0:00:03.779,0:00:04.279 [Intro music] 0:00:04.279,0:00:05.950 Hi everyone, and welcome to episode two of 0:00:05.950,0:00:09.860 Make Thrift Buy. A show where you guys send[br]me in cool clothes that you find on the internet, 0:00:09.860,0:00:14.849 and I try and recreate that item either through[br]DIY or thrifting, or a combination of the 0:00:14.849,0:00:16.919 two.[br]Today I’m going to attempt to re-create 0:00:16.919,0:00:21.939 a clueless inspired outfit. So the original[br]outfit is from a store called: Glitters For 0:00:21.939,0:00:26.469 Dinner, and it’s $85 for a coordinated set,[br]BUT I’m pretty confident that we can get 0:00:26.469,0:00:31.099 away with making this ourselves for under[br]$10. So, let’s get started! 0:00:31.099,0:00:36.570 So I start with a stretchy tartan fabric that[br]I got second hand, and I folded it in half. 0:00:36.570,0:00:40.579 So to make the template for my top I just[br]take this tight fitting dress whose shape 0:00:40.579,0:00:43.679 that I like and I place this on top of the[br]fabric, with the middle of the dress on the fold. 0:00:43.840,0:00:45.480 [Annotation: I am adding an extra “seam allowance” of ½ an inch] 0:00:45.480,0:00:48.320 I trace around the top part of the dress, 0:00:48.320,0:00:55.039 and then I simply cut through both layers[br]of fabric. Then I unfolded this and I have 0:00:55.039,0:00:59.949 a top…looking…thing.[br]Then I repeat this step so I have two identical 0:00:59.949,0:01:03.289 pieces. One will be the front and the other[br]will be the back. 0:01:03.289,0:01:08.100 Now I’m going to make some darts on my top[br](you totally don’t have to do this). Start 0:01:08.100,0:01:13.979 by making a marking right in the middle of[br]your top, and then make two more markings 0:01:13.979,0:01:18.100 three inches out or however wide you want[br]your darts to be. So on one of your darts 0:01:18.100,0:01:22.409 (and you’ll do this with both), but on one[br]of them do a dot that us about five to six 0:01:22.409,0:01:28.719 inches away from the bottom of your top. And[br]then make this into a triangle by making two 0:01:28.719,0:01:35.719 marks half an inch apart connecting this with[br]the top dot, and making a pretty triangle! 0:01:36.630,0:01:41.390 Also draw a line straight up the middle of[br]the triangle, and then simply fold the fabric 0:01:41.390,0:01:46.369 on this middle line, and using a straight[br]stitch on your sewing machine sew along the 0:01:46.369,0:01:51.770 edge of the triangle.[br]And you should end up with a pretty dart like 0:01:51.770,0:01:55.290 this! Repeat this on both sides.[br]And if I did this again, I would do the dart 0:01:55.290,0:01:57.540 on the side rather than the front, but it’s[br]up to your own personal preference. 0:01:57.540,0:01:59.179 [Annotation This is your lining fabric. It[br]doesn’t have to be the same pattern but it *MUST* be stretchy] 0:01:59.179,0:02:02.710 Then I placed each of these pieces face down, 0:02:02.710,0:02:09.710 on another piece of fabric and I pin it on,[br]and cut around it. And leave them pinned together. 0:02:13.440,0:02:19.030 So I do this with the front and I also do[br]this with the back piece as well and…ughhh…I 0:02:19.030,0:02:23.980 haven’t cut enough fabric…[br]I’m not cutting another piece of fabric 0:02:23.980,0:02:30.129 so I’m just going to pin this together,[br]cut the excess off, and hope for that my seam 0:02:30.129,0:02:36.690 allowance was wide enough.[br]So now that I’ve got both of the pieces 0:02:36.690,0:02:39.580 pinned together, I sew them together like[br]this. 0:02:39.580,0:02:41.960 [Annotation: sew around all the edges EXCEPT[br]for the bottom!] 0:02:41.960,0:02:45.700 And I use a zig-zag stitch.[br]Using a small zig-zag stitch on stretchy fabrics 0:02:45.709,0:02:48.159 is best because otherwise your thread will[br]break. 0:02:48.159,0:02:53.190 Now here comes the fun bit![br]Turn this piece inside out, and you have a 0:02:53.190,0:02:59.590 top kind of thing! Or a hat! Yeah, I think[br]by this time I might have contracted sewing 0:02:59.590,0:03:03.439 madness.[br]In any case you should now have both a front 0:03:03.439,0:03:06.739 and a back piece sewn together with their[br]linings. 0:03:06.739,0:03:12.900 So you need to place these on top of each[br]other, front sides together, and pin them 0:03:12.900,0:03:19.900 together at the shoulders and the sides. And[br]then you just need to sew like this. And again, 0:03:19.900,0:03:26.019 use a zig-zag stitch.[br]Turn it inside out. 0:03:26.019,0:03:29.360 Wait for it.[br]Wait for it. 0:03:29.360,0:03:36.960 Anddd, you’re done![br]Well, almost. You’re going to need to hem 0:03:36.970,0:03:41.010 the raw edge at the bottom here. So you’ll[br]have two layers, the lining and the front 0:03:41.010,0:03:45.640 part. You need to fold both of these up about[br]an inch or so and pin them together, and you 0:03:45.640,0:03:51.620 need to do this on both the front and the[br]back, and then sew an inch away from the edge 0:03:51.620,0:03:57.540 all the around the front and back sides.[br]Now the top I was basing this off also had 0:03:57.540,0:04:01.849 a collar, but as I was feeling lazy I just[br]got this dress with a white collar that I 0:04:01.849,0:04:06.799 got from the Op shop, and I cut the bottom[br]off. Made it into a cropped kind of thing, 0:04:06.799,0:04:10.019 cut the sleeves off so you wouldn’t see[br]them underneath an- wore it under my top. 0:04:10.019,0:04:11.819 [music plays] 0:04:11.819,0:04:14.339 And that’s it! That’s my Clueless outfit! 0:04:14.380,0:04:20.340 Oh, and I also made a matching skirt which[br]I did using my circle skirt tutorial which 0:04:40.639,0:04:42.570 you can visit here to learn how to do.[br]So, my conclusion? 0:04:42.570,0:04:44.800 [Scissor snipping sound effect][br]You can totally make this yourself. It only 0:04:44.800,0:04:50.650 took me two hours and all you need to know[br]is some really simple stitches. 0:04:50.650,0:04:57.650 Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you all[br]next time! 0:04:57.840,0:05:04.840 [outro music]