0:00:00.289,0:00:01.910 Hi there! If you’re a kid, 0:00:02.820,0:00:06.940 and you like[br]tasty food, then this video is for you. [And 0:00:06.940,0:00:09.180 really, anyone who likes tasty food.] 0:00:12.180,0:00:14.190 [pointing noise] 0:00:18.480,0:00:23.220 Hi it’s Emily from Bite Size Vegan and welcome[br]to another vegan nugget. I’m excited to 0:00:23.220,0:00:28.500 be making another video for you with my friends,[br]some awesome vegan kids from around the world. 0:00:28.860,0:00:32.510 In just a little bit we’re going to hear[br]from them on what their favorite foods or 0:00:32.510,0:00:33.260 meals are. 0:00:33.490,0:00:38.070 If you don’t know already, being vegan means[br]you don’t eat animals or anything that comes 0:00:38.070,0:00:43.010 out of them, like milk, yogurt, eggs, and[br]cheese. Now that may sound kind of boring, 0:00:43.260,0:00:49.170 but that’s why I wanted to make this video—to[br]show you how yummy and exciting vegan food can be! 0:00:49.530,0:00:54.190 So far in my videos for kids we’ve talked[br]about why we don’t drink milk or eat meat 0:00:54.190,0:01:00.130 or eggs, and heard from real vegan kids about[br]why they don’t. And we even talked about how 0:01:00.130,0:01:06.080 you can be a superhero for the planet, the[br]people and the animals by being vegan. Basically 0:01:06.080,0:01:10.690 when you don’t eat animals, you’re making[br]your body healthy and strong, you’re helping 0:01:10.690,0:01:15.290 animals by letting them live free and happy[br]and you’re saving the environment. 0:01:15.880,0:01:17.600 (I told you you’re a superhero!) 0:01:17.970,0:01:23.790 If you want to check out any of those videos,[br]they will be linked right there and down below so you can watch them later. 0:01:24.100,0:01:28.400 Now that you know how amazing being vegan[br]is, it’s kind of important to talk about 0:01:28.400,0:01:33.999 what vegans kids eat, right? Well, these days[br]you can make all of your favorite foods vegan 0:01:34.159,0:01:40.900 from pizza and cookies, to lasagna, pancakes,[br]burritos, ice cream and even versions of things like scrambled 0:01:40.900,0:01:47.140 eggs or fish sticks without the eggs or the fish![br]And of course all kinds of sweet and juicy 0:01:47.140,0:01:48.650 fruits are vegan too! 0:01:48.950,0:01:53.520 Now we’re going to hear from some real vegan[br]kids about their favorite foods. In case you 0:01:53.520,0:01:58.540 missed their first video, I’ll introduce[br]them again, plus we have two new kids to meet! 0:01:59.010,0:02:03.210 There’s Elvis, who’s 3 and a half years[br]old and lives in Hawaii in the United States. 0:02:03.530,0:02:08.000 Kevin, who’s 13 and from England and the[br]Philippines, and currently living in Bahrain 0:02:08.570,0:02:13.120 Lilah, who’s 8 and Lex who’s 6, both from[br]Massachusetts in the United States. 0:02:13.610,0:02:16.420 JoJo, who’s 4 years old, from London, England. 0:02:17.310,0:02:21.069 Lexie, who’s 13 from “the South” in[br]the United States. 0:02:21.449,0:02:26.071 Ronya, who’s 14 and Oli, who’s 8, both[br]from Waiheke Island in New Zealand. 0:02:26.390,0:02:29.260 Dylan, who’s 6 1/2 from Tel Aviv, Israel. 0:02:29.840,0:02:33.510 Carolina Ali, who’s 13 and from Tennessee[br]in the United States. 0:02:33.670,0:02:39.210 And new this round are Ryan, who’s 4 and[br]James who’s 11, both from Rawtenstall, England 0:02:39.430,0:02:44.210 Now let’s hear what their favorite foods[br]are! Just so you know sometimes it may be a little 0:02:44.210,0:02:48.750 hard to hear everyone because we were talking[br]from really far away, so you can always turn 0:02:48.750,0:02:53.239 on captions and I’ll put text up at the[br]really hard parts. If you can’t read you 0:02:53.239,0:02:54.710 can ask an adult for help. 0:02:54.820,0:02:58.259 I like avocado and coconut meat, and[br]jackfruit, and durian. 0:02:58.489,0:03:02.999 I love my fruits and veggies. You don’t[br]need to eat animals, like us. 0:03:04.760,0:03:07.570 You just eat fruits and vegetables! 0:03:08.220,0:03:13.140 My favorite food is watermelon,[br]and medjool dates, apples, and potatoes. 0:03:13.540,0:03:22.400 Well, my step dad makes a vegan burger. It’s[br]got like, fake bacon. It’s got lettuce. 0:03:22.970,0:03:30.099 It’s also got...my mum also makes some prawns,[br]which were really nice, and yes, so that’s 0:03:30.099,0:03:31.250 my favorite food. 0:03:31.670,0:03:33.669 I like vegan chili. 0:03:34.269,0:03:41.599 Dumplings! Dumplings, as long as I have[br]some vegan things in it. And they’re not 0:03:41.599,0:03:44.930 fried with meat oil or anything. 0:03:45.590,0:03:52.709 The Vegan Zombie’s chicken pot pie[br]is absolutely amazing so I have that pretty 0:03:52.709,0:03:54.460 often. It’s really good. 0:03:54.910,0:04:01.650 Yeah yeah, I have 3 favorites! Veggie[br]burger, pasta, and hummus. 0:04:02.250,0:04:06.929 I don’t know what my favorite dinner[br]is. I have lots of favorite foods. I kind 0:04:06.929,0:04:11.100 of like experimenting with stuff and Dad sometimes[br]cooks like, you know, nice dishes that he 0:04:11.100,0:04:12.939 experiments with and stuff, so… 0:04:14.069,0:04:15.309 Yeah, mangoes. 0:04:15.699,0:04:19.508 I really like it when my grandmother[br]makes me vegan um, 0:04:20.180,0:04:23.220 leek and potato casserole with biscuits. 0:04:23.660,0:04:28.379 When I’m in Asia, fruit, cause here[br]where I live in Bahrain, all the fruit’s 0:04:28.379,0:04:35.739 pretty horrible and not sweet. But while I’m[br]here, potatoes, rice and curries, because 0:04:35.739,0:04:37.679 curry is amazing. 0:04:38.599,0:04:48.419 My favorite food is veggie fingers and...chips! And...vegetarian burgers. 0:04:49.070,0:04:54.460 I hope you enjoyed hearing about some tasty[br]vegan food from real vegan kids! If you’re 0:04:54.460,0:04:59.949 not vegan I hope hearing what vegan kids eat[br]was helpful and if you are vegan, maybe you 0:04:59.949,0:05:05.389 got some new ideas! Not eating animals isn’t[br]just good for your body, the planet, other 0:05:05.389,0:05:09.299 people and the animals, but it also tastes[br]really good too! 0:05:09.599,0:05:14.249 Now if you live somewhere where you can’t[br]find plant milks and veggie burgers and stuff 0:05:14.249,0:05:19.500 like that, I have recipes on the blog post[br]for this video for making your own! I also 0:05:19.500,0:05:23.839 have links for those of you in the United[br]States to help you and your family find fresh 0:05:23.839,0:05:29.379 fruits and vegetables if you have trouble with[br]that too. You can find that post linked there 0:05:29.379,0:05:35.169 and down below. It also has links to loads[br]of tasty kid-friendly vegan recipes. 0:05:35.409,0:05:40.149 Most of my guests today have their own channels[br]here on YouTube or appear on their parents 0:05:40.149,0:05:44.360 channels, so check out their links bellow[br]so you can head over and subscribe to them 0:05:44.360,0:05:49.159 for more awesome vegan kid content! And a[br]huge thank you from me to each and every one 0:05:49.159,0:05:51.399 of my guests and to you for watching. 0:05:51.849,0:05:56.389 Now I’d love to hear from you too in the[br]comments! What’s your favorite food? 0:05:56.739,0:06:00.569 If you liked this video, do give it a thumbs[br]up and share it around to help other kids 0:06:00.569,0:06:05.150 learn about being vegan. If you’re new here,[br]do hit that big red subscribe button down 0:06:05.150,0:06:09.749 there for more awesome vegan content every[br]Monday, Wednesday, and some Fridays and not 0:06:09.749,0:06:13.569 to miss out on the rest of my videos[br]for kids. If you’re an adult and you want 0:06:13.569,0:06:17.889 to help support Bite Size Vegan, check out[br]either of the support links in the video description 0:06:17.889,0:06:21.690 below or click on the Nugget Army icon there or[br]the link in the sidebar. 0:06:21.930,0:06:26.660 Now go live vegan, eat some tasty vegan food, and I’ll see[br]you soon! 0:06:27.090,0:06:29.799 Now let's see what Ooby thinks about vegan[br]food! 0:06:30.149,0:06:31.959 So do you think vegan food tastes good? 0:06:32.159,0:06:35.210 [loud snarfing noises] 0:06:35.700,0:06:37.009 Is it hard to be vegan? 0:06:37.219,0:06:43.549 [loud snarfing noises]