0:00:01.359,0:00:04.976 I started kindergarten[br]already being able to read, 0:00:05.000,0:00:08.160 a skill a classmate[br]would quickly take advantage of. 0:00:09.160,0:00:11.856 He whispered to me in the library one day, 0:00:11.880,0:00:15.016 "Hey Sofia, can you look up the word sex? 0:00:15.040,0:00:17.320 I want to see what[br]it says in the dictionary." 0:00:18.600,0:00:21.880 I had never heard of this word,[br]so of course I was curious. 0:00:22.440,0:00:23.640 "Yeah. OK." 0:00:24.560,0:00:27.176 My fingers slowly trailed down the page, 0:00:27.200,0:00:29.216 eagerly searching for the letters 0:00:29.240,0:00:32.439 s-e-x, s-e-x, 0:00:33.240,0:00:35.616 but before I could land[br]on the desired word, 0:00:35.640,0:00:37.976 I felt a firm tap on my shoulder 0:00:38.000,0:00:40.120 and a stern gaze hovered over me. 0:00:42.240,0:00:43.856 Sat in the principal's office, 0:00:43.880,0:00:46.520 terrified yet unsure of my crime. 0:00:47.600,0:00:49.920 He leaned in close and said, gently, 0:00:51.040,0:00:54.256 "Now, Sofia, why would[br]a little girl like yourself 0:00:54.280,0:00:56.896 be concerned with a word like that? 0:00:56.920,0:01:00.216 I don't think your parents[br]would be too happy to hear of it. 0:01:00.240,0:01:02.576 But since this is your first time in here, 0:01:02.600,0:01:04.400 I don't think they need to be told." 0:01:05.440,0:01:07.016 In that simple moment, 0:01:07.040,0:01:10.736 he created the first secret[br]I would ever keep from my parents -- 0:01:10.760,0:01:12.376 (Laughter) 0:01:12.400,0:01:17.880 and a lifelong curiosity[br]about this shameful word spelled s-e-x. 0:01:18.760,0:01:21.696 We're going to share[br]a lot of secrets today, you and I, 0:01:21.720,0:01:24.176 and in doing so, I hope that we can lift 0:01:24.200,0:01:26.800 some of the shame[br]many of us feel about sex. 0:01:28.800,0:01:32.280 How many here have ever been[br]catcalled by a stranger? 0:01:33.960,0:01:35.520 Lots of women. 0:01:36.360,0:01:39.016 For me, the time I remember best 0:01:39.040,0:01:42.400 is when that stranger[br]was a student of mine. 0:01:43.480,0:01:46.416 He came up to me after class that night 0:01:46.440,0:01:49.296 and his words confirmed[br]what I already knew: 0:01:49.320,0:01:51.096 "I am so sorry, professor. 0:01:51.120,0:01:55.016 If I had known it was you,[br]I would never have said those things." 0:01:55.040,0:01:57.336 (Laughter) 0:01:57.360,0:02:01.440 I wasn't a person to him[br]until I was his professor. 0:02:02.400,0:02:04.976 This concept, called objectification, 0:02:05.000,0:02:07.056 is the foundation of sexism, 0:02:07.080,0:02:10.600 and we see it reinforced[br]through every aspect of our lives. 0:02:13.520,0:02:15.736 We see it in the government 0:02:15.760,0:02:19.176 that refuses to punish men 0:02:19.200,0:02:20.936 for raping women. 0:02:20.960,0:02:23.256 We see it in advertisements. 0:02:23.280,0:02:25.287 How many of you have seen an advertisement 0:02:25.312,0:02:30.680 that uses a woman's breast[br]to sell and entirely unrelated product? 0:02:32.400,0:02:36.176 Or movie after movie after movie 0:02:36.200,0:02:39.080 that portrays women[br]as only love interests? 0:02:40.080,0:02:43.696 These examples might seem[br]inconsequential and harmless, 0:02:43.720,0:02:44.976 but they're insidious, 0:02:45.000,0:02:49.280 slowly building into a culture[br]that refuses to see women as people. 0:02:49.840,0:02:53.936 We see this in the school[br]that sends home a 10-year-old girl 0:02:53.960,0:02:57.696 because her clothes were[br]a distraction to boys trying to learn, 0:02:57.720,0:03:02.896 or the government that refuses[br]to punish men for raping women 0:03:02.920,0:03:04.496 over and over, 0:03:04.520,0:03:05.976 or the woman who is killed 0:03:06.000,0:03:10.080 because she asked a man to stop[br]grinding on her on the dance floor. 0:03:13.400,0:03:18.160 Media plays a large role in perpetuating[br]the objectification of women. 0:03:19.280,0:03:22.096 Let's consider[br]the classic romantic comedy. 0:03:22.120,0:03:26.016 We're typically introduced[br]to two kinds of women in these movies, 0:03:26.040,0:03:28.776 two kinds of desirable women, anyway. 0:03:28.800,0:03:31.216 The first is the sexy bombshell. 0:03:31.240,0:03:34.896 This is the unbelievably gorgeous woman[br]with the perfect body. 0:03:34.920,0:03:37.536 Our leading man[br]has no trouble identifying her 0:03:37.560,0:03:39.920 and even less trouble having sex with her. 0:03:40.640,0:03:42.496 The second is our leading lady, 0:03:42.520,0:03:46.376 the beautiful but demure woman[br]our leading man falls in love with 0:03:46.400,0:03:48.536 despite not noticing her at first 0:03:48.560,0:03:51.160 or not liking her if he did. 0:03:51.720,0:03:53.736 The first is the slut. 0:03:53.760,0:03:55.776 She is to be consumed and forgotten. 0:03:55.800,0:03:57.080 She is much too available. 0:03:57.680,0:04:01.336 The second is desirable but modest, 0:04:01.360,0:04:04.816 and therefore worthy[br]of our leading man's future babies. 0:04:04.840,0:04:06.040 Marriage material. 0:04:06.640,0:04:09.576 We're actually told[br]that women have two roles, 0:04:09.600,0:04:13.840 but these two roles have a difficult time[br]existing within the same woman. 0:04:14.440,0:04:18.096 On the rare occasion[br]that I share with a new acquaintance 0:04:18.120,0:04:19.856 that I study sex, 0:04:19.880,0:04:22.256 if they don't end[br]the conversation right then, 0:04:22.280,0:04:24.280 they're usually pretty intrigued. 0:04:25.200,0:04:26.976 "Oh. Tell me more." 0:04:27.000,0:04:28.200 So I do. 0:04:30.080,0:04:32.696 "I'm really interested[br]in studying the sexual behaviors 0:04:32.720,0:04:34.496 of pregnant and postpartum couples." 0:04:34.520,0:04:38.056 At this point I get[br]a different kind of response. 0:04:38.080,0:04:40.056 (Laughter) 0:04:40.080,0:04:41.880 "Oh. Huh. 0:04:42.560,0:04:44.760 Do pregnant people even have sex? 0:04:45.960,0:04:49.896 Have you thought[br]about studying sexual desire 0:04:49.920,0:04:51.256 or orgasms? 0:04:51.280,0:04:54.280 That would be interesting and sexy." 0:04:56.000,0:04:58.536 Tell me. What are the first words[br]that come to mind 0:04:58.560,0:05:00.360 when you picture a pregnant woman? 0:05:01.160,0:05:04.576 I asked this question[br]in a survey of over 500 adults, 0:05:04.600,0:05:08.176 and most responded with "belly" or "round" 0:05:08.200,0:05:10.240 and "cute." 0:05:10.920,0:05:12.536 This didn't surprise me too much. 0:05:12.560,0:05:14.200 What else do we label as cute? 0:05:15.720,0:05:18.216 Babies. Puppies. Kittens. 0:05:18.240,0:05:19.896 The elderly. Right? 0:05:19.920,0:05:21.640 (Laughter) 0:05:22.880,0:05:25.536 When we label an adult as cute, though, 0:05:25.560,0:05:28.096 we take away a lot of their intelligence, 0:05:28.120,0:05:29.320 their complexity. 0:05:30.080,0:05:32.560 We reduce them to childlike qualities. 0:05:33.440,0:05:35.096 I also asked heterosexual men 0:05:35.120,0:05:38.256 to imagine a woman that they're[br]partnered with is pregnant, 0:05:38.280,0:05:41.056 and then asked women[br]to imagine that they are pregnant, 0:05:41.080,0:05:43.696 and then tell me[br]the first words that come to mind 0:05:43.720,0:05:45.760 when they imagine having sex. 0:05:46.840,0:05:48.920 Most of the responses were negative. 0:05:50.040,0:05:51.296 "Gross." 0:05:51.320,0:05:52.856 "Awkward." 0:05:52.880,0:05:55.416 "Not sexy." "Odd." 0:05:55.440,0:05:56.640 "Uncomfortable." 0:05:57.120,0:05:58.376 "How?" 0:05:58.400,0:06:00.400 (Laughter) 0:06:01.200,0:06:04.296 "Not worth the trouble."[br]"Not worth the risk." 0:06:04.320,0:06:06.320 That last one really stuck with me. 0:06:07.600,0:06:12.336 We might think that because we divorce[br]pregnant women and moms from sexuality, 0:06:12.360,0:06:17.376 we are removing the constraints[br]of sexual objectification. 0:06:17.400,0:06:19.440 They experience less sexism. Right? 0:06:20.120,0:06:21.696 Not exactly. 0:06:21.720,0:06:24.840 What happens instead[br]is a different kind of objectification. 0:06:25.640,0:06:27.896 In my efforts to explain this to others, 0:06:27.920,0:06:31.696 one conversation[br]led to the Venus of Willendorf, 0:06:31.720,0:06:36.536 a Paleolithic figurine scholars assumed[br]was a goddess of love and beauty, 0:06:36.560,0:06:38.000 hence the name Venus. 0:06:38.400,0:06:40.536 This theory was later revised, though, 0:06:40.560,0:06:44.256 when scholars noted[br]the sculptor's obvious focus 0:06:44.280,0:06:47.696 on the figurine's reproductive features: 0:06:47.720,0:06:50.976 large breasts,[br]considered ideal for nursing; 0:06:51.000,0:06:53.616 a round, possibly pregnant belly; 0:06:53.640,0:06:57.120 the remnants of red dye,[br]alluding to menstruation or birth. 0:06:58.440,0:07:01.976 They also assumed that she was[br]meant to be held or placed lying down 0:07:02.000,0:07:06.376 because her tiny feet[br]don't allow her to be standing. 0:07:06.400,0:07:07.880 She also had no face. 0:07:08.680,0:07:12.776 For this reason, it was assumed[br]that she was a representation of fertility 0:07:12.800,0:07:15.656 and not a portrait of a person. 0:07:15.680,0:07:16.960 She was an object. 0:07:17.560,0:07:19.376 In the history of her interpretation, 0:07:19.400,0:07:22.536 she went from object[br]of ideal beauty and love 0:07:22.560,0:07:24.400 to object of reproduction. 0:07:25.240,0:07:27.696 I think this transition speaks more 0:07:27.720,0:07:31.496 about the scholars[br]who have interpreted her purpose 0:07:31.520,0:07:35.520 than the actual purpose[br]of the figurine herself. 0:07:36.240,0:07:38.336 When a woman becomes pregnant, 0:07:38.360,0:07:42.096 she leaves the realm[br]of men's sexual desire 0:07:42.120,0:07:46.696 and slides into her reproductive[br]and child-rearing role. 0:07:46.720,0:07:49.336 In doing so, she also becomes 0:07:49.360,0:07:51.136 the property of the community, 0:07:51.160,0:07:55.640 considered very important[br]but only because she's pregnant. Right? 0:07:56.200,0:07:58.696 I've taken to calling this[br]the Willendorf effect, 0:07:58.720,0:08:02.400 and once again we see it reinforced[br]in many aspects of her life. 0:08:03.120,0:08:05.616 Has anyone here[br]ever been visibly pregnant? 0:08:05.640,0:08:06.856 (Laughter) 0:08:06.880,0:08:08.136 Yeah. That's me, right? 0:08:08.160,0:08:12.296 So how many of you ever had a stranger[br]touch your belly during pregnancy, 0:08:12.320,0:08:15.656 maybe without even asking[br]your permission first? 0:08:15.680,0:08:18.416 Or told what you can and cannot eat 0:08:18.440,0:08:22.056 by somebody who is not your doctor,[br]your medical care provider? 0:08:22.080,0:08:25.000 Or asked private questions[br]about your birth plan? 0:08:25.960,0:08:28.760 And then told why[br]those choices are all wrong? 0:08:29.440,0:08:30.656 Yeah, me too. 0:08:30.680,0:08:34.936 Or had a server refuse[br]to bring you a glass of wine? 0:08:34.960,0:08:37.696 This one might give you pause,[br]I know, but stay with me. 0:08:37.720,0:08:39.816 This is a huge secret. 0:08:39.840,0:08:43.760 It is actually safe to drink[br]in moderation during pregnancy. 0:08:44.400,0:08:45.936 Many of us don't know this 0:08:45.960,0:08:49.696 because doctors don't trust[br]pregnant women with this secret -- 0:08:49.720,0:08:51.480 (Laughter) 0:08:55.240,0:08:59.496 especially if she's less educated[br]or a woman of color. 0:08:59.520,0:09:01.256 What this tells us is, 0:09:01.280,0:09:05.496 this Willendorf effect,[br]it's also classist and racist. 0:09:05.520,0:09:11.416 It's present when[br]the government reminds women 0:09:11.440,0:09:14.096 with every new antichoice bill 0:09:14.120,0:09:16.976 that the contents of her uterus[br]are not her own, 0:09:17.000,0:09:19.056 or when an ob-gyn says, 0:09:19.080,0:09:21.376 "while it's safe[br]to have sex during pregnancy, 0:09:21.400,0:09:22.736 sometimes you never know. 0:09:22.760,0:09:24.400 Better safe than sorry, right?" 0:09:25.280,0:09:29.536 She's denied basic privacy[br]and bodily autonomy 0:09:29.560,0:09:31.560 under the guise of "be a good mother." 0:09:32.040,0:09:34.480 We don't trust her[br]to make her own decisions. 0:09:35.000,0:09:36.600 She's cute, remember? 0:09:39.680,0:09:41.976 When we tell women 0:09:42.000,0:09:44.936 that sexual pleasure -- excuse me. 0:09:44.960,0:09:49.776 When we tell women that sex[br]isn't worth the risk during pregnancy, 0:09:49.800,0:09:54.056 what we're telling her is that[br]her sexual pleasure doesn't matter. 0:09:54.080,0:09:57.376 So what we are telling her[br]is that she in fact doesn't matter, 0:09:57.400,0:10:02.120 even though the needs of her fetus[br]are not at odds with her own needs. 0:10:03.080,0:10:05.336 So medical providers, 0:10:05.360,0:10:08.336 such as the American College[br]of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 0:10:08.360,0:10:13.256 have the opportunity to educate[br]about the safety of sex during pregnancy. 0:10:13.280,0:10:14.680 So what do the experts say? 0:10:15.640,0:10:18.136 ACOG actually has[br]no public official statement 0:10:18.160,0:10:21.320 about the safety of sex during pregnancy. 0:10:21.880,0:10:24.976 Guidance from the Mayo Clinic[br]is generally positive 0:10:25.000,0:10:27.496 but presented with a caveat: 0:10:27.520,0:10:30.616 "Although most women can safely[br]have sex throughout pregnancy, 0:10:30.640,0:10:32.816 sometimes it's best to be cautious." 0:10:32.840,0:10:35.936 Some women don't want[br]to have sex during pregnancy, 0:10:35.960,0:10:37.216 and that's OK. 0:10:37.240,0:10:39.856 Some women do want[br]to have sex during pregnancy, 0:10:39.880,0:10:41.296 and that's OK too. 0:10:41.320,0:10:43.976 What needs to stop[br]is society telling women 0:10:44.000,0:10:46.320 what they can and cannot do[br]with their bodies. 0:10:47.360,0:10:49.480 (Applause) 0:10:53.920,0:10:58.576 Pregnant women are not faceless,[br]identity-less vessels of reproduction 0:10:58.600,0:11:00.720 who can't stand on their own two feet. 0:11:02.000,0:11:04.416 But the truth is, the real secret is, 0:11:04.440,0:11:08.696 we tell all women that[br]their sexual pleasure doesn't matter. 0:11:08.720,0:11:11.936 We refuse to even acknowledge[br]that women who have sex with women 0:11:11.960,0:11:14.280 or women who don't[br]want children even exist. 0:11:14.720,0:11:16.416 "Oh, it's just a phase." 0:11:16.440,0:11:18.760 "She just needs the right man[br]to come along." 0:11:20.040,0:11:22.376 Every time a women has sex 0:11:22.400,0:11:24.376 simply because it feels good, 0:11:24.400,0:11:26.136 it is revolutionary. 0:11:26.160,0:11:28.336 She is revolutionary. 0:11:28.360,0:11:30.936 She is pushing back[br]against society's insistence 0:11:30.960,0:11:33.176 that she exist simply for men's pleasure 0:11:33.200,0:11:34.520 or for reproduction. 0:11:36.320,0:11:40.296 A woman who prioritizes[br]her sexual needs is scary, 0:11:40.320,0:11:45.456 because a woman who prioritizes[br]her sexual needs prioritizes herself. 0:11:45.480,0:11:49.256 (Applause) 0:11:49.280,0:11:53.696 That is a woman demanding[br]that she be treated as an equal. 0:11:53.720,0:11:55.256 That is a woman who insists 0:11:55.280,0:11:58.616 that you make room for her[br]at the table of power, 0:11:58.640,0:12:00.536 and that is the most terrifying of all, 0:12:00.560,0:12:03.376 because we can't make room for her 0:12:03.400,0:12:06.920 without some of us giving up[br]the extra space we hold. 0:12:08.720,0:12:10.920 (Applause) 0:12:14.360,0:12:16.000 I have one last secret for you. 0:12:16.840,0:12:18.696 I am the mother of two boys 0:12:18.720,0:12:20.720 and we could use your help. 0:12:21.200,0:12:25.896 Even though my boys hear me say regularly 0:12:25.920,0:12:29.456 that it's important for men[br]to recognize women as equals 0:12:29.480,0:12:32.016 and they see their father modeling this, 0:12:32.040,0:12:36.160 we need what happens in the world[br]to reinforce what happens in our home. 0:12:36.480,0:12:39.776 This is not a men's problem[br]or a women's problem. 0:12:39.800,0:12:41.376 This is everyone's problem, 0:12:41.400,0:12:45.800 and we all play a role[br]in dismantling systems of inequality. 0:12:46.400,0:12:49.016 For starters, we have got[br]to stop telling women 0:12:49.040,0:12:51.456 what they can and cannot do[br]with their bodies. 0:12:51.480,0:12:54.520 (Applause) 0:12:56.120,0:13:00.016 This includes not treating pregnant women[br]like community property. 0:13:00.040,0:13:03.736 If you don't know her,[br]don't even ask to touch her belly. 0:13:03.760,0:13:05.456 You wouldn't anybody else. 0:13:05.480,0:13:07.616 Don't tell her[br]what she can and cannot eat. 0:13:07.640,0:13:10.656 Don't ask her private details[br]about her medical decisions. 0:13:10.680,0:13:12.576 This also includes understanding 0:13:12.600,0:13:15.176 that even if you are[br]personally against abortion, 0:13:15.200,0:13:17.880 you can still fight[br]for a woman's right to choose. 0:13:18.400,0:13:22.160 When it comes to women's equality,[br]the two need not oppose one another. 0:13:22.880,0:13:25.136 If you're somebody who has sex with women, 0:13:25.160,0:13:26.656 prioritize her pleasure. 0:13:26.680,0:13:29.080 If you don't know how, ask. 0:13:29.960,0:13:31.456 If you have children -- 0:13:31.480,0:13:33.416 (Laughter) 0:13:33.440,0:13:37.216 have conversations about sex[br]as early as possible, 0:13:37.240,0:13:41.616 because kids don't look up s-e-x[br]in the dictionary anymore. 0:13:41.640,0:13:43.280 They look it up on the Internet, 0:13:44.240,0:13:46.920 and when you're having[br]those conversations about sex, 0:13:47.680,0:13:49.616 don't center them on reproduction only. 0:13:49.640,0:13:51.296 People have sex for many reasons, 0:13:51.320,0:13:53.096 some because they want a baby, 0:13:53.120,0:13:56.056 but most of us have sex[br]because it feels good. 0:13:56.080,0:13:57.280 Admit it. 0:13:58.680,0:14:01.256 And regardless of whether[br]you have children or not, 0:14:01.280,0:14:05.536 support comprehensive sex education[br]that doesn't shame our teenagers. 0:14:05.560,0:14:08.240 (Applause) 0:14:14.040,0:14:16.616 Nothing positive comes from shaming teens 0:14:16.640,0:14:19.240 for their sexual desires, behaviors, 0:14:20.040,0:14:23.520 other than positive STD[br]and pregnancy tests. 0:14:24.520,0:14:27.576 Every single day,[br]we are all given the opportunity 0:14:27.600,0:14:30.320 to disrupt patterns of inequality. 0:14:30.880,0:14:34.360 I think we can all agree[br]that it's worth the trouble to do so. 0:14:35.120,0:14:36.336 Thank you. 0:14:36.360,0:14:39.440 (Applause)