[doorbell] [creaky door opening slowly] Kids: Trick or treat! You know what’s a real trick? Humane slaughter! Here! Let me show you! [high pitched suspense sound builds to peak & cuts off] [kids screaming, fades into Halloween-themed music] [doorbell, creaky door opening slowly ] Trick or treat! Happy Halloween! Here you go! [candy wrapper rustling] No... [loud rustling] No... [rustling off-camera] No... [doorbell] Hello...um... What are you? I’m your conscience. Oh. How—How clever. Oh! I get it! Blank T-shirt: Clear conscience! That’s why you’re not saying anything. I’m saying plenty. You’re just not listening. [doorbell, creaky door opening slowly ] Kids: Trick or treat! Well, Happy Halloween! Oh I just love your costumes! Let's see…we have a princess, a zombie, a cowboy, and a puppy! I sure hope that you’re an adopted puppy and not store-bought puppy. Remember kids: adopt don’t shop! Are you neutered? No... [candy wrapper rustling off camera] No... [more rustling off camera] Oh, this one doesn’t seem to have ingredients. Do you still have the bag? Hmm? [doorbell, creaky door opening slowly ] Happy Hallo— Oh…are you okay? Ha—ha—have you seen my mom? Oh no! Did you and your mom get separated along the way? The day I was born. I—I don’t understand. When I was born they took me away so they could have my mother's milk. My milk. Oh! I get it, you’re in character as the cow! That's very cl— ["Cow" interrupts]: And now I live in a little tiny box, Awaiting my ever-hastening demise. Well, that's very sa— ["Cow" interrupts]: They'll shoot me! ["Cow off-camera]...in the head.. Okay... I’m just a baby. Oh! Are you done? That was a very impressive level of commitment! I'm going to give you your candy, and—uh—you can go entertain the rest of the neighborhood, okay? Here you go. It's milk chocolate. Hey! Maybe it’s your mother's milk after all this time! [whimpers] ...and you, Cowboy— did you know that animal agriculture is the single largest contributor to climate change? And occupies over 45% of the Earth’s land. And don’t get me started on the wild horse populations! Well they don’t specify whether their gelatin is plant or animal-derived. But they do have a customer service number! Can I use your phone? LEAVE!!! [creepy music] [door slams, rattling from fumbling with lock [doorbell, creaky door opening slowly ] And what are you? I’m a malignant tumor in the large colon of a heavy meat eater! Got any bacon?! [door creaks and slams] And that, is what REALLY happened to Babe the pig! Who's hungry? [bird cawing] [startled breath] [door opening, slamming shut, labored breathing, keys jangling] [nervous laugh] [starts car, engine engages, car start-up beep repeats] [creepy high-speed whispering sounds] [Startled scream] [Dark Halloween theme from opening fades into soft creepy music.]