0:00:00.269,0:00:04.630 Okay, so a lot of people, a lot of us [br]assume that we have to have a car to do the 0:00:04.630,0:00:08.530 things that we need to do. But today I’m[br]going to show you how you can haul a bunch 0:00:08.530,0:00:10.889 of stuff without a car. 0:00:14.999,0:00:18.910 Hi, it’s Emily from Bite Size Vegan and[br]welcome to another vegan nugget. Today’s 0:00:18.910,0:00:24.230 video is a bit of an informal video. More[br]of a practical ‘how to’ to show you how 0:00:24.230,0:00:26.390 to haul things when you don’t have a car. 0:00:26.680,0:00:30.390 Now, I use a burley trailer that I’m about[br]to hook up to my bike and I have that linked 0:00:30.390,0:00:34.870 in the video description below. You can always[br]buy a different variety. You can also make 0:00:34.870,0:00:39.680 one on your own for pretty cheap or buy a[br]used one on Craigslist, or a similar website. 0:00:39.850,0:00:44.430 I’ve got the bike loaded up. I have some[br]things that I can take to the post office. I’m 0:00:44.430,0:00:53.190 going to pick up some produce and I’m going[br]to mail...also rewards to my patrons. People 0:00:53.190,0:00:59.829 who support me on Patreon so I can do what[br]I do. They get different rewards. One of which 0:00:59.829,0:01:05.060 is a sticker (Oooo! Ahhhh! very exciting!). 0:01:05.410,0:01:10.899 Here’s the setup. Got the burley - It’s[br]gonna be hauling the mail. Got my bike - the 0:01:10.899,0:01:18.019 burley. You can also just put on a milk carton[br]crate - will often carry a lot of stuff. I 0:01:18.019,0:01:23.279 also have a bag here. I have a second one[br]as well, so if I really want to load up everything 0:01:23.279,0:01:25.149 I can haul quite a bit. 0:01:39.259,0:01:42.700 Alright, so I made it to the post office.[br]I’m gonna gather up all the rewards to send 0:01:42.700,0:01:46.329 to my Patrons and it’s kind of cool because[br]a lot of them are international. So, I get 0:01:46.329,0:01:51.249 to send things to different countries and[br]it’s just neat knowing that, number one, 0:01:51.249,0:01:55.609 that I have support from people all over the[br]world, and also getting to actually use the 0:01:55.609,0:01:59.689 snail mail which I feel like we don’t use[br]anymore. You know, we rarely get anything 0:01:59.689,0:02:06.859 in the actual mail except for stuff from Amazon[br]and things like that. So, let’s head on 0:02:06.859,0:02:13.450 in. So, I got to stay in line for quite some[br]time but here I am getting ready to mail things 0:02:13.450,0:02:19.290 around the world. If you'll notice I have a fantastic[br]duct tape wallet that I created with duct 0:02:19.290,0:02:24.320 tape, with owls on it, and I’m quite proud[br]of that creation so...just gonna rock that 0:02:24.320,0:02:28.740 out at the post office. And this is really[br]boring. Let’s fast forward. 0:02:29.720,0:02:33.190 So, I still have this big package to send[br]to UPS, so we’re going to do that and then 0:02:33.190,0:02:37.150 we’re gonna head to the Co-Op to pick up[br]my produce, and I’ll show you some delicious 0:02:37.150,0:02:39.190 vegan food. Alright, let’s go![br] 0:02:50.080,0:02:53.460 And we have arrived. Time to mail again. 0:02:57.420,0:03:01.150 Well, that was fast. Now it’s time to head over[br]to the Co-Op which is right around the corner. 0:03:12.440,0:03:16.340 Actually, I forgot I also need to pick up[br]some socks for my freakishly small feet so 0:03:16.340,0:03:25.300 that’s what those are. Now here we are at[br]Cornucopia, my local co-op. And I feel very 0:03:25.300,0:03:30.510 fortunate to have this co-op because I lived[br]in Florida for my whole childhood, and adolescence, 0:03:30.510,0:03:34.600 and I was recently there for about a year[br]again, and they just do not have local co-ops. 0:03:34.980,0:03:40.330 But I was able to still buy in bulk through[br]chain stores which you can still actually 0:03:40.330,0:03:44.490 do most of the time if you talk to someone[br]in produce. I also love that here you can 0:03:44.490,0:03:50.150 do overripe bananas for .69 cents a pound[br]and these are organic, and fair trade. And 0:03:50.150,0:03:54.640 most chain stores will not let you do overripe[br]bananas, but if you find a nice independent 0:03:54.640,0:03:57.440 place, or if you go to a farmer’s market[br]a lot of times they will have deals. So, here 0:03:57.440,0:04:01.710 you can see my haul so far. I’ve got my[br]socks. I’ve got my organic bananas. I’ve 0:04:01.710,0:04:08.370 got 2 organic red cabbages and that’s a[br]case of local organic romaine. And after I 0:04:08.370,0:04:12.250 check out I’m gonna bring you guys around[br]the co-op to show you some of the other vegan 0:04:12.250,0:04:18.608 options that they have here. So, here’s[br]actually something at the counter that was 0:04:18.608,0:04:22.830 interesting called a ‘Power Wrap’, and[br]it’s like a nori roll with the seaweed, with 0:04:22.830,0:04:26.249 some other stuff inside of it which I have[br]never seen before. And then down here, which 0:04:26.249,0:04:30.360 is kind of cool, you have vegan jerky which[br]is like the disgusting beef jerky that you 0:04:30.360,0:04:36.370 see at the gas station only it’s vegan which[br]is pretty fantastic of an option. Alright, 0:04:36.370,0:04:41.119 so let’s go and see what else they got around[br]this store. Here is a really cool case that’s 0:04:41.119,0:04:45.949 got all these vegan custom things. Black Bean[br]burrito. They’ve got BLT’s. They’ve 0:04:45.949,0:04:52.809 got falafel sandwiches. They got dill spread[br]sandwiches. Buffalo wings. These are tofu 0:04:52.809,0:05:00.400 broccoli knishes. Here’s another tofu chocolate[br]knish. Ah, vegan egg rolls. They’ve got 0:05:00.400,0:05:05.849 these different Indian dishes that are vegan.[br]And then they have this whole different line 0:05:05.849,0:05:11.360 up here of vegan pre-made foods that are pretty[br]cool like dumplings, pad thai, things like 0:05:11.360,0:05:17.009 that. Here’s a bunch of hummus. And then[br]we’re going to go over to the refrigerated 0:05:17.009,0:05:23.120 section. In here, and you got all kinds of[br]different vegan meats, meat alternatives that 0:05:23.120,0:05:28.270 are pretty cool. You got different seitan,[br]tofu, tofurkey, all kinds of options. Here 0:05:28.270,0:05:34.599 you have vegan butter and vegenaise which[br]is the mayonnaise. You got some creamer. You 0:05:34.599,0:05:39.370 have yogurt. And here is this really cool[br]cheese called Chao, I’m assuming is how 0:05:39.370,0:05:44.639 you say it. And this delicious Hail Merry[br]tarts are these decadent desserts, and they 0:05:44.639,0:05:48.680 have multiple flavors like dark chocolate,[br]key lime pie and things. You’ve also got 0:05:48.680,0:05:54.219 Daiya cheese there, parmesan, you’ve got[br]cream cheese...all of it is vegan. And here 0:05:54.219,0:05:59.089 you have a wall of plant milk, and some cereal.[br]Now we’re going to head over to a couple 0:05:59.089,0:06:05.979 more of the vegan dessert options. These cookies[br]which are also very very decadent. These giant 0:06:05.979,0:06:09.200 cookies and all of these are vegan. You’ve[br]got chocolate chip. You’ve got oatmeal raisin. 0:06:09.200,0:06:14.529 You’ve got fudge. You have peanut butter.[br]All kinds of different stuff around here that 0:06:14.529,0:06:19.460 is all vegan. Alright, now I get to carry[br]my big case of awesome produce down the stairs 0:06:19.460,0:06:22.909 and strap it onto my bike and head on home. 0:06:23.709,0:06:26.409 And here’s a great thing about not having[br]a car. If you’re having trouble fitting 0:06:26.409,0:06:31.779 your fitness into your routine hauling stuff[br]on your bike while going uphills, and just 0:06:31.779,0:06:36.029 in general, is a pretty good workout. I also[br]want to acknowledge that I know not everyone 0:06:36.029,0:06:40.180 has great co-ops with lots of vegan options[br]in their area but like I said, the vast majority 0:06:40.180,0:06:44.159 of my life I’ve lived in places that did[br]not have vegan options and it’s still very 0:06:44.159,0:06:48.490 doable. And of course then you get to an even[br]steeper hill which is even more enjoyable 0:06:48.490,0:06:53.909 so I thought I would slow this down to show[br]you guys how long it actually takes me to...to 0:06:53.909,0:06:57.669 climb this hill when I’m hauling some stuff.[br]Today at this time it wasn’t that bad but 0:06:57.669,0:07:03.990 when I have a case of you know, 40-60 pounds[br]of citrus and 2 twenty pound cases of zucchini, 0:07:03.990,0:07:10.430 and a case of romaine on days like that I[br]go almost as slow as possible to get up this 0:07:10.430,0:07:14.919 hill just because I’m pulling so much behind[br]me. But it’s a great workout and if you’re 0:07:14.919,0:07:20.749 having trouble finding the time. If you don’t[br]have the money to be a member of a gym or 0:07:20.749,0:07:24.270 whatever, this is a great way to get your[br]errands done, get everything you need to get 0:07:24.270,0:07:26.829 done, and get a bit of fitness in as well. 0:07:31.349,0:07:40.599 Alright, so now I got really good post biking...helmet[br]hair...happening but there you go. We went 0:07:40.599,0:07:45.909 to the post office. We went to UPS. We went[br]to the co-op to get some greens and bananas, 0:07:45.909,0:07:52.699 and cabbage. That was good. It’s really[br]hot today but it just shows you, you really 0:07:52.699,0:07:57.529 honestly don’t need a car and at times,[br]it’s actually faster this way at least where 0:07:57.529,0:08:01.740 I live right now. Now I do live in a place[br]where everything is about like 5-15 minutes 0:08:01.740,0:08:08.199 away which is new for me. But I did this kind[br]of stuff when I lived in Florida where everything 0:08:09.489,0:08:15.449 is at least 30-45 minutes away that you need[br]to get to, and I still hauled boxes and boxes 0:08:15.449,0:08:20.529 of produce, and other things back and forth.[br]I also did that in Iowa...where I lived 0:08:20.529,0:08:24.659 still in the town everything was still close[br]together, but I lived in a middle of a cornfield, 0:08:25.609,0:08:31.979 so it was at least 20 minutes for me to get[br]into town. So, this is very doable. You don’t 0:08:31.979,0:08:36.000 have to even be in super good shape but the[br]thing is, this will really help you get into 0:08:36.000,0:08:41.090 better shape if you’re actually biking to[br]get places. So, that is I think my favorite 0:08:41.090,0:08:45.790 type of cardio because I hate cardio, but[br]if I’m doing something that I actually like 0:08:45.790,0:08:51.350 doing, and I get to move around, and be outside,[br]it’s like sneaky cardio. So, get on your 0:08:51.350,0:08:56.250 bikes - do stuff. If you liked this video[br]getting to see kind of a day in the life of 0:08:56.250,0:09:00.740 how I get things done practically, give it[br]a big thumbs up. Let me know if you like it. 0:09:00.740,0:09:04.610 I’ll try to do some more.[br]If you're new here, please do hit that big 0:09:04.610,0:09:09.360 red subscribe button down there if you liked[br]what you saw and check out some of my other 0:09:09.360,0:09:16.130 videos. I have some more of my informal-ish,[br]vlog-ish, real-life-ish ones over here, and 0:09:16.130,0:09:20.710 then I have some more hardcore educational[br]on my channel as well, so you can kind 0:09:20.710,0:09:22.670 of peruse and see what you think! 0:09:22.850,0:09:32.020 Now go live vegan, get off your butt and bike,[br]which is technically still on your butt...and I'll see you soon.