(Half-Bell) (Bell) Do you think that she has a question? (Spanish) She wants to ask why Thây does like this when they sing Avalokiteshvara? Ok. (English translator) She is a bit embarrassed. She wants to ask Thây why Thay does this when the monks and nuns chant Avalokiteshvara? (Laughter) The monks and the nuns chant Namo Avalokiteshvara because... because they want to produce, to make compassion, to have compassion in their heart. When you chant the name of Avalokiteshvara mindfully, and get in touch with the suffering inside of you, compassion is born. Love is born. And when love is born, you suffer less. And you can forgive the other person. And you can help him or her suffer less. That is the purpose of chanting. And why did Thây do this during the chanting? That is a Buddhist practice in order for you to get more concentration. Concentration is the best when three things come together: the mind, the body and the word. Your mind is... focusing on the chanting. Your... Your mouth is chanting. So your mouth and your mind are together. And now... your body is calm. And this position of the hand helps you to be focused on the chanting. You do not think of anything else. You do not need to do this in order to be really concentrated. but if you do this, you might be more concentrated. And for Thây, it helps Thây to be very concentrated on the chanting if Thây does like this. This is only a way in order to get concentration. You may also do like this. Or you may do like this, and nobody can see it. And then when Thây's hand is in this position, facing in, he touches the sufferings inside of him. When he turns like this, he becomes aware of the suffering of other people around. And when he reaches out like this, he is touching the suffering far away in the world. Now you know everything. (Laughter) Thanks to this question. (Spanish) Thank you. (Bell)