0:00:00.120,0:00:03.600 this is a dynamic climbing rope one can 0:00:03.600,0:00:07.259 take hundreds of these massive Falls and 0:00:07.259,0:00:10.980 it will still provide a soft Landing for 0:00:10.980,0:00:13.500 the climber Now Let's ignore the blue 0:00:13.500,0:00:16.859 protective shift and pull out the core 0:00:16.859,0:00:19.980 so this white strands is the core of the 0:00:19.980,0:00:22.260 Rope which is responsible for majority 0:00:22.260,0:00:25.560 of rope's strength if I would untwist 0:00:25.560,0:00:28.859 the core strand eventually I would get 0:00:28.859,0:00:31.859 to this thing which is called a 0:00:31.859,0:00:34.920 multi-filament and if I would dig deeper 0:00:34.920,0:00:38.219 and try to separate the smallest part of 0:00:38.219,0:00:41.280 the Rope I would get to a single 0:00:41.280,0:00:46.980 filament which I can barely see so this 0:00:46.980,0:00:49.739 is a single filament 0:00:49.739,0:00:52.440 so this filament is about 10 times 0:00:52.440,0:00:54.719 thinner than the human hair and there is 0:00:54.719,0:00:58.079 about 50 to 80 0:00:58.079,0:01:01.260 000 of them in a single rope and all of 0:01:01.260,0:01:03.780 them run across entire length of the 0:01:03.780,0:01:06.659 Rope now during the fall this filaments 0:01:06.659,0:01:10.020 stretch but also they slide past each 0:01:10.020,0:01:12.780 other which creates friction and this 0:01:12.780,0:01:15.240 friction helps to dampen the impact 0:01:15.240,0:01:18.060 however if we would make a rope wet 0:01:18.060,0:01:20.700 water on the surface of the filaments 0:01:20.700,0:01:22.979 would act as a lubricant this would 0:01:22.979,0:01:25.680 allow the filaments to slide easier past 0:01:25.680,0:01:27.720 each other which would reduce the 0:01:27.720,0:01:30.479 dampening effect also you can probably 0:01:30.479,0:01:33.000 imagine that as I want to stretch the 0:01:33.000,0:01:36.000 Rope out it needs to shrink in diameter 0:01:36.000,0:01:39.119 however if the Rope is full of water in 0:01:39.119,0:01:42.240 order to shrink in diameter first it 0:01:42.240,0:01:45.600 needs to spit the water out however if 0:01:45.600,0:01:48.000 the impact is hard enough the water 0:01:48.000,0:01:51.360 cannot Escape faster it's like when you 0:01:51.360,0:01:53.520 belly flop on the water and the water 0:01:53.520,0:01:55.560 doesn't have enough time to flow around 0:01:55.560,0:01:58.680 your body and things get even more 0:01:58.680,0:02:01.140 interesting from here if we would look 0:02:01.140,0:02:04.619 deeper deep deep inside the filament we 0:02:04.619,0:02:07.799 would find this but don't worry the only 0:02:07.799,0:02:09.539 thing you need to know that this is a 0:02:09.539,0:02:12.540 monomer which joins together to form a 0:02:12.540,0:02:15.540 polymer chain and this chain can be very 0:02:15.540,0:02:19.500 long very very long which is really 0:02:19.500,0:02:23.099 great for making filament fiber and this 0:02:23.099,0:02:25.260 is where things get interesting notice 0:02:25.260,0:02:27.900 that some parts of this fiber are 0:02:27.900,0:02:31.140 arranged neatly in order these parts are 0:02:31.140,0:02:34.140 called crystalline and they have polymer 0:02:34.140,0:02:37.200 chains packed so close together that 0:02:37.200,0:02:39.540 they form an attraction for each other 0:02:39.540,0:02:42.420 and this happens because hydrogen from 0:02:42.420,0:02:45.420 one chain really likes the oxygen from 0:02:45.420,0:02:47.760 the other chain so all of this makes 0:02:47.760,0:02:50.519 these parts really strong with which is 0:02:50.519,0:02:52.140 great for the strength of the Rope 0:02:52.140,0:02:55.560 however it also makes these parts really 0:02:55.560,0:02:58.379 stiff which is not so great when you 0:02:58.379,0:03:01.319 want your dynamic rope to stretch and 0:03:01.319,0:03:03.300 that's what these other parts that look 0:03:03.300,0:03:06.000 like spaghettis are four they are called 0:03:06.000,0:03:08.760 amorphous and they have much bigger gaps 0:03:08.760,0:03:11.340 between the chains which allows them to 0:03:11.340,0:03:12.360 stretch 0:03:12.360,0:03:14.340 so when the force is applied on the 0:03:14.340,0:03:17.640 fiber these spaghetti Parts stretch and 0:03:17.640,0:03:19.680 the crystalline Parts provide the 0:03:19.680,0:03:22.800 strength you can probably imagine that a 0:03:22.800,0:03:24.900 very stiff rope 0:03:24.900,0:03:27.959 wouldn't be great for climbing but 0:03:27.959,0:03:30.000 neither the Rope which would stretch too 0:03:30.000,0:03:32.599 much because when I fall I want to land 0:03:32.599,0:03:36.000 not on the ground so by controlling the 0:03:36.000,0:03:38.459 ratio between spaghettis and crystalline 0:03:38.459,0:03:41.819 Parts rope manufacturers can create this 0:03:41.819,0:03:44.700 great strength but at the same time 0:03:44.700,0:03:48.299 perfect Force absorption which is quite 0:03:48.299,0:03:50.760 impressive now remember I said that 0:03:50.760,0:03:53.760 hydrogen really likes the oxygen guess 0:03:53.760,0:03:56.280 what else has a lot of hydrogen and 0:03:56.280,0:04:00.180 oxygen that's right water good news is 0:04:00.180,0:04:02.640 that water cannot really penetrate into 0:04:02.640,0:04:04.860 the crystalline parts of the fiber 0:04:04.860,0:04:07.620 because the chains there are very packed 0:04:07.620,0:04:10.620 close together already however spaghetti 0:04:10.620,0:04:13.860 Parts have gaps and that allows water to 0:04:13.860,0:04:16.859 come in and bond to the chains and this 0:04:16.859,0:04:19.079 bonding increases the distance between 0:04:19.079,0:04:21.720 the chains and it also weakens the 0:04:21.720,0:04:24.900 intermolecular attraction so now if the 0:04:24.900,0:04:27.120 the force is applied when the fiber is 0:04:27.120,0:04:30.540 wet spaghettis might stretch more than 0:04:30.540,0:04:32.660 what they are capable to recover from 0:04:32.660,0:04:35.460 and that might damage the entire 0:04:35.460,0:04:39.600 structure of the fiber but all of that 0:04:39.600,0:04:43.139 is in theory so let's see if that theory 0:04:43.139,0:04:45.180 applies to real world climbing 0:04:45.180,0:04:47.720 situations 0:04:49.930,0:04:52.440 [Music] 0:04:52.440,0:04:53.880 and if you're wondering who goes 0:04:53.880,0:04:56.820 climbing in the rain well this was my 0:04:56.820,0:04:59.400 birthday and we came up with a brilliant 0:04:59.400,0:05:03.360 idea to climb 34 routes in a day and 0:05:03.360,0:05:07.100 half of the day was raining 0:05:08.160,0:05:10.620 so yeah let's say I have some wet 0:05:10.620,0:05:14.160 experiences but my anecdotal experiences 0:05:14.160,0:05:17.220 are not science and to do proper science 0:05:17.220,0:05:19.800 I needed to go to the place where the 0:05:19.800,0:05:23.470 ropes are properly tested 0:05:23.470,0:05:31.500 [Music] 0:05:31.880,0:05:34.530 [ __ ] there's a lot coming out 0:05:34.530,0:05:36.919 [Music] 0:05:36.919,0:05:40.160 that's a lot 0:05:40.160,0:05:44.340 and before we begin a strange fact I 0:05:44.340,0:05:46.740 checked a lot of user manuals of dynamic 0:05:46.740,0:05:49.740 climbing ropes from various Brands and 0:05:49.740,0:05:52.740 about half of them have various warnings 0:05:52.740,0:05:55.740 about wet drops however the other half 0:05:55.740,0:05:58.020 doesn't mention anything 0:05:58.020,0:06:02.360 hmm okay so here is the question 0:06:02.360,0:06:06.600 will dry rope cause harder catch on 0:06:06.600,0:06:09.060 realistic fault scenario 0:06:09.060,0:06:12.960 well we would say over time yes in the 0:06:12.960,0:06:15.300 beginning probably not 0:06:15.300,0:06:18.180 so you mean on a first fall maybe not 0:06:18.180,0:06:20.940 yes and on the repeated Falls probably 0:06:20.940,0:06:23.639 yes exactly that's not my first 0:06:23.639,0:06:26.300 statement made 0:06:26.300,0:06:29.160 now since we wanted to mimic real world 0:06:29.160,0:06:31.819 scenarios 0:06:31.819,0:06:35.220 and heartfalls rarely exceed 4 0:06:35.220,0:06:38.039 kilonewtons we needed to modify the drop 0:06:38.039,0:06:40.199 tower to produce the forces between 0:06:40.199,0:06:44.340 three and four kilonewtons 0:06:44.340,0:06:50.100 so we overshoot yes we did buy a lot 0:06:50.100,0:06:51.419 [Music] 0:06:51.419,0:06:52.500 okay 0:06:52.500,0:06:55.620 which took a bit of adjustment on this 0:06:55.620,0:06:58.680 old drop tower Mammoth actually has a 0:06:58.680,0:07:00.900 way more advanced drop tower which I 0:07:00.900,0:07:03.060 already had a pleasure to use when we 0:07:03.060,0:07:05.580 were testing the cut resistance of the 0:07:05.580,0:07:08.580 ropes which was super interesting yeah 0:07:08.580,0:07:10.020 that's easier with the other one because 0:07:10.020,0:07:12.300 it works electronically you can put in 0:07:12.300,0:07:13.860 the number where you want to go and then 0:07:13.860,0:07:15.720 it's aligns it by itself but we are not 0:07:15.720,0:07:18.240 allowed to use it not for the water 0:07:18.240,0:07:20.699 it doesn't like water yeah so this one 0:07:20.699,0:07:22.319 doesn't like the water this one also 0:07:22.319,0:07:24.660 doesn't like weather no as soon as these 0:07:24.660,0:07:26.639 get wet rust will appear off the wall 0:07:26.639,0:07:29.280 and then friction has a big influence on 0:07:29.280,0:07:32.220 the yeah but this one we don't use this 0:07:32.220,0:07:34.800 for any development or production 0:07:34.800,0:07:37.259 control yeah that's why we are allowed 0:07:37.259,0:07:40.759 to make it wet exactly 0:07:43.440,0:07:46.440 4.11 0:07:52.540,0:07:56.599 [Music] 0:07:56.599,0:08:00.620 I've heard you're going like oh 0:08:00.620,0:08:02.960 the frustration 0:08:02.960,0:08:05.639 and not only we needed to make sure that 0:08:05.639,0:08:08.280 our samples are between three and four 0:08:08.280,0:08:11.580 kilonewtons but also that each of them 0:08:11.580,0:08:14.639 is as similar as possible how is it 0:08:14.639,0:08:16.979 going we have a method of how we can 0:08:16.979,0:08:19.440 always make the nuts equal later we will 0:08:19.440,0:08:21.740 have fun 0:08:21.740,0:08:24.120 it's a group activity it's a team 0:08:24.120,0:08:26.639 building yes how many samples do we need 0:08:26.639,0:08:29.160 depends on you how many samples do we 0:08:29.160,0:08:29.879 need 0:08:29.879,0:08:31.740 depends on how many people we have 0:08:31.740,0:08:32.799 making them 0:08:32.799,0:08:35.879 [Music] 0:08:36.779,0:08:39.719 so what's going on equal length is equal 0:08:39.719,0:08:42.599 everything is equal having samples as 0:08:42.599,0:08:45.540 similar as possible was actually really 0:08:45.540,0:08:48.380 important because as Adriana said 0:08:48.380,0:08:52.440 textiles is a very tricky and Moody raw 0:08:52.440,0:08:54.839 material to work with Moody it's very 0:08:54.839,0:08:57.600 moody yes so although we cannot control 0:08:57.600,0:09:00.480 the mood of the Rope but in order to 0:09:00.480,0:09:02.279 make the nice statistics that you're 0:09:02.279,0:09:04.800 gonna see later in this video we needed 0:09:04.800,0:09:07.220 to try our best 0:09:07.220,0:09:10.560 too long so basically we are massaging 0:09:10.560,0:09:13.260 back and forth to get uh yeah it's what 0:09:13.260,0:09:16.320 we in German call it Sisyphus are bite 0:09:16.320,0:09:21.420 no we got it you think so if not it's 0:09:21.420,0:09:24.120 time for lunch 0:09:24.120,0:09:27.920 either we succeed or we eat 0:09:27.920,0:09:31.339 everybody click 0:09:32.959,0:09:36.320 three points 0:09:37.100,0:09:39.980 yeah when I was editing this I thought 0:09:39.980,0:09:43.320 wow if you ever wondered how Geeks are 0:09:43.320,0:09:47.040 celebrating life this is a prime example 0:09:47.040,0:09:51.000 anyway the next question was is our test 0:09:51.000,0:09:53.820 setup repeatable meaning will we get 0:09:53.820,0:09:56.279 second fall to be close to the first one 0:09:56.279,0:09:59.700 if we don't get that then we five hours 0:09:59.700,0:10:01.339 more 0:10:01.339,0:10:04.920 don't make a night session work till 0:10:04.920,0:10:06.959 five and then you go bouldering we have 0:10:06.959,0:10:08.399 time limit 0:10:08.399,0:10:10.260 because we need to go bouldering because 0:10:10.260,0:10:13.279 we need to completely 0:10:14.959,0:10:18.959 very nice that's very good very Swiss 0:10:18.959,0:10:21.440 accurate 0:10:21.600,0:10:24.839 our setup was working really well and 0:10:24.839,0:10:28.260 now we needed to collect a lot of data 0:10:28.260,0:10:31.140 this might take if we wait three minutes 0:10:31.140,0:10:33.959 and we do five Falls that's 15 minutes 0:10:33.959,0:10:38.160 just waiting times three times six 0:10:38.160,0:10:39.920 fifteen 0:10:39.920,0:10:43.220 I the eyes are getting bigger and bigger 0:10:43.220,0:10:46.440 and here are the results if we average 0:10:46.440,0:10:49.620 all the samples we get the Baseline of 0:10:49.620,0:10:52.200 how the force is increasing with every 0:10:52.200,0:10:54.899 fall which shows that rope doesn't have 0:10:54.899,0:10:57.660 enough time to fully recover so let's 0:10:57.660,0:10:59.940 see what happens when the ropes are wet 0:10:59.940,0:11:02.459 look how much air is coming out 0:11:02.459,0:11:05.399 all the air is escaping from the Rope 0:11:05.399,0:11:08.040 during the fall the water will be trying 0:11:08.040,0:11:10.860 to escape trying to blast out of Europe 0:11:10.860,0:11:13.680 we wanted to do three different tests 0:11:13.680,0:11:17.100 where the ropes were soaked for 1 5 and 0:11:17.100,0:11:19.980 15 minutes and what was interesting that 0:11:19.980,0:11:22.560 fully submerging the Rope for just one 0:11:22.560,0:11:25.380 minute was enough to almost completely 0:11:25.380,0:11:27.779 saturate the Rope meaning that soaking 0:11:27.779,0:11:32.339 for longer did not add any extra weight 0:11:32.339,0:11:35.279 and after we dropped all the wet samples 0:11:35.279,0:11:38.220 and enjoyed the splashing of the water 0:11:38.220,0:11:39.610 everywhere 0:11:39.610,0:11:43.160 [Laughter] 0:11:43.440,0:11:44.660 oh my God 0:11:44.660,0:11:47.339 here are the results since the 0:11:47.339,0:11:49.019 difference in water absorption was 0:11:49.019,0:11:51.779 minimal the forces were actually very 0:11:51.779,0:11:54.360 similar and if we take the average of 0:11:54.360,0:11:57.240 all the wet samples we can see that the 0:11:57.240,0:12:00.120 first fall was only slightly harder 0:12:00.120,0:12:03.000 however the difference increases with 0:12:03.000,0:12:04.860 the subsequent false 0:12:04.860,0:12:07.260 you know it's combining everything to 0:12:07.260,0:12:11.120 family so statistically significant 0:12:11.120,0:12:15.800 very good today we made a page 0:12:16.279,0:12:20.339 science a little future me Interruption 0:12:20.339,0:12:23.459 since I got more information the peak 0:12:23.459,0:12:25.620 forces that we measured obviously do 0:12:25.620,0:12:27.779 contribute to how hard the catch will be 0:12:27.779,0:12:30.660 for the climber however it's not the 0:12:30.660,0:12:32.700 only Factor 0:12:32.700,0:12:34.980 the big Force to the climber usually 0:12:34.980,0:12:38.220 happens around this moment but even on 0:12:38.220,0:12:40.860 the hardest Falls this moment is not 0:12:40.860,0:12:43.320 hard enough for the human body to be a 0:12:43.320,0:12:46.440 problem what is the problem however is 0:12:46.440,0:12:51.079 how hard the climber will hit the wall 0:12:51.959,0:12:54.240 as I mentioned earlier as the Rope is 0:12:54.240,0:12:56.279 stretching the filaments are rubbing 0:12:56.279,0:12:58.680 against each other which dampens the 0:12:58.680,0:13:01.019 energy and and if the Rope would be able 0:13:01.019,0:13:02.880 to absorb all the energy during the fall 0:13:02.880,0:13:06.420 it would stretch and then stop however 0:13:06.420,0:13:08.940 that's not what happens on hard Falls 0:13:08.940,0:13:11.519 normally the Rope will act like a spring 0:13:11.519,0:13:14.760 it will stretch and then bounce back 0:13:14.760,0:13:18.060 that bounce back usually creates more 0:13:18.060,0:13:20.700 energy going towards the wall and if the 0:13:20.700,0:13:22.860 Rope is wet the filaments are sliding 0:13:22.860,0:13:25.500 easier past each other which reduces the 0:13:25.500,0:13:28.500 dampening effect so the bounce back into 0:13:28.500,0:13:31.620 the wall should be harder so I was 0:13:31.620,0:13:34.560 really curious to test this however this 0:13:34.560,0:13:36.480 requires more advanced testing 0:13:36.480,0:13:39.180 facilities but luckily after I left 0:13:39.180,0:13:41.100 Mahmoud did this test in another 0:13:41.100,0:13:44.100 facility and sent me the results here is 0:13:44.100,0:13:46.500 the force graph where the initial Peak 0:13:46.500,0:13:49.680 was said to be around 3.6 kilonewtons 0:13:49.680,0:13:52.680 and after that we can see how the Rope 0:13:52.680,0:13:55.860 bounces couple of times now in the case 0:13:55.860,0:13:58.560 of the wet rope the peak is only 0:13:58.560,0:14:01.320 slightly higher however the spring 0:14:01.320,0:14:05.519 effect is much higher and this is the 0:14:05.519,0:14:08.180 same graph after five consecutive Falls 0:14:08.180,0:14:12.440 the initial Peak was 23 percent harder 0:14:12.440,0:14:16.680 however the bounce was much harder so 0:14:16.680,0:14:19.800 the spring effect was much bigger 0:14:19.800,0:14:22.740 alright so far we confirmed that wet 0:14:22.740,0:14:26.279 robes might cause harder Falls but also 0:14:26.279,0:14:29.279 according to the theory wet drops might 0:14:29.279,0:14:31.500 lead to some permanent damage to the 0:14:31.500,0:14:32.519 Rope 0:14:32.519,0:14:35.160 let's see so we left the last rope 0:14:35.160,0:14:36.720 hanging overnight 0:14:36.720,0:14:40.139 so technically now it's dry and 0:14:40.139,0:14:43.320 um and rested 0:14:43.320,0:14:46.139 so we dropped this rope once again and 0:14:46.139,0:14:49.199 the fall was harder compared to the 0:14:49.199,0:14:51.899 Baseline which definitely hints that 0:14:51.899,0:14:54.600 there was some permanent damage done to 0:14:54.600,0:14:57.720 the Rope alright so far so good and 0:14:57.720,0:14:59.940 there was two more experiments I wanted 0:14:59.940,0:15:03.060 to make first of all we did all our 0:15:03.060,0:15:05.940 tests on classic ropes so I was curious 0:15:05.940,0:15:08.760 how dried treated ropes would perform on 0:15:08.760,0:15:10.920 the same tests and in case you don't 0:15:10.920,0:15:13.199 know dry treated ropes are soaked in 0:15:13.199,0:15:16.620 certain chemicals that make them more 0:15:16.620,0:15:21.000 water resistant our dry ropes we add the 0:15:21.000,0:15:24.060 chemical first to the core so to the 0:15:24.060,0:15:26.519 strands they get a drop application then 0:15:26.519,0:15:28.980 we braid the rope together and then we 0:15:28.980,0:15:31.620 submerge it in a chemical bath and we 0:15:31.620,0:15:34.320 take it out and we dry it and then you 0:15:34.320,0:15:36.600 have a dry roll so basically core is 0:15:36.600,0:15:38.880 separately submerged into chemical and 0:15:38.880,0:15:42.060 then entire rope now the cooler get a 0:15:42.060,0:15:44.220 drop application you need 0:15:44.220,0:15:46.920 just a little drop every every couple 0:15:46.920,0:15:50.760 seconds is enough to make it uh water 0:15:50.760,0:15:53.040 resistant interesting and then the 0:15:53.040,0:15:55.380 entire rope goes into the thing yeah 0:15:55.380,0:15:58.019 when it's finished so let's see how good 0:15:58.019,0:16:01.500 that treatment is in practice 0:16:01.500,0:16:06.120 [Music] 0:16:06.120,0:16:08.519 so at first we did a lot of drops 0:16:08.519,0:16:11.040 without water and that allowed us to 0:16:11.040,0:16:13.680 compare treated tropes with classic ones 0:16:13.680,0:16:15.899 and it was good to see that treatment 0:16:15.899,0:16:18.899 has no negative effect when the ropes 0:16:18.899,0:16:21.600 are dry so let's see if it has a 0:16:21.600,0:16:23.639 positive effect when the ropes are wet 0:16:23.639,0:16:27.000 number two number two you want to get 0:16:27.000,0:16:28.860 the shot of how 0:16:28.860,0:16:32.940 treated robes Stone bubble or duvet 0:16:32.940,0:16:36.779 bubble wait maybe I don't want to 0:16:36.779,0:16:39.180 look it doesn't bubble as much as the 0:16:39.180,0:16:40.680 other one 0:16:40.680,0:16:43.620 what if you squeeze it a bit but no 0:16:43.620,0:16:45.740 squeezing 0:16:45.740,0:16:48.720 and yes dry treated ropes absorbed 0:16:48.720,0:16:51.079 significantly less water 0:16:51.079,0:16:54.779 ah I know what can be the problem that 0:16:54.779,0:16:57.899 ends I see bubbles coming from the ends 0:16:57.899,0:17:00.000 a little bit although we sealed the ends 0:17:00.000,0:17:02.339 but most of the bubbles are coming from 0:17:02.339,0:17:04.980 the tip of the Rope maybe I'm gonna keep 0:17:04.980,0:17:07.740 that tip just a little bit out 0:17:07.740,0:17:09.720 yeah I mean you can always have like 0:17:09.720,0:17:12.600 little holes where it could get in with 0:17:12.600,0:17:14.819 these kind of things if it's not seared 0:17:14.819,0:17:16.559 well in the end you have like a 0:17:16.559,0:17:18.600 capillary effect of that the water 0:17:18.600,0:17:22.199 traveled along the fiber okay let's see 0:17:22.199,0:17:25.100 I'm super curious 0:17:25.630,0:17:27.480 [Music] 0:17:27.480,0:17:30.780 wow there was no splash of water 0:17:30.780,0:17:32.940 and here is the treated rope that we 0:17:32.940,0:17:35.700 soaked for 15 minutes as you can see 0:17:35.700,0:17:37.919 there is still barely any water coming 0:17:37.919,0:17:40.320 out of it and if we would compare this 0:17:40.320,0:17:43.200 to the classic ropes the difference is 0:17:43.200,0:17:46.039 huge 0:17:48.960,0:17:53.160 we're still here collecting the data 0:17:53.160,0:17:56.220 Never Ending Story how are we feeling to 0:17:56.220,0:17:57.600 you 0:17:57.600,0:17:58.380 yeah 0:17:58.380,0:18:02.039 here stopped for climbing and when it 0:18:02.039,0:18:04.200 comes to the treated tropes soaking them 0:18:04.200,0:18:07.260 up to 5 minutes showed no increase in 0:18:07.260,0:18:10.140 forces however soaking for 15 minutes 0:18:10.140,0:18:13.919 already was worse but not as bad 0:18:13.919,0:18:17.160 compared to the classic ropes so dried 0:18:17.160,0:18:19.260 treated ropes unsurprisingly were 0:18:19.260,0:18:21.120 performing better in wet conditions 0:18:21.120,0:18:23.820 however I know that many of you myself 0:18:23.820,0:18:27.299 included had a question how long does 0:18:27.299,0:18:30.360 dry treatment stay effective does it 0:18:30.360,0:18:34.140 wear off so this is a used truck that I 0:18:34.140,0:18:37.620 used for about a year actively almost 0:18:37.620,0:18:40.140 climbing every second or every third day 0:18:40.140,0:18:43.260 so we could get a sample of this 0:18:43.260,0:18:45.900 yeah that's it this orange rope that I 0:18:45.900,0:18:47.700 brought is actually perfect for our 0:18:47.700,0:18:50.039 comparisons because it's exactly the 0:18:50.039,0:18:52.440 same rope as the one we already tested 0:18:52.440,0:18:55.260 the only difference is the color 0:18:55.260,0:18:57.780 at first we did the test without water 0:18:57.780,0:19:00.360 so that we could compare how much 0:19:00.360,0:19:03.120 stiffer old rope gets compared to the 0:19:03.120,0:19:05.460 new one and to my surprise the 0:19:05.460,0:19:08.160 difference was very minimal one note 0:19:08.160,0:19:10.500 here is that we selected the test sample 0:19:10.500,0:19:12.660 from the middle of the rope that part of 0:19:12.660,0:19:15.240 the Rope usually is the least damaged 0:19:15.240,0:19:17.880 but that's good to know that if your 0:19:17.880,0:19:19.620 ends of the Rope are damaged and you 0:19:19.620,0:19:21.900 chop them off the rest of the Rope 0:19:21.900,0:19:23.660 should perform really well 0:19:23.660,0:19:25.679 [Music] 0:19:25.679,0:19:27.140 yeah 0:19:27.140,0:19:30.660 oh it's bubbling much more than new 0:19:30.660,0:19:34.140 ropes yeah and yes old rope absorbed 0:19:34.140,0:19:36.780 more water however it still performed 0:19:36.780,0:19:38.520 better compared to the classic rope 0:19:38.520,0:19:42.120 being new treated rope soaked for five 0:19:42.120,0:19:44.220 minutes let's see how it how well it 0:19:44.220,0:19:44.650 served 0:19:44.650,0:19:47.250 [Laughter] 0:19:47.250,0:19:53.249 [Music] 0:19:53.580,0:19:56.700 we actually washed the Rope but you can 0:19:56.700,0:19:59.580 still see that the water which comes out 0:19:59.580,0:20:00.539 of it 0:20:00.539,0:20:03.480 is still grayish a little bit 0:20:03.480,0:20:06.000 coming out does it hurt so you want to 0:20:06.000,0:20:07.520 blend my washing machine 0:20:07.520,0:20:10.320 and this is what happened with the wet 0:20:10.320,0:20:12.660 old rope the first fall was actually 0:20:12.660,0:20:16.140 identical which is very nice and then 0:20:16.140,0:20:18.360 the subsequent folds again had an 0:20:18.360,0:20:20.520 increase in forces 0:20:20.520,0:20:23.400 and if we would compare all wet drops 0:20:23.400,0:20:26.100 this is what we get 0:20:26.100,0:20:28.380 and the only thing missing here that we 0:20:28.380,0:20:31.260 had no time to do would be to test old 0:20:31.260,0:20:33.600 classic robes 0:20:33.600,0:20:36.960 so yes treated robes do lose their water 0:20:36.960,0:20:40.440 repellent magic Over time however they 0:20:40.440,0:20:42.360 still perform better compared to the 0:20:42.360,0:20:46.140 classic ropes however there is still one 0:20:46.140,0:20:48.000 very interesting thing to know let's 0:20:48.000,0:20:50.100 look into water absorption graph again 0:20:50.100,0:20:52.260 notice that classic crops are almost 0:20:52.260,0:20:54.120 fully saturated after five minutes 0:20:54.120,0:20:56.880 however treated tropes even after 15 0:20:56.880,0:20:59.880 minutes still have a trend up so then 0:20:59.880,0:21:01.919 the question is what's the full 0:21:01.919,0:21:05.039 saturation point of treated ropes so I 0:21:05.039,0:21:07.500 asked Adriana to do these tests and here 0:21:07.500,0:21:10.140 are the results turns out that all the 0:21:10.140,0:21:12.360 ropes were trending to the same around 0:21:12.360,0:21:16.020 40 percent level so that means even if 0:21:16.020,0:21:18.179 your rope is dry treated and you put it 0:21:18.179,0:21:20.460 under water and you leave it there for 0:21:20.460,0:21:21.600 long enough 0:21:21.600,0:21:23.700 I don't know why would you do that but 0:21:23.700,0:21:26.280 if you would do that eventually all of 0:21:26.280,0:21:28.520 these tens of thousands of tiny 0:21:28.520,0:21:31.320 filaments in the Rope would act as 0:21:31.320,0:21:34.080 capillaries and the water would find its 0:21:34.080,0:21:36.679 way in and it would probably perform 0:21:36.679,0:21:41.299 similar to the Rope being not treated 0:21:43.919,0:21:47.580 now before some of you will become 0:21:47.580,0:21:49.799 hydrophobic let me add a couple of 0:21:49.799,0:21:52.559 things yes wet ropes are significantly 0:21:52.559,0:21:55.020 heavier which sucks when you're climbing 0:21:55.020,0:21:57.900 and they might wear down quicker both 0:21:57.900,0:22:01.620 from false and from abrasion which sucks 0:22:01.620,0:22:04.020 to your wallet also there is a theory 0:22:04.020,0:22:07.320 that They are thicker with swell from 0:22:07.320,0:22:08.400 water 0:22:08.400,0:22:10.460 let's see 0:22:10.460,0:22:14.039 I soaked this rope for a few hours this 0:22:14.039,0:22:17.520 is supposed to be 9.8 rope and I'm 0:22:17.520,0:22:20.059 measuring 0:22:21.260,0:22:26.419 11.3 let's see the wet spot 0:22:31.380,0:22:32.520 okay 0:22:32.520,0:22:34.740 so I don't see any difference at least 0:22:34.740,0:22:36.840 on this rope which is worn out and it's 0:22:36.840,0:22:39.600 already thicker when it's nominal value 0:22:39.600,0:22:42.840 yeah so I didn't want to leave my fellow 0:22:42.840,0:22:45.360 climbers hanging like that so the next 0:22:45.360,0:22:47.640 day I took a bunch of different used 0:22:47.640,0:22:51.240 ropes soaked them and measured the 0:22:51.240,0:22:53.640 thickness and what I found out is that 0:22:53.640,0:22:56.460 indeed some of the robes did got thicker 0:22:56.460,0:22:58.740 like the green decathlon rope for 0:22:58.740,0:23:01.559 example however other ropes did not 0:23:01.559,0:23:04.919 change in diameter next I tested how 0:23:04.919,0:23:07.380 smooth the ropes run through belaying 0:23:07.380,0:23:10.140 devices and here my findings were mixed 0:23:10.140,0:23:13.320 again some of the ropes got sticky they 0:23:13.320,0:23:15.600 became harder to pull through belaying 0:23:15.600,0:23:18.600 device and more likely to lock the blank 0:23:18.600,0:23:21.539 device however other ropes got the 0:23:21.539,0:23:23.700 opposite result they became more 0:23:23.700,0:23:26.580 slippery as if water would lubricate the 0:23:26.580,0:23:29.460 billeting device so yes the laying does 0:23:29.460,0:23:32.159 change with water however it's unclear 0:23:32.159,0:23:34.919 how how the change will affect Europe 0:23:34.919,0:23:38.159 and about those other things well 0:23:38.159,0:23:40.620 honestly it's unlikely that you will 0:23:40.620,0:23:42.659 climb in such a wet conditions long 0:23:42.659,0:23:45.419 enough to even have those problems so if 0:23:45.419,0:23:49.559 your rope got a bit wet well try it but 0:23:49.559,0:23:53.340 if I would be going to cold wet ice 0:23:53.340,0:23:57.600 climbing places where people die 0:23:57.600,0:24:00.000 um yeah maybe having a treated rope 0:24:00.000,0:24:02.340 reduces the chance of dying this is so 0:24:02.340,0:24:05.159 hard she put I mean I don't know just 0:24:05.159,0:24:07.980 like being in a snowy or icy environment 0:24:07.980,0:24:10.140 it's recommended to have the dry 0:24:10.140,0:24:11.700 treatment because it's just an extra 0:24:11.700,0:24:14.280 safety buffer yeah there is one route in 0:24:14.280,0:24:16.980 Spain which crosses a waterfall in 0:24:16.980,0:24:18.120 multi-pitch 0:24:18.120,0:24:20.400 yeah I mean also if you're climb in very 0:24:20.400,0:24:23.340 humid conditions it's Thailand 0:24:23.340,0:24:25.919 we go there it's really humid and dry 0:24:25.919,0:24:27.919 rope makes sense 0:24:27.919,0:24:31.799 interesting so the little details shall 0:24:31.799,0:24:33.360 we go to Thailand to do some science 0:24:33.360,0:24:36.380 research trip 0:24:36.539,0:24:38.640 all right if you found this video 0:24:38.640,0:24:41.039 interesting I made the playlist for you 0:24:41.039,0:24:42.840 where I was nerding with Mammoth 0:24:42.840,0:24:45.240 Engineers on different topics very 0:24:45.240,0:24:47.400 interesting topics so thank you Mahmoud 0:24:47.400,0:24:49.320 for letting me to periodically come over 0:24:49.320,0:24:51.659 and play with your toys and thank you 0:24:51.659,0:24:54.240 Adriana for all their rope chemistry 0:24:54.240,0:24:58.440 explanations and thank you for watching 0:24:58.440,0:25:01.580 you in the next one