WEBVTT 00:00:25.219 --> 00:00:26.479 'Tis strange my Theseus, 00:00:26.709 --> 00:00:30.149 that these lovers speak of. More strange than true. 00:00:31.250 --> 00:00:36.060 I never may believe these antique fables, nor these fairy toys. 00:00:37.080 --> 00:00:37.709 Oh, 00:00:39.979 --> 00:00:43.770 lovers and madmen have such seething brains, 00:00:43.779 --> 00:00:48.409 such shaping fantasies that apprehend more than cool reason ever comprehends. 00:00:48.900 --> 00:00:49.819 The lunatic, 00:00:50.189 --> 00:00:52.200 the lover, and the poet 00:00:52.669 --> 00:00:55.299 are of imagination all compact. One 00:00:55.439 --> 00:00:59.680 sees more devils than vast hell can hold. That is the madman. 00:00:59.900 --> 00:01:04.830 The lover all as frantic sees Helen’s beauty 00:01:04.940 --> 00:01:06.389 in a brow of Egypt. 00:01:07.400 --> 00:01:08.470 The poet’s eye 00:01:09.220 --> 00:01:12.480 in the fine frenzy rolling death lands from heaven to earth, 00:01:12.489 --> 00:01:16.559 from earth to heaven, and his imagination bodies forth the form of things unknown. 00:01:16.569 --> 00:01:20.080 The poet's pen turns them to shapes and gives to 00:01:20.769 --> 00:01:23.480 airy nothing. A local habitation and a name. 00:01:24.300 --> 00:01:26.669 Such tricks have strong 00:01:26.870 --> 00:01:30.279 imagination that if it would but apprehend some joy, it 00:01:30.540 --> 00:01:33.690 comprehends some bringer of that joy 00:01:33.930 --> 00:01:34.709 in the night 00:01:35.239 --> 00:01:37.180 imagining some fear. 00:01:37.419 --> 00:01:42.470 How easy is a bush supposed to bear! But all the story of the night 00:01:42.480 --> 00:01:45.150 told over, and all their minds transfigured 00:01:45.160 --> 00:01:47.440 so together more witnesses than fancies 00:01:47.449 --> 00:01:50.290 images and grows to something of great constancy. 00:01:50.989 --> 00:01:52.180 But howsoever 00:01:52.360 --> 00:01:54.529 strange and admirable. 00:01:55.330 --> 00:01:59.059 Here come the lovers full of joy and mirth. 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:02.230 Joy, gentle friends! Joy 00:02:02.239 --> 00:02:06.300 and fresh days of love accompany your hearts. More than to us, 00:02:06.309 --> 00:02:09.250 wait in your royal walks, your board, your bed. 00:02:10.119 --> 00:02:11.389 Come now, 00:02:11.399 --> 00:02:15.039 what masques, what dances shall we have to wear away this long age of three hours 00:02:15.050 --> 00:02:17.220 between or after-supper and bed time? 00:02:17.660 --> 00:02:19.729 Where is our usual manager of mirth? 00:02:21.110 --> 00:02:26.600 What revels are in hand? Is there no play to ease the anguish of a torturing hour? 00:02:26.800 --> 00:02:27.399 Call Philostrate. 00:02:27.990 --> 00:02:28.050 Here, mighty Theseus. 00:02:29.050 --> 00:02:32.910 Say, what abridgement have you for this evening? 00:02:32.919 --> 00:02:38.119 What masque? What music? How shall we beguile the lazy time, if not with some delight? 00:02:38.630 --> 00:02:41.000 There is a brief how many sports are ripe. 00:02:41.009 --> 00:02:43.440 Make choice of which your highness will see first. 00:02:47.669 --> 00:02:47.740 Ok. 00:02:49.490 --> 00:02:51.110 “The battle with the Centaurs 00:02:51.410 --> 00:02:52.399 to be sung by 00:02:52.500 --> 00:02:53.029 an Athenian 00:02:53.250 --> 00:02:54.259 eunuch to the harp.” 00:02:56.169 --> 00:02:57.240 We'll none of that. 00:02:58.160 --> 00:03:01.679 That have I told my love, in glory of my kinsman Hercules. 00:03:08.110 --> 00:03:10.770 “The riot of the tipsy Bacchanals, 00:03:11.289 --> 00:03:14.039 tearing the Thracian singer in their rage.” 00:03:14.330 --> 00:03:19.600 That is an old device, and it was played when I from Thebes came last a conqueror. 00:03:27.369 --> 00:03:32.550 “The thrice three Muses mourning for the death of Learning, late deceased in 00:03:32.800 --> 00:03:33.139 beggary.” 00:03:33.460 --> 00:03:39.740 That is some satire, keen and critical, not sorting with a natural ceremony. 00:03:45.779 --> 00:03:50.539 “A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus and his love 00:03:50.789 --> 00:03:53.380 Thisbe; very tragical mirth.” 00:03:54.360 --> 00:03:56.330 Merry and tragical? 00:03:57.130 --> 00:03:59.320 Tedious and brief? 00:03:59.669 --> 00:04:04.050 That is, hot ice and wondrous strange snow. 00:04:05.289 --> 00:04:09.139 How shall we find the concord of this discord? 00:04:12.339 --> 00:04:17.670 A play there is, my lord, some ten words long, which is as brief as I have known a play. 00:04:17.940 --> 00:04:21.670 But by ten words, my lord, it is too long, which makes it tedious. 00:04:21.869 --> 00:04:25.470 For in all the play, there is not one word apt, one player fitted. 00:04:25.799 --> 00:04:30.510 And tragical, my noble lord, it is, for Pyramus therein doth kill himself. 00:04:30.989 --> 00:04:35.299 Which, when I saw rehearsed, I must confess, made mine eyes water; 00:04:35.570 --> 00:04:40.089 but more merry tears, the passion of loud laughter never shed. 00:04:47.179 --> 00:04:48.769 What are they that do play it? 00:04:49.679 --> 00:04:52.119 Hard-handed men that work in Athens here, 00:04:52.220 --> 00:04:54.440 which never laboured in their minds till now, 00:04:54.829 --> 00:04:56.519 and now have toiled their unbreathed 00:04:56.529 --> 00:04:59.359 memories with this same play, against your nuptial. 00:05:02.429 --> 00:05:03.940 And we will hear it. No, 00:05:04.920 --> 00:05:06.329 my noble lord, 00:05:06.839 --> 00:05:08.160 it is not for you. 00:05:08.649 --> 00:05:10.399 I have heard it over, and it is nothing, 00:05:10.700 --> 00:05:12.049 nothing in the world, 00:05:12.190 --> 00:05:14.850 unless you can find sport in their intents, 00:05:14.859 --> 00:05:19.290 extremely stretched and conned with cruel pain to do you service. 00:05:19.299 --> 00:05:21.200 I will hear that play; 00:05:22.609 --> 00:05:27.079 for never anything can be amiss, when simpleness and duty tender it. 00:05:27.489 --> 00:05:28.750 Go, bring them in 00:05:29.100 --> 00:05:31.000 and take your places, ladies. 00:05:31.480 --> 00:05:35.760 I love not to see wretchedness o'er charged and duty in his service perishing. 00:05:35.769 --> 00:05:38.200 Why, gentle sweet, you shall see no such thing. 00:05:38.209 --> 00:05:39.760 He says they can do nothing in this kind. 00:05:39.769 --> 00:05:42.410 The kinder we, to give them thanks for nothing. 00:05:43.059 --> 00:05:46.100 Our sport shall be to take what they mistake, 00:05:46.279 --> 00:05:51.779 and what poor duty cannot do, noble respect takes it in might, not merit. 00:05:53.019 --> 00:05:54.209 Where I have come, 00:05:54.220 --> 00:05:56.369 great clerks have purposed to greet me 00:05:56.380 --> 00:05:59.480 with premeditated welcomes, where I have seen them shiver 00:05:59.869 --> 00:06:03.529 and look pale, make periods in the midst of sentences, 00:06:03.540 --> 00:06:05.869 throttle their practised accent in their fears. 00:06:06.429 --> 00:06:10.980 And in conclusion, dumbly have broke off not paying me a welcome. 00:06:12.010 --> 00:06:13.290 Trust me, sweet, 00:06:13.510 --> 00:06:16.489 out of this silence yet I picked a welcome, 00:06:16.500 --> 00:06:18.450 and in the modesty of fearful duty, 00:06:18.459 --> 00:06:22.369 I read as much as from the rattling tongue of saucy and audacious eloquence. 00:06:23.059 --> 00:06:29.730 Love, therefore, and tongue-tied simplicity in least speak most, to my capacity. 00:06:31.470 --> 00:06:31.779 Yeah. 00:06:32.769 --> 00:06:34.049 So, please your grace, 00:06:34.410 --> 00:06:35.779 the Prologue is addressed. 00:06:38.149 --> 00:06:40.660 Let him approach. 00:06:59.649 --> 00:07:02.600 If we offend, it is with our good will. 00:07:06.089 --> 00:07:07.260 That you should think, 00:07:07.440 --> 00:07:10.839 we come not to offend, but with goodwill. 00:07:12.970 --> 00:07:16.709 To show our simple skill, that is the true beginning of our 00:07:16.820 --> 00:07:17.399 end. 00:07:23.239 --> 00:07:24.109 Consider then 00:07:24.369 --> 00:07:26.549 we come but despite. 00:07:27.850 --> 00:07:31.950 We do not come as minding to contest you. Our true intent is 00:07:32.940 --> 00:07:33.309 all for 00:07:35.239 --> 00:07:38.880 your delight. We are not here 00:07:41.540 --> 00:07:45.600 that you should here repent you. The actors are at hand 00:07:46.190 --> 00:07:49.290 and by their show, you shall know all that you are like to know. 00:07:49.450 --> 00:07:52.329 This fellow do not stand upon points. He hath rid his prologue 00:07:53.489 --> 00:07:55.809 like a rough colt. He knows not to stop. 00:07:56.250 --> 00:07:57.579 A good moral, my Lord: it 00:07:57.769 --> 00:08:00.980 is not enough to speak but to speak, but to true. Indeed, 00:08:00.989 --> 00:08:04.149 he hath played on his prologue like a child on a recorder: 00:08:04.459 --> 00:08:05.470 a sound, 00:08:05.850 --> 00:08:07.100 but not in government. 00:08:07.339 --> 00:08:13.320 His speech was like a tangled chain: nothing impaired but all disordered. 00:08:13.480 --> 00:08:14.510 Who is next? 00:08:14.779 --> 00:08:15.640 Gentles, 00:08:16.380 --> 00:08:19.630 perchance you wonder at this show, 00:08:20.179 --> 00:08:23.750 but wonder on, till truth make all things plain. 00:08:24.899 --> 00:08:25.709 This man 00:08:26.190 --> 00:08:27.119 is Pyramus, 00:08:27.829 --> 00:08:28.859 if you would know; 00:08:29.440 --> 00:08:32.280 beauteous lady Thisby 00:08:32.419 --> 00:08:33.640 is certain. 00:08:34.780 --> 00:08:39.859 This man, with lime and rough-cast, doth present wall, 00:08:40.659 --> 00:08:45.729 that vile Wall which did these lovers sunder; and through Wall's chink, 00:08:46.130 --> 00:08:49.109 poor souls, they are content to whisper. 00:08:49.640 --> 00:08:51.559 At the which let no man wonder. 00:08:51.950 --> 00:08:53.070 This man, 00:08:53.500 --> 00:08:54.929 with lantern, 00:08:55.270 --> 00:09:01.500 dog, and bush of thorn, presenteth moonshine; for, if you will know, by moonshine 00:09:01.510 --> 00:09:04.419 did these lovers think no scorn to meet at 00:09:04.640 --> 00:09:05.840 Ninus' tomb, 00:09:06.229 --> 00:09:06.919 there 00:09:07.049 --> 00:09:08.359 there to woo. 00:09:09.150 --> 00:09:11.809 This grisly beast, 00:09:11.820 --> 00:09:16.400 which Lion hight by name, the trusty Thisby, coming first by night, did 00:09:16.409 --> 00:09:20.520 stare away, or rather did affright. And, as she fled, her mantle 00:09:20.530 --> 00:09:24.520 she did fall, which lion vile with bloody mouth did stain. 00:09:24.820 --> 00:09:29.969 Anon comes Pyramus, sweet youth and tall and finds his trusty 00:09:30.150 --> 00:09:31.559 Thisby's mantle slain. 00:09:31.729 --> 00:09:33.580 Whereat, with blade, 00:09:35.700 --> 00:09:42.500 with bloody blameful blade, he bravely broached his boiling bloody breast. 00:09:44.450 --> 00:09:44.570 And Thisby, 00:09:46.330 --> 00:09:47.219 tarrying 00:09:47.530 --> 00:09:48.880 in mulberry shade, 00:09:49.440 --> 00:09:50.940 his dagger drew, 00:09:52.210 --> 00:09:53.280 and died. 00:09:56.559 --> 00:10:00.830 For all the rest, let lion, moonshine, wall, 00:10:01.429 --> 00:10:05.419 and lovers twain at large discourse while here they do remain. 00:10:05.989 --> 00:10:12.010 I wonder if the lion be to speak. No wonder my Lord. One lion may when many asses do. 00:10:35.719 --> 00:10:36.169 Yeah. 00:10:37.549 --> 00:10:38.619 In this 00:10:39.159 --> 00:10:40.099 same 00:10:40.450 --> 00:10:41.450 interlude, 00:10:41.919 --> 00:10:43.320 it doth befall 00:10:43.880 --> 00:10:45.159 that I, 00:10:45.619 --> 00:10:46.280 one 00:10:51.440 --> 00:10:52.229 Snout 00:10:54.309 --> 00:10:54.960 by name 00:10:56.429 --> 00:10:57.210 present. 00:10:58.030 --> 00:10:58.479 a wall. 00:11:00.590 --> 00:11:01.919 And such a wall, 00:11:02.150 --> 00:11:04.320 as I would have you think, 00:11:04.760 --> 00:11:05.789 that had in it 00:11:05.979 --> 00:11:08.359 a crannied hole or chink, 00:11:13.760 --> 00:11:14.729 through which 00:11:15.390 --> 00:11:16.840 the fearful lovers, 00:11:18.880 --> 00:11:19.729 Pyramus 00:11:20.369 --> 00:11:20.719 and Thisby, 00:11:22.049 --> 00:11:23.130 did whisper 00:11:23.710 --> 00:11:26.130 often very secretly. 00:11:32.010 --> 00:11:32.080 This loam, 00:11:33.729 --> 00:11:38.989 this rough cast, and this stone 00:11:39.239 --> 00:11:39.369 doth 00:11:39.650 --> 00:11:41.260 show that 00:11:41.760 --> 00:11:43.750 I am that same wall; 00:11:44.130 --> 00:11:45.409 the truth is so. 00:11:46.659 --> 00:11:47.530 And this 00:11:47.710 --> 00:11:48.989 the cranny is, 00:11:49.520 --> 00:11:50.229 right 00:11:50.820 --> 00:11:52.179 and sinister, 00:11:52.820 --> 00:11:53.950 through which 00:11:54.109 --> 00:11:56.869 the fearful lovers are to whisper. 00:11:57.869 --> 00:11:58.020 Would you 00:11:59.020 --> 00:12:02.409 desire lime and hair to speak better? 00:12:02.419 --> 00:12:06.409 It is the wittiest partition that ever I heard discourse. My Lord. 00:12:06.520 --> 00:12:08.989 Pyramus draws near the wall. Silence! 00:12:13.299 --> 00:12:15.030 O grim-looked night! 00:12:15.650 --> 00:12:18.250 O night with hue so black! 00:12:18.799 --> 00:12:21.739 O night, whichever art when day is not! 00:12:22.119 --> 00:12:24.460 O night, O night! 00:12:24.669 --> 00:12:24.789 Alack, 00:12:26.799 --> 00:12:27.070 alack, alack, 00:12:27.700 --> 00:12:28.520 I fear my Thisby's 00:12:28.659 --> 00:12:30.669 promise is forgot! 00:12:31.039 --> 00:12:31.729 And thou, 00:12:32.330 --> 00:12:33.190 O wall, 00:12:33.409 --> 00:12:38.960 O sweet, O lovely wall, that stand'st between her father's ground and mine! 00:12:39.239 --> 00:12:39.950 Thou wall, O wall, 00:12:40.609 --> 00:12:41.489 O sweet 00:12:41.979 --> 00:12:44.169 and lovely wall, 00:12:44.530 --> 00:12:48.260 show me thy chink, to blink through with mine 00:12:48.369 --> 00:12:48.380 eyne! 00:12:50.390 --> 00:12:54.320 Thanks, courteous wall: Jove shield thee well for this! 00:12:58.719 --> 00:13:00.250 But what see I? No 00:13:00.479 --> 00:13:05.090 Thisby do I see. O wicked wall, through whom I see no bliss! Cursed be 00:13:05.099 --> 00:13:06.909 thy stones for thus deceiving me! 00:13:07.750 --> 00:13:10.289 The wall, methinks, being sensible, should curse again. 00:13:10.440 --> 00:13:15.260 No, in truth, sir, he should not. 'Deceiving me' is Thisby's cue. 00:13:15.270 --> 00:13:18.799 She is to enter now, and I am to spy her through the wall. You shall see, 00:13:18.809 --> 00:13:20.260 it will fall pat as I told you. 00:13:20.690 --> 00:13:21.400 Yonder she comes. 00:13:23.909 --> 00:13:24.330 O wall, 00:13:30.969 --> 00:13:32.080 full often hast 00:13:32.280 --> 00:13:33.830 thou heard my moans, 00:13:33.989 --> 00:13:35.979 for parting my fair Pyramus and me! 00:13:37.750 --> 00:13:41.090 My cherry lips have often kissed 00:13:41.380 --> 00:13:42.309 thy stones, 00:13:48.119 --> 00:13:51.080 thy stones with lime and hair 00:13:51.190 --> 00:13:52.390 knit up in thee. 00:13:53.719 --> 00:13:59.510 I see a voice. Now will I to the chink, to spy an I can hear my Thisbe's face. 00:13:59.520 --> 00:14:00.650 Thisbe! 00:14:03.090 --> 00:14:03.390 My love 00:14:03.559 --> 00:14:03.630 thou art, 00:14:05.869 --> 00:14:06.080 my love 00:14:07.309 --> 00:14:09.429 I think. Think what thou 00:14:10.229 --> 00:14:10.809 wilt, I am 00:14:11.320 --> 00:14:15.809 thy lover's grace, and, like, Lemander, am I trusty still. 00:14:16.039 --> 00:14:16.109 And I 00:14:16.210 --> 00:14:16.309 like Helen, 00:14:17.080 --> 00:14:19.880 till the Fates me kill. 00:14:20.119 --> 00:14:22.789 Not Shafalus to Procrus was so true. 00:14:30.000 --> 00:14:30.239 As Shafalus to 00:14:32.599 --> 00:14:33.619 Procrus, I to you. 00:14:34.570 --> 00:14:38.049 O kiss me through the hole of this vile wall! 00:14:43.500 --> 00:14:44.570 I kiss the wall's hole, 00:14:46.219 --> 00:14:48.859 not your lips at all. Wilt thou at 00:14:49.119 --> 00:14:51.760 Ninny's tomb meet me straightway? 00:14:52.090 --> 00:14:53.070 'Tide life, 'tide death, 00:14:53.309 --> 00:14:54.820 I come without delay. 00:14:59.890 --> 00:15:00.440 Thus, have I, 00:15:02.979 --> 00:15:06.619 Wall, my part dischargèd so 00:15:06.989 --> 00:15:09.390 and, being done, thus Wall away 00:15:09.580 --> 00:15:10.179 doth go. 00:15:14.809 --> 00:15:19.739 Now is the mural down between the two neighbors. No remedy. My Lord. 00:15:19.750 --> 00:15:22.539 when walls are so wilful to hear without warning. 00:15:22.549 --> 00:15:27.340 This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard. The best 00:15:27.349 --> 00:15:30.520 in this kind are but shadows, and the worst are no worse, 00:15:30.530 --> 00:15:34.880 if imagination amend them. It must be your imagination then, and not theirs. 00:15:34.890 --> 00:15:38.440 If we imagine no worse of them than they of themselves, 00:15:38.450 --> 00:15:42.739 they may pass for excellent men. Here come two noble beasts in, a man 00:15:43.320 --> 00:15:44.539 and a lion. 00:15:50.719 --> 00:15:51.700 You, ladies, 00:15:51.710 --> 00:15:56.679 you, whose gentle hearts do fear the smallest monstrous mouse that creeps on floor, 00:15:56.780 --> 00:16:00.270 may now perchance both quake and tremble here, when 00:16:00.280 --> 00:16:03.369 lion rough in wildest rage doth roar. 00:16:03.559 --> 00:16:08.289 Then know that I, one Snug the joiner, am the lion-fell, nor else no lion's 00:16:08.299 --> 00:16:15.090 dam; for, if I should as lion come in strife into this place, 'twere pity on my life. 00:16:19.210 --> 00:16:19.520 Wrong. 00:16:21.419 --> 00:16:26.969 Oh, a very gentle beast of a good conscience. The very best at a beast, 00:16:26.979 --> 00:16:31.010 my lord, that e'er I saw. This lion is a very fox for his valour. 00:16:31.020 --> 00:16:32.750 True, and a goose for his discretion. 00:16:32.760 --> 00:16:35.479 Not so, my Lord, for his valor cannot carry his 00:16:35.489 --> 00:16:38.549 discretion, and the fox carries the goose. His discretion, 00:16:38.559 --> 00:16:42.489 I am sure, cannot carry his valor, for the goose carries not the fox. 00:16:42.500 --> 00:16:46.789 It is well. Leave it to his discretion, and let us listen to 00:16:51.929 --> 00:16:52.559 the moon. 00:16:54.409 --> 00:16:54.820 Ok. 00:16:56.710 --> 00:17:00.280 This lantern doth the hornèd moon present— 00:17:00.289 --> 00:17:02.320 He should have worn the horns on his head. 00:17:02.479 --> 00:17:04.979 He is no crescent, and his 00:17:05.089 --> 00:17:08.319 horns are invisible within the circumference. 00:17:11.598 --> 00:17:15.328 This lantern doth the hornèd moon present, 00:17:15.438 --> 00:17:22.368 myself the man i' the moon do seem to be. This is the greatest error of all the rest: 00:17:22.378 --> 00:17:25.398 the man should be put into the lantern. 00:17:25.499 --> 00:17:30.298 How is it else the man i' the moon? He dares not come there for the candle; for, you 00:17:30.308 --> 00:17:33.668 see, it is already in snuff. I am aweary of this moon. 00:17:34.300 --> 00:17:35.949 Would he would change! 00:17:36.079 --> 00:17:42.359 It appears, by his small light of discretion, that he is in the wane; 00:17:42.869 --> 00:17:44.949 but yet, in courtesy, in all reason, 00:17:45.839 --> 00:17:47.310 we must stay the time. 00:17:50.599 --> 00:17:51.719 Proceed, moon. 00:17:56.420 --> 00:17:56.989 All 00:17:57.729 --> 00:17:58.979 that I have to say, 00:17:59.920 --> 00:18:01.099 is, to tell you 00:18:01.530 --> 00:18:05.650 that the lantern is the moon. I'm the man in the moon. 00:18:05.660 --> 00:18:11.489 This thorn bush, my thorn bush, and this dog, my dog. 00:18:12.369 --> 00:18:16.160 Why, all these should be in the lantern, for all these are in the moon. 00:18:17.660 --> 00:18:19.609 But silence! Here comes Thisbe. 00:18:26.339 --> 00:18:27.270 This is 00:18:27.430 --> 00:18:27.439 old 00:18:32.400 --> 00:18:34.810 Ninny's tomb. 00:18:35.479 --> 00:18:36.849 Where is my love? 00:18:49.739 --> 00:18:52.359 Well roared, Lion. Well run, Thisbe. 00:18:52.920 --> 00:18:53.449 Well shone, Moon. 00:18:53.709 --> 00:18:56.689 Truly, the moon shines with a good grace. 00:18:58.040 --> 00:19:00.010 Well moused, Lion. 00:19:00.189 --> 00:19:02.359 And so, the lion vanished. 00:19:02.680 --> 00:19:04.560 And then came Pyramus. 00:19:06.880 --> 00:19:08.109 Sweet Moon, 00:19:08.670 --> 00:19:10.949 I thank thee for thy sunny beams. 00:19:11.300 --> 00:19:13.589 I thank thee, Moon, for shining now 00:19:13.599 --> 00:19:17.890 so bright; for, by thy gracious, golden, glittering gleams, 00:19:17.900 --> 00:19:21.109 I trust to take of truest Thisby sight. 00:19:24.469 --> 00:19:26.439 But stay, O spite! 00:19:26.640 --> 00:19:30.869 But mark, poor knight, what dreadful dole is here! 00:19:31.479 --> 00:19:32.359 Eyes, 00:19:32.540 --> 00:19:33.589 do you see? 00:19:34.010 --> 00:19:35.109 How can it be? 00:19:35.479 --> 00:19:38.160 O dainty duck! O dear! 00:19:38.469 --> 00:19:40.359 Thy mantle good, what, 00:19:40.589 --> 00:19:42.319 stained with blood! 00:19:43.300 --> 00:19:46.579 Approach, ye Furies fell! 00:19:47.109 --> 00:19:51.280 O Fates, come, come, cut thread and thrum 00:19:51.560 --> 00:19:52.969 quail, crush, 00:19:52.989 --> 00:19:57.339 conclude, and quell! This passion, and the death of a 00:19:57.349 --> 00:20:00.369 dear friend, would go near to make a man look sad. 00:20:00.619 --> 00:20:02.329 Beshrew my heart, but I pity the man. 00:20:03.270 --> 00:20:03.869 O wherefore, 00:20:04.329 --> 00:20:05.109 Nature, 00:20:05.380 --> 00:20:11.560 didst thou lions frame? Since lion vile hath here deflowered my dear: 00:20:11.569 --> 00:20:12.359 which is— 00:20:13.239 --> 00:20:13.609 no, 00:20:14.969 --> 00:20:15.160 no— 00:20:15.760 --> 00:20:22.550 which was the fairest dame that lived, that loved, that liked, that looked with cheer. 00:20:23.239 --> 00:20:25.900 Come, tears, confound. 00:20:26.339 --> 00:20:30.579 Out, sword, and wound the pap of Pyramus; 00:20:30.880 --> 00:20:33.890 Ay, that left pap, where heart doth hop. 00:20:36.520 --> 00:20:37.050 Oh, 00:20:38.640 --> 00:20:41.199 thus die I, 00:20:42.800 --> 00:20:42.839 thus, 00:20:43.089 --> 00:20:43.349 thus, 00:20:44.890 --> 00:20:44.930 thus. 00:20:48.239 --> 00:20:49.390 Now am I dead. 00:20:51.020 --> 00:20:51.449 Oh, 00:20:51.910 --> 00:20:52.670 am I right? 00:20:54.209 --> 00:20:55.959 My soul is in the sky. 00:20:57.170 --> 00:20:57.430 Tongue, 00:20:58.219 --> 00:20:59.479 lose that light. 00:21:00.510 --> 00:21:01.160 Moon 00:21:01.989 --> 00:21:03.219 take thy flight. 00:21:11.569 --> 00:21:12.349 Oh! 00:21:13.500 --> 00:21:19.229 Now die, die, die, die, 00:21:19.930 --> 00:21:21.349 die. 00:21:22.589 --> 00:21:22.900 Yeah. No die 00:21:25.880 --> 00:21:30.489 but an ace, for him; for he is but one. Less than an ace, man, for he is dead; 00:21:30.500 --> 00:21:32.910 he is nothing. With the help of a surgeon 00:21:32.920 --> 00:21:37.719 he might yet recover and prove an ass. How chance Moonshine is gone before Thisbe 00:21:37.829 --> 00:21:39.390 comes back and finds her lover? 00:21:47.859 --> 00:21:50.550 She will find him by starlight. 00:21:51.280 --> 00:21:54.609 Here she comes, and her passion ends the play. 00:21:55.229 --> 00:21:58.530 Methinks she should not use a long one for such a Pyramus. 00:21:58.800 --> 00:22:03.280 I hope she will be breif. A mote will turn the balance, which Pyramus, which Thisbe, 00:22:03.439 --> 00:22:08.640 is the better; he for a man, God warrant us; she for a woman, God bless us. 00:22:08.650 --> 00:22:14.569 She hath spied him already with those sweet eyes. And thus she means, videlicet— 00:22:18.099 --> 00:22:19.790 Asleep, my love? 00:22:20.680 --> 00:22:21.239 What, dead, 00:22:21.550 --> 00:22:22.219 my dove? 00:22:23.589 --> 00:22:26.619 O Pyramus, arise! Speak, speak. 00:22:29.949 --> 00:22:30.979 Quite dumb? 00:22:33.569 --> 00:22:34.180 Dead, 00:22:35.369 --> 00:22:35.839 dead? 00:22:39.089 --> 00:22:41.930 A tomb must cover thy sweet eyes. 00:22:42.619 --> 00:22:47.000 These lily lips, this cherry nose, these yellow cowslip cheeks, are gone, 00:22:48.479 --> 00:22:49.310 are gone. 00:22:51.219 --> 00:22:52.780 Lovers, make moan. 00:22:55.189 --> 00:22:57.400 His eyes were green as leeks. 00:23:00.689 --> 00:23:03.800 O Sisters Three, come, 00:23:03.939 --> 00:23:07.630 come to me with hands as pale as milk; 00:23:08.160 --> 00:23:12.390 lay them in gore. Since you have shore with shears his thread of silk. 00:23:14.400 --> 00:23:15.369 Tongue, not a word. 00:23:17.780 --> 00:23:19.349 Come, trusty sword, 00:23:20.660 --> 00:23:20.709 come, blade, 00:23:20.819 --> 00:23:21.630 my breast imbrue. 00:23:26.170 --> 00:23:27.459 And, farewell, friends, 00:23:28.140 --> 00:23:30.180 thus Thisbe ends. 00:23:32.359 --> 00:23:33.069 Adieu, 00:23:34.630 --> 00:23:35.420 adieu, 00:23:37.869 --> 00:23:38.829 adieu. 00:23:43.040 --> 00:23:47.449 Moonshine and Lion are left to bury the dead. 00:23:47.859 --> 00:23:48.619 Ay, and Wall 00:23:48.790 --> 00:23:49.800 too. No 00:23:49.939 --> 00:23:51.000 assure you; 00:23:53.030 --> 00:23:55.260 the wall is down that parted their fathers. 00:23:55.400 --> 00:23:56.660 Will it please you to 00:23:56.849 --> 00:24:01.510 see the epilogue, or to hear a Bergamask dance between two of our company? No 00:24:01.699 --> 00:24:02.630 epilogue. 00:24:02.869 --> 00:24:03.819 I pray you; 00:24:04.619 --> 00:24:06.030 for your play 00:24:06.189 --> 00:24:07.949 needs no excuse. 00:24:08.150 --> 00:24:09.709 Never excuse; 00:24:09.890 --> 00:24:12.800 for when the players are all dead, 00:24:13.219 --> 00:24:14.780 there needs none to be blamed. 00:24:15.680 --> 00:24:19.810 Marry, if he that writ it had played Pyramus and hanged himself in Thisbe's garter, 00:24:20.410 --> 00:24:22.189 it would have been a fine tragedy. 00:24:22.319 --> 00:24:24.400 And so it is, 00:24:25.800 --> 00:24:26.530 truly, 00:24:27.349 --> 00:24:27.670 you did, 00:24:28.910 --> 00:24:35.339 very notably discharged. But come, your Bergamask. 00:24:42.150 --> 00:24:42.180 Let 00:25:18.239 --> 00:25:18.969 your 00:25:20.640 --> 00:25:21.530 epilogue 00:25:36.430 --> 00:25:36.739 alone. 00:25:44.300 --> 00:25:50.550 The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve. 00:25:51.020 --> 00:25:54.420 Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time. 00:25:54.930 --> 00:26:01.130 I fear we shall out-sleep the coming morn as much as we this night have overwatched. 00:26:02.160 --> 00:26:02.849 This 00:26:03.619 --> 00:26:05.810 palpable-gross play hath 00:26:05.969 --> 00:26:06.069 well beguiled 00:26:06.359 --> 00:26:09.380 the heavy gait of night. Sweet friends, 00:26:09.810 --> 00:26:10.510 to bed. 00:26:12.630 --> 00:26:15.130 A fortnight hold we this solemnity, 00:26:15.550 --> 00:26:17.410 in nightly revels and new 00:26:17.790 --> 00:26:18.089 jollity. 00:26:44.920 --> 00:26:48.630 Now the hungry lion roars and the wolf 00:26:48.750 --> 00:26:52.510 behowls the moon, whilst the heavy ploughman snores, 00:26:53.449 --> 00:26:55.400 all with weary task fordone. 00:26:56.500 --> 00:26:57.229 Now the wasted 00:26:57.939 --> 00:27:02.800 brands do glow, whilst the screech-owl, screeching loud, puts 00:27:02.810 --> 00:27:05.910 the wretch that lies in woe in remembrance of a shroud. 00:27:07.550 --> 00:27:08.300 Now 00:27:08.790 --> 00:27:14.319 it is the time of night that the graves all gaping wide, everyone lets forth 00:27:14.329 --> 00:27:16.619 his sprite. In the church-way paths to glide, 00:27:17.050 --> 00:27:18.420 and we fairies, 00:27:18.589 --> 00:27:22.540 that do run by the triple Hecate's team, from the presence of the sun, 00:27:24.219 --> 00:27:26.349 following darkness like a dream, 00:27:26.910 --> 00:27:27.829 now are frolic. 00:27:32.500 --> 00:27:35.939 Not a mouse shall disturb this hallowed house. 00:27:37.869 --> 00:27:41.020 I'm sent with broom before to sweep the dust behind the door. 00:27:43.510 --> 00:27:45.479 Through the house give gathering light. 00:27:46.050 --> 00:27:47.969 By the dead and drowsy fire: 00:27:47.979 --> 00:27:52.770 every elf and fairy sprite hop as light as bird from brier, 00:27:52.989 --> 00:27:53.630 and this ditty, 00:27:53.910 --> 00:27:55.089 after me, sing, 00:27:55.420 --> 00:27:57.920 and dance it trippingly. 00:28:01.750 --> 00:28:07.369 First, rehearse your song by rote to each word a warbling note. 00:28:07.790 --> 00:28:13.739 Hand in hand, with fairy grace, will we sing, and bless this place. 00:28:24.260 --> 00:28:24.569 Yeah. 00:28:25.839 --> 00:28:25.869 Yeah. 00:28:27.099 --> 00:28:27.430 True. 00:28:33.290 --> 00:28:33.459 Yeah. 00:29:05.910 --> 00:29:10.180 Now until the break of day, through this house each fairy stray. 00:29:10.739 --> 00:29:15.380 To the best bride-bed will we, which by us shall blessèd be, 00:29:15.680 --> 00:29:18.920 and the issue there createever shall be fortunate. 00:29:19.989 --> 00:29:23.640 So, shall all the couples three ever true in loving be, 00:29:23.890 --> 00:29:27.390 and the blots of Nature's hand shall not in their issue stand. 00:29:27.890 --> 00:29:30.729 Never mole, hare lip, nor scar, 00:29:30.739 --> 00:29:35.479 nor mark prodigious, such as are despisèd in nativity, shall upon their children be. 00:29:37.930 --> 00:29:39.640 With this field-dew consecrate, 00:29:41.140 --> 00:29:43.729 every fairy take his gait; 00:29:46.300 --> 00:29:50.969 and each several chamber bless, through this palace, with sweet peace; 00:29:50.979 --> 00:29:53.510 and the owner of it blessed ever shall in 00:29:53.520 --> 00:29:54.099 safety rest. 00:29:55.630 --> 00:29:57.079 Trip away, make no stay, 00:30:00.010 --> 00:30:01.920 meet me all by break of day. 00:30:11.280 --> 00:30:12.969 If we shadows have offended, 00:30:13.239 --> 00:30:15.250 think but this, and all is mended, 00:30:15.530 --> 00:30:18.969 that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear. 00:30:19.339 --> 00:30:24.949 And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream, gentles, do not reprehend: 00:30:25.439 --> 00:30:27.369 if you pardon, we will mend. 00:30:27.859 --> 00:30:28.489 And, 00:30:28.770 --> 00:30:31.050 as I am an honest Puck, 00:30:31.199 --> 00:30:34.209 if we have unearnèd luck now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, 00:30:34.530 --> 00:30:36.250 we will make amends ere long, 00:30:36.420 --> 00:30:38.430 else the Puck a liar call. 00:30:40.069 --> 00:30:40.680 So, 00:30:42.609 --> 00:30:44.229 good night unto you all. 00:30:44.550 --> 00:30:45.780 Give me your hands, 00:30:46.609 --> 00:30:47.910 if we be friends, 00:30:48.500 --> 00:30:50.579 and Robin shall restore amends.