>>Speaker: Hello. Today we're going to talk about the engineering design process. All engineers design things at some point in their career. They could be designing a physical object; they could be designing a piece of software or a process. But engineers design things; it's one of the ways that they solve problems. And as an engineer, it can be a little overwhelming when you first encounter a major design project. So what we want to show you today is a process that you can use to help break that design project down into little bits, and be more successful than you would be if you just sat down and started designing just offhand. So you've seen this slide before; this is the problem categorization slide, and it shows the various types of problems that you can encounter. And you can have anywhere from not enough information, to just enough information to access information, and your problems may have no answer, one answer or more than one answer. When you're in the classroom, typically you encounter classroom problems that have one answer, and you're given just enough information. And we talked about on the problem-solving methodology day, how the problems you encounter can fit into any of these categories. Well, typically with engineering design, you are encountering problems that have more than one answer. You may be given not enough information, you may be given just enough information, or you may be given way too much information. But typically the problems that you encounter have more than one answer, and so part of the engineering design process is determining which of these answers is best for your product and for your application. So here we have a slide that shows you the combination of problem-solving and design. And so you can compare the two of them. so you can see the DRPIE, the define, represent, plan, implement and evaluate cycle on the left hand side in the gray. You can also see the engineering design process over here on the right, and you'll see that there are some aspects of them that are very similar. So some of the -- the obvious one is define; it appears in both places, so I have define, and I'm defining my problem. Represent will often take place in a couple of places; one of them may be when you're creating the specifications and requirements. It may also appear over in creating the design concepts, and possibly over in designing of the solution. So represent kind of is all throughout there. Planning tends to occur over here in the designing of the solution. Implement tends to appear over here, in creating the prototype and to an extent in designing the solution. And evaluate tends to happen over here with testing and validating the design. So it's not quite a one-to-one comparison, but you do see a lot of similarities between problem-solving methodology and the engineering design process. So we shouldn't be venturing too far from stuff that you're at least familiar with in a cursory fashion. So this is the engineering design process, and we are going to go through and talk about each of these aspects or each of these stages one at a time here in the next few slides. But I just want to give you the overall picture. And one of the things that I want you to keep in mind as we're going through each of these stages is that this is not necessarily a linear process. Just like problem-solving methodology, you may be halfway through your evaluate, and you realize that something was wrong with your implementation. And so you have to go back to one of the earlier stages. Similarly, in the engineering design process, you may have be in the middle of creating a prototype and realized that you wanted two parts to occupy the same space. We know that that can't really happen, so maybe you're stepping back over here into designing the solution. Or maybe you're designing the solution and you realize that your design is not sufficiently constrained. So you have to go all the way back over here -- to creating specifications and requirements. So at any point in this process, you can jump back to any of the previous stages as needed during the design process. Where does this design process fit in the general lifecycle of a product? Well, you start out with somebody needing something, and then you design the product. This is separate, for our purposes, from implementing the project. So you notice if you look back at the engineering design process that we stopped over here in testing and validating the design; we don't actually go through to creating and releasing the final product that's for our purposes considered to be a separate step. Once you've implemented the project, you're not done. A lot of engineers think, I've implemented the project, I'm done, I can walk away and enjoy my beautiful product. That's not what happens; people break your products; they will use anything as a hammer. And in the process your product breaks and you're going to have to find a way to fix it, or to modify the product so that it makes a better hammer. And then eventually your product is supported, it's maintained and eventually it's used up and it's disposed of or recycled in some fashion. The rest of this presentation focuses here on the engineering design process; although the rest of the product lifecycle is important, that's not what we're going to be focusing on today. So here we're in the stage where we are just beginning out, and we need to define what our problem is. So we want to understand what the problem is in some level of detail; we're not necessarily going to need every little specification, every little requirement, but we want to really get a good grasp on what's going on with the project. So you start out with a general project needs statement of what basically you need out of this product that you're creating. And the product -- again it doesn't have to be a physical product; it could be a process; it could be a software package, lots of things it could be -- but you start out with some rough idea of what you want, and then the goal of defining the problem is narrowing this down into a defined set of projects needs. So this is going from saying that I need a phone that is better than the other phones. This is the stage where I define what exactly it is I want better about that phone. So am I looking for improved coverage; is the wireless capabilities supposed to improve, is it going to take better photos, is it meant to be more user friendly. So you come down and you figure out exactly what the project needs are. Then once I figured out roughly what the project needs are, I then get down into the more nitty-gritty specifications and requirements. And this is a really important stage in the engineering design process, because this is really what lets me know when I'm done. As an engineer you can design and design and design and put more and more time into your product, but this specification and requirement stage gives me an endpoint, so that, when I've met these specifications and requirements, I know that I've reached my desired goal. So this may be, I want to be able to talk on my phone in this specific location that tends to have trouble with reception, or I want to be able to take a photo in, you know, half a second without delay from when I press the shutter button. So these are my specifications, and they really give me my goals and my endpoints for my design. And so once I have these specifications and requirements, I can also plan out a high-level project plan. What are the components to my project, how am I going to progress through those stages, and design each of those stages. I can plan out my project and it's really important that I give myself milestones. And some of them will be really being milestones, some of them will be small milestones, but my goal should really be to break up what I'm doing into small manageable pieces and give myself some sort of deadlines along the way so that I don't reach two days before the project is due and realize that I have nothing done. If I had milestones along the way I probably could have prevented that. Phase three involves creating the design concepts. So I now have my specifications and requirements, I have my high-level project plan, and now I'm going to think about all of the different ways that I could approach this problem and all of the different solutions that I can come up with. And there are lots of different methods that are used in the stage. A lot of people use brainstorming, where you come up with as many ideas as you can as quickly as you can, there's no judgment, so some really silly ideas sometimes come out, but you end up with a good variety of ideas from which to choose and build and they can grow on each other. I also want to create some sort of method by which I'm going to evaluate these design concepts that I've developed. One method that is often used is called a design matrix, where I have different criteria that I plan on evaluating for my different designs and I give each of those a weight, so that I can evaluate each idea based on these criteria, end up with a total score, and from that total score I can determine what my best design is going to be. Somehow through some combination of coming up with different ideas, thinking through them evaluating them, I come up, then, with a best solution. And best solution can be a little bit of a misnomer here because it's what I think at this stage is the best solution. Chances are the first time you go through this stage, the best solution that you come up with is not going to be the solution that you end up using, But it's based on what you know so far, what you think the best solution is going to be. Once I've chosen this best so I then design the solution, and so this is where I really sit down and plan everything out and sketch out my design, if it's a physical system or plan out my algorithm; if it's software -- -- something like that, this is where I get down into the nitty-gritty design; I spec components and I determine what the flow of my code is going to be. All of those things go on in this design solution stage. Now I want you to realize that we are now in stage 4 of 6 and we still haven't built anything and that's intentional. This has all been preparation and planning and thinking and designing. This allows us to to save money and not go down rabbit trails on designs that we don't end up choosing as our best design or designs that we haven't thoroughly thought out. Actually building things and going all the way through that process is a fairly labor-intensive process, so my goal should be to have a well designed system before I ever start actually building anything. If I just sit down with a bunch of materials and start putting them together without a lot of forethought, chances are I'm not going to end up with a very good design. And we want to avoid that, and so we do spend a lot of time here planning before we physically start touching materials and building things. Phase 5 is where we actually create the prototype. So this may be code that's intended to work with a subset of data, or to perform a subset of the desired processes, or work under very controlled circumstances, or maybe this is a mechanism that I build out of cardboard, or rapidly prototype it, so this is a not my final product. This is a prototype where I haven't spent all the time to make it perfect and pretty. It's just something that gives me a good proof-of-concept to show that this design that I've created is actually going to work. So then once I create this prototype, I can test and validate my design, and I can run my prototype through all of my different specifications and requirements and see whether it meets those specifications and requirements. Once it meets the specifications and requirements, I have a validated design and I'm done and I can I'm done with the design process. Chances are the first time I reach this stage, probably the second and third time I reach this stage, the design that I've created is going to fail my specifications somehow. And so at this stage, it's fairly likely that I'm going to have to run back to designing the solution and maybe improving it somehow, or even choosing an entirely different design concept. So in summary, engineers use the engineering design process as a proven way to make sure that you're meeting the project's specifications and requirements in regards to functionality, on time and within budget. And it seems like a somewhat cumbersome process when you first sit down and start it, but this is how experienced, expert engineers go through this process in order to design things. And the reason they do that is because it works. And so in class, we are going to be going through an exercise that helps step you through each of these, so you have a more practical understanding of what is entailed in each of these stages.