0:00:00.280,0:00:07.746 [country themed introduction music] 0:00:07.746,0:00:10.151 (male narrator)[br]Hello in this screencast we'll take 0:00:10.151,0:00:14.145 a detail look at clustered [br]columns type of graph. 0:00:14.599,0:00:19.662 Let's say you have this data set here [br]Widgets Inc. and you have a bunch of data 0:00:19.662,0:00:24.642 about sales of the various different[br]regions and across different years 0:00:25.255,0:00:28.834 and I also have done subtotals [br]here by region and by year, 0:00:29.422,0:00:35.927 and let's say we want to create a simple[br]clustered column graph for this data. 0:00:36.321,0:00:45.107 First you select the data set, insert a[br]column I just choose a plain 2-D column, 0:00:45.107,0:00:50.732 and that's your simple graph right [br]there but you can see that it's got some 0:00:50.732,0:00:54.248 unnecessary data that probably [br]does not belong in this graph 0:00:54.248,0:00:59.907 for example it has totals by year [br]and it also has totals by region. 0:01:02.054,0:01:03.725 So how do we remove this data? 0:01:03.952,0:01:10.140 Okay so let's first, select this graph[br]just make sure that it's highlighted. 0:01:10.795,0:01:14.317 When you do then you will see a [br]design tab here with all this information 0:01:14.717,0:01:16.574 now click on select data. 0:01:17.288,0:01:21.314 When you click this button you [br]will see a pop up box appear here 0:01:21.614,0:01:26.659 and what you can do here is if you[br]see a column here that doesn't belong 0:01:26.659,0:01:30.839 for example, totals by year, you [br]can just select it and click remove. 0:01:31.234,0:01:36.647 Now then totals by year goes away and you[br]just have the North, South, East, and West 0:01:36.647,0:01:40.447 represented in your graph and you can[br]see that your graph is slightly changed 0:01:40.447,0:01:41.579 to reflect that. 0:01:42.529,0:01:44.763 Supposing you want to [br]remove totals by region. 0:01:44.946,0:01:50.196 What you can do is first switch row and [br]column and now you have totals by region 0:01:50.196,0:01:55.697 as one of the rows and you can [br]just click remove to take that out 0:01:55.916,0:01:57.942 and now you just have the different years 0:01:59.139,0:02:04.561 and if you want to can get back to your[br]original configuration so that you have... 0:02:08.421,0:02:13.381 let's say each column be a [br]year and within each column 0:02:13.381,0:02:17.553 the height represents the total sales[br]and within each year you have 0:02:18.471,0:02:21.338 four different sub columns, [br]each for a different region. 0:02:22.138,0:02:26.739 And if you want you can interchange this[br]so that you have instead of 2009-2010. 0:02:26.988,0:02:29.639 You have North, South, [br]East, and West appear here 0:02:30.013,0:02:32.342 so this will be North, [br]South, East, and West 0:02:32.342,0:02:35.892 and instead of the years appearing here[br]you can have each of these columns 0:02:35.892,0:02:36.962 be a year. 0:02:37.541,0:02:40.931 To do that again select [br]the graph, make that active, 0:02:42.238,0:02:48.582 click on switch row and column so as soon[br]as you do it your rows and columns 0:02:48.582,0:02:49.798 are interchanged. 0:02:50.981,0:02:56.131 So that's a quick and simple way to create[br]a simple bar chart with clustered columns. 0:02:57.264,0:03:00.139 What if you wanted to have [br]a slightly different style? 0:03:00.139,0:03:04.970 Instead of clustered columns maybe you[br]want to have all the columns stacked up 0:03:04.970,0:03:06.276 one on top of another. 0:03:06.492,0:03:07.775 It's simple to do that. 0:03:07.952,0:03:12.050 Just click on change chart type [br]and then you will be presented 0:03:12.050,0:03:17.267 with all the different options and you can[br]just select a stacked column, click OK, 0:03:17.443,0:03:20.068 and that will result in this [br]kind of a stacked column. 0:03:20.068,0:03:26.257 And now you can actually see [br]what's the total sales in each year. 0:03:26.543,0:03:30.503 So you can see that or in this [br]case in each zone you can see that 0:03:30.630,0:03:36.384 East has the highest sales and [br]within each zone you have the sales 0:03:36.384,0:03:37.944 broken up by the year. 0:03:38.259,0:03:43.209 Or you can switch rows and columns and [br]now you have the total sales by each year 0:03:43.209,0:03:47.486 and for each column you have it [br]broken down by sales by region. 0:03:48.803,0:03:52.036 So that's how you can [br]change the chart type on-the-fly. 0:03:55.005,0:03:59.751 Another neat thing you can [br]do is to create Sparklines. 0:03:59.751,0:04:02.746 Ok so let me just [br]actually delete this for now. 0:04:02.746,0:04:05.176 And what you can do is create Sparklines 0:04:07.626,0:04:09.406 I will show you what I mean by that. 0:04:09.406,0:04:15.055 So let's just create a new column called [br]trends and let's say you want to create 0:04:15.055,0:04:17.365 a trend for each of these columns. 0:04:17.702,0:04:25.392 Okay, so one way to do that is to click [br]on the cell H3 here and go on to insert 0:04:28.922,0:04:35.242 and in this Sparklines lines [br]box here just click on line 0:04:36.725,0:04:38.542 and it asks for a data range. 0:04:38.851,0:04:44.069 So you can just click on this [br]data range right here, click OK, 0:04:44.736,0:04:50.186 and location range would be this one right[br]here, and you click OK, and you will see 0:04:50.186,0:04:55.683 a line here that represents a [br]trend for all these four data points. 0:04:56.984,0:05:01.251 Now if you are obviously you don't [br]want to just draw a line, a graph, 0:05:01.251,0:05:05.134 for just this one row you want[br]to do it for the entire region 0:05:05.134,0:05:06.984 and to do that what you do is, 0:05:09.274,0:05:16.604 let me just edit this here, you can edit[br]the data and instead of saying data range 0:05:16.604,0:05:21.718 is just C3 through F3 I can make [br]the data range be this entire region 0:05:23.181,0:05:27.920 and instead of saying the location is[br]just this, H3, you can see the location 0:05:27.920,0:05:33.564 is all four cells here and you click OK [br]and now you have four different lines. 0:05:33.684,0:05:38.588 Each of these lines represents the[br]trend of sales in this region right here. 0:05:40.194,0:05:41.977 So that's a Sparkline. 0:05:42.301,0:05:47.313 You can make the Sparkline line a [br]little bit more informative by changing 0:05:47.313,0:05:48.646 its format a little bit. 0:05:48.962,0:05:55.136 So you can go to design, just [br]select the Sparklines, all of them, 0:05:55.136,0:06:01.550 and then click design and you can say[br]you want to highlight the high point. 0:06:01.757,0:06:05.776 If you do that whichever is the highest [br]point in this graph will be highlighted 0:06:05.776,0:06:10.201 for somebody that's looking at it,[br]it'll be easy to see in which year 0:06:10.201,0:06:15.292 the highest sales happen and you can[br]change the style of your Sparklines 0:06:15.292,0:06:19.374 to something more appealing, say [br]something like this for example. 0:06:19.977,0:06:30.141 If you want you can also change, you know,[br]put a color to the markers if you do this 0:06:30.141,0:06:34.254 then you'll have markers for each[br]of the different points and so on. 0:06:34.877,0:06:37.861 So these are all some neat ways [br]in which you can display data. 0:06:38.726,0:06:41.986 So that's all for now I hope you [br]enjoyed this thanks for watching. 0:06:44.079,0:06:51.309 [country themes music]