0:00:00.900,0:00:04.540 In this video, we're going to[br]have a look at how we can 0:00:04.540,0:00:06.721 integrate algebraic[br]fractions. The sorts of 0:00:06.721,0:00:09.214 fractions that we're going to[br]integrate and like these 0:00:09.214,0:00:09.491 here. 0:00:10.590,0:00:13.990 Now, superficially, they will[br]look very similar, but there are 0:00:13.990,0:00:17.730 important differences which I'd[br]like to point out when you come 0:00:17.730,0:00:20.790 to tackle a problem of[br]integrating a fraction like 0:00:20.790,0:00:24.190 this, it's important that you[br]can look for certain features, 0:00:24.190,0:00:25.890 for example, in this first 0:00:25.890,0:00:30.610 example. In the denominator we[br]have what we call 2 linear 0:00:30.610,0:00:33.976 factors. These two linear[br]factors are two different linear 0:00:33.976,0:00:38.090 factors. When I say linear[br]factors, I mean there's no X 0:00:38.090,0:00:42.578 squared, no ex cubes, nothing[br]like that in it. These are just 0:00:42.578,0:00:47.814 of the form a X Plus B linear[br]factors. A constant times X plus 0:00:47.814,0:00:50.806 another constant. So with two[br]linear factors here. 0:00:51.870,0:00:55.965 This example is also got linear[br]factors in clearly X Plus One is 0:00:55.965,0:01:00.720 a linear factor. X minus one is[br]a linear factor, but the fact 0:01:00.720,0:01:04.440 that I've got an X minus one[br]squared means that we've really 0:01:04.440,0:01:08.470 got X minus one times X minus 1[br]two linear factors within here. 0:01:08.470,0:01:11.880 So we call this an example of a[br]repeated linear factor. 0:01:13.150,0:01:18.600 Linear factors, repeated linear[br]factors. Over here we've got a 0:01:18.600,0:01:23.505 quadratic. Now this particular[br]quadratic will not factorize and 0:01:23.505,0:01:28.955 because it won't factorize, we[br]call it an irreducible quadratic 0:01:28.955,0:01:33.700 factor. This final example here[br]has also got a quadratic factor 0:01:33.700,0:01:37.330 in the denominator, but unlike[br]the previous one, this one will 0:01:37.330,0:01:40.630 in fact factorize because X[br]squared minus four is actually 0:01:40.630,0:01:44.920 the difference of two squares[br]and we can write this as X minus 0:01:44.920,0:01:48.880 2X plus two. So whilst it might[br]have originally looked like a 0:01:48.880,0:01:52.510 quadratic factor, it was in fact[br]to linear factors, so that's 0:01:52.510,0:01:56.140 what those are one of the[br]important things we should be 0:01:56.140,0:01:59.440 looking for when we come to[br]integrate quantities like these. 0:01:59.440,0:02:00.760 Weather we've got linear 0:02:00.760,0:02:03.535 factors. Repeated linear[br]factors, irreducible quadratic 0:02:03.535,0:02:06.902 factors, or quadratic factors[br]that will factorize. 0:02:07.440,0:02:10.560 Something else which is[br]important as well, is to examine 0:02:10.560,0:02:14.304 the degree of the numerator and[br]the degree of the denominator in 0:02:14.304,0:02:17.112 each of these fractions.[br]Remember, the degree is the 0:02:17.112,0:02:20.544 highest power, so for example in[br]the denominator of this example 0:02:20.544,0:02:24.288 here, if we multiplied it all[br]out, we actually get the highest 0:02:24.288,0:02:27.720 power as three, because when we[br]multiply the first terms out 0:02:27.720,0:02:31.776 will get an X squared, and when[br]we multiply it with the SEC 0:02:31.776,0:02:36.144 bracket, X Plus, one will end up[br]with an X cubed. So the degree 0:02:36.144,0:02:38.016 of the denominator there is 3. 0:02:38.670,0:02:42.954 The degree of the numerator is 0[br]because we can think of this as 0:02:42.954,0:02:44.484 One X to the 0. 0:02:46.040,0:02:50.345 In the first case, we've got an[br]X to the one here, so the degree 0:02:50.345,0:02:53.789 of the numerator there is one,[br]and if we multiply the brackets 0:02:53.789,0:02:57.233 out, the degree of the of the[br]denominator will be two. Will 0:02:57.233,0:03:00.964 get a quadratic term in here. In[br]this case, the degree of the 0:03:00.964,0:03:05.262 numerator is 0. And in this[br]case, the degree of the 0:03:05.262,0:03:09.630 denominator is to the highest[br]power is too. So in all of 0:03:09.630,0:03:13.634 these cases, the degree of the[br]numerator is less than the 0:03:13.634,0:03:17.274 degree of the denominator, and[br]we call fractions like these 0:03:17.274,0:03:18.002 proper fractions. 0:03:20.110,0:03:24.114 On the other hand, if we look at[br]this final example, the degree 0:03:24.114,0:03:27.810 of the numerator is 3, whereas[br]the degree of the denominator is 0:03:27.810,0:03:31.814 too. So in this case, the degree[br]of the numerator is greater than 0:03:31.814,0:03:35.202 the degree of the denominator,[br]and this is what's called an 0:03:35.202,0:03:38.670 improper fraction. Now when we[br]start to integrate quantities 0:03:38.670,0:03:41.970 like this will need to examine[br]whether we're dealing with 0:03:41.970,0:03:45.270 proper fractions or improper[br]fractions, and then, as I said 0:03:45.270,0:03:49.230 before, will need to look at all[br]the factors in the denominator. 0:03:49.800,0:03:53.485 Will also need to call appan[br]techniques in the theory of 0:03:53.485,0:03:56.835 partial fractions. There is a[br]video on partial fractions and 0:03:56.835,0:03:59.515 you may wish to refer to that if 0:03:59.515,0:04:04.090 necessary. If you have a linear[br]factor in the denominator, this 0:04:04.090,0:04:08.254 will lead to a partial fraction[br]of this form. A constant over 0:04:08.254,0:04:09.295 the linear factor. 0:04:10.100,0:04:13.740 If you have a repeated linear[br]factor in the denominator, 0:04:13.740,0:04:16.652 you'll need two partial[br]fractions. A constant over 0:04:16.652,0:04:19.928 the factor and a constant[br]over the factor squared. 0:04:21.840,0:04:25.460 Finally, if you have a quadratic[br]factor which is irreducible, 0:04:25.460,0:04:29.804 you'll need to write a partial[br]fraction of the form a constant 0:04:29.804,0:04:33.062 times X plus another constant[br]over the irreducible quadratic 0:04:33.062,0:04:36.682 factor, so will certainly be[br]calling upon the techniques of 0:04:36.682,0:04:41.616 partial fractions. Will also[br]need to call appan. Lots of 0:04:41.616,0:04:42.987 techniques and integration. 0:04:42.990,0:04:46.554 I'm just going to mention just[br]two or three here, which will 0:04:46.554,0:04:49.821 need to use as we proceed[br]through the examples of 1st. 0:04:49.821,0:04:53.088 Crucial result is the standard[br]result, which says that if you 0:04:53.088,0:04:56.058 have an integral consisting of a[br]function in the denominator. 0:04:56.770,0:05:00.810 And it's derivative in the[br]numerator. Then the result is 0:05:00.810,0:05:05.254 the logarithm of the modulus of[br]the function in the denominator. 0:05:05.254,0:05:10.910 So for example, if I ask you to[br]integrate one over X plus one 0:05:10.910,0:05:12.526 with respect to X. 0:05:13.320,0:05:16.818 Then clearly the function in the[br]denominator is X plus one. 0:05:17.390,0:05:20.668 And its derivative is one which[br]appears in the numerator. So 0:05:20.668,0:05:22.456 we've an example of this form. 0:05:23.640,0:05:27.372 So the resulting integral is the[br]logarithm of the modulus of the 0:05:27.372,0:05:30.482 function that was in the[br]denominator, which is X plus 0:05:30.482,0:05:34.321 one. Plus a constant of[br]integration, so we will need 0:05:34.321,0:05:37.830 that result very frequently in[br]the examples which are going to 0:05:37.830,0:05:41.339 follow will also need some[br]standard results and one of the 0:05:41.339,0:05:44.848 standard results I will call[br]appan is this one. The integral 0:05:44.848,0:05:48.995 of one over a squared plus X[br]squared is one over a inverse 0:05:48.995,0:05:51.228 tan of X over a plus C. 0:05:52.400,0:05:55.821 Results like this can be found[br]in tables of standard integrals. 0:05:57.120,0:06:00.850 Finally, we need to integrate[br]quantities like this and you'll 0:06:00.850,0:06:04.580 need to do this probably using[br]integration by substitution. An 0:06:04.580,0:06:08.683 integral like this can be worked[br]out by making the substitution 0:06:08.683,0:06:10.548 you equals X minus one. 0:06:11.260,0:06:16.604 So that the differential du[br]is du DX. 0:06:16.610,0:06:22.790 DX, which in this case is du[br]DX, will be just one. 0:06:22.850,0:06:27.470 So do you is DX and that's[br]integral. Then will become 0:06:27.470,0:06:30.830 the integral of one over[br]you, squared du. 0:06:32.080,0:06:36.588 One over you squared is the same[br]as the integral of you to the 0:06:36.588,0:06:40.130 minus 2D U, which you can solve[br]by integrating increasing the 0:06:40.130,0:06:44.638 power BI want to give you you to[br]the minus one over minus one. 0:06:45.290,0:06:46.770 Plus a constant of integration. 0:06:48.180,0:06:51.912 This can be finished off by[br]changing the you back to the 0:06:51.912,0:06:55.644 original variable X minus one[br]and that will give us X minus 0:06:55.644,0:06:57.821 one to the minus one over minus 0:06:57.821,0:07:02.868 one plus C. Which is the same as[br]minus one over X minus one plus 0:07:02.868,0:07:04.891 C, which is the results I have 0:07:04.891,0:07:09.384 here. So what I'm saying is that[br]throughout the rest of this unit 0:07:09.384,0:07:12.708 will need to call Appan lots of[br]different techniques to be able 0:07:12.708,0:07:13.816 to perform the integrals. 0:07:14.540,0:07:16.020 As we shall see. 0:07:16.590,0:07:19.902 Let's look at the 0:07:19.902,0:07:26.492 first example. Suppose we[br]want to integrate this algebraic 0:07:26.492,0:07:29.772 fraction. 6 / 2 0:07:29.772,0:07:33.245 minus X. X 0:07:33.245,0:07:38.140 +3[br]DX 0:07:39.300,0:07:42.990 The first thing we do is we look[br]at the object we've got and try 0:07:42.990,0:07:45.696 to ask ourselves, are we dealing[br]with a proper or improper 0:07:45.696,0:07:48.156 fraction and what are the[br]factors in the denominator like? 0:07:49.200,0:07:53.208 Well, if we multiply the power,[br]the brackets at the bottom will 0:07:53.208,0:07:57.884 find that the highest power of X[br]is X squared, so the degree of 0:07:57.884,0:07:59.220 the denominator is 2. 0:08:00.430,0:08:04.318 The highest power in the[br]numerator is one. This is an X 0:08:04.318,0:08:08.530 to the power one, so the degree[br]of the numerator is one because 0:08:08.530,0:08:12.418 the degree of the numerator is[br]less than the degree of the 0:08:12.418,0:08:16.460 denominator. This is an example[br]of a proper fraction. 0:08:17.040,0:08:22.745 Both of these factors[br]in the denominator. 0:08:23.380,0:08:24.658 Are linear factors. 0:08:25.250,0:08:31.800 So we're dealing with a proper[br]fraction with linear factors. 0:08:31.820,0:08:37.787 The way we proceed is to take[br]this fraction and express it in 0:08:37.787,0:08:41.918 partial fractions. So I'll start[br]with the fraction again. 0:08:42.770,0:08:49.043 And express it in the[br]appropriate form of partial 0:08:49.043,0:08:51.831 fractions. Now because it's 0:08:51.831,0:08:56.206 proper. And because we've got[br]linear factors, the appropriate 0:08:56.206,0:09:00.573 form is to have a constant over[br]the first linear factor. 0:09:01.560,0:09:06.376 Plus another constant over the[br]second linear factor. 0:09:07.580,0:09:11.529 Our task now is to find values[br]for the constants A&B. 0:09:12.220,0:09:15.980 Once we've done that, will[br]be able to evaluate this 0:09:15.980,0:09:18.236 integral by evaluating these[br]two separately. 0:09:19.480,0:09:24.145 So to find A and be the first[br]thing we do is we add these 0:09:24.145,0:09:25.389 two fractions together again. 0:09:26.440,0:09:31.276 Remember that to add 2 fractions[br]together, we've got to give them 0:09:31.276,0:09:34.903 the same denominator. They've[br]got to have a common 0:09:34.903,0:09:38.530 denominator. The common[br]denominator is going to be made 0:09:38.530,0:09:41.351 up of the two factors. 2 minus 0:09:41.351,0:09:46.610 X&X +3. To write the first term[br]as an equivalent fraction with 0:09:46.610,0:09:50.680 this denominator, we multiply[br]top and bottom by X plus three. 0:09:50.680,0:09:56.230 So if we multiply top here by X[br]+3 and bottom there by X +3. 0:09:56.800,0:09:58.520 Will achieve this fraction. 0:09:59.210,0:10:01.613 And this fraction is equivalent[br]to the original 1. 0:10:03.550,0:10:06.370 Similarly with the second term. 0:10:06.960,0:10:12.630 To achieve a common denominator[br]of 2 minus XX +3. 0:10:13.310,0:10:15.152 I need to multiply top and 0:10:15.152,0:10:20.968 bottom here. By two minus X, so[br]B times 2 minus X and this 0:10:20.968,0:10:24.808 denominator times 2 minus X and[br]that will give me. 0:10:25.390,0:10:27.310 B2 minus X at the top. 0:10:28.420,0:10:32.012 Now these two fractions[br]have the same denominator, 0:10:32.012,0:10:36.053 we can add them together[br]simply by adding the 0:10:36.053,0:10:39.645 numerators together, which[br]will give us a multiplied 0:10:39.645,0:10:40.992 by X +3. 0:10:42.130,0:10:47.807 Plus B multiplied by[br]two minus X. 0:10:48.510,0:10:52.450 All divided by the common 0:10:52.450,0:10:59.134 denominator. What we're saying[br]is that this fraction we 0:10:59.134,0:11:02.699 started with is exactly the 0:11:02.699,0:11:05.198 same. As this quantity here. 0:11:06.600,0:11:09.484 Now the denominators[br]are already the same. 0:11:11.040,0:11:14.784 So if this is the same as that,[br]and the denominators are already 0:11:14.784,0:11:18.528 the same, then so too must be[br]the numerators, so we can equate 0:11:18.528,0:11:21.984 the numerators if we equate the[br]numerators we can write down X 0:11:21.984,0:11:26.750 equals. AX[br]+3. 0:11:28.280,0:11:32.288 Plus B2 Minus[br]X. 0:11:33.710,0:11:37.989 This is the equation that's[br]going to allow us to calculate 0:11:37.989,0:11:39.156 values for A&B. 0:11:40.690,0:11:44.122 Now we can find values for A&B[br]in one of two different ways. 0:11:44.122,0:11:45.970 The 1st way that I'm going to 0:11:45.970,0:11:50.400 look at. Is to substitute[br]specific values in for X. 0:11:51.270,0:11:54.558 Remember that this quantity on[br]the left is supposed to be equal 0:11:54.558,0:11:58.394 to this on the right for any[br]value of X at all. So in 0:11:58.394,0:12:01.408 particular, we can choose any[br]values that we like. That will 0:12:01.408,0:12:02.778 make all this look simpler. 0:12:03.430,0:12:07.435 And what I'm going to do is I'm[br]going to choose X to have the 0:12:07.435,0:12:09.304 value to. Why would I do that? 0:12:09.820,0:12:13.744 I choose X to have the value[br]too, because then this second 0:12:13.744,0:12:18.322 term will become zero and have 2[br]- 2, which is zero. Will lose 0:12:18.322,0:12:20.875 this term. And we'll be able to 0:12:20.875,0:12:24.740 calculate A. So by careful[br]choice of values for X, we can 0:12:24.740,0:12:26.246 make this look a lot simpler. 0:12:27.600,0:12:28.910 So with X is 2. 0:12:29.470,0:12:31.276 On the left will have two. 0:12:32.110,0:12:39.078 On the right will have 2 +[br]3, which is 5 times a. 0:12:39.520,0:12:40.790 And this term will vanish. 0:12:41.620,0:12:46.339 This gives me a value for a[br]straightaway dividing both sides 0:12:46.339,0:12:50.200 by 5. I can write that a is 2/5. 0:12:52.240,0:12:54.220 We need to find B. 0:12:55.660,0:13:00.910 Now a sensible value that will[br]enable us to find B is to let X 0:13:00.910,0:13:03.010 be minus three whi, is that? 0:13:03.530,0:13:06.767 Well, if X is minus three,[br]will have minus 3 + 3, which 0:13:06.767,0:13:09.257 is zero. And all of this[br]first term will vanish. 0:13:10.970,0:13:17.410 And we'll be able to find be so[br]letting XP minus three will have 0:13:17.410,0:13:22.930 minus three on the left zero[br]from this term here, and two 0:13:22.930,0:13:27.990 minus minus three, which is 2 +[br]3, which is 55-B. 0:13:28.230,0:13:35.838 Dividing both sides by 5 will[br]give us a value for B's 0:13:35.838,0:13:38.374 minus three over 5. 0:13:39.280,0:13:43.242 So now we know a value for a. We[br]know a value for B. 0:13:44.250,0:13:47.610 And we can then proceed to[br]evaluate the integral by 0:13:47.610,0:13:48.954 evaluating each of these 0:13:48.954,0:13:56.034 separately. Let me write[br]this down again. We want 0:13:56.034,0:14:03.564 the integral of X divided[br]by 2 minus XX +3. 0:14:03.600,0:14:06.260 With respect to X. 0:14:06.260,0:14:09.959 We expressed this algebraic[br]fraction in its partial fraction 0:14:09.959,0:14:14.480 in its partial fractions, and we[br]found that a was 2/5. 0:14:15.170,0:14:18.818 And be was 0:14:18.818,0:14:25.024 minus 3/5. So instead[br]of integrating this original 0:14:25.024,0:14:31.393 fraction, what we're going to do[br]now is integrate separately the 0:14:31.393,0:14:33.130 two partial fractions. 0:14:33.250,0:14:38.080 And will integrate these[br]separately and will do it like 0:14:38.080,0:14:42.090 this. In the first integral,[br]we're going to take out the 0:14:42.090,0:14:47.314 factor of 2/5. I will be left[br]with the problem of integrating 0:14:47.314,0:14:50.226 one over 2 minus X with respect 0:14:50.226,0:14:57.052 to X. For the second,[br]we're going to take out 0:14:57.052,0:15:03.264 minus 3/5. And integrate[br]one over X +3 with 0:15:03.264,0:15:05.340 respect to X. 0:15:07.710,0:15:09.887 So the problem of[br]integrating this algebraic 0:15:09.887,0:15:12.375 fraction has been split[br]into the problem of 0:15:12.375,0:15:14.552 evaluating these two[br]separate integrals and both 0:15:14.552,0:15:17.662 of these are simpler than[br]the one we started with. 0:15:18.700,0:15:22.600 Let's deal with the second one[br]first. The second one is a 0:15:22.600,0:15:26.175 situation where we've got a[br]function at the bottom and it's 0:15:26.175,0:15:30.075 derivative at the top. Because[br]we've got X plus three at the 0:15:30.075,0:15:34.300 bottom and the derivative of X[br]+3 is just one which appears at 0:15:34.300,0:15:37.875 the top. So this just evaluates[br]to minus 3/5 the natural 0:15:37.875,0:15:40.800 logarithm of the modulus of[br]what's at the bottom. 0:15:42.570,0:15:45.468 We've got the similar situation[br]here, except if you 0:15:45.468,0:15:48.366 differentiate the denominator,[br]you get minus one because of 0:15:48.366,0:15:52.552 this minus X, so we'd really[br]like a minus one at the top. 0:15:53.620,0:15:57.611 And I can adjust my numerator to[br]make it minus one, provided that 0:15:57.611,0:16:00.681 I counteract that with putting a[br]minus sign outside there. 0:16:01.670,0:16:06.602 So we can write all this as[br]minus 2/5 the natural logarithm 0:16:06.602,0:16:12.767 of the modulus of 2 minus X. And[br]of course we need a constant of 0:16:12.767,0:16:14.822 integration at the very end. 0:16:15.470,0:16:20.534 So that's the result of[br]integrating X over 2 minus XX +3 0:16:20.534,0:16:22.222 and the problems finished. 0:16:22.920,0:16:28.424 What I'd like to do is just go[br]back a page and just show you an 0:16:28.424,0:16:31.864 alternative way of calculating[br]values for the constants A&B in 0:16:31.864,0:16:35.648 the partial fractions, and I[br]want us to return to this 0:16:35.648,0:16:39.776 equation here that we use to[br]find A&B. Let me write that 0:16:39.776,0:16:40.808 equation down again. 0:16:41.490,0:16:47.580 X is equal to[br]a X +3. 0:16:47.580,0:16:50.700 Plus B2 Minus 0:16:50.700,0:16:58.170 X. What I'm going[br]to do is I'm going to 0:16:58.170,0:17:01.420 start by removing the brackets. 0:17:01.650,0:17:05.310 Will have a multiplied by X 0:17:05.310,0:17:10.146 AX. A Times 3[br]which is 3A. 0:17:11.940,0:17:15.258 B times two or two B. 0:17:16.130,0:17:19.346 And be times minus X or[br]minus BX. 0:17:21.050,0:17:24.768 And then what I'm going to do[br]is, I'm going to collect similar 0:17:24.768,0:17:28.200 terms together so you see Ivan[br]Axe here and minus BX there. 0:17:28.770,0:17:33.820 So altogether I have a minus B,[br]lots of X. 0:17:37.280,0:17:41.739 And we've got 3A Plus[br]2B here. 0:17:44.620,0:17:47.890 We now use this equation to[br]equate coefficients on both 0:17:47.890,0:17:52.468 sides. What do we mean by that?[br]Well, what we do is we ask 0:17:52.468,0:17:57.046 ourselves how many X terms do we[br]have on the left and match that 0:17:57.046,0:18:01.624 with the number of X terms that[br]we have on the right. So you 0:18:01.624,0:18:06.529 see, on the left hand side here,[br]if we look at just the ex terms, 0:18:06.529,0:18:13.228 there's 1X. On the right we've[br]got a minus B, lots of X. 0:18:13.260,0:18:18.060 So we've equated the[br]coefficients of X on both sides. 0:18:19.360,0:18:22.948 We can also look at constant[br]terms on both sides. You see the 0:18:22.948,0:18:24.880 three A plus 2B is a constant. 0:18:25.680,0:18:30.356 There are no constant terms on[br]the left, so if we just look at 0:18:30.356,0:18:32.360 constants, there are none on the 0:18:32.360,0:18:37.360 left. And on the right there's[br]3A Plus 2B. 0:18:37.360,0:18:40.690 And you'll see what we have.[br]Here are two simultaneous 0:18:40.690,0:18:44.353 equations for A&B and if we[br]solve these equations we can 0:18:44.353,0:18:48.682 find values for A&B. Let me call[br]that equation one and that one 0:18:48.682,0:18:52.678 equation two. What I'm going to[br]do is I'm going to multiply 0:18:52.678,0:18:57.673 equation one by two so that will[br]end up with two be so that we 0:18:57.673,0:19:01.336 will be able to add these[br]together to eliminate the bees. 0:19:01.336,0:19:06.331 So if I take equation one and I[br]multiply it by two, I'll get 2 0:19:06.331,0:19:13.538 ones or two. 2A minus 2B.[br]Let's call that equation 3. 0:19:14.350,0:19:18.028 If we add equations two and 0:19:18.028,0:19:24.622 three together. We've got 0 + 2,[br]which is 2, three, 8 + 2 A which 0:19:24.622,0:19:30.750 is 5A and two be added to minus[br]2B cancels out, so two is 5. In 0:19:30.750,0:19:35.729 other words, A is 2 over 5,[br]which is the value we had 0:19:35.729,0:19:37.261 earlier on for A. 0:19:37.820,0:19:42.580 We can then take this value for[br]A and substitute it in either of 0:19:42.580,0:19:46.320 these equations and obtain a[br]value for be. So, for example, 0:19:46.320,0:19:48.360 if we substitute in the first 0:19:48.360,0:19:54.790 equation. Will find that one[br]equals a, is 2/5 minus B. 0:19:56.100,0:20:02.049 Rearranging this B is equal to[br]2/5 - 1. 0:20:02.790,0:20:08.782 And 2/5 - 1 is minus 3/5 the[br]same value as we got before. 0:20:09.760,0:20:13.500 So we've seen two ways of[br]finding the values of the 0:20:13.500,0:20:17.580 constants A&B. We can substitute[br]specific values for X or we can 0:20:17.580,0:20:18.940 equate coefficients on both 0:20:18.940,0:20:23.212 sides. Often will need to use a[br]mix of the two methods in order 0:20:23.212,0:20:24.920 to find all the constants in a 0:20:24.920,0:20:31.405 given problem. Let's have[br]a look at 0:20:31.405,0:20:34.456 a definite integral. 0:20:35.170,0:20:39.031 Suppose we want to find the[br]integral from X is one to access 0:20:39.031,0:20:46.560 2. Of three divided by[br]XX plus one with respect to 0:20:46.560,0:20:52.800 X. As before, we examine this[br]integrand and ask ourselves, is 0:20:52.800,0:20:55.175 this a proper or improper 0:20:55.175,0:20:59.045 fraction? Well, the degree of[br]the denominator is too, because 0:20:59.045,0:21:03.010 when we multiply this out, the[br]highest power of X will be 2. 0:21:03.620,0:21:09.236 The degree of the numerator is[br]zero, with really 3X to the zero 0:21:09.236,0:21:12.692 here, so this is an example of a 0:21:12.692,0:21:18.092 proper fraction. On both of[br]these factors are linear 0:21:18.092,0:21:23.960 factors. So as before, I'm going[br]to express the integrand. 0:21:24.580,0:21:27.044 As the sum of its partial[br]fractions. So let's do that 0:21:27.044,0:21:31.040 first of all. 3 divided by XX 0:21:31.040,0:21:35.958 plus one. The appropriate form[br]of partial fractions. 0:21:36.930,0:21:42.750 Are constant. Over the[br]first linear factor. 0:21:42.750,0:21:47.518 Plus another constant over the[br]second linear factor. 0:21:49.160,0:21:52.652 And our job now is to try to[br]find values for A&B. 0:21:53.720,0:22:00.122 We do this by adding these[br]together as we did before, 0:22:00.122,0:22:04.778 common denominator XX plus one[br]in both cases. 0:22:06.810,0:22:10.870 To write a over X as an[br]equivalent fraction with 0:22:10.870,0:22:14.118 this denominator will[br]need to multiply top and 0:22:14.118,0:22:16.148 bottom by X plus one. 0:22:18.090,0:22:23.927 To write B over X plus one with[br]this denominator will need to 0:22:23.927,0:22:26.621 multiply top and bottom by X. 0:22:27.420,0:22:32.840 So now we've given these two[br]fractions a common denominator, 0:22:32.840,0:22:37.718 and we add the fractions[br]together by adding the 0:22:37.718,0:22:43.301 numerators. I'm putting the[br]result over the common 0:22:43.301,0:22:51.224 denominator. So 3 divided by XX[br]plus One is equal to all this. 0:22:53.150,0:22:54.805 The denominators are already the 0:22:54.805,0:23:00.050 same. So we can equate the[br]numerators that gives us the 0:23:00.050,0:23:05.432 equation 3 equals a X plus one[br]plus BX. And this is the 0:23:05.432,0:23:09.986 equation we can use to try to[br]find values for A&B. 0:23:11.260,0:23:13.636 We could equate coefficients, or[br]we can substitute specific 0:23:13.636,0:23:17.332 values for X and what I'm going[br]to do is I'm going to substitute 0:23:17.332,0:23:21.028 the value X is not and the[br]reason why I'm picking X is not 0:23:21.028,0:23:23.404 is because I recognize straight[br]away that's going to. 0:23:23.960,0:23:26.552 Kill off this last term here[br]that'll have gone and will be 0:23:26.552,0:23:28.280 able to just find a value for A. 0:23:29.280,0:23:34.922 So we substitute X is not on the[br]left, will still have 3. 0:23:35.790,0:23:41.601 And on the right we've got not[br]plus one which is one 1A. 0:23:41.630,0:23:43.611 Be times not is not so that 0:23:43.611,0:23:48.248 goes. So In other words, we've[br]got a value for A and a is 3. 0:23:49.640,0:23:54.320 Another sensible value to[br]substitute is X equals minus 0:23:54.320,0:23:56.565 one. Why is that a sensible 0:23:56.565,0:24:00.294 value? Well, that's a sensible[br]value, because if we put X is 0:24:00.294,0:24:03.710 minus one in minus one plus one[br]is zero and will lose this first 0:24:03.710,0:24:05.662 term with the A in and will now 0:24:05.662,0:24:09.814 be. So putting X is minus one[br]will have 3. 0:24:10.360,0:24:14.130 This will become zero and will[br]have be times minus one which is 0:24:14.130,0:24:19.700 minus B. So this tells us that B[br]is actually minus three. 0:24:20.390,0:24:26.366 So now we know the value of a is[br]going to be 3 and B is going to 0:24:26.366,0:24:30.878 be minus three. And the problem[br]of performing this integration 0:24:30.878,0:24:34.244 can be solved by integrating[br]these two terms separately. 0:24:35.630,0:24:41.306 Let's do that now. I'll write[br]these these terms down again. 0:24:41.306,0:24:46.982 We're integrating three over XX[br]plus one with respect to X. 0:24:48.180,0:24:52.310 And we've expressed already this[br]as its partial fractions, and 0:24:52.310,0:24:56.853 found that we're integrating[br]three over X minus three over X, 0:24:56.853,0:25:02.222 plus one with respect to X, and[br]this was a definite integral. It 0:25:02.222,0:25:06.352 had limits on, and the limits[br]will one and two. 0:25:06.890,0:25:10.256 So now we use partial[br]fractions to change this 0:25:10.256,0:25:12.874 algebraic fraction into[br]these two simple integrals. 0:25:13.970,0:25:16.088 Now, these are[br]straightforward to finish 0:25:16.088,0:25:19.618 because the integral of[br]three over X is just three 0:25:19.618,0:25:22.089 natural logarithm of the[br]modulus of X. 0:25:25.650,0:25:27.408 The integral of three over X 0:25:27.408,0:25:32.745 plus one. Is 3 natural logarithm[br]of the modulus of X plus one? 0:25:33.460,0:25:35.800 And there's a minus sign[br]in the middle from that. 0:25:36.860,0:25:40.180 This is a definite 0:25:40.180,0:25:44.110 integral. So we have square[br]brackets and we write the limits 0:25:44.110,0:25:45.660 on the right hand side. 0:25:46.350,0:25:48.890 The problem is nearly[br]finished. All we have to do 0:25:48.890,0:25:50.160 is substitute the limits in. 0:25:51.310,0:25:56.590 Upper limit first when X is[br]2, will have three natural 0:25:56.590,0:25:58.030 log of two. 0:25:59.150,0:26:02.918 When X is 2 in here will have 0:26:02.918,0:26:06.476 minus three. Natural[br]logarithm of 2 + 1, which is 0:26:06.476,0:26:10.727 3. So that's what we get when[br]we put the upper limit in. 0:26:11.750,0:26:16.524 When we put the lower limit in,[br]when X is one will have three 0:26:16.524,0:26:17.888 natural logarithm of 1. 0:26:18.640,0:26:23.398 Minus three natural logarithm of[br]1 + 1, which is 2. So that's 0:26:23.398,0:26:28.156 what we get when we put the[br]lower limiting. And of course we 0:26:28.156,0:26:31.450 want to find the difference of[br]these two quantities. 0:26:32.300,0:26:36.120 Here you'll notice with three 0:26:36.120,0:26:40.634 log 2. And over here[br]there's another three 0:26:40.634,0:26:44.274 log, two with A minus and[br]minus, so we're adding 0:26:44.274,0:26:47.550 another three log 2. So[br]altogether there will be 0:26:47.550,0:26:48.642 6 log 2. 0:26:49.840,0:26:53.220 That's minus three log 3. 0:26:53.220,0:26:56.668 And the logarithm of 0:26:56.668,0:27:00.540 1. Is 0 so that banishes. 0:27:01.430,0:27:04.455 Now we could leave the answer[br]like that, although more often 0:27:04.455,0:27:07.480 than not would probably use[br]the laws of logarithms to try 0:27:07.480,0:27:10.780 to tighten this up a little[br]bit and write it in a 0:27:10.780,0:27:13.255 different way. You should be[br]aware that multiplier outside, 0:27:13.255,0:27:16.830 like this six, can be put[br]inside as a power, so we can 0:27:16.830,0:27:19.580 write this as logarithm of 2[br]to the power 6. 0:27:21.040,0:27:23.960 Subtract again a multiplier[br]outside can move inside as a 0:27:23.960,0:27:28.048 power so we can write this as[br]logarithm of 3 to the power 3. 0:27:29.310,0:27:32.970 And you'll also be aware from[br]your loss of logarithms that if 0:27:32.970,0:27:36.325 we're finding the difference of[br]two logarithms, and we can write 0:27:36.325,0:27:41.205 that as the logarithm of 2 to[br]the power 6 / 3 to the power 3. 0:27:41.450,0:27:44.030 And that's my final answer. 0:27:45.280,0:27:52.309 Let's look at another example in[br]which the denominator contains a 0:27:52.309,0:27:57.421 repeated linear factor. Suppose[br]we're interested in evaluating 0:27:57.421,0:28:05.089 this integral 1 divided by X[br]minus one all squared X Plus 0:28:05.089,0:28:12.118 One, and we want to integrate[br]that with respect to X. 0:28:12.990,0:28:14.862 So again, we have a proper 0:28:14.862,0:28:19.437 fraction. And there is a linear[br]factor here. X plus one, another 0:28:19.437,0:28:23.481 linear factor X minus one. But[br]this is a repeated linear factor 0:28:23.481,0:28:24.829 because it occurs twice. 0:28:25.530,0:28:30.795 The appropriate form of partial[br]fractions will be these. 0:28:31.470,0:28:37.608 We want to[br]constant over the 0:28:37.608,0:28:40.677 linear factor X 0:28:40.677,0:28:47.190 minus one. We want[br]another constant over the linear 0:28:47.190,0:28:52.690 factor repeated X minus one[br]squared. And finally we need 0:28:52.690,0:28:58.190 another constant. See over this[br]linear factor X plus one. 0:28:58.190,0:29:02.040 And our task is before[br]is to try to find values 0:29:02.040,0:29:03.440 for the constants AB&C. 0:29:04.470,0:29:09.042 We do that as before, by[br]expressing each of these over a 0:29:09.042,0:29:12.471 common denominator and the[br]common denominator that we want 0:29:12.471,0:29:15.138 is going to be X minus one. 0:29:15.700,0:29:19.740 Squared X plus[br]one. 0:29:20.780,0:29:24.560 Now to achieve a common[br]denominator of X minus one 0:29:24.560,0:29:29.474 squared X Plus one will need to[br]multiply the top and bottom here 0:29:29.474,0:29:35.144 by X minus 1X plus one. So we[br]have a X minus 1X plus one. 0:29:35.170,0:29:38.455 To achieve the common[br]denominator in this case will 0:29:38.455,0:29:42.105 need to multiply top and bottom[br]by X plus one. 0:29:42.620,0:29:46.554 So we'll have a BX plus one. 0:29:47.120,0:29:51.152 And finally, in this case, to[br]achieve a denominator of X minus 0:29:51.152,0:29:55.856 one squared X Plus one will need[br]to multiply top and bottom by X 0:29:55.856,0:29:56.864 minus 1 squared. 0:29:57.640,0:30:04.376 Now this fraction here[br]is the same as 0:30:04.376,0:30:06.902 this fraction here. 0:30:07.300,0:30:10.479 Their denominators are already[br]the same, so we can equate the 0:30:10.479,0:30:13.947 numerators. So if we just look[br]at the numerators will have one 0:30:13.947,0:30:17.993 on the left is equal to the top[br]line here on the right hand 0:30:17.993,0:30:25.160 side. AX minus[br]1X plus one. 0:30:25.290,0:30:29.209 Plus B. X plus one. 0:30:30.290,0:30:34.110 Plus C. X minus one all 0:30:34.110,0:30:38.720 squared. And now we choose some[br]sensible values for X, so 0:30:38.720,0:30:42.427 there's a lot of these terms[br]will drop away. For example, 0:30:42.427,0:30:46.471 supposing we pick X equals 1,[br]what's the point of picking X 0:30:46.471,0:30:50.178 equals one? Well, if we pick[br]axes one, this first term 0:30:50.178,0:30:51.526 vanishes. We lose a. 0:30:52.220,0:30:55.832 Also, if we pick X equal to 1,[br]the last term vanish is because 0:30:55.832,0:30:59.960 we have a 1 - 1 which is zero[br]and will be just left with the 0:30:59.960,0:31:03.930 term involving be. So by letting[br]XP, one will have one. 0:31:04.610,0:31:07.634 On the left is equal to 0. 0:31:08.200,0:31:12.070 One and one here is 22B. 0:31:12.070,0:31:19.090 And the last term vanishes. In[br]other words, B is equal to 1/2. 0:31:20.380,0:31:24.982 What's another sensible value to[br]pick for X? Well, if we let X 0:31:24.982,0:31:26.044 equal minus one. 0:31:26.780,0:31:30.641 X being minus one will mean that[br]this term vanish is minus one 0:31:30.641,0:31:31.829 plus One is 0. 0:31:32.520,0:31:36.953 This term will vanish minus one,[br]plus one is zero and will be 0:31:36.953,0:31:41.386 able to find see. So I'm going[br]to let X be minus one. 0:31:41.620,0:31:44.707 Will still have the one on the 0:31:44.707,0:31:47.890 left. When X is minus one, this 0:31:47.890,0:31:50.110 goes. This goes. 0:31:50.680,0:31:55.375 And on the right hand side this[br]term here will have minus 1 - 1 0:31:55.375,0:31:59.757 is minus two we square it will[br]get plus four, so will get plus 0:31:59.757,0:32:04.999 4C. In other words, see is going[br]to be 1/4. 0:32:06.070,0:32:11.110 So we've got be. We've got C and[br]now we need to find a value for 0:32:11.110,0:32:15.205 a. Now we can substitute any[br]other value we like in here, so 0:32:15.205,0:32:18.985 I'm actually going to pick X[br]equals 0. It's a nice simple 0:32:18.985,0:32:23.080 value. Effects is zero, will[br]have one on the left if X is 0:32:23.080,0:32:26.230 zero there and there will be[br]left with minus one. 0:32:26.790,0:32:32.404 Minus 1 * 1 is minus 1 - 1[br]times a is minus a. 0:32:33.100,0:32:38.840 Thanks is 0 here. Will just left[br]with B Times one which is be. 0:32:38.850,0:32:44.422 And if X is 0 here will have[br]minus one squared, which is plus 0:32:44.422,0:32:50.392 one plus One Times C Plus C. Now[br]we already know values for B and 0:32:50.392,0:32:55.964 for C, so we substitute these in[br]will have one is equal to minus 0:32:55.964,0:33:00.342 A plus B which is 1/2 plus C[br]which is 1/4. 0:33:01.490,0:33:06.150 So rearranging this will have[br]that a is equal to. 0:33:06.730,0:33:12.260 Well, with a half and a quarter,[br]that's 3/4 and the one from this 0:33:12.260,0:33:17.790 side over the other side is[br]minus one. 3/4 - 1 is going to 0:33:17.790,0:33:18.975 be minus 1/4. 0:33:18.980,0:33:25.972 So there we have our values for[br]a for B and for C, so a being 0:33:25.972,0:33:29.031 minus 1/4 will go back in there. 0:33:29.330,0:33:34.062 Be being a half will go back in[br]here and see being a quarter 0:33:34.062,0:33:38.118 will go back in there and then[br]we'll have three separate pieces 0:33:38.118,0:33:41.498 of integration to do in order to[br]complete the problem. 0:33:42.460,0:33:46.468 Let me write these all down[br]again. I'm going to write the 0:33:46.468,0:33:49.474 integral out and write these[br]three separate ones down. 0:33:49.490,0:33:56.826 So we had that the integral of[br]one over X minus one squared X 0:33:56.826,0:34:03.114 Plus one, all integrated with[br]respect to X, is going to equal. 0:34:03.860,0:34:09.940 Minus 1/4 the integral of one[br]over X minus one. 0:34:10.610,0:34:17.918 They'll be plus 1/2 integral of[br]one over X minus 1 squared. 0:34:18.480,0:34:24.384 And they'll[br]be 1/4 0:34:24.384,0:34:27.336 over X 0:34:27.336,0:34:33.425 plus one.[br]And we want 0:34:33.425,0:34:36.500 to DX in 0:34:36.500,0:34:42.033 every term. So we've[br]used partial fractions to split 0:34:42.033,0:34:45.823 this integrand into three[br]separate terms, and will try and 0:34:45.823,0:34:49.613 finish this off. Now. The first[br]integral straightforward when we 0:34:49.613,0:34:54.161 integrate one over X minus one[br]will end up with just the 0:34:54.161,0:34:57.572 natural logarithm of the[br]denominator, so we'll end up 0:34:57.572,0:35:00.983 with minus 1/4 natural[br]logarithm. The modulus of X 0:35:00.983,0:35:06.208 minus one. To integrate this[br]term, we're integrating one over 0:35:06.208,0:35:10.618 X minus one squared. Let me just[br]do that separately. 0:35:10.770,0:35:16.362 To integrate one over X minus[br]one all squared, we make a 0:35:16.362,0:35:20.090 substitution and let you equals[br]X minus one. 0:35:20.760,0:35:25.282 Do you then will equal du DX,[br]which is just one times DX, so 0:35:25.282,0:35:27.866 do you will be the same as DX? 0:35:28.450,0:35:32.239 The integral will become the[br]integral of one over. 0:35:32.980,0:35:35.676 X minus one squared[br]will be you squared. 0:35:36.820,0:35:38.440 And DX is D. 0:35:39.210,0:35:42.666 Now, this is straightforward to[br]finish because this is 0:35:42.666,0:35:44.970 integrating you to the minus 2. 0:35:45.630,0:35:49.040 Increase the power by one[br]becomes you to the minus 1 0:35:49.040,0:35:50.590 divided by the new power. 0:35:51.090,0:35:52.806 And add a constant of[br]integration. 0:35:54.010,0:35:59.197 So when we do this, integration[br]will end up with minus one over 0:35:59.197,0:36:01.480 you. Which is minus one over. 0:36:02.250,0:36:04.008 X minus one. 0:36:04.660,0:36:10.861 And we can put that back into[br]here now. So the integral half 0:36:10.861,0:36:16.108 integral of one over X minus one[br]squared will be 1/2. 0:36:16.210,0:36:19.876 All that we've got down here,[br]which is minus one over X minus 0:36:19.876,0:36:24.960 one. The constant of integration[br]will add another very end. This 0:36:24.960,0:36:27.318 integral is going to be 1/4. 0:36:27.890,0:36:31.894 The natural logarithm of the[br]modulus of X Plus One and then a 0:36:31.894,0:36:33.742 single constant for all of that. 0:36:35.110,0:36:39.491 Let me just tidy up this little[br]a little bit. The two logarithm 0:36:39.491,0:36:43.198 terms can be combined. We've got[br]a quarter of this logarithm. 0:36:43.198,0:36:46.905 Subtract 1/4 of this logarithm,[br]so together we've got a quarter 0:36:46.905,0:36:50.612 the logarithm. If we use the[br]laws of logarithms, we've gotta 0:36:50.612,0:36:54.656 log subtracted log. So we want[br]the first term X Plus one 0:36:54.656,0:36:56.678 divided by the second term X 0:36:56.678,0:37:03.280 minus one. And then this term[br]can be written as minus 1/2. 0:37:03.280,0:37:06.060 One over X minus one. 0:37:06.060,0:37:09.954 Is a constant of integration[br]at the end, and that's the 0:37:09.954,0:37:10.662 integration complete. 0:37:11.960,0:37:18.440 Now let's look at an example in[br]which we have an improper 0:37:18.440,0:37:21.270 fraction. Suppose we have this 0:37:21.270,0:37:27.474 integral. The[br]degree of 0:37:27.474,0:37:30.730 the numerator 0:37:30.730,0:37:36.332 is 3.[br]The degree of the 0:37:36.332,0:37:37.556 denominator is 2. 0:37:38.610,0:37:41.620 3 being greater than two[br]means that this is an 0:37:41.620,0:37:42.222 improper fraction. 0:37:43.330,0:37:46.386 Improper fractions requires[br]special treatment and the first 0:37:46.386,0:37:49.824 thing we do is division[br]polynomial division. Now, if 0:37:49.824,0:37:53.644 you're not happy with Long[br]Division of polynomials, then I 0:37:53.644,0:37:57.464 would suggest that you look[br]again at the video called 0:37:57.464,0:38:00.868 polynomial division. When[br]examples like this are done very 0:38:00.868,0:38:05.124 thoroughly, but what we want to[br]do is see how many times X minus 0:38:05.124,0:38:06.948 X squared minus four will divide 0:38:06.948,0:38:13.470 into X cubed. The way we do[br]this polynomial division is we 0:38:13.470,0:38:19.630 say how many times does X[br]squared divided into X cubed. 0:38:20.330,0:38:24.878 That's like asking How many[br]times X squared will go into X 0:38:24.878,0:38:29.047 cubed, and clearly when X[br]squared is divided into X cubed, 0:38:29.047,0:38:30.942 the answer is just X. 0:38:31.920,0:38:35.652 So X squared goes into X[br]cubed X times and we write 0:38:35.652,0:38:36.896 the solution down there. 0:38:38.130,0:38:42.186 We take what we have just[br]written down and multiply it by 0:38:42.186,0:38:45.566 everything here. So X times X[br]squared is X cubed. 0:38:46.130,0:38:49.588 X times minus four is minus 4X. 0:38:50.370,0:38:51.878 And then we subtract. 0:38:52.690,0:38:55.469 X cubed minus X cubed vanish is. 0:38:56.040,0:39:00.385 With no access here, and we're[br]subtracting minus 4X, which is 0:39:00.385,0:39:01.570 like adding 4X. 0:39:03.110,0:39:08.141 This means that when we divide X[br]squared minus four into X cubed, 0:39:08.141,0:39:13.559 we get a whole part X and a[br]remainder 4X. In other words, X 0:39:13.559,0:39:18.203 cubed divided by X squared minus[br]four can be written as X. 0:39:19.360,0:39:25.096 Plus 4X divided by X[br]squared minus 4. 0:39:25.270,0:39:30.242 So in order to tackle this[br]integration, we've done the long 0:39:30.242,0:39:34.762 division and we're left with two[br]separate integrals to workout. 0:39:35.640,0:39:37.980 Now this one is going to be[br]straightforward. Clearly you're 0:39:37.980,0:39:41.022 just integrating X, it's going[br]to be X squared over 2. This is 0:39:41.022,0:39:43.596 a bit more problematic. Let's[br]have a look at this again. 0:39:44.420,0:39:48.083 This is now a proper fraction[br]where the degree of the 0:39:48.083,0:39:51.413 numerator is one with the next[br]to the one here. 0:39:52.850,0:39:54.512 The degree of the denominator is 0:39:54.512,0:39:56.810 2. So it's a proper fraction. 0:39:58.130,0:40:00.990 It looks as though we've got a[br]quadratic factor in the 0:40:00.990,0:40:05.690 denominator. But in fact, X[br]squared minus four will 0:40:05.690,0:40:10.420 factorize. It's in fact, the[br]difference of two squares. So we 0:40:10.420,0:40:16.440 can write 4X over X squared[br]minus four as 4X over X minus 2X 0:40:16.440,0:40:20.740 plus two. So the quadratic will[br]actually factorize and you'll 0:40:20.740,0:40:23.320 see. Now we've got two linear 0:40:23.320,0:40:28.483 factors. We can express this in[br]partial fractions. Let's do 0:40:28.483,0:40:35.021 that. We've got 4X over X, minus[br]two X +2, and because each of 0:40:35.021,0:40:40.158 these are linear factors, the[br]appropriate form is going to be 0:40:40.158,0:40:42.493 a over X minus 2. 0:40:43.160,0:40:46.980 Plus B over X +2. 0:40:49.520,0:40:54.990 We add these together using a[br]common dumped common denominator 0:40:54.990,0:41:02.648 X minus two X +2 and will[br]get a X +2 plus BX minus 0:41:02.648,0:41:09.210 2. All over the common[br]denominator, X minus two X +2. 0:41:12.310,0:41:18.988 Now the left hand side and the[br]right hand side of the same. The 0:41:18.988,0:41:23.758 denominators are already the[br]same, so the numerators must be 0:41:23.758,0:41:27.574 the same. 4X must equal a X +2 0:41:27.574,0:41:29.790 plus B. 6 - 2. 0:41:30.850,0:41:35.708 This is the equation that we can[br]use to find the values for A&B. 0:41:37.550,0:41:39.458 Let me write that down again. 0:41:39.990,0:41:45.758 We've got 4X is[br]a X +2. 0:41:46.440,0:41:51.020 Plus BX minus[br]2. 0:41:52.630,0:41:56.844 What's a sensible value to put[br]in for X? Well, if we choose, X 0:41:56.844,0:41:58.951 is 2, will lose the second term. 0:41:59.620,0:42:02.728 So X is 2 is a good[br]value to put in here. 0:42:03.940,0:42:09.100 Faxes 2 on the left hand side[br]will have 4 * 2, which is 8. 0:42:10.070,0:42:15.410 If X is 2, will have 2 +[br]2, which is 44A. 0:42:15.410,0:42:17.940 And this term will vanish. 0:42:19.000,0:42:22.200 So 8 equals 4A. 0:42:22.380,0:42:27.340 A will equal 2 and that's the[br]value for A. 0:42:29.200,0:42:32.684 What's another sensible value to[br]put in for X? Well, if X is 0:42:32.684,0:42:36.436 minus two, will have minus 2 +[br]2, which is zero. Will lose this 0:42:36.436,0:42:44.200 term. So if X is[br]minus two, will have minus 8 0:42:44.200,0:42:46.180 on the left. 0:42:46.190,0:42:47.710 This first term will vanish. 0:42:48.490,0:42:54.490 An ex being minus two here will[br]have minus 2 - 2 is minus four 0:42:54.490,0:42:55.690 so minus 4B. 0:42:55.690,0:43:01.114 So be must also be[br]equal to two. 0:43:01.120,0:43:06.160 So now we've got values for A[br]and for be both equal to two. 0:43:06.160,0:43:08.680 Let's take us back and see what 0:43:08.680,0:43:11.110 that means. It means that when 0:43:11.110,0:43:14.736 we express. This quantity[br]4X over X squared minus 0:43:14.736,0:43:17.868 four in partial fractions[br]like this, the values of 0:43:17.868,0:43:19.956 A&B are both equal to two. 0:43:21.140,0:43:26.740 So the integral were working out[br]is the integral of X +2 over X 0:43:26.740,0:43:29.540 minus 2 + 2 over X +2. 0:43:29.550,0:43:35.694 So there we[br]are. We've now 0:43:35.694,0:43:41.838 got three separate[br]integrals to evaluate, 0:43:41.838,0:43:47.982 and it's straightforward[br]to finish this 0:43:47.982,0:43:54.540 off. The integral of X[br]is X squared divided by two. 0:43:55.650,0:44:02.475 The integral of two over X minus[br]2 equals 2 natural logarithm of 0:44:02.475,0:44:05.625 the modulus of X minus 2. 0:44:06.430,0:44:13.934 And the integral of two over X[br]+2 is 2 natural logarithm of X 0:44:13.934,0:44:16.614 +2 plus a constant of 0:44:16.614,0:44:20.947 integration. If we wanted to do,[br]we could use the laws of 0:44:20.947,0:44:23.617 logarithms to combine these log[br]rhythmic terms here, but I'll 0:44:23.617,0:44:24.952 leave the answer like that.