WEBVTT 00:00:00.250 --> 00:00:04.500 There is a box in every crafter’s home, that is filled with old unfinished projects, 00:00:04.500 --> 00:00:06.810 and stuff you thrifted in the hopes of upcycling. 00:00:06.810 --> 00:00:09.470 That becomes abandoned, that becomes forgotten. 00:00:09.470 --> 00:00:12.320 Well this is the series that tackles that forgotten box. 00:00:12.320 --> 00:00:21.689 This is the Style Pile! 00:00:21.689 --> 00:00:24.740 This video is supported in part by Storyblocks. 00:00:24.740 --> 00:00:25.740 Hello! 00:00:25.740 --> 00:00:30.980 Welcome back to the Style Pile, and we’re up to episode 18… and somehow my style pile 00:00:30.980 --> 00:00:35.660 has only grown bigger… which means I definitely need to start making these videos more frequently 00:00:35.660 --> 00:00:38.469 and STOP buying new stuff to add to the pile. 00:00:38.469 --> 00:00:43.809 ANYWAY, I’d like to introduce you all to a NEW component of my “style pile” (let’s 00:00:43.809 --> 00:00:47.719 be real, style pile is just a euphemistic term for “hoarding problem” at this point). 00:00:47.719 --> 00:00:49.630 Yes, it's a third box. 00:00:49.630 --> 00:00:54.559 So this third box is entirely scraps, old worn-out clothes and unwanted projects. 00:00:54.559 --> 00:00:58.320 So for the last 6 months or so I’ve been saving every single bit of fabric scrap from 00:00:58.320 --> 00:01:02.351 other projects, either from when I’m upcycling things – like, this is the bottom of the 00:01:02.351 --> 00:01:06.701 t-shirt that I cut off in episode 16 – or when I’m making clothes from scratch, and 00:01:06.701 --> 00:01:09.960 there’s curvy bits in the pattern… like this fabric here is some scraps leftover from 00:01:09.960 --> 00:01:10.960 making a pair of pants! 00:01:10.960 --> 00:01:15.220 I also throw things in here when I make something ridiculous for make thrift buy that I’m 00:01:15.220 --> 00:01:19.159 never going to wear… does anybody recognize this particular one? 00:01:19.159 --> 00:01:22.780 Now a huge reason that I’ve been doing this is that I recently watched this program, that 00:01:22.780 --> 00:01:27.700 aired in Australia, called “The War On Waste” and this is how many clothes Australians throw 00:01:27.700 --> 00:01:29.570 out every ten minutes! 00:01:29.570 --> 00:01:35.090 So after seeing this, I was like, WELP, I’m never throwing out any tiny piece of fabric 00:01:35.090 --> 00:01:38.560 or tiny piece of thread ever again, because I don’t want to contribute to this huge 00:01:38.560 --> 00:01:40.759 waste of fabric and resources. 00:01:40.759 --> 00:01:44.280 And so I have ended up with this quickly growing scrap pile. 00:01:44.280 --> 00:01:46.770 So let’s see what we can do with these! 00:01:46.770 --> 00:01:49.049 Can we turn them into something new? 00:01:49.049 --> 00:01:50.240 Project number 1! 00:01:50.240 --> 00:01:54.360 The first thing that I’m going to try and make with my scrap fabrics is a Plushie Toy! 00:01:54.360 --> 00:01:58.390 Now it’s my niece’s 5th birthday this week, and I wanted to make her something cute! 00:01:58.390 --> 00:02:02.799 So, I’m going to use THIS piece of fabric, which is also a cut off from this cotton t-shirt 00:02:02.799 --> 00:02:07.399 that I also upcycled in the episode 16, and I’m going to iron an image onto it. 00:02:07.399 --> 00:02:09.810 So first, I needed to find an image. 00:02:09.810 --> 00:02:12.220 Now, I wanted to make a cute cartoon animal plushie. 00:02:12.220 --> 00:02:15.020 But I also didn’t want to infringe on any copyrights. 00:02:15.020 --> 00:02:19.120 So I headed over to my favourite royalty free graphics website – formerly known as Graphic 00:02:19.120 --> 00:02:23.350 Stock – you guys know that I’m a huge fan, and I've used them before, I've told 00:02:23.350 --> 00:02:24.470 you about them before – Storyblocks! 00:02:24.470 --> 00:02:27.459 And full disclosure, they are also sponsoring this video! 00:02:27.459 --> 00:02:31.250 Anyway first I did a search for some owls, coz I think owls are really cute, they'd make 00:02:31.250 --> 00:02:33.569 a cute plushie – but [laughing] why are you so sad?! 00:02:33.569 --> 00:02:37.459 And then I looked up unicorns and I actually found some super cute narwhals, which would 00:02:37.459 --> 00:02:39.370 also make a pretty great plushie. 00:02:39.370 --> 00:02:44.700 Then I typed in hedgehog, and I ended up finding this super cute image, but I also ended up 00:02:44.700 --> 00:02:47.489 deciding to use this fox from the image instead! 00:02:47.489 --> 00:02:50.871 So next I opened up the image in photoshop, removed the background colours, and I did 00:02:50.871 --> 00:02:55.900 this little trick to add SEAM ALLOWANCE around the fox image, which is important for making 00:02:55.900 --> 00:02:56.900 the plushie. 00:02:56.900 --> 00:03:01.800 To add the seam allowance, in photoshop, with the fox layer selected, I went to Layer > Layer 00:03:01.800 --> 00:03:03.190 Style, and I clicked on Stroke. 00:03:03.190 --> 00:03:06.489 This opened up this box, which puts an outline around the fox image. 00:03:06.489 --> 00:03:10.370 So I played around with outline colours and widths, and I also cleaned up the edges using 00:03:10.370 --> 00:03:11.370 the eraser tool. 00:03:11.370 --> 00:03:15.599 This toggle here changes the width of the outline, I bumped mine up to 20 to get an 00:03:15.599 --> 00:03:19.390 approximately half an inch seam allowance around the fox once it was printed out. 00:03:19.390 --> 00:03:22.900 Now I printed it out onto plain paper first to check that the size was right, before I 00:03:22.900 --> 00:03:26.440 printed it out properly in full colour onto my photo transfer paper. 00:03:26.440 --> 00:03:28.980 And… then, this happened. 00:03:28.980 --> 00:03:29.980 "Nooooo!" 00:03:29.980 --> 00:03:30.980 Sighhhh. 00:03:30.980 --> 00:03:31.980 PRINTERS. 00:03:31.980 --> 00:03:35.650 I swear it;s the one technology that’s never really improved since I was a kid. 00:03:35.650 --> 00:03:40.879 Anyway, this slightly-damaged the very expensive photo transfer paper that I was trying to 00:03:40.879 --> 00:03:45.440 print on, but I didn't want it to go to waste so I put the paper through for a second attempt 00:03:45.440 --> 00:03:47.080 AND - we finally got there! 00:03:47.080 --> 00:03:51.360 Now for the transfer paper, I’m using Lesley Riley’s TAP, which is honestly the best 00:03:51.360 --> 00:03:55.120 transfer paper I’ve ever used, especially if you’re making something like a plushie. 00:03:55.120 --> 00:03:59.549 That’s because when you iron it onto the fabric, the image actually sets itself INTO 00:03:59.549 --> 00:04:04.049 the fabric instead of just being stuck on top of the fabric in a plasticy-way like other 00:04:04.049 --> 00:04:05.069 transfers I’ve used. 00:04:05.069 --> 00:04:08.060 I’ll show you a close up at the end of this tutorial, and you’ll see what I mean! 00:04:08.060 --> 00:04:11.629 So I cut the fox out with scissors, and then I followed the instructions in the transfer 00:04:11.629 --> 00:04:14.160 paper kit to set the image into the fabric. 00:04:14.160 --> 00:04:17.829 Now this is only my second time using this transfer paper, so I’m still working out 00:04:17.829 --> 00:04:21.410 the kinks – and larger images are harder to do than smaller ones – BUT I think that 00:04:21.410 --> 00:04:23.550 overall, it transferred pretty well! 00:04:23.550 --> 00:04:27.310 So once I’d transferred the image to this white cotton t-shirt scrap, I then searched 00:04:27.310 --> 00:04:31.150 through my scrap fabric box for two more pieces that could act as 1. 00:04:31.150 --> 00:04:32.410 the back piece, and 2. 00:04:32.410 --> 00:04:33.820 A backing for the fox image. 00:04:33.820 --> 00:04:36.560 The scraps just needed to be larger than the fox image. 00:04:36.560 --> 00:04:40.830 So I ended up with these two pieces, which are both light-weight, woven, non-stretchy 00:04:40.830 --> 00:04:45.080 cottons, and I cut them to roughly the same size as the fox image fabric. 00:04:45.080 --> 00:04:48.400 This darker floral fabric is going to become the backing for the fox image. 00:04:48.400 --> 00:04:51.720 I put some pins through the two layers to hold them together, and next I’m going to 00:04:51.720 --> 00:04:53.490 sew them together like THIS. 00:04:53.490 --> 00:04:58.080 I sewed right on the edge of that orange outline “seam allowance” that I added, using a 00:04:58.080 --> 00:04:59.080 straight stitch. 00:04:59.080 --> 00:05:03.110 Now because t-shirt fabric is stretchy, I was also careful to not stretch this at all 00:05:03.110 --> 00:05:04.580 while sewing it to this backing piece. 00:05:04.580 --> 00:05:08.420 Once that was done I carefully cut around the image, just outside of the stitches. 00:05:10.740 --> 00:05:14.880 Then I grabbed this brown floral cotton piece, which I’m going to use as the back of the 00:05:14.889 --> 00:05:19.440 plushie, and I flipped it so it was right-side-up, then flipped the fox down onto it – so the 00:05:19.440 --> 00:05:23.130 two pieces of fabric are right-sides-together – and I sewed the two pieces together by 00:05:23.130 --> 00:05:26.650 sewing around the fox just inside the white stitches there. 00:05:26.650 --> 00:05:31.280 I’m also not sewing entirely around the fox shape – I’m going to leave a small 00:05:31.280 --> 00:05:32.480 opening here. 00:05:38.260 --> 00:05:42.400 Then I cut off all that excess backing fabric by cutting around the fox shape, just outside 00:05:42.410 --> 00:05:44.430 of those two lines of stitching. 00:05:44.430 --> 00:05:47.390 And those offcuts went right back into the scrap pile! 00:05:47.390 --> 00:05:50.990 Then, through the small opening, I turned the fox the right way around. 00:05:50.990 --> 00:05:55.910 I also used a pair of scissors to help me push out the more difficult corners! 00:05:55.910 --> 00:06:01.910 And now we have a very deflated-looking fox plushie, ready to be stuffed! 00:06:01.910 --> 00:06:05.540 Now because I’m using all scrap fabrics for this project, instead of using something 00:06:05.540 --> 00:06:09.050 like Polyfill, I’m going to use scrap fabrics to fill it. 00:06:09.050 --> 00:06:13.729 So this is where all my teeniest tiniest fabric scraps get their chance to shine! 00:06:13.729 --> 00:06:17.919 A lot of these are offcuts from when I use my overlocker, or cut threads off of my sewing 00:06:17.919 --> 00:06:18.919 machine! 00:06:18.919 --> 00:06:22.020 However, I didn’t think that even all of these scraps would be enough to fill the fox, 00:06:22.020 --> 00:06:25.870 so I also chopped up some larger fabric scraps like this, by folding them up and then chopping 00:06:25.870 --> 00:06:27.570 them into bits with scissors. 00:06:27.570 --> 00:06:32.000 I also tried cutting strips with my rotary cutter just like a master chef slicing up 00:06:32.000 --> 00:06:33.320 some vegetables. 00:06:33.330 --> 00:06:37.620 And that worked… but it was a little bit more dangerous, so… please be careful if 00:06:37.620 --> 00:06:38.620 you try this method! 00:06:38.620 --> 00:06:42.850 Anyway, then I used all this shredded fabric to stuff the fox, through that little gap 00:06:42.850 --> 00:06:43.949 in its side! 00:06:43.949 --> 00:06:47.180 And yeah, this pile of scraps looks like more than enough to fill the fox, right? 00:06:47.180 --> 00:06:49.400 Well, I actually needed even more than this! 00:06:49.400 --> 00:06:52.200 So I cut up a lot more larger scraps to fill it. 00:06:53.270 --> 00:06:58.860 Once it was filled, I hand-sewed up the small hole in the side, and it was done! 00:06:58.870 --> 00:07:02.650 OH and before I show you the final project, I wanted to show you how well this transfer 00:07:02.650 --> 00:07:07.000 paper goes in the fabric – see how it’s really a PART of the fabric, not just stuck 00:07:07.000 --> 00:07:11.130 on top, all plastic-y-looking, like most fabric transfers can be? 00:07:11.130 --> 00:07:13.660 Anyway, this is what it looks like aaaaall finished! 00:07:13.660 --> 00:07:18.099 SO, that was a really simple way of making a cute Plushie toy, BUT if you scaled it up, 00:07:18.099 --> 00:07:21.630 this method could also be used to make something like a pillow as well! 00:07:21.630 --> 00:07:25.580 The only “new” thing that you need in this project is transfer paper, everything 00:07:25.580 --> 00:07:27.520 else is made from your old scraps! 00:07:27.540 --> 00:07:29.940 [kids cartoon music plays] 00:07:43.500 --> 00:07:48.580 SO, we still have 3 other scrap fabric projects to go, I’ve filmed a total of 4, but this 00:07:48.590 --> 00:07:50.040 video is getting long enough already! 00:07:50.040 --> 00:07:56.210 SO what I’m going to do is to break this up into a little mini-series of 4 episodes. 00:07:56.210 --> 00:07:59.710 So come back here in 3 days, if you’re watching this on the day that this comes out, to see 00:07:59.710 --> 00:08:03.840 me try and make a sleeping mask out of all scrap fabrics and old clothes! 00:08:03.840 --> 00:08:07.180 And then in parts 3 and 4 we’ll also be trying out 2 other projects! 00:08:07.180 --> 00:08:11.229 So as I mentioned in the beginning, StoryBlocks is sponsoring this video! 00:08:11.229 --> 00:08:14.940 Storyblocks provides high-quality photos, vectors, icons and more that are all royalty 00:08:14.940 --> 00:08:18.470 and copyright free, so you can use them in anything you want – seriously, they’re 00:08:18.470 --> 00:08:23.110 great if you run a business that has any graphic design component, a website, or a youtube 00:08:23.110 --> 00:08:24.870 channel as well! 00:08:24.870 --> 00:08:25.870 I use them a lot! 00:08:25.870 --> 00:08:30.599 You can download anything from their 400,000-strong image library in the Member Library, AND they 00:08:30.599 --> 00:08:34.849 also have a new Marketplace, where designers and artists license their images. 00:08:34.849 --> 00:08:39.019 So not only does this help artists sell their work, being a Storyblocks Member gives you 00:08:39.019 --> 00:08:42.409 60% off any of these if you want to use them for yourself. 00:08:42.409 --> 00:08:46.960 Storyblocks is giving away a 7-day free day trial through my promo link, so that you can 00:08:46.960 --> 00:08:47.960 try it out for yourself! 00:08:47.960 --> 00:08:53.140 So click on the link in the description box below, or go to storyblocks.com/youtube – and 00:08:53.140 --> 00:08:54.580 start downloading images today! 00:08:54.580 --> 00:08:57.350 Thank you so much to Storyblocks for sponsoring this video! 00:08:57.350 --> 00:09:00.670 And thanks to all of YOU for supporting the companies that support this channel! 00:09:00.670 --> 00:09:04.740 Anyway, I’ll see YOU all for parts 2, 3 and 4 really soon. 00:09:04.740 --> 00:09:06.220 Bye for now! 00:09:06.220 --> 00:09:09.839 Thank you to all of my supporters on Patreon who, along with the sponsor of this episode, 00:09:09.839 --> 00:09:11.420 make these video possible! 00:09:11.420 --> 00:09:15.140 To become a Patreon supporter, go to patreon.com/annikavictoria.