0:00:00.000,0:00:12.820 wanna talk about artificial intelligence[br]its 2015 to be working in making this 0:00:12.820,0:00:17.000 loads of money being thrown it is just[br]spent five hundred million dollars 0:00:17.000,0:00:23.430 pounds mind a couple of weeks ago 2004[br]announced that they were going to spend 0:00:23.430,0:00:37.160 a billion dollars in our lab is messing[br]about a third of the company time to be 0:00:37.160,0:01:47.230 working and I wanted to today 0:01:47.230,0:03:37.580 now 0:03:37.580,0:05:31.210 depressing news story very comparison[br]but the chief economist at Bank of 0:05:31.210,0:05:35.940 England went on the record saying fifty[br]percent of jobs under threat 0:05:35.940,0:07:49.120 47 0:07:49.120,0:08:40.990 and it's not just technology other[br]ongoing global financial crisis which 0:08:40.990,0:09:41.740 seems like it will never disappear great[br]impact factor 0:09:41.740,0:11:30.070 under threat 0:11:30.070,0:13:24.420 not technically minded that final answer[br]your question 0:13:24.420,0:13:51.529 jobs