Merry Spookness ! Why is it so hard to close ?! Oh my god RAAAH Go back there Tommy Kinda want to sell that to the museum for ten thousand bells Anyway some of my most disturbing videos of the last two years have been my wish videos Wish, the website that sends you super weird adverts and you never know what you're gonna get! We get something amazing or something that sets your house on fire the misteries are endless Exemple A : (heavy breathing) So as a Halloween special I went on Wish and searched the word "Spooky" and got myself some of the things that were recommended to me first And even though Halloween's not really the same this year I can keep all this stuff for future Halloween parties when the apocalypse is over (spooky music) So this was the first thing that was recommended to me (laugh) which is actually quite disturbing I feel like this is an alternate universe Christmas dinner where the turkeys are eating the people do you want some gravy Matilda Not to be a cannibal but I (laugh) Shouldn't start any sentences like that but I feel like we taste pretty good hmm salty I didn't get that I don't think did I get that ? I think I got something skeleton but maybe I chose a different one This made me laugh because (laugh) You're sending some mixed messages from this window Do you want help or do you want people not to enter you can't have both, Susan you need to pick I didn't get that 'cause I thought my neighbors would call the police Next - Oh my God yeah I forgot about this (laugh) I'm gonna have to censor his crotch What the frick is going on here ?! (laugh) you've got Thor's hammer zapping the peen Is this infinity war 2? Is that what's in Thano's pants? Why is it in the spooky section? I'm certanily not going to put 26 magnets anywhere near me crotch sorry The second spooky thing was just this computer generated image of a skeleton So I don't know what (laugh) I don't know what I'm gonna get for this but I'm excited Not sure I'd trust a Wish tattoo on my body But I might do it for the science I like this and I wanted to give myself some disco skeleton vibee so. Added to my basket ! Then we've got a lot of not scary stuff (laugh) Really? Just imagine people unzipping it to have a chat I'm sure COVID just ignores that little hole next to the zip as well yeah that's great very spooky for all the wrong reasons What's happening to her nose? What is she sucking off it ? No subtelty with this knock off Pennywise He's like "Yep I eat children. What of it? Wear the t shirt " (music) I must have ordered one of these I actually don't know which one I chose that'll be an exciting mystery when I open the packages Aeh oh yeah (laugh) Moving dog mouth mascoo- mascoot mascot costume FURSTUIT MASK I'm finally gonna become a furry and live the dream It's been so long since i ordered this I've probably forgotten half of it So prepare for some surprises as well Before we delve into Wish If you missed out on any of my new merch We've had a restock of the pumpkin spice candles and also the long sleeves I think this'll be the last restock So if you wanna grab any They're good for all year 'round not just for Halloween you can got to Alright let's get opening (spooky music) What is this A bag within a bag Ooh! Multiple things! What the frick ?! I think I went a bit overboard on this one lads Alright let's start on a small one What have we got here? Ooh! It's the tattoos ! Am I gonna give myself a wish tattoo? (laugh) I think it's happening Alright let's get the most spooky one and put it on my body That could be good on my face Don't wanna know what's going on there Spooky hands That's a sexy demon YeEeeeEE Eat me... Senpai ? That's a good one! I'm gonna go with a good old scratch Normally with these you just wet it don't you? Got my drink (violin music) Uh! Uh it's cold! I've got someone coming to fix the waching machine tomorrow so I hope this washes off by then or they'll just think I'm super cool Thankfully it's not burning my face so I think we're good Moment of truth! (music) That looks so good! This video is like 57% spookier now! Well done Wish! You've upped your game! I thought that would just not work or burn my face off so Cullen me wrong We're gonna go straight in with a strong 4 stars They send really short descriptions of what's in the bags and this one just says "coat." (laugh) I don't remember ordering a coat What is this? Oh! I forgot I got this! It's a pumpkin suit! this was like 2 pounds Is this gonna fit me? I think it could It's happening Got my frilly bits I can't really move my arms in it but it's actually pretty good I can finally actually become the pumpkin dance man (spooky music) Do you know that the most googled thing about me is "Is phil lester the pumpkin dance man"? No it's not actually me I'm sorry it was a joke The material is really cheap it's basically made out of paper I'm gonna give it 3 stars This pumpkin is really failing me Hello! Noo! Noooo! It's the scary man face! Ohh! (laugh) it looks like they've just sent someone's skin (deep voice) Hello Clarisse (saxophone music) I'm going in Uh! I literally feel like I'm wearing someone's skin Wait I need to do my hair The eyes are inverting into my own eyeballs Oh! Why are the eyes slits so small? Hi guys! AmazingBill here It's been a while since I've made a video I missed ya huh I need to get it off I need to get it off! Noo Ah! It's stuck my head is too big (disgusted noises) minus 3 stars That was genuinely one of the most disturbign things I've done on Youtube This is just described as "tools." I'm quite scared but also intrigued It's just a creepy picture of a little girl how is this "tools"? AH! (laugh) Oh my god no Look at this! So it's just like "lalala why is this creepy?" BOO That's so good! Holograms aren't usually that good Are these called holograms? I don't know whatever I'm just gonna put this on the wall to creep people out Wish! you are knocking it out of the sack today! the sack? the park I'm gonna give it 4 stars Alright what are you I'm just gonna reach in the bag UH! UH! it's squishy! Oh it's a human tongue! That looks quite real Why was this on the list of things I was like: Yep Thanks Phil in the past Ewww that is really gross Let me find my order for this 'cause I don't remember the product page Oh there it is! I think they might've exagarated the lenght a little bit on that woman this is like the opposite of visual ASMR It's meant to be like a prank so you put it in you mouth- I'm gonna be honest it stinks so I'm not gonna put it in my mouth I look like an emoji! (throat noises) And then you grab it and you're "Oh my god what's happeing to me! Linda!" Or you could just do something kinky I don't know it's gross I don't like that I own it 2 stars What is next in my spooky selection? Hello! Oh I was excited by this! A wall climbing spider! Gravity defying technology, drives anywhere It's quite cute actually it' not like a horrible tarentula Alright I found a switch on its ass Ooh! its eyes light up did you see that! Hellooo And then.. AH Oh I guess that's- that's so loud- I guess that's how it sticks to the wall Guys! Alright here we go Nooo! This is like, incredible! I can't believe it OH! Sorry Be free! Is it actually gonna work on the ceiling? Look at this! Woooh! (laugh) oh no! (spooky music) Well that's officially the best thing I've ever experienced soo that is 9 stars out of 5 I don't think we're gonna top it in this video guys What's this? Oh it's the creepy LED mask! Feels very cheap don't wanna strap these electrics to my face gonna do it That's quite scary looking anyway I'm not sure where you put the wire like where are you gonna hide this? I guess you'd put it down your shirt or something You can't really tell it's on it's making a very high pitched buzzing noise next to my eye which is scaring me Alright let's turn the lights off (stumbles) ow That's coo! You gotta be in a pretty dark room to get the full effect but I like it I'm gonna give it a 3 and a half it's doing its thing the buzzing is scaring me though I just pressed it again and it is in dance mode! (party music) i've got to up my estimations it's getting a 4 Definitely gonna use that next Halloween! (singing) "What is spook baby don't spook me" what is this? Why is it wet? Oh it's the skeleton! We got the skeleton! It's a lot smaller than i thought it would be But it's high quality actually! Maybe I could serve.a roast dinner in this like the picture Oh no (slowed down) but it's high quality actually Rest in peace, can i get that back on? Oh it is quite tall, it's just got very long legs I'm gonna give him a - no not five - 4 Ooh! Oh it's the (laugh) the best 'til last It's my fursuit! it's finally here! its got some very derpy eyes this mask doesn't stink inside but it looks very eeh sinister in there What is THAT? it's what I'm about to put my face into let's just do it wooh (howl) Is it what it's like inside a fursuit? It's kind of satisfying It says the mouth should open though Oh! Oh okay Helloooo oh my god that's so weird It's pretty much impossible to open the mouth Furries if this is what it's like inside your suits, then 10 points for dedication from me I respect you massively I'm gonna give this a 5 Okay the eyes are fully steamed up I can't see anything There could be a murderer in the room with me right now (scary sound) (gasp) (cough) I just breathed in some fur Ew it went in my mouth Set me free! Alright this has been fun I hope you have a fun spooky season If you didn't see my channel now has its own emojis so if you wanna use those in the comments you can click join become a part of the cactus club you get a little cactus next to your name and you get to see my community tabs updates as well Thanks for anyone that does that if you didn't watch my last video I tried pumpkin spice with everything which was a mistake (laugh) so if you wanna watch that I will put it here give it a click you can subscribe check out the merch have a good life And I'll see youuu later Goodbye!