WEBVTT 00:00:01.446 --> 00:00:07.082 The world is awash with divisive arguments, 00:00:07.082 --> 00:00:10.825 conflict, fake news, 00:00:10.825 --> 00:00:13.281 victimhood, 00:00:13.281 --> 00:00:18.871 exploitation, prejudice, bigotry, blame, shouting, 00:00:18.871 --> 00:00:21.999 and minuscule attention spans. 00:00:23.050 --> 00:00:25.296 It can sometimes seem 00:00:25.296 --> 00:00:28.306 that we are doomed to take sides, 00:00:28.306 --> 00:00:30.700 be stuck in echo chambers, 00:00:30.700 --> 00:00:33.017 and never agree again. 00:00:33.684 --> 00:00:36.751 It can sometimes seem like a race to the bottom, 00:00:36.751 --> 00:00:40.584 where everyone is calling out somebody else's privilege 00:00:40.584 --> 00:00:43.501 and vying to show that they 00:00:43.501 --> 00:00:48.503 are the most hard-done-by person in the conversation. 00:00:49.518 --> 00:00:51.546 How can we make sense 00:00:51.546 --> 00:00:54.306 in a world that doesn't? NOTE Paragraph 00:00:55.930 --> 00:01:00.679 I have a tool for understanding this confusing world of ours, 00:01:00.679 --> 00:01:04.394 a tool that you might not expect: 00:01:04.615 --> 00:01:06.477 abstract mathematics. NOTE Paragraph 00:01:07.530 --> 00:01:10.262 I am a pure mathematician. 00:01:10.262 --> 00:01:14.156 Traditionally, pure maths is like the theory of maths, 00:01:14.156 --> 00:01:19.597 where applied maths is applied to real problems like building bridges 00:01:19.597 --> 00:01:21.062 and flying planes 00:01:21.062 --> 00:01:23.740 and controlling traffic flow. 00:01:24.134 --> 00:01:29.468 But I'm going to talk about a way that pure maths applies directly 00:01:29.468 --> 00:01:32.822 to our a daily lives as a way of thinking. NOTE Paragraph 00:01:33.177 --> 00:01:37.230 I don't solve quadratic equations to help me with my daily life, 00:01:37.230 --> 00:01:40.343 but I do use mathematical thinking to help me understand arguments 00:01:40.343 --> 00:01:44.946 and to empathize with other people. 00:01:45.708 --> 00:01:51.510 And so pure maths helps me with the entire human world. NOTE Paragraph 00:01:52.625 --> 00:01:55.297 But before I talk about the entire human world, 00:01:55.297 --> 00:01:58.881 I need to talk about something that you might think of 00:01:58.881 --> 00:02:02.174 as irrelevant schools maths: 00:02:02.404 --> 00:02:04.271 factors of numbers. 00:02:04.271 --> 00:02:08.096 We're going to start by thinking about the factors of 30. 00:02:08.096 --> 00:02:12.886 Now, if this makes you shudder with bad memories of school maths lessons, 00:02:12.886 --> 00:02:13.914 I sympathize, 00:02:13.914 --> 00:02:17.384 because I found school maths lessons boring too. 00:02:17.640 --> 00:02:21.673 But I'm pretty sure we are going to take this in a direction 00:02:21.673 --> 00:02:25.332 that is very different from what happened at school. NOTE Paragraph 00:02:25.941 --> 00:02:28.122 So what are the factors of 30? Well, they're the numbers that go into 30. 00:02:28.122 --> 00:02:32.782 Maybe you can remember them. We'll work them out. 00:02:32.782 --> 00:02:37.190 It's one, two, three, 00:02:37.190 --> 00:02:39.306 five, six, 00:02:39.306 --> 00:02:42.227 10, 15, and 30. 00:02:42.227 --> 00:02:44.196 It's not very interesting. 00:02:44.196 --> 00:02:46.727 It's a bunch of numbers in a straight line. 00:02:47.049 --> 00:02:51.077 We can make it more interesting by thinking about which of these numbers 00:02:51.077 --> 00:02:53.358 are also factors of each other and drawing a picture, 00:02:53.358 --> 00:02:55.411 a bit like a family tree 00:02:55.411 --> 00:02:56.587 to show those relationships. 00:02:56.587 --> 00:03:00.653 So 30 is going to be at the top like a kind of great-grandparent. 00:03:00.653 --> 00:03:03.777 Six, 10, and 15 go into 30. 00:03:03.777 --> 00:03:07.006 Five goes into 10 and 15. 00:03:07.192 --> 00:03:09.656 Two goes in six and 10. 00:03:09.656 --> 00:03:13.190 Three goes into six and 15. 00:03:13.190 --> 00:03:17.266 And one goes into two, three, and five. 00:03:17.266 --> 00:03:20.983 So now we see that 10 is not divisible by three, 00:03:20.983 --> 00:03:24.231 but that is this the corners of a cube, 00:03:24.231 --> 00:03:26.103 which is I think a bit more interesting 00:03:26.103 --> 00:03:28.747 than a bunch of numbers in a straight line. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:29.518 --> 00:03:32.690 We can see something more here. There's a hierarchy going on. 00:03:32.690 --> 00:03:34.893 At the bottom level is the number one, 00:03:34.893 --> 00:03:36.987 then there's the numbers two, three, and five, 00:03:36.987 --> 00:03:39.870 and nothing goes into those except one and themselves. 00:03:39.870 --> 00:03:42.350 You might remember this means they're prime. 00:03:42.350 --> 00:03:45.394 At the next level up, we have six, 10, and 15, 00:03:45.394 --> 00:03:48.904 and each of those is a product of two prime factors. 00:03:48.904 --> 00:03:51.002 So six is two times three, 00:03:51.002 --> 00:03:52.623 10 is two times five, 00:03:52.623 --> 00:03:54.593 15 is three times five, 00:03:54.593 --> 00:03:56.500 and then at the top, we have 30, 00:03:56.500 --> 00:03:59.103 which is a product of three prime numbers, 00:03:59.355 --> 00:04:01.168 two times three times five. 00:04:01.168 --> 00:04:05.583 So I could redraw this diagram using those numbers instead. 00:04:06.581 --> 00:04:09.672 So we see that we've got two, three, and five at the top, 00:04:09.672 --> 00:04:12.706 we have pairs of numbers at the next level, 00:04:12.706 --> 00:04:15.431 and we have single elements at the next level, 00:04:15.431 --> 00:04:17.470 and then the empty set at the bottom. 00:04:17.470 --> 00:04:23.148 And each of those arrows shows losing one of your numbers in the set. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:23.148 --> 00:04:25.435 Now maybe it can be clear 00:04:25.435 --> 00:04:28.767 that it doesn't really matter what those numbers are. 00:04:28.767 --> 00:04:30.384 In fact it doesn't matter what they are. 00:04:30.384 --> 00:04:34.020 So we could replace them with something like A, B, and C instead 00:04:34.020 --> 00:04:37.153 and we get the same picture. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:37.343 --> 00:04:39.943 So now this has become very abstract. 00:04:39.943 --> 00:04:42.290 The numbers have turned into letters. 00:04:42.290 --> 00:04:45.115 But there is a point to this abstraction, 00:04:45.115 --> 00:04:50.335 which is that it now suddenly becomes very widely applicable, 00:04:50.335 --> 00:04:54.514 because A, B, and C could be anything. 00:04:54.514 --> 00:04:58.681 For example, they could be three types of privilege: 00:04:58.681 --> 00:05:01.705 rich, white, and male. 00:05:02.569 --> 00:05:06.606 So then at the next level, we have rich white people. 00:05:06.606 --> 00:05:09.151 Here we have rich male people. 00:05:09.151 --> 00:05:11.533 Here we have white male people. 00:05:11.533 --> 00:05:15.463 Then we have rich, white, and male. 00:05:15.463 --> 00:05:18.675 And finally people with none of those types of privilege. 00:05:18.675 --> 00:05:21.958 And I'm going to put back in the rest of the adjectives for emphasis. 00:05:21.958 --> 00:05:24.887 So here we have rich white non-male people, 00:05:24.887 --> 00:05:27.928 to remind us that there are non-binary people we need to include. 00:05:27.928 --> 00:05:30.566 Here we have rich non-white male people. 00:05:30.566 --> 00:05:34.001 Here we have non-rich white male people, 00:05:34.001 --> 00:05:36.844 rich non-white non-male, 00:05:36.844 --> 00:05:40.118 non-rich white non-male, 00:05:40.118 --> 00:05:41.839 and non-rich, non-white male, 00:05:41.839 --> 00:05:43.815 and, and at the bottom with the least privilege, 00:05:43.815 --> 00:05:47.984 non-rich, not-white, non-male people. 00:05:47.984 --> 00:05:51.819 We have gone from a diagram of factors of 30 00:05:51.819 --> 00:05:56.320 to a diagram of interaction of different types of privilege, 00:05:56.320 --> 00:05:59.965 and there are many things we can learn from this diagram, I think. 00:05:59.965 --> 00:06:07.483 The first is that each arrow represents a direct loss of one type of privilege. 00:06:07.483 --> 00:06:12.193 Sometimes people mistakenly think that white privilege means 00:06:12.193 --> 00:06:16.526 all white people are better off than all non-white people. 00:06:16.526 --> 00:06:20.261 Some people point at superrich black sports stars and say, 00:06:20.261 --> 00:06:24.180 "See? They're really rich. White privilege doesn't exist." 00:06:24.180 --> 00:06:27.287 But that's not what the theory of white privilege says. 00:06:27.287 --> 00:06:32.561 It says that if that superrich sports star had all the same characteristics 00:06:32.561 --> 00:06:34.294 but they were also white, 00:06:34.294 --> 00:06:39.025 we would expect them to be better off in society. NOTE Paragraph 00:06:39.485 --> 00:06:42.310 There is something else we can understand from this diagram 00:06:42.310 --> 00:06:44.319 if we look along a row. 00:06:44.319 --> 00:06:48.517 If we look along the second-to-top row, where people have two types of privilege, 00:06:48.517 --> 00:06:50.732 we might be able to see 00:06:50.732 --> 00:06:52.584 that they're not all particularly equal. 00:06:52.584 --> 00:06:54.553 For example, rich white women 00:06:54.553 --> 00:06:58.837 are probably much better off in society 00:06:58.837 --> 00:07:00.942 than poor white men, 00:07:00.942 --> 00:07:04.027 and rich black men are probably somewhere in between. 00:07:04.027 --> 00:07:06.748 So it's really more skewed like this, 00:07:06.748 --> 00:07:09.244 and the same on the bottom level. 00:07:09.244 --> 00:07:11.712 But we can actually take it further 00:07:11.712 --> 00:07:15.307 and look at the interactions between those two middle levels, 00:07:15.307 --> 00:07:18.721 because rich non-white non-men might well be better off in society 00:07:18.721 --> 00:07:23.306 than poor white men. 00:07:23.306 --> 00:07:28.616 Think about some extreme examples, like Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey. 00:07:28.616 --> 00:07:33.977 They're definitely better off than poor white unemployed homeless men. 00:07:34.324 --> 00:07:37.655 So actually the diagram is more skewed like this. 00:07:37.655 --> 00:07:40.667 And that tension exists 00:07:40.667 --> 00:07:43.740 between the layers of privilege in the diagram 00:07:43.740 --> 00:07:47.413 and the absolute privilege that people experience in society. 00:07:47.413 --> 00:07:53.429 And this has helped me to understand why some poor white men 00:07:53.429 --> 00:07:54.857 are so angry in society at the moment, 00:07:54.857 --> 00:07:58.874 because they are considered to be high up in this cuboid of privilege, 00:07:58.874 --> 00:08:03.803 but in terms of absolute privilege, they don't actually feel the effect of it. 00:08:04.021 --> 00:08:07.287 And I believe that understanding the root of that anger 00:08:07.287 --> 00:08:11.953 is much more productive than just being angry at them in return. NOTE Paragraph 00:08:13.503 --> 00:08:15.552 Seeing these abstract structures 00:08:15.552 --> 00:08:18.185 can also help us switch contexts 00:08:18.185 --> 00:08:21.764 and see that different people are at the top in different contexts. 00:08:21.764 --> 00:08:23.567 In our original diagram, 00:08:23.567 --> 00:08:25.552 rich white men were at the top, 00:08:25.552 --> 00:08:28.951 but if we restricted our attention to non-men, 00:08:28.951 --> 00:08:31.309 we would see that they are here, 00:08:31.309 --> 00:08:33.813 and now the rich white non-men are at the top. 00:08:33.813 --> 00:08:36.681 So we could move to a whole context of women, 00:08:36.681 --> 00:08:41.740 and our three types of privilege could now be rich, white, and cisgendered. 00:08:41.740 --> 00:08:46.001 Remember that cisgendered means that your gender identity does match 00:08:46.001 --> 00:08:48.212 the gender you were assigned at birth. 00:08:48.212 --> 00:08:54.155 So now we see that rich white cis women occupy the analogous situation 00:08:54.155 --> 00:08:57.352 that rich white men did in broader society, 00:08:57.352 --> 00:09:00.962 and this has helped me understand why there is so much anger 00:09:00.962 --> 00:09:02.898 towards rich white women, 00:09:02.898 --> 00:09:06.105 especially in some parts of the feminist movement at the moment, 00:09:06.105 --> 00:09:09.894 because perhaps they're prone to seeing themselves as underprivileged 00:09:09.894 --> 00:09:11.666 relative to white men, 00:09:11.666 --> 00:09:16.496 and they forget how overprivileged they are relative to non-white women. 00:09:17.627 --> 00:09:23.178 We can all use these abstract structures to help us pivot between situations 00:09:23.178 --> 00:09:26.928 in which we are more privileged and less privileged. 00:09:26.928 --> 00:09:29.668 We are all more privileged than somebody 00:09:29.668 --> 00:09:32.512 and less privileged than somebody else. 00:09:32.512 --> 00:09:35.298 For example, I know and I feel 00:09:35.298 --> 00:09:37.837 that as an Asian person, 00:09:37.837 --> 00:09:42.054 I am less privileged than white people because of white privilege, 00:09:42.054 --> 00:09:44.995 but I also understand that I am probably 00:09:44.995 --> 00:09:47.793 among the most privileged of non-white people, 00:09:47.793 --> 00:09:51.818 and this helps me pivot between those two contexts. 00:09:51.818 --> 00:09:53.487 And in terms of wealth, 00:09:53.487 --> 00:09:55.436 I don't think I'm superrich. 00:09:55.436 --> 00:09:58.415 I'm not as rich as the kind of people who don't have to work, 00:09:58.415 --> 00:10:00.085 but I am doing fine, 00:10:00.085 --> 00:10:03.000 and that's a much better situation to be in 00:10:03.000 --> 00:10:04.541 than people who are really struggling, 00:10:04.541 --> 00:10:07.895 maybe are unemployed or working at minimum wage. NOTE Paragraph 00:10:08.788 --> 00:10:11.911 I perform these pivots in my head 00:10:11.911 --> 00:10:18.657 to help me understand experiences from other people's points of view, 00:10:18.849 --> 00:10:23.560 which brings me to this possibly surprising conclusion: 00:10:23.560 --> 00:10:26.133 that abstract mathematics 00:10:26.133 --> 00:10:28.662 is highly relevant to our daily lives 00:10:28.662 --> 00:10:37.223 and can even help us to understand and empathize with other people. 00:10:38.846 --> 00:10:44.508 My wish is that everybody would try to understand other people more 00:10:44.508 --> 00:10:46.679 and work with them together, 00:10:46.679 --> 00:10:48.786 rather than competing with them 00:10:48.786 --> 00:10:52.262 and trying to show that they're wrong. 00:10:52.262 --> 00:10:56.852 And I believe that abstract mathematical thinking 00:10:56.852 --> 00:10:59.974 can help us achieve that. 00:10:59.974 --> 00:11:02.118 Thank you. 00:11:02.118 --> 00:11:06.273 (Applause)