0:00:16.974,0:00:20.924 Sangat ji, when I think about a woman [br]who has become a change, 0:00:20.924,0:00:24.192 or has brought change to womanhood [br]in the Sikh Panth 0:00:24.192,0:00:27.010 I think about Mata Khivi Ji. 0:00:27.010,0:00:31.636 Mata Khivi Ji is the Mehl of [br]Guru Angad Dev Ji Maharaj 0:00:31.636,0:00:33.327 Mehl here means wife. 0:00:33.327,0:00:38.827 In her life Sangat ji Mata Khivi Ji has shown[br]so much of strength. 0:00:38.827,0:00:44.079 When I say strength I don't just mean [br]physical strength, but mental strength. 0:00:44.079,0:00:49.129 Her ability to go against the stigma[br]set by society. 0:00:49.129,0:00:52.980 And what was that which we face even now? 0:00:52.980,0:00:55.681 That is 'what will people say?' 0:00:55.681,0:01:03.815 It's true Sangat ji, it was then back in her time[br]and it is also happening now in our time as well. 0:01:03.815,0:01:07.378 We are so concerned about what people would say. 0:01:07.378,0:01:10.862 We are so concerned about making people happy, 0:01:10.862,0:01:17.338 about doing what people, all society, thinks is acceptable. 0:01:17.338,0:01:20.364 But Mata Khivi Ji was not like that. 0:01:20.364,0:01:23.866 For her, it was not important to make people happy. 0:01:23.866,0:01:30.249 It was not important to make or do what people [br]want her to do - or what was accepted 0:01:30.249,0:01:31.517 in the eyes of society. 0:01:31.707,0:01:39.077 But it was important for her to do what was good,[br]what made Guru Sahib happy. 0:01:39.077,0:01:42.277 What was accepted in the eyes of the Guru. 0:01:42.277,0:01:47.675 When Guru Angad Ji Maharaj, then their name was[br]Bhai Lehna Ji 0:01:47.803,0:01:53.492 told their wife that they wanted to go to [br]Kartarpur Sahib to stay with Guru Nanak Dev Ji, 0:01:53.492,0:01:58.677 to serve them, to learn from them on how one [br]can do Bhagti while being a Grihst, 0:01:58.677,0:02:01.111 A Grihst means a householder. 0:02:01.111,0:02:03.544 Mata Khivi Ji never said no. 0:02:03.659,0:02:11.361 Normally, now at this point of time if a husband or a [br]wife, or any family member decides to 0:02:11.361,0:02:16.945 perhaps leave the household and go to search [br]for his life purpose, 0:02:16.945,0:02:23.647 many parents or many family members would say no,[br]why are you leaving? Who is going to earn money? 0:02:23.647,0:02:25.296 How are you going to survive? 0:02:25.296,0:02:34.633 But, at that time Sangat ji, Mata Khivi Ji said[br]do as you wish, do what makes you happy. 0:02:34.633,0:02:40.798 If this makes you happy to go and serve the Guru[br]and to learn the ways of doing Bhagti 0:02:40.798,0:02:43.016 whilst being a Grihst, do so. 0:02:43.016,0:02:47.783 But, oh dear husband, this is my Benti [br]that when you come back 0:02:47.783,0:02:50.850 I would like you to teach me the ways as well. 0:02:50.850,0:02:55.218 Teach me on how I too can do Bhagti [br]as a wife 0:02:55.218,0:03:01.254 and how both of us, as husband [br]and wife could do Bhagti together in this house. 0:03:01.254,0:03:05.187 See how positive the reponse of [br]Mata Khivi Ji was. 0:03:05.187,0:03:08.055 Another quality of hers was acceptance. 0:03:08.055,0:03:12.370 She accepted Hukam, which we call Bhana Manna/Hukam Manna 0:03:12.370,0:03:14.088 Gurbani Says, 0:03:18.738,0:03:24.690 To be able to obtain or get - Khasam here means Maharaj, Guru Sahib, Parmatma - 0:03:26.357,0:03:31.575 When you Mann, when you accept the Hukam, then you are accepted as well. 0:03:31.575,0:03:36.007 You are accepted in the palace of Parmatma, [br]you are accepted in the house of the Guru. 0:03:45.506,0:03:52.127 Just like I mentioned earlier, Khasmai Bhaavai - [br]what is accepted in the eyes of Parmatma, 0:03:53.596,0:03:58.473 So Kare - do so. Do that which is accepted in the [br]house of the Guru. 0:04:01.495,0:04:06.735 Then one, a soul bride, who does that, then all her[br]wishes are fulfilled. 0:04:06.735,0:04:10.220 And that is what Mata Khivi Ji practised in her life. 0:04:10.220,0:04:15.460 Now Sangat Ji, Guru Angad Dev Ji, Bha Lehna Ji has left to Kartarpur, 0:04:15.460,0:04:17.372 who is going to take care of the house? 0:04:17.464,0:04:19.573 Who is going to feed the 4 children? 0:04:19.573,0:04:21.989 Who is going to make sure that[br]there is food on the table? 0:04:21.989,0:04:25.672 All that responsibility went on the [br]shoulders of Mata Khivi Ji. 0:04:25.672,0:04:35.484 Not even once Mata Khivi Ji said[br]oh no or what has happened? Why has this happened? 0:04:35.484,0:04:36.725 Not even once. 0:04:36.725,0:04:42.419 Her whole life she learned to accept the [br]Bhana, that whatever is happening is 0:04:42.419,0:04:43.976 happening in the Hukam of Parmatma. 0:04:43.976,0:04:48.260 But Sangat Ji, remember I mentioned about society? 0:04:48.260,0:04:51.694 The place that she was staying in and the village, 0:04:51.694,0:04:56.521 there was some woman who, I would say, [br]tried to give fake sympathy, 0:04:56.521,0:04:59.461 who would come and say 'what's happened here?', 0:04:59.461,0:05:03.829 your husband has left you, all the responsibilities[br]are on your shoulders. 0:05:03.829,0:05:07.296 Even now people do so as well - fake sympathy. 0:05:07.296,0:05:13.259 And Mata Khivi Ji would not pay any heed to [br]what this woman would say, 0:05:13.259,0:05:16.897 because she knows that they are trying [br]to break her spirit. 0:05:16.897,0:05:19.898 She would just smile and 0:05:24.988,0:05:26.930 She would do that. 0:05:27.014,0:05:30.367 Which Sangat Ji, is something that we should practise[br]as well. 0:05:30.367,0:05:39.252 We can't stop people from talking, but one thing[br]we can do is whatever is being put in one ear 0:05:39.252,0:05:41.085 just take it out from the other. 0:05:41.085,0:05:43.517 So that we do not dwell upon it, 0:05:43.517,0:05:48.017 because then we start thinking about it,[br]we start stressing about it. 0:05:48.017,0:05:51.054 Mata Khivi Ji's condition was 0:05:54.933,0:06:00.453 That even if Parmatma gives me Sukh,[br]I will still remember Parmatma. 0:06:00.610,0:06:08.378 Even in Dukh and times like this where I have[br]to take care of my whole family, 0:06:08.378,0:06:12.120 I am alone with my children and all this society, 0:06:12.120,0:06:15.848 these people are tying to provoke me, 0:06:15.848,0:06:22.032 but even in Dukh I will still do Your Simran, [br]I will still remember You. 0:06:22.032,0:06:27.750 Guru Angad Dev Ji Maharaj, they say about woman [br]in their Bani, they say 0:06:36.686,0:06:45.628 Whenever there is Sukh there is happiness, joy, there is peace, enjoy your husband, 0:06:48.488,0:06:54.117 but even in Dukh always remember your husband Lord,[br]always remember Parmatma. 0:07:03.577,0:07:10.613 O' wise woman, this is the way you can be [br]one with Vaheguru, 0:07:10.613,0:07:13.793 The way you can unite with Parmatma. 0:07:14.000,0:07:17.683 So Mata Khivi Ji kept on taking care of the family 0:07:17.683,0:07:20.799 and time to time Bhai Lehna Ji would come back 0:07:20.799,0:07:23.967 and they would share what Guru Nanak Dev Ji had taught them 0:07:23.967,0:07:27.451 and they would share those teachings with Mata Khivi Ji 0:07:27.451,0:07:34.751 and Mata Khivi Ji would practise Simran, Seva, [br]Hukam Mann'na and all of the things 0:07:34.751,0:07:37.486 Bhai Lehna Ji would come and tell her about [br]Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 0:07:37.486,0:07:41.853 Both of them had so much love for Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 0:07:41.853,0:07:46.470 The time came Sangat Ji when Bhai Lehna Ji has been [br]give the Guru Gaddi. 0:07:46.470,0:07:48.513 They have become Guru Angad Dev Ji 0:07:48.513,0:07:52.271 and Guru Nanak Dev Ji tells them to move to [br]Khadoor Sahib 0:07:52.271,0:07:55.939 to shift there and to start a Dharamsala there. 0:07:55.939,0:07:59.322 And now Guru Angad Dev Ji comes to Khadoor Sahib 0:07:59.322,0:08:07.008 Now imagine Sangat Ji, where it used to only be you, [br]your husband and your 4 children, 0:08:07.008,0:08:13.809 now your house has been transformed into [br]a Dharamsala where Sangat come daily 0:08:13.809,0:08:16.492 to have Darshan of Guru Angad Dev Ji 0:08:16.492,0:08:21.226 and you can't leave this Sangat on their own. 0:08:21.226,0:08:28.128 You can't make this Sangat go back empty-handed,[br]empty stomach. You have to feed them. 0:08:28.128,0:08:34.178 Mata Khivi Ji took the responsibility of cooking Langar[br]for these Sangat. 0:08:34.178,0:08:38.687 And Sangat Ji, what was the quantity at that time? 0:08:38.687,0:08:42.880 10, 20, 30 and on some days even up to 100s. 0:08:42.880,0:08:45.579 Maybe a group of Sadhus would come. 0:08:45.579,0:08:53.440 And she was always on her toes. She accepted the Hukam that now my husband has become the Guru, 0:08:53.440,0:08:55.698 the second Guru of the Sikhs. 0:08:55.698,0:09:02.809 Her daily routine changed. Now she serves her husband, she takes care of the children, 0:09:02.809,0:09:06.017 but she also takes care of the Sangat. 0:09:06.017,0:09:11.007 She feeds the Sangat, she starts cooking langar for [br]the Sangat. 0:09:11.007,0:09:19.157 At that time Sangat Ji again the society, at that point the time of Guru Angad Dev Ji 0:09:19.157,0:09:22.166 the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the woman they used to cover their faces. 0:09:24.013,0:09:28.433 They used to cover their faces with their Dupatta, whenever they go out, 0:09:28.433,0:09:31.069 or even in their house. 0:09:31.069,0:09:40.291 But Mata Khivi Ji, now that her house has become a Dharamsala, she has to use both her hands to work 0:09:40.567,0:09:46.017 and she has to be on her toes at all times, [br]whenever Sangat comes, she has to serve them. 0:09:46.017,0:09:48.784 So there is no time to cover her face. 0:09:48.784,0:09:58.169 It was all about practicality. She took off the scarf and now she is doing seva alongside men. 0:09:58.169,0:09:59.470 And cooking Langar. 0:09:59.470,0:10:07.437 She takes these men as her brothers, as her sons[br]and she's working together hand in hand to cook Langar 0:10:07.437,0:10:09.454 in bulk amount for Sangat. 0:10:09.454,0:10:16.230 The women in the village, at first they started talking about it, 'What has Khivi Ji done here?' 0:10:16.230,0:10:20.247 Now she's removed her veil as well, [br]now she's working with men, 0:10:20.247,0:10:24.589 but Mata Khivi Ji again she did not pay any heed to what these people were saying, 0:10:24.589,0:10:29.073 because for her what was more important was doing[br]Seva of the Sangat, 0:10:29.073,0:10:31.041 just as Guru Nanak Dev Ji has told. 0:10:31.041,0:10:37.808 And making sure that these Sangat were comfortable[br]and that Guru Angad Dev Ji could focus on the Sangat, 0:10:37.808,0:10:41.401 whilst she could focus on the food, on the Langar part. 0:10:41.401,0:10:46.161 She served her husband in the morning, [br]because Guru Angad Dev Ji would not eat 0:10:46.161,0:10:49.003 form the Langar served for the Sangat. 0:10:49.003,0:10:54.695 Their food was very simple and Mata Khivi Ji [br]would serve her husband in the morning 0:10:54.695,0:10:57.912 and then go to to cook Langar for the whole day. 0:10:57.912,0:11:02.587 And in the afternoon when Guru Angad Dev Ji [br]would be teaching Gurmukhi to the children 0:11:02.587,0:11:06.429 Mata Khivi Ji would also do the same with [br]Baba Buddha Ji, 0:11:06.429,0:11:09.331 they would also teach Gurmukhi to the children. 0:11:09.331,0:11:11.648 This was the life of Mata Khivi Ji. 0:11:11.648,0:11:19.914 Slowly, slowly, because she kept on doing - this is where Sangat Ji actions speak louder than words 0:11:19.914,0:11:26.543 these women, these other people, the other ladies in the Village they started seeing that there is so much 0:11:26.615,0:11:30.815 Seva going on, there's so many Sangat coming to have Darshan of Guru Angad Dev Ji. 0:11:30.815,0:11:34.799 Mata Khivi Ji, with so much dedication, is doing Seva[br]for the Sangat. 0:11:34.799,0:11:36.960 Why don't we too join her? 0:11:36.960,0:11:41.500 This was the first legacy of Mata Khivi Ji. 0:11:41.500,0:11:46.201 The preacher of woman liberation. 0:11:46.201,0:11:52.861 To remove the khund. Where other women started[br]coming, being inspired by Mata Khivi Ji, 0:11:52.861,0:11:55.436 also started doing Seva in the Langar. 0:11:55.436,0:11:58.121 Now they could serve more people. 0:11:58.121,0:12:03.613 The second legacy of Mata Khivi Ji, which is now[br]in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 0:12:03.613,0:12:08.984 her mention in Guru Granth Sahib Ji, [br]by Sataa and Bhai Balwand. 0:12:08.984,0:12:10.926 What did they say? 0:12:20.928,0:12:29.427 Bhai Balwand Ji says, that Mata Khivi Ji is a pious woman, she is a wise woman, she is a good lady. 0:12:32.812,0:12:41.446 And her nature, she is so cool she is so calm. [br]Just like a tree that gives shade to people. 0:12:41.446,0:12:46.005 Mata Khivi Ji is like that, her nature is cool and so calm. 0:12:46.005,0:12:49.247 She has no anger, she is no ego towards anybody. 0:12:52.797,0:12:58.130 Her nature, what she would do daily, is to [br]serve Langar, to help people in need. 0:13:00.504,0:13:06.887 And her legacy was the Kheer - the rice pudding - that Mata Khivi Ji would make daily 0:13:07.264,0:13:09.039 and it tasted like Amrit. 0:13:09.039,0:13:14.614 So Guru Angad Dev Ji, would be giving the Bhojan of Naam to the Sangat 0:13:14.614,0:13:22.793 and on the other hand Mata Khivi Ji would be giving the Bhojan of Kheer, of Amrit, to the Sangat. 0:13:22.793,0:13:30.814 And Sangat would come from far to meet Guru Angad Dev Ji, but also to eat in the langar by Mata Khivi Ji. 0:13:31.593,0:13:38.742 Even after 30 years of the passing of Guru Angad Dev Ji, Mata Khivi Ji still continued to serve Langar. 0:13:38.742,0:13:48.026 She still continued to do Seva and acceptance in Hukam was shown when Guru Amar Das Ji was 0:13:48.026,0:13:49.025 given the Guru Gaddi. 0:13:49.025,0:13:54.585 She never cared for once that the Guru Gaddi should be given to my children. 0:13:54.585,0:13:58.942 That Bhai Datu Ji or Bhai Dasu Ji deserve to be the Guru. 0:13:58.942,0:14:04.158 She accepted that Guru Amar Das Ji is the next Guru. 0:14:04.158,0:14:06.085 She Matha Tek to Guru Amar Das Ji, 0:14:06.085,0:14:10.110 she told her children you too must accept [br]Guru Amar Das Ji as the Guru. 0:14:10.110,0:14:17.861 When Bhai Datu Ji went against Guru Amar Das Ji [br]and kicked them and they fell from the Takht, 0:14:17.861,0:14:23.240 When Mata Khivi Ji learnt about this Sangat Ji, she was[br]so upset with her son 0:14:23.240,0:14:28.847 that she brought her son to Guru Amar Das Ji [br]to ask for forgiveness. 0:14:28.847,0:14:35.564 And she herself fell in the feet of the Guru and said [br]forgive me, as a mother I could not educate my son. 0:14:35.564,0:14:43.381 I could not give them these virtues, these qualities,[br]that they could see the Guruship in You. 0:14:43.381,0:14:45.633 That they could see the Pamatma in You. 0:14:45.633,0:14:46.783 Please forgive me. 0:14:46.783,0:14:51.783 That was how Mata Khivi Ji was, acceptance and Hukam. 0:14:51.783,0:14:55.596 Sangat Ji, what I am going to tell you now is so important, 0:14:55.596,0:14:59.258 especially to my sisters out there who have [br]become wives, 0:14:59.258,0:15:02.218 or are going to become a wife one day. 0:15:02.218,0:15:10.586 Mata Khivi Ji as a mother she gave valuable teachings [br]to Bibi Amro Ji, her daughter. 0:15:10.586,0:15:16.037 When Bibi Amro Ji was going to get married in [br]the house of Guru Amar Das Ji, 0:15:16.037,0:15:19.354 because Bibi Amro is married to the nephew of [br]Guru Amar Das Ji. 0:15:19.354,0:15:29.172 When Mata Khivi Ji was going to send her daughter off,[br]she gave 3 advice to Bibi Amro Ji. 0:15:29.172,0:15:36.358 I call out to all my sisters out there,[br]that these advice, you can call it marriage advice, 0:15:36.358,0:15:38.023 it is so important. 0:15:38.023,0:15:44.955 But maybe perhaps now we have lost these values,[br]we have lost the meaning of even these advice 0:15:44.955,0:15:46.930 that I am going to share with you. 0:15:47.073,0:15:53.505 The first advice that Mata Khivi Ji gave to her daughter [br]was, take the support of Gurbani. 0:15:53.505,0:15:58.589 Make sure you read Gurbani daily, [br]before starting any work. 0:15:58.589,0:16:02.408 In the morning, when you wake up read Gurbani. 0:16:02.408,0:16:05.304 When you are doing your work, when you are cooking,[br]when you are cleaning the house 0:16:05.304,0:16:07.790 when you are serving you in-laws, read Gurbani. 0:16:07.790,0:16:14.992 The second advice that Mata Khivi Ji gave, was that[br]treat your in-laws as your own family. 0:16:14.992,0:16:20.378 If, you want love you have to be able to give love. 0:16:20.378,0:16:24.760 But to be able to give love Sangat Ji, we have to [br]be full of love. 0:16:24.760,0:16:28.260 And Gurbani speaks a lot about love. 0:16:28.260,0:16:35.596 I have spoken about this in this series, in the sakhi of[br]Bebe Nanaki Ji in the last video, about love. 0:16:35.596,0:16:44.424 Bibi Amro Ji accepted, she said it is true, if I want love [br]from my in-laws I have to treat them as my own family. 0:16:44.424,0:16:49.998 I have to treat my mother-in-law as my own mother,[br]my father-in-law as my own father. 0:16:49.998,0:16:56.850 And the third advice that Mata Khivi Ji gave and [br]Guru Angad Dev Ji gave as well to Bibi Amro Ji, 0:16:56.850,0:17:00.867 that not to return back home unless [br]you are called for. 0:17:00.867,0:17:09.234 This is very difficult advice for us to follow, [br]but back then that was what the parents of Bibi Amro Ji 0:17:09.234,0:17:12.252 asked of her, not to return until you are called for. 0:17:12.252,0:17:17.722 Because now you are duty is for your in-laws. [br]Serve them as you would have served your own family. 0:17:17.722,0:17:23.980 And Sangat Ji, look at the effect of these advice given by Mata Khivi Ji. 0:17:23.980,0:17:30.532 Which is why it is so important for a woman, [br]it is in our hands that we could build a family 0:17:30.532,0:17:35.987 based of the virtues, the values of Sikhi, [br]or we can even break a family as well. 0:17:35.987,0:17:40.879 It is in the hands of a woman, it is in the hands of a mother or of a wife, 0:17:40.879,0:17:46.363 to be able to give their family Gursikhi Jeevan. 0:17:46.363,0:17:52.099 And how did that happen? Bibi Amro Ji, daily she would [br]recite Gurbani, 0:17:52.099,0:17:58.899 when she wakes up, when she will be cooking and [br]it was that one day where Guru Amar Das Ji, 0:17:58.899,0:18:01.465 before they became a Guru, [br]when they were called a Nigura 0:18:01.465,0:18:06.325 that was the day when they came home[br]and they heard their daughter-in-law reciting Gurbani. 0:18:06.325,0:18:11.033 And that one day Guru Amar Das Ji asked, 0:18:11.033,0:18:15.652 O' daughter, whose Bani is this you are reading? 0:18:15.652,0:18:20.351 And Bibi Amro Ji then says this is the Bani of[br]Guru Nanak Dev Ji 0:18:20.351,0:18:23.536 and now my father, Guru Angad Dev Ji is sitting [br]on the Gaddi. 0:18:23.536,0:18:32.080 And imagine Sangat Ji, it was from that day, [br]because of the advice given by Mata Khivi Ji 0:18:32.080,0:18:35.438 to Bibi Amro Ji, and her practising it daily. 0:18:35.438,0:18:40.705 One day it came where Guru Amar Das Ji found the Guru, through Bibi Amro Ji. 0:18:40.705,0:18:43.007 How amazing is that Sangat Ji? 0:18:43.007,0:18:46.856 And then, what happens next? 0:18:46.856,0:18:48.873 Guru Amar Das Ji themself, [br]seeing the life of Mata Khivi Ji 0:18:48.873,0:18:56.191 how she became a change and brought change[br]to the women in her village, 0:18:56.191,0:18:57.075 in her community. 0:18:57.075,0:19:01.943 Guru Amar Das Ji then goes on to work on [br]upliftment of woman. 0:19:01.943,0:19:08.640 How? By removing the Parda completely, [br]by removing the practice of Sati completely. 0:19:08.715,0:19:12.428 By making women Prachriks. 0:19:12.428,0:19:14.529 Giving them Manjia 0:19:14.529,0:19:18.720 and one of those woman Prachariks was[br]Bibi Bhani Ji, their own daughter. 0:19:18.720,0:19:20.808 How amazing is that? 0:19:21.031,0:19:27.590 Guru Amar Das Ji, they uplifted women so much in [br]Sikh society. 0:19:27.590,0:19:31.662 And I would say that this credit goes to Mata Khivi Ji [br]as well. 0:19:31.662,0:19:38.165 For giving those advice to Bibi Amro Ji and [br]we can see how this becomes a chain reaction. 0:19:38.165,0:19:41.398 So this is for us to contemplate as well. 0:19:41.398,0:19:44.307 That why was families back then so strong? 0:19:44.307,0:19:48.699 It was because of the woman, their Sikhi was strong. 0:19:48.699,0:19:52.425 Their mental and physical strength was strong. 0:19:52.425,0:19:56.033 But now I ask this question, 0:19:56.033,0:20:00.969 Are we becoming weaker? 0:20:00.969,0:20:08.834 Which is why it is in the hands of the woman Sangat Ji[br]to build a family based on Sikhi. 0:20:10.508,0:20:15.651 Give those values, those teachings, those advice [br]to our sons and daughters, 0:20:15.651,0:20:20.167 on how they can become Gursikhs themselves. 0:20:20.167,0:20:23.786 Just like how Mata Khivi Ji did to Bibi Amro Ji. 0:20:23.786,0:20:30.704 And if we want to bring change to society, [br]we first have to become that change. 0:20:30.704,0:20:33.288 Just like how Mata Khivi Ji became that change. 0:20:33.288,0:20:39.221 And then just as the Pangti I mentioned earlier. 0:20:48.091,0:20:54.080 And until now Mata Khivi Ji is remembered [br]every time we read Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 0:20:54.353,0:21:01.096 every time we read the Bani of Bhai Sataa and Bhai Balwand Ji, we are reminded of Mata Khivi Ji. 0:21:01.096,0:21:03.546 We are reminded about her nature. 0:21:03.546,0:21:07.630 Just like a tree, if you look at the qualities of a tree Sangat Ji, 0:21:07.630,0:21:09.481 think about it. 0:21:09.872,0:21:13.571 A tree is upright, the roots are so strong. 0:21:13.571,0:21:19.800 No wind can just bring a tree down, [br]the roots are so strong. 0:21:19.800,0:21:24.373 The leaves, they give out oxygen, [br]they give shade to people. 0:21:24.373,0:21:29.429 Even when a person comes and cut [br]down that tree, 0:21:29.429,0:21:35.481 the tree does not complain, does not cry, [br]does not curse the person. 0:21:35.481,0:21:42.857 Still after being chopped down, [br]the tree still serves its purpose. 0:21:42.857,0:21:49.032 Gives us paper, gives us fruit, gives us flower. 0:21:49.032,0:21:53.784 This is the nature of a tree,[br]this is also the nature of Mata Khivi Ji. 0:21:53.784,0:21:57.374 Which is why she has been referred to as such [br]in Gurbani. 0:21:57.374,0:22:03.169 So Sangat Ji, I hope that we have been inspired [br]by the life of Mata Khivi Ji. 0:22:03.169,0:22:07.903 That to bring a change into our society, [br]that we first become the change, 0:22:07.903,0:22:10.430 then action will speak louder than words. 0:22:10.430,0:22:16.985 And then as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter, pass [br]on these virtues to our own sisters 0:22:16.985,0:22:21.164 our own daughters, so that they too one day[br]when they become a wife, 0:22:21.284,0:22:25.202 when they go to another family,[br]they can then continue giving those advice, 0:22:25.202,0:22:28.835 to the future generation as well. 0:22:28.835,0:22:37.870 The next woman, the next Mata Ji, the next personality [br]that we are going to explore is Bibi Bhani Ji 0:22:37.870,0:22:44.871 and how Bibi Bhani Ji has done such a big [br]Parupkaar to Khalsa Panth. 0:22:44.871,0:22:47.704 And I will share this in the next video. 0:22:47.704,0:22:51.406 So I hope you enjoyed this video on Mata Khivi Ji. 0:22:51.406,0:22:54.594 Please forgive me for any mistakes I have made.