0:00:22.096,0:00:26.096 I am the creator of my reality 0:00:27.514,0:00:30.084 I accept and love myself just the way I am 0:00:33.850,0:00:37.850 I am supported and loved by God,[br]by the Creator, by the Universe 0:00:41.458,0:00:45.458 I am surrounded by abundance 0:00:45.687,0:00:49.687 I am healthy, energetic and optimistic. 0:00:51.707,0:00:55.707 I am overflowing with happiness, joy[br]and satisfaction. 0:00:57.859,0:00:59.489 My body is relaxed. 0:00:59.509,0:01:01.199 My mind is calm. 0:01:01.323,0:01:03.153 My soul is at peace. 0:01:05.954,0:01:08.954 I am able to achieve whatever I desire. 0:01:11.647,0:01:13.507 I can achieve greatness. 0:01:14.694,0:01:16.984 Everything happends for a reason. 0:01:17.035,0:01:19.495 Everything leads to something possitive. 0:01:22.521,0:01:24.451 I am forgiving. 0:01:24.939,0:01:28.539 My compassion replaces anger with love. 0:01:29.129,0:01:32.449 I am able to conquer all the challenges I am confronted with. 0:01:35.992,0:01:39.992 I am becoming more comfident and stronger each day. 0:01:43.907,0:01:47.407 My potential to succeed is infinit. 0:01:47.597,0:01:51.597 I am becoming more knowledgable and wiser [br]with each day. 0:01:53.227,0:01:57.227 I am creative[br]and bursting with brilliant ideas. 0:02:00.370,0:02:05.000 I am courageous[br]am overcoming my fears by confronting them. 0:02:08.082,0:02:11.662 I am at peace with my past. 0:02:11.717,0:02:15.717 I rediate love, happiness, greace and possitivity. 0:02:18.431,0:02:22.431 I am patient, diplomatic and tolerant. 0:02:23.986,0:02:27.986 I am greatfull for the wonders in my life. 0:02:29.546,0:02:33.546 The universe supports me [br]in every possible way. 0:02:34.307,0:02:38.307 Every experience in my life [br]helps me to grow. 0:02:40.420,0:02:44.420 Today I lay the foundation [br]for a wonderful future. 0:02:44.936,0:02:48.936 I am safe and protected by divinity. 0:02:49.555,0:02:52.595 I speak kindly of others. 0:02:53.364,0:02:57.364 Everything I seek can be found within. 0:02:59.169,0:03:03.169 I set myself free [br]by forgiving myself first and then others. 0:03:05.604,0:03:07.224 I am significant. 0:03:07.417,0:03:10.587 I contribute to the advancement [br]of humankind. 0:03:12.879,0:03:16.879 I love myself [br]and feel great about myself. 0:03:18.576,0:03:22.576 I accept myself unconditionally. 0:03:24.272,0:03:28.272 I see problems as interesting challenges. 0:03:28.897,0:03:31.837 I radiate confidence. 0:03:32.106,0:03:36.106 Challenges bring out the best in me. 0:03:36.816,0:03:40.816 I have confidence [br]in my abilities and skills. 0:03:42.250,0:03:45.530 I make sound decisions. 0:03:45.614,0:03:48.844 I am bold and courageous. 0:03:48.934,0:03:52.934 I face difficulty with courage. 0:03:52.934,0:03:56.934 I am worthy of happiness and love. 0:03:58.522,0:04:00.782 My heart is always open. 0:04:00.884,0:04:04.884 I am kind to every person I meet. 0:04:06.704,0:04:09.034 I am surrounded by love. 0:04:09.034,0:04:12.324 I attract kind people. 0:04:12.534,0:04:16.534 I love unconditionally [br]and without hesitation. 0:04:18.656,0:04:22.656 I deserve love I am loved [br]and appreciated by those around me. 0:04:25.629,0:04:29.629 Everywhere I go I am accompanied by love. 0:04:33.129,0:04:37.129 Love, forgiveness and understanding [br]are the very foundation of my relationships. 0:04:39.875,0:04:43.875 I give and receive love equally. 0:04:44.422,0:04:48.422 I accept my partner unconditionally. 0:04:48.801,0:04:52.801 I am treasured for who I really am. 0:04:54.816,0:04:58.816 My marriage, my relationship is becoming stronger, [br]deeper and more loving with everyday. 0:05:04.104,0:05:06.994 Everyday I'm getting healthier. 0:05:06.994,0:05:10.214 I am full of vitality. 0:05:10.473,0:05:14.473 I take good care of my body [br]and eat a healthy well-balanced diet. 0:05:18.264,0:05:20.384 My body is a holy temple. 0:05:20.393,0:05:24.393 I keep it clean [br]and maintain its functionality. 0:05:26.161,0:05:30.161 I exercise regularly [br]and strengthen my body. 0:05:32.010,0:05:36.010 The divine guides all my actions. 0:05:37.300,0:05:41.300 I am a spiritual being [br]that is divinely guided. 0:05:41.847,0:05:45.847 I am in alignment with the universe. 0:05:47.204,0:05:51.204 God's grace and love is working through me. 0:05:53.326,0:05:57.326 I see myself in the spark of others. 0:05:58.522,0:06:01.642 Everything leads to something better 0:06:02.113,0:06:06.113 I am able to find [br]positivity in every situation 0:06:08.406,0:06:12.406 I am able to find [br]optimistic ways of dealing with difficulties. 0:06:15.709,0:06:22.219 There is good to be found in every situation [br]even if I may not see it at the moment. 0:06:23.609,0:06:25.609 There is always another way. 0:06:25.669,0:06:28.869 There is always a solution to my problems. 0:06:30.731,0:06:34.731 I stay calm in frustrating situations. 0:06:35.764,0:06:39.164 I forgive others for their mistakes. 0:06:39.842,0:06:44.482 I forgive myself for all my mistakes, [br]failures and shortcomings. 0:06:46.974,0:06:48.334 I let go of anger. 0:06:48.583,0:06:52.583 It helps me to make better decisions [br]and see things more clearly. 0:06:55.587,0:06:59.587 My intuition and inner wisdom [br]guide me in every situation. 0:07:01.716,0:07:05.716 Life always wants the best for me 0:07:07.365,0:07:11.365 The challenges I'm confronted with [br]are opportunities for growth. 0:07:13.133,0:07:17.133 Every time I exhale [br]I breathe out tensions and anxieties. 0:07:21.200,0:07:25.200 Every situation serves my highest good. 0:07:25.860,0:07:28.250 I am a kind and unique person. 0:07:28.362,0:07:31.202 I have a lot to offer in a friendship. 0:07:33.064,0:07:35.044 I enjoy my own company. 0:07:35.044,0:07:38.010 it helps me get in touch [br]with my true self. 0:07:40.083,0:07:43.404 Solitude helps me rejuvenate. 0:07:43.715,0:07:47.205 I am at peace and happy when I'm alone. 0:07:49.654,0:07:53.654 I can always brighten another person's day [br]by doing something with them. 0:07:57.006,0:08:01.006 My intuition and wisdom guide me [br]in the right direction. 0:08:02.830,0:08:04.570 I have faith in myself. 0:08:04.901,0:08:08.901 I am able to make [br]the best decision possible. 0:08:11.597,0:08:14.817 I have confidence in my decisions. 0:08:15.177,0:08:20.527 Even if I make the wrong decision, [br]it will always lead me somewhere positive. 0:08:22.257,0:08:27.817 I need responsible decisions [br]and consider how they affect other people. 0:08:29.486,0:08:33.486 My friends love me for who I am. 0:08:34.728,0:08:36.818 I am accepting of others. 0:08:36.928,0:08:40.928 It helps me to establish [br]long-lasting friendships. 0:08:43.273,0:08:47.273 I attract positive people [br]with whom I quickly make friends. 0:08:48.688,0:08:53.538 I surround myself with friends [br]who care about me and treat me well. 0:08:56.355,0:09:00.355 I feel wonderfully peaceful and relaxed. 0:09:01.838,0:09:04.488 I let go of everything that worries me. 0:09:04.569,0:09:08.489 I will confront these challenges tomorrow. 0:09:09.392,0:09:11.232 My mind is at peace. 0:09:11.816,0:09:15.816 I fall into a deep and relaxing sleep. 0:09:16.452,0:09:21.532 I am feeling very sleepy [br]and am ready to fall asleep. 0:09:23.218,0:09:27.218 I feel relaxed and comfortable [br]around other people. 0:09:28.436,0:09:32.436 I enjoy meeting new people, [br]I even seek out others. 0:09:35.029,0:09:36.599 I am outgoing. 0:09:37.047,0:09:40.007 I can enrich other people's lives. 0:09:41.298,0:09:46.108 I'm excited about the amazing people [br]I'm going to meet today. 0:09:47.616,0:09:49.566 I am easy to talk to. 0:09:49.720,0:09:53.720 I'm confident when I'm around others. 0:09:54.133,0:09:58.133 Today will be a fabulous day. 0:09:58.626,0:10:02.626 This day will bring me nothing [br]but joy, fulfillment and happiness. 0:10:05.819,0:10:09.819 I have all it takes [br]to make this day relevant. 0:10:11.187,0:10:15.187 I face the difficulties of this day [br]with courage and endurance. 0:10:18.831,0:10:22.831 I am excited to see [br]what the present day holds. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I am optimistic about the future. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The future holds [br]all kinds of pleasant surprises. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I trust in my ability [br]to create a fabulous future. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I let go of worries and replace them [br]with excitement, hope and optimism. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I have all it takes [br]to make my dreams a reality. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 New and exciting opportunities [br]manifest in my life all the time. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I will always find ways [br]to get back on track. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I believe in my ability [br]to set myself free. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I am in control of my life. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 My ability to gain valuable insights [br]from this situation 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I have faith in my ability [br]to pursue my dreams no matter what. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 My family and friends support me,[br]even if they don't share my dreams. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I help others to accomplish their dreams. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I have compassion [br]when others don't understand my dreams. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I have all the support and help I need. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I am successful in whatever I do. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Failure teaches me [br]how I can become successful in life. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I leave no stone unturned [br]to be successful. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I attract success. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I am pursuing [br]my own definition of success. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I get better with each day. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Practice helps me attain greatness. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I believe in my ability [br]to overcome drawbacks. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I replace unconstructive criticism [br]with encouraging support. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Perfection can be found in all my flaws. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I always give my best [br]and I'm a good-hearted person. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I believe in myself [br]and trust my own wisdom. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000