1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,204 (Toby Walsh) I wanna talk about artificial intelligence: it's -- 2 00:00:03,674 --> 00:00:05,089 I'm a professor of artificial intelligence 3 00:00:05,089 --> 00:00:09,271 and its a great time, 2015, to be working in AI. 4 00:00:09,544 --> 00:00:10,544 We're making real palpable progress 5 00:00:10,544 --> 00:00:12,820 and there's loads of money being thrown at us. 6 00:00:12,820 --> 00:00:17,000 Google just spent five hundred million dollars -- 7 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:21,989 pounds buying an AI startup called Deep Mind a couple of weeks ago, 8 00:00:21,989 --> 00:00:25,172 today they announced that they were going to spend a billion dollars 9 00:00:25,671 --> 00:00:28,469 setting up an AI lab in Silicon Valley. 10 00:00:29,001 --> 00:00:31,591 IBM is betting about a third of the company 11 00:00:31,830 --> 00:00:34,858 on their cognitive AI computing effort. 12 00:00:35,084 --> 00:00:38,216 So it's really interesting time to be working in AI. 13 00:00:38,631 --> 00:00:41,782 But the first thing I wanted to help inform you about 14 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:46,792 is what is the state of art, what progress have we made in AI 15 00:00:46,792 --> 00:00:51,187 because Hollywood paints all these pictures, 16 00:00:51,187 --> 00:00:53,488 these mostly dystopian pictures of AI. 17 00:00:53,495 --> 00:00:58,672 Whenever the next science fiction movie comes out, I put my head in my hands 18 00:00:58,672 --> 00:01:01,755 and think Oh my God, what do people think that we're doing? 19 00:01:01,755 --> 00:01:08,729 So, I wanted to start by just giving you a feel for what actually is really capable. 20 00:01:09,081 --> 00:01:13,872 So a couple of years ago, IBM Watson won the game show Jeopardy 1, 21 00:01:13,872 --> 00:01:19,737 the million dollar prize in the game show, Jeopardy P, the reigning human champions. 22 00:01:19,737 --> 00:01:23,357 Now, you might think, well that's just a party trick, isn't it? 23 00:01:23,357 --> 00:01:27,625 It's a -- pour enough of Wikipedia and the internet into a computer, 24 00:01:27,625 --> 00:01:30,543 and it can answer general knowledge questions. 25 00:01:30,543 --> 00:01:33,204 Well, you guys are being a bit unfair to IBM Watson, 26 00:01:33,204 --> 00:01:35,881 there are the cryptic questions they are answering. 27 00:01:35,881 --> 00:01:40,878 But just to give you a real feel for what is technically possible today, 28 00:01:40,878 --> 00:01:43,586 something that was announced just two days ago: 29 00:01:43,834 --> 00:01:51,869 some colleagues of mine at NII in Japan passed the University Entrance Exam 30 00:01:51,869 --> 00:01:53,433 with an AI program. 31 00:01:53,433 --> 00:01:56,326 Now, I thought long and hard about putting up a page of maths. 32 00:01:56,326 --> 00:01:58,007 I thought, well, I'm going to get -- 33 00:01:58,007 --> 00:02:00,007 half of the audience is going to leave immediately 34 00:02:00,007 --> 00:02:01,354 if I put up a page of math 35 00:02:01,354 --> 00:02:03,133 But I wanted you to see, just to feel 36 00:02:03,962 --> 00:02:07,403 the depth of questions that they were answering. 37 00:02:07,403 --> 00:02:11,507 So this is from the maths paper, you know, a non trivial, sort of, 38 00:02:11,507 --> 00:02:15,148 if you come from the UK, A-level-like math question 39 00:02:15,148 --> 00:02:16,468 that they were able to answer 40 00:02:17,272 --> 00:02:21,889 Here is a physics question about Newtonian dynamics 41 00:02:21,889 --> 00:02:23,552 that they were able to answer. 42 00:02:23,552 --> 00:02:28,545 Now they got 511 points, out of a maximum of 950. 43 00:02:28,939 --> 00:02:32,391 That's more than the average score of Japanese students 44 00:02:32,391 --> 00:02:34,007 sitting the entrance exam. 45 00:02:34,007 --> 00:02:38,542 They would have got into most Japanese universities with a score of 511. 46 00:02:38,908 --> 00:02:40,621 That's what's possible today. 47 00:02:40,621 --> 00:02:44,134 Their ambition in 10 years' time is to get into Tokyo, University of Tokyo, 48 00:02:44,134 --> 00:02:46,434 which is one of the best universities in the world. 49 00:02:48,488 --> 00:02:50,475 So, this is why I put up a picture of Terminator, 50 00:02:50,475 --> 00:02:53,468 because whenever I talk to the media about what we do in AI, 51 00:02:53,476 --> 00:02:55,769 they put up a picture of Terminator, right? 52 00:02:55,769 --> 00:02:58,098 So I don't want you to worry about Terminator, 53 00:02:58,098 --> 00:03:02,117 Terminator is at least 50 to 100 years away. 54 00:03:02,582 --> 00:03:05,985 and there are lots of reasons why we don't have to worry about it, 55 00:03:05,985 --> 00:03:07,248 about Terminator. 56 00:03:07,248 --> 00:03:08,979 I'm not going to go and spend too much time 57 00:03:08,979 --> 00:03:11,348 on why you don't have to worry about Terminator. 58 00:03:11,676 --> 00:03:13,334 But there is actually things that you should worry about, 59 00:03:13,334 --> 00:03:15,352 much nearer than Terminator. 60 00:03:17,007 --> 00:03:20,160 Many people have said, Stephen Hawkins has said 61 00:03:20,160 --> 00:03:22,713 that, you know, AI is going to spell the end of the human race. 62 00:03:23,295 --> 00:03:27,961 Elon Musk chimed in afterwards, said "It's our biggest existential threat." 63 00:03:29,793 --> 00:03:32,841 Bill Gates followed on by saying, "Elon Musk was right." 64 00:03:33,498 --> 00:03:39,519 Lots of people have said that's a -- AI is a real existential threat to us. 65 00:03:39,519 --> 00:03:42,887 I don't want you to worry about the existential threat that AI 66 00:03:42,887 --> 00:03:44,900 or Terminator is going to bring. 67 00:03:45,953 --> 00:03:47,711 There's actually a very common confusion, 68 00:03:48,121 --> 00:03:51,139 which is that it's not the AI that's going to be the existential threat, 69 00:03:51,139 --> 00:03:52,139 it's autonomy, it's autonomous systems. 70 00:03:54,386 --> 00:03:56,042 What's in the (check) -- 71 00:03:56,042 --> 00:03:57,972 it isn't it going to wake up any time in the morning and say: 72 00:03:57,972 --> 00:04:02,109 "You know what? I'm tired of playing Jeopardy, 73 00:04:02,109 --> 00:04:04,173 "I want to play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire! 74 00:04:05,299 --> 00:04:07,468 "Or wait a second, I'm tired of playing game shows, 75 00:04:07,468 --> 00:04:09,393 I want to take over the universe." 76 00:04:09,821 --> 00:04:12,195 It's just not in its code, there is no way, 77 00:04:12,195 --> 00:04:15,065 it's not given any freedom to think about anything other 78 00:04:15,065 --> 00:04:17,000 than maximizing its Jeopardy score. 79 00:04:18,219 --> 00:04:21,209 And it has no desires, no other desires than, 80 00:04:21,228 --> 00:04:23,482 other to improve its maximum scores. 81 00:04:23,482 --> 00:04:26,256 So I don't want you to worry about Terminator, 82 00:04:27,350 --> 00:04:29,102 but I do want you to worry about jobs. 83 00:04:29,974 --> 00:04:32,166 Because lots of people, lots of very serious people, 84 00:04:32,166 --> 00:04:35,076 have been saying hat AI is going to end jobs, 85 00:04:35,076 --> 00:04:38,157 and that is a very great consequence for anyone working in education, 86 00:04:38,157 --> 00:04:42,269 because, certainly, the jobs that are going to exist in the future 87 00:04:42,269 --> 00:04:44,925 are going to be different than the jobs that exist today. 88 00:04:46,880 --> 00:04:49,724 Now, who has an odd birthday? 89 00:04:51,251 --> 00:04:52,938 Well, I haven't told you what an odd birthday is yet, 90 00:04:52,938 --> 00:04:54,990 so someone has an odd birthday, like me. 91 00:04:54,990 --> 00:04:57,858 OK. Who was born on an odd-number day of the month? 92 00:04:57,858 --> 00:04:59,995 I was born on the 11th of April, right? 93 00:05:00,824 --> 00:05:03,368 Come on, it's half the room, I know it's half the room. 94 00:05:03,368 --> 00:05:04,923 (Laughter) 95 00:05:04,923 --> 00:05:08,690 OK.Well, you want to have an odd birthday, by the way, 96 00:05:09,059 --> 00:05:12,504 because that means, in 20 years' time, you will be a person with a job. 97 00:05:13,426 --> 00:05:16,277 As opposed to the even people, who won't have jobs. 98 00:05:16,277 --> 00:05:20,662 That's certainty -- if you believe lots of serious people, 99 00:05:22,141 --> 00:05:25,010 you might have missed this news on Friday the 13th, 100 00:05:25,010 --> 00:05:27,778 I thought this was a rather depressing news story 101 00:05:27,778 --> 00:05:29,748 ....... (check) comparison otherwise ...... (check) 102 00:05:29,777 --> 00:05:31,527 but the chief economist, Bank of England, 103 00:05:31,922 --> 00:05:36,230 went on the record saying 50% of jobs were under threat in the UK. 104 00:05:36,948 --> 00:05:40,420 And he's not the first serious person who should know what he's talking about 105 00:05:40,420 --> 00:05:42,736 who said similar things. 106 00:05:43,029 --> 00:05:46,255 There was a very influential Merrill Lynch report that came out a month or to ago 107 00:05:46,270 --> 00:05:49,430 saying very similar things about the impact of AI, 108 00:05:49,430 --> 00:05:51,375 robotics, automation on jobs. 109 00:05:53,439 --> 00:05:56,278 And some of this goes back to, I think, one of the first reports 110 00:05:56,278 --> 00:05:59,288 that really hit the press, that really got people's attention, 111 00:05:59,288 --> 00:06:02,075 was a report that came out of the Oxford Martin School. 112 00:06:02,075 --> 00:06:05,702 They predicted that 47% of jobs in the United States 113 00:06:06,110 --> 00:06:08,550 were under threat of automation in the next 20 years. 114 00:06:10,234 --> 00:06:13,594 We followed that up with a very similar study and analysis 115 00:06:13,880 --> 00:06:15,961 for jobs in Australia, where I work. 116 00:06:16,865 --> 00:06:19,323 And because it's a slightly different profile of workers, 117 00:06:19,323 --> 00:06:24,329 of the work force in Australia, we came up with a number of around 40%. 118 00:06:24,329 --> 00:06:27,129 These are non trivial numbers, right? 40-50%. 119 00:06:27,589 --> 00:06:32,497 No, just an aside: 47%, I don't know why they didn't say 47.2%, right? 120 00:06:32,497 --> 00:06:35,551 You can't believe a number that's far too precise 121 00:06:35,551 --> 00:06:37,842 when you're predicting the future, but nevertheless, 122 00:06:37,842 --> 00:06:39,532 the fact that it's of this sort of scale, 123 00:06:39,532 --> 00:06:44,601 you've got to take away: it wasn't 4%, it was roughly about half the jobs. 124 00:06:47,784 --> 00:06:50,495 Now, let's put some context to this. 125 00:06:50,495 --> 00:06:52,413 I mean, is this really a credible claim? 126 00:06:52,413 --> 00:06:55,549 The Number One job in the United States today: truck driver. 127 00:06:55,962 --> 00:06:57,526 Now you might have noticed, 128 00:06:57,536 --> 00:07:00,079 the autonomous cars are coming to us very soon. 129 00:07:00,506 --> 00:07:03,579 We're going to be having -- tried the first trial of autonomous cars 130 00:07:03,579 --> 00:07:06,760 on the roads, public roads of Australia, three weeks ago. 131 00:07:07,371 --> 00:07:09,657 The Google Car has driven over a million kilometers 132 00:07:09,657 --> 00:07:12,542 -- or the Google cars, rather, have driven over a million kilometers, 133 00:07:12,907 --> 00:07:15,050 autonomously, on the roads of California. 134 00:07:15,893 --> 00:07:18,553 In 20 years' time, we are going to have autonomous cars. 135 00:07:18,553 --> 00:07:20,255 We're also going to have autonomous trucks. 136 00:07:21,033 --> 00:07:24,769 So if you are in the Number One profession in the United States, 137 00:07:24,769 --> 00:07:28,480 you have to worry that your job is not going to be automated away. 138 00:07:29,712 --> 00:07:32,494 The Number Two job in the United States is salesperson. 139 00:07:33,343 --> 00:07:36,248 Again, since we use the internet, 140 00:07:36,248 --> 00:07:39,618 we've actually mostly automated that process ourselves, 141 00:07:39,618 --> 00:07:43,382 but it's clear that a lot of those jobs are going to be disappearing. 142 00:07:43,382 --> 00:07:46,736 So I think these claims have a lot of credibility. 143 00:07:48,896 --> 00:07:53,104 There's actually a nice dinner party game that my colleagues in AI play 144 00:07:53,104 --> 00:07:55,736 at the end of our conferences, where we sit around 145 00:07:55,736 --> 00:07:58,250 and the game is, you have to name a job 146 00:07:59,115 --> 00:08:02,671 and then, someone has to put up some credible evidence 147 00:08:02,671 --> 00:08:05,748 that we're actually well on the way to actually automating that. 148 00:08:05,748 --> 00:08:08,152 And this game is almost impossible to win. 149 00:08:08,737 --> 00:08:10,423 If I had more time, I'd play the game with you. 150 00:08:11,293 --> 00:08:15,260 The only -- about the only winning answer is politician. 151 00:08:15,650 --> 00:08:17,931 (Laughter) 152 00:08:17,931 --> 00:08:20,747 They will certainly regulate that they'll be the last to be automated. 153 00:08:20,747 --> 00:08:22,731 But that's about the only winning answer we have. 154 00:08:24,049 --> 00:08:28,836 So -- and it's not just technology that is the cause of this. 155 00:08:28,836 --> 00:08:33,035 There's many other, really, sort of rather unhelpful trends. 156 00:08:33,035 --> 00:08:35,558 If you were trying to set up the world's economy, 157 00:08:35,558 --> 00:08:38,842 you would not put these things all down on the table at the same time: 158 00:08:38,842 --> 00:08:40,825 the global, ongoing global financial crisis, 159 00:08:40,825 --> 00:08:43,840 which seems like it will never disappear, I think; 160 00:08:44,755 --> 00:08:48,013 the fact that we're all living longer: this is great, great news for us 161 00:08:48,013 --> 00:08:50,333 but bad news for employment; 162 00:08:50,961 --> 00:08:54,425 the impact of globalization, the fact that we can outsource our work 163 00:08:54,425 --> 00:08:56,191 to cheaper economies. 164 00:08:56,191 --> 00:09:00,191 All of these things are compounding the impact 165 00:09:00,191 --> 00:09:02,957 that technology is having on the nature of work. 166 00:09:04,749 --> 00:09:09,725 And this transformation is going to be different than the last one, 167 00:09:09,725 --> 00:09:11,357 the Industrial revolution. 168 00:09:12,021 --> 00:09:15,591 There's no hard and fast rule of economics that says: 169 00:09:16,911 --> 00:09:20,039 "As many jobs need to be created by a new technology as destroyed." 170 00:09:20,039 --> 00:09:22,952 Every time we have a new technology, of course, new jobs are created. 171 00:09:22,952 --> 00:09:25,883 There's lots of, there's thousands, hundreds of thousands of new jobs 172 00:09:26,204 --> 00:09:27,848 enabled by technology today. 173 00:09:28,355 --> 00:09:32,484 But there's no reason that they have to balance exactly those that are destroyed. 174 00:09:33,092 --> 00:09:36,199 In the last -- in the last revolution, that did happen to be the case. 175 00:09:36,853 --> 00:09:40,930 A third of the population was working out in the fields, in agriculture. 176 00:09:40,930 --> 00:09:44,552 Now, worldwide, it's 3 or 4% of the world's population 177 00:09:44,552 --> 00:09:45,657 working in agriculture. 178 00:09:45,657 --> 00:09:48,029 Those people are working in factories and offices now. 179 00:09:48,029 --> 00:09:51,920 We employ far more people than we did at the turn of the 19th century. 180 00:09:52,629 --> 00:09:55,993 But this one looks different, this information revolution looks different. 181 00:09:55,993 --> 00:10:00,233 It looks like it has the potential to take away more jobs, perhaps, 182 00:10:00,233 --> 00:10:01,529 than it does. 183 00:10:01,529 --> 00:10:03,684 And one of the other things is that we used to think 184 00:10:03,684 --> 00:10:05,293 it was the blue-collar jobs. 185 00:10:06,509 --> 00:10:10,937 And that's true: if you go to a car factory today, sure enough, 186 00:10:10,937 --> 00:10:12,578 there are robots that are doing the painting, 187 00:10:12,578 --> 00:10:14,800 there are robots that are doing the welding. 188 00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:16,584 But nowadays, it's white-collar jobs: 189 00:10:16,584 --> 00:10:20,006 it's journalists, it's lawyers, it's accountants, 190 00:10:20,006 --> 00:10:21,667 these jobs that are under threat. 191 00:10:21,667 --> 00:10:25,444 These graphs here show the percentage change in employment 192 00:10:25,444 --> 00:10:31,244 and the change in employment rates. 193 00:10:31,660 --> 00:10:34,672 And it's the middle, the middle class, white-collar professions 194 00:10:34,672 --> 00:10:37,923 that we thought that you would go to university to make yourself safe, 195 00:10:37,926 --> 00:10:40,624 but it seems to be the ones that are most under threat. 196 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If you are a ....... (check) it's probably -- 197 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you're too cheap to be replaced by something automated. 198 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But if you're a more expensive person, and this means (check) 199 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that the rich are getting richer and inequalities that we are seeing in society 200 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that are distressing our societies to day, 201 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 seem to be magnified by these technological changes. 202 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And there is so many frightening graphs, 203 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if you're going to read Thomas Picketty (check), I encourage you. 204 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Go and look at one of his books and you can see here 205 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that we're seeing a constant improvement in productivity. 206 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Technology is buying us those improvements in productivity, 207 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is increasing our wealth, but there's a leveling off of employment. 208 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And so, the challenge, then, is how 209 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 -- it's a question for society, not for a technologist like myself -- 210 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 how do we all benefit from this rising tide, 211 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 not so that it is the rich get richer and the rest of us get further behind. 212 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, many parts of many jobs looks likely (check) to be automated. 213 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 One confusion is this: people say these jobs are going to disappear. 214 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Actually, it seems to be more likely that many parts of your job will be automated. 215 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But that still means that there is perhaps less employment around. 216 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So how can you make yourself more future-proof? 217 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, I have two pieces of advice as a technologist, 218 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in terms of what's going to be technically possible in AI. 219 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Either you've got to embrace the future, so become like me, 220 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 become someone who's working on trying to invent that future. 221 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And if you're not technically minded, that's fine: 222 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I've got the other part of the equation, the other answer to your question 223 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which is completely at the other end of the spectrum, which is: 224 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 focus on those things that find as AI, (check) the hardest things, 225 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 making a future that's more creative, 226 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 making a future that can understand your emotional state, 227 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 focusing on emotional terms and not intellectual intelligence. 12:23