon 00:39:10.833 --> 00:39:15.375 "Looking at Siyeon, she's having the time of her life" 00:39:15.375 --> 00:39:18.458 "Dami is annoyed and angry" 00:39:18.458 --> 00:39:19.708 How do you feel 00:39:19.708 --> 00:39:21.291 This doesn't make me angry 00:39:21.291 --> 00:39:23.375 needs a lot more than that to make me angry 00:39:23.375 --> 00:39:25.708 This much annoyance is nothing? 00:39:25.708 --> 00:39:27.583 Yes, it's just daily life 00:39:35.916 --> 00:39:37.875 Let's move on to the next question 00:39:42.500 --> 00:39:46.000 If I'm going on a trip with a travelmate 00:39:46.500 --> 00:39:49.958 or someone who won't be a good travelmate 00:39:52.541 --> 00:39:58.166 This member is a perfect travelmate, and this member isn't a good match 00:40:01.958 --> 00:40:03.041 This will hurt 00:40:04.250 --> 00:40:05.958 I avoided getting hurt 00:40:08.750 --> 00:40:10.416 That means close relationship you know that? 00:40:10.416 --> 00:40:13.250 You'd normally go, sorry, oh no 00:40:13.250 --> 00:40:15.208 "I avoided getting hurt" 00:40:15.541 --> 00:40:16.875 So long as it's not me 00:40:17.708 --> 00:40:19.166 Who will be your travelmate 00:40:23.750 --> 00:40:24.708 Dongie 00:40:27.666 --> 00:40:29.458 Dongie is really tender 00:40:29.458 --> 00:40:31.291 She'll follow where you want to go 00:40:31.291 --> 00:40:34.083 and she'll tell you if she wants to go somewhere 00:40:34.625 --> 00:40:36.333 That she can walk for a long time is a plus 00:40:38.625 --> 00:40:39.458 Really? 00:40:39.875 --> 00:40:40.958 Do you walk a lot on trips? 00:40:40.958 --> 00:40:42.666 I walked for 8 hours shopping 00:40:46.416 --> 00:40:47.791 Passed 00:40:49.750 --> 00:40:51.416 We'll give you a Pass necklace when you leave 00:40:54.000 --> 00:40:57.375 Now the opposite, the time has come 00:40:57.666 --> 00:40:58.833 This is hard 00:40:59.291 --> 00:41:02.291 You'd be smiling but you'll be hurt a little 00:41:02.791 --> 00:41:04.041 It leaves a mark 00:41:05.083 --> 00:41:08.708 You'd smile now but think about it before you sleep 00:41:10.541 --> 00:41:12.041 Who's not a good travelmate 00:41:12.041 --> 00:41:13.250 This is a trip 00:41:13.250 --> 00:41:14.625 We're not talking personalities 00:41:14.625 --> 00:41:16.291 It's your style of travel 00:41:17.416 --> 00:41:18.666 Alright 00:41:19.375 --> 00:41:20.958 I won't make it long 00:41:21.416 --> 00:41:23.041 Not a good travelmate 00:41:24.625 --> 00:41:25.541 Yoohyeon 00:41:26.166 --> 00:41:27.666 I knew she'll say that 00:41:28.375 --> 00:41:29.583 I get why 00:41:29.583 --> 00:41:30.458 Why 00:41:30.750 --> 00:41:33.875 Yoohyeon said earlier she likes travelling alone 00:41:35.125 --> 00:41:37.916 If I want to go somewhere and she doesn't want to go? 00:41:37.916 --> 00:41:38.916 She won't go 00:41:40.125 --> 00:41:41.000 Never 00:41:41.000 --> 00:41:42.375 She's set 00:41:42.375 --> 00:41:43.416 Yes I am 00:41:43.416 --> 00:41:45.416 But with Sua 00:41:45.416 --> 00:41:46.958 at Co-Ex, can I say this? 00:41:46.958 --> 00:41:48.833 You already have 00:41:48.833 --> 00:41:51.125 in Samsung-dong 00:41:51.125 --> 00:41:52.833 The big building there 00:41:52.833 --> 00:41:54.750 We go there a lot 00:41:54.750 --> 00:41:56.000 We do 00:41:56.291 --> 00:41:58.250 You already said the name, why did you ask 00:42:06.708 --> 00:42:11.250 Earlier, Yoohyeon chose sightseeing 00:42:11.250 --> 00:42:13.791 and Sua chose resorts 00:42:14.416 --> 00:42:15.833 If you're travelling together 00:42:15.833 --> 00:42:20.875 if one of you is agreeable, it's fine 00:42:20.875 --> 00:42:23.250 but if you're both not like that, it gets hard 00:42:23.875 --> 00:42:24.708 Fights 00:42:24.708 --> 00:42:26.208 Then you need to meet at the clocktower 00:42:26.875 --> 00:42:29.375 Meet at 4, split up 00:42:29.375 --> 00:42:32.750 do your thing then meet there 00:42:39.583 --> 00:42:43.916 "ShinDJ, which Dreamcatcher member do you want to travel with?" 00:42:45.000 --> 00:42:49.666 "I was sending the text, Handong, she'll sweep the local markets" 00:42:49.666 --> 00:42:53.625 If I was to go travelling, it'd be with Yoohyeon 00:42:54.875 --> 00:42:55.958 Because 00:42:55.958 --> 00:42:57.541 she likes to travel alone 00:42:57.541 --> 00:42:59.125 I like travelling alone too 00:42:59.125 --> 00:43:00.458 You won't travel together? 00:43:00.458 --> 00:43:02.166 What's the point of travelling together! 00:43:02.166 --> 00:43:03.625 Same flight 00:43:04.083 --> 00:43:05.166 same hotel 00:43:05.666 --> 00:43:08.666 I know these types of accommedation very well 00:43:09.291 --> 00:43:10.166 That's so good 00:43:10.166 --> 00:43:12.958 Share the info, "where will you go?" 00:43:12.958 --> 00:43:14.375 "I'm going here" 00:43:14.375 --> 00:43:15.875 "I'm going there" 00:43:15.875 --> 00:43:19.416 Let's meet at 8pm then 00:43:19.416 --> 00:43:20.083 Eat dinner 00:43:20.083 --> 00:43:22.875 Let's meet at the station at 8 00:43:22.875 --> 00:43:25.791 have dinner and split 00:43:26.166 --> 00:43:27.625 I love this 00:43:28.416 --> 00:43:29.500 Sounds fun 00:43:29.500 --> 00:43:31.083 I'm very individualistic 00:43:32.291 --> 00:43:33.625 I walk a lot on my own 00:43:34.791 --> 00:43:36.791 I don't want to worry about others walking long 00:43:36.791 --> 00:43:38.291 leg hurts, and what not 00:43:39.583 --> 00:43:40.750 or resting all day 00:43:44.666 --> 00:43:47.875 If I ask if they're struggling and they'll say no 00:43:47.875 --> 00:43:49.875 They won't say yes 00:43:51.083 --> 00:43:53.750 but if you go back then, I'll regret it 00:43:54.500 --> 00:43:55.958 then I'll go alone 00:43:58.458 --> 00:44:01.291 Get together then split up 00:44:04.875 --> 00:44:06.166 Next question 00:44:06.166 --> 00:44:09.250 What is InSomnia to me, in five syllables 00:44:11.333 --> 00:44:13.000 This is hard 00:44:14.416 --> 00:44:15.333 Yoohyeon 00:44:19.041 --> 00:44:20.875 Why do I get questions like this 00:44:22.083 --> 00:44:23.000 She's gone red 00:44:23.000 --> 00:44:24.041 You can do it 00:44:24.750 --> 00:44:27.416 InSomnia in five syllables 00:44:27.416 --> 00:44:30.583 Yoohyeon was looking at me with this face 00:44:30.583 --> 00:44:31.833 I got caught 00:44:31.833 --> 00:44:34.416 She was looking at me like that 00:44:34.416 --> 00:44:35.916 She looked at Gahyeon 00:44:36.958 --> 00:44:39.541 I can only think of one word 00:44:39.541 --> 00:44:41.958 Oxygen tank 00:44:43.500 --> 00:44:44.250 Why? 00:44:44.250 --> 00:44:45.500 They're like oxygen to me 00:44:46.958 --> 00:44:49.041 I feel empty without them 00:44:49.041 --> 00:44:51.250 I'm grateful for their very existence 00:44:52.458 --> 00:44:54.708 You can't survive without oxygen 00:44:55.250 --> 00:44:56.666 They're the reason for your living 00:44:56.666 --> 00:44:58.333 That was clean 00:45:01.208 --> 00:45:03.375 That was Direct the Question 00:45:03.375 --> 00:45:05.541 We need to listen to a track now 00:45:05.541 --> 00:45:07.458 This is my pick 00:45:07.458 --> 00:45:09.083 I strongly recommend this 00:45:09.458 --> 00:45:11.458 Dreamcatcher's <To You> 00:53:01.833 --> 00:53:04.333 We have Dreamcatcher with us today 00:53:04.333 --> 00:53:09.166 Yoohyeon said earlier than Somnias are oxygen tanks 00:53:09.583 --> 00:53:13.833 The fans heard this and sent us more messages 00:53:15.541 --> 00:53:18.625 "Dreamcatcher to me is a pleasant journey" 00:53:19.875 --> 00:53:21.083 Beautiful 00:53:21.083 --> 00:53:22.166 Sweet 00:53:22.583 --> 00:53:24.500 Do I give them a banana milk? 00:53:24.500 --> 00:53:25.625 Of course 00:53:26.875 --> 00:53:29.125 Banana milk on its way 00:53:30.541 --> 00:53:33.958 "Dreamcatcher to me is dream come true" 00:53:35.333 --> 00:53:38.958 "I hope everything Dreamies wish for comes true, love you" 00:53:42.125 --> 00:53:43.708 Banana milk? 00:53:50.125 --> 00:53:56.250 InSomnias who know my tastes sent a message as well 00:53:57.708 --> 00:54:01.333 "I'll describe Dreamcatcher in a way that ShinDJ will like" 00:54:01.333 --> 00:54:02.708 "Dreamcatcher is NoonDJ" 00:54:02.708 --> 00:54:03.416 Nice 00:54:05.041 --> 00:54:06.791 "Can I have banana milk if you liked it" 00:54:09.541 --> 00:54:10.875 Very beautiful 00:54:19.875 --> 00:54:21.000 That was good 00:54:21.708 --> 00:54:23.083 They promised me 00:54:24.416 --> 00:54:25.416 Whenever 00:54:25.416 --> 00:54:27.375 We locked fingers, there's no escape 00:54:27.375 --> 00:54:29.083 I don't usually do pinkie promise 00:54:30.166 --> 00:54:31.416 I normally do a verbal promise 00:54:32.375 --> 00:54:36.000 I can tell you we did a pinkie promise 00:54:36.750 --> 00:54:44.708 Before we finish, let's say a few words to the fans and listeners 00:54:50.958 --> 00:54:55.500 We're busy promoting with <BONVOYAGE> 00:54:55.875 --> 00:54:57.250 please have a listen 00:54:58.958 --> 00:54:59.958 Alright 00:55:01.916 --> 00:55:03.833 We need to go at it again 00:55:03.833 --> 00:55:05.958 we need to give it the push when we can 00:55:08.500 --> 00:55:12.166 Let's play <BONVOYAGE> again 00:55:14.666 --> 00:55:17.291 We'll play it again as we say goodbye 00:55:17.291 --> 00:55:18.916 Let's say bye together?