0:00:00.000,0:00:03.320 Most 3D, character-driven video games 0:00:03.320,0:00:06.240 can be pretty easily placed[br]into one of two categories: 0:00:06.240,0:00:08.890 either first person or third person. 0:00:08.890,0:00:10.550 In a first-person game,[br]you see the game world 0:00:10.550,0:00:12.560 through the actual eyes[br]of the player character 0:00:12.560,0:00:13.950 as though you were that character, 0:00:13.950,0:00:16.120 and in a third-person game,[br]you see the player character 0:00:16.120,0:00:18.310 from the outside - often[br]from behind their back 0:00:18.310,0:00:20.680 or from a fixed isometric perspective. 0:00:20.680,0:00:22.280 But the existence of[br]these two perspectives 0:00:22.280,0:00:23.360 begs a question: 0:00:23.360,0:00:25.520 if this is what a[br]first-person game looks like, 0:00:25.520,0:00:28.600 and this is what a third-person[br]video game looks like... 0:00:28.600,0:00:32.480 what exactly would[br]second-person look like? 0:00:32.480,0:00:34.670 Now, I'm not the first[br]person to wonder about this - 0:00:34.670,0:00:35.890 the question of whether or not 0:00:35.890,0:00:38.140 a second-person shooter[br]could actually exist 0:00:38.140,0:00:40.280 is one that has plagued[br]video game message boards 0:00:40.280,0:00:42.560 just about as long as[br]the Internet has existed. 0:00:42.560,0:00:43.880 It's also served as the premise 0:00:43.880,0:00:45.950 for some pretty good comedy[br]sketches over the years, 0:00:45.950,0:00:47.740 like this one from Mega64: 0:00:47.740,0:00:48.680 - [Announcer] Introducing the world's 0:00:48.680,0:00:50.973 first second-person shooter. 0:00:50.973,0:00:53.890 (video game music) 0:00:54.824,0:00:56.710 (rock music)[br]- No no no no! 0:00:56.710,0:00:57.860 - And this one from The Onion. 0:00:57.860,0:00:59.600 - To enter second-person shooter mode, 0:00:59.600,0:01:01.730 you just simply adjust[br]the narrative slider 0:01:01.730,0:01:02.863 from first to second. 0:01:03.800,0:01:06.650 - You are walking down a long corridor. 0:01:06.650,0:01:10.140 Suddenly, a Nazi leaps out[br]from around the doorway 0:01:10.140,0:01:13.980 and unleashes a hail of machine[br]gun fire in your direction. 0:01:13.980,0:01:15.080 - But to help us actually figure out 0:01:15.080,0:01:16.670 what a second-person game would really be, 0:01:16.670,0:01:19.440 I think it would be helpful[br]to look at this grammatically. 0:01:19.440,0:01:21.660 In written language, the term "first person" 0:01:21.660,0:01:23.320 denotes any writing[br]where the point of view 0:01:23.320,0:01:25.380 uses phrases like "I" or m"y" 0:01:25.380,0:01:28.250 to tell the story from the[br]perspective of the protagonist. 0:01:28.250,0:01:29.440 Third-person writing, on the other hand, 0:01:29.440,0:01:30.900 uses third-person pronouns - 0:01:30.900,0:01:34.280 for example, "he went this way,"[br]"she went that way," et cetera - 0:01:34.280,0:01:37.000 to talk about characters[br]from an outside perspective. 0:01:37.000,0:01:38.760 Now, second-person writing does exist, 0:01:38.760,0:01:39.920 but it's kind of a weird one - 0:01:39.920,0:01:43.360 in second person, the[br]primary pronoun used is "you." 0:01:43.360,0:01:45.800 "You do this," "you go there," et cetera. 0:01:45.800,0:01:48.330 The second person is[br]actually a lot less common 0:01:48.330,0:01:49.351 in narrative writing, 0:01:49.351,0:01:50.940 and it's actually something[br]you're more likely to encounter 0:01:50.940,0:01:52.890 in, say, a list of instructions 0:01:52.890,0:01:55.170 or a choose-your-own-adventure book. 0:01:55.170,0:01:57.230 Now, the analogous video[br]game camera perspectives 0:01:57.230,0:01:59.490 for first and third-person[br]writing are obvious - 0:01:59.490,0:02:01.280 but what about for second-person? 0:02:01.280,0:02:02.760 We know what an "I" game looks like 0:02:02.760,0:02:04.410 and we know what a "he" game looks like, 0:02:04.410,0:02:06.450 but what about a "you" game? 0:02:06.450,0:02:08.690 Strangely enough, I actually[br]found the answer to this 0:02:08.690,0:02:10.370 before I even came up with the question, 0:02:10.370,0:02:12.810 and, believe it or not, it[br]came to me courtesy of a game 0:02:12.810,0:02:14.810 you may have heard me[br]talk about once before - 0:02:14.810,0:02:16.840 and that game is Driver: San Francisco. 0:02:16.840,0:02:18.110 See, for all the interesting missions 0:02:18.110,0:02:20.170 in Driver: San Francisco -[br]and there are plenty of them - 0:02:20.170,0:02:21.410 there's one mission in particular 0:02:21.410,0:02:23.670 that I swear to God I[br]think about all the time. 0:02:23.670,0:02:25.440 The mission in question[br]is called "The Target" 0:02:25.440,0:02:28.430 and it's the final mission[br]of chapter six of the game. 0:02:28.430,0:02:30.670 In the game, you play as[br]a cop named John Tanner 0:02:30.670,0:02:32.670 who, for reasons I won't get into here, 0:02:32.670,0:02:34.340 basically has a superpower that allows you 0:02:34.340,0:02:36.350 to take over the bodies[br]of any other driver, 0:02:36.350,0:02:38.260 and has begun using that superpower 0:02:38.260,0:02:39.900 to foil a possible terror plot 0:02:39.900,0:02:41.570 from a gangster named Jericho. 0:02:41.570,0:02:43.060 Over the course of the game Tanner decides 0:02:43.060,0:02:44.660 that the best way to[br]unravel Jericho's plans 0:02:44.660,0:02:45.800 is to do it from the inside, 0:02:45.800,0:02:48.310 and in order to do that,[br]Tanner takes over the body 0:02:48.310,0:02:50.260 of a low-level henchman named Ordell 0:02:50.260,0:02:51.420 and uses his driving skills 0:02:51.420,0:02:53.300 to help move Ordell up the ranks. 0:02:53.300,0:02:54.850 The final mission in this story arc 0:02:54.850,0:02:57.360 sees you inhabiting[br]Ordell's body one last time 0:02:57.360,0:03:00.020 to complete a major assignment[br]from his boss Leila, 0:03:00.020,0:03:01.490 who is this international assassin 0:03:01.490,0:03:03.240 and Jericho's second-in-command. 0:03:03.240,0:03:04.320 Tanner's plan? 0:03:04.320,0:03:07.130 Warp into Ordell's body and,[br]without arousing suspicion, 0:03:07.130,0:03:10.460 drive Leila and Ordell[br]directly into police custody. 0:03:10.460,0:03:11.710 Now, the mission begins as normal 0:03:11.710,0:03:13.330 with Tanner and his partner Jones 0:03:13.330,0:03:15.800 driving their iconic[br]orange Dodge Challenger, 0:03:15.800,0:03:17.720 and soon enough, you[br]warp into Ordell's body 0:03:17.720,0:03:19.110 with Leila in the passenger seat 0:03:19.110,0:03:21.337 where she gives you some[br]clarity on the mission. 0:03:21.337,0:03:22.573 (car engine roaring) 0:03:22.573,0:03:24.770 - [Leila] Ordell, I need[br]nothing but your best today. 0:03:24.770,0:03:25.760 - [Tanner] What's going down? 0:03:25.760,0:03:27.870 - [Leila] Jericho's got[br]a problem he wants fixed. 0:03:27.870,0:03:29.770 Get me to the target and I'll fix it. 0:03:29.770,0:03:31.010 - So you drive to the destination 0:03:31.010,0:03:32.560 she's given you, closing[br]in on your target, 0:03:32.560,0:03:35.341 and as you get close, this happens: 0:03:35.341,0:03:38.424 (car engine roaring) 0:03:39.820,0:03:40.910 - Slow down. 0:03:40.910,0:03:43.505 We should acquire the target any time now. 0:03:43.505,0:03:48.505 (car engine roaring)[br](tires screeching) 0:03:49.070,0:03:51.020 The yellow Dodge, up ahead. 0:03:51.020,0:03:53.460 Stay close but don't be obvious. 0:03:53.460,0:03:54.420 - ...that's my car. 0:03:54.420,0:03:55.717 - What? 0:03:55.717,0:03:57.500 That's the cop that's[br]been getting in our way. 0:03:57.500,0:03:59.380 - Do we follow him to the target? 0:03:59.380,0:04:01.070 - ...he IS the target. 0:04:01.070,0:04:02.280 - [Narrator] It's you. 0:04:02.280,0:04:04.946 You've been assigned to kill... you. 0:04:04.946,0:04:07.440 (music) 0:04:07.440,0:04:08.580 Now, after that cutscene ends, 0:04:08.580,0:04:10.790 you are back in Ordell's[br]body in the first person 0:04:10.790,0:04:12.570 with Leila sitting to your right. 0:04:12.570,0:04:16.260 But then... you press the[br]throttle to accelerate, 0:04:16.260,0:04:18.440 and the car in front of you moves. 0:04:18.440,0:04:19.680 You steer to the left and to the right... 0:04:19.680,0:04:20.700 and the car in front of you moves 0:04:20.700,0:04:21.690 to the left and then to the right. 0:04:21.690,0:04:25.320 And then, quickly, it sinks in[br]that the car you're controlling 0:04:25.320,0:04:27.860 is actually the car you're following. 0:04:27.860,0:04:31.250 Your perspective as the[br]player is entirely separate 0:04:31.250,0:04:33.680 from what you're[br]controlling as the player. 0:04:33.680,0:04:36.930 In other words, you're pursuing... you. 0:04:36.930,0:04:38.650 Now, as you can see, the[br]car that you're sitting in 0:04:38.650,0:04:40.410 is moving, too - but, crucially, 0:04:40.410,0:04:42.740 you're not the one who's[br]controlling that car. 0:04:42.740,0:04:45.010 The car you're sitting in[br]is moving automatically, 0:04:45.010,0:04:47.500 seemingly operated by[br]an AI-controlled driver 0:04:47.500,0:04:50.240 who's tailing the car[br]you're actually controlling. 0:04:50.240,0:04:53.160 It's basically like a chase[br]mission in any other video game 0:04:53.160,0:04:54.660 just like you've seen[br]countless other times - 0:04:54.660,0:04:56.770 except for this time,[br]it's flipped on its head. 0:04:56.770,0:04:58.950 This time, you're the one being followed, 0:04:58.950,0:05:01.220 while simultaneously seeing it all unfold 0:05:01.220,0:05:03.940 from the perspective of the[br]car doing the following. 0:05:03.940,0:05:04.870 And while it's hard for me to guess 0:05:04.870,0:05:06.470 how well this comes across on video, 0:05:06.470,0:05:08.300 all these elements[br]combine to make something 0:05:08.300,0:05:10.720 that is very, very odd to play. 0:05:10.720,0:05:12.350 There's something[br]shocking and disorienting 0:05:12.350,0:05:15.300 about seeing a first-person[br]perspective on your screen 0:05:15.300,0:05:17.260 but also not controlling that perspective 0:05:17.260,0:05:20.140 while remotely operating[br]the car that you're tailing. 0:05:20.140,0:05:21.940 It's the closest a video[br]game has ever gotten 0:05:21.940,0:05:24.060 to feeling like a true[br]out-of-body experience, 0:05:24.060,0:05:25.910 and it's an experience[br]that has stuck with me 0:05:25.910,0:05:27.900 ever since I first played[br]this game back in 2011. 0:05:28.380,0:05:30.120 Now, when I first played[br]Driver: San Francisco 0:05:30.120,0:05:30.953 eight years ago, 0:05:30.953,0:05:32.470 I kinda just played[br]through this mission once, 0:05:32.470,0:05:34.990 start to finish, marveling[br]at the unique perspective 0:05:34.990,0:05:35.830 that this mission granted you, 0:05:35.830,0:05:37.500 but then moving on to[br]the rest of the game. 0:05:37.500,0:05:39.670 But I've always felt like if[br]I ever came back to this game, 0:05:39.670,0:05:41.140 I'd wanna pick this mission apart 0:05:41.140,0:05:42.260 and see what makes it tick, 0:05:42.260,0:05:43.730 and that's part of what[br]I hope to accomplish 0:05:43.730,0:05:44.563 with this video. 0:05:44.563,0:05:47.600 See, as cool as this mission[br]is, it's also pretty linear. 0:05:47.600,0:05:48.960 The whole thing takes[br]place with you driving down 0:05:48.960,0:05:51.060 this completely locked-down race course 0:05:51.060,0:05:52.600 with no exits or detours - 0:05:52.600,0:05:54.800 pretty much just a[br]straight shot to the exit. 0:05:54.800,0:05:56.840 I've always assumed that[br]the developer Reflections 0:05:56.840,0:05:57.930 designed this mission this way 0:05:57.930,0:05:59.610 due to the technological limitations 0:05:59.610,0:06:01.130 of this weird second-person camera 0:06:01.130,0:06:02.870 that they built just for this mission. 0:06:02.870,0:06:04.710 Perhaps there was no way[br]for them to get this camera 0:06:04.710,0:06:06.540 to behave properly in[br]the actual open world 0:06:06.540,0:06:08.270 with all the various streets, elevations, 0:06:08.270,0:06:09.720 and alleyways you could dip into - 0:06:09.720,0:06:11.140 not to mention the other street traffic. 0:06:11.140,0:06:13.320 And on top of that,[br]they built this mission 0:06:13.320,0:06:15.070 with a pretty strict countdown timer, 0:06:15.070,0:06:18.000 forcing you to hit the[br]checkpoints in rapid succession - 0:06:18.000,0:06:19.720 something that I've always[br]assumed was placed there 0:06:19.720,0:06:21.760 to keep you from ever[br]veering too far off the path 0:06:21.760,0:06:23.650 and breaking the game somehow. 0:06:23.650,0:06:24.760 Still, I've always wondered about 0:06:24.760,0:06:26.410 the actual limitations of this mission, 0:06:26.410,0:06:28.440 and I knew that this time[br]around I wanted to test out 0:06:28.440,0:06:30.300 whether or not there[br]was any way to escape - 0:06:30.300,0:06:32.390 so before finishing the mission, I paused, 0:06:32.390,0:06:34.460 started it over, and then this time, 0:06:34.460,0:06:35.990 instead of starting the race as intended, 0:06:35.990,0:06:37.550 I swung the car into a 180, 0:06:37.550,0:06:40.240 driving the car backwards[br]in the wrong direction. 0:06:40.240,0:06:41.870 Now, when I do this, the AI driver 0:06:41.870,0:06:43.120 immediately begins panicking, 0:06:43.120,0:06:44.530 rapidly spinning the steering wheel 0:06:44.530,0:06:47.290 trying desperately to[br]keep my car visible in frame, 0:06:47.290,0:06:49.620 and then eventually, it[br]turns around 180 degrees 0:06:49.620,0:06:53.440 to reveal what looks like[br]the entire open world 0:06:53.440,0:06:54.590 of Driver: San Francisco - 0:06:54.590,0:06:57.520 seemingly 100% accessible to the player. 0:06:57.520,0:07:00.120 Now I drove away from the[br]racetrack and began exploring, 0:07:00.120,0:07:03.110 and I kept bracing myself to[br]hit some kind of invisible wall 0:07:03.110,0:07:04.960 or failure state for going off course, 0:07:04.960,0:07:08.100 but it never happened.[br]It all actually worked. 0:07:08.100,0:07:09.090 I merged into traffic 0:07:09.090,0:07:11.010 and the second-person camera followed me, 0:07:11.010,0:07:12.570 immaculately bobbing and weaving 0:07:12.570,0:07:14.120 through the other cars on the road. 0:07:14.120,0:07:15.700 It was around this time that[br]I noticed... 0:07:15.700,0:07:16.880 there was no timer. 0:07:17.280,0:07:18.390 It turns out that Reflections 0:07:18.390,0:07:20.030 had generously designed this mission, 0:07:20.030,0:07:21.750 intentionally or unintentionally, 0:07:21.750,0:07:23.120 so that the mission countdown timer 0:07:23.120,0:07:25.960 doesn't actually begin until[br]you reach the first checkpoint - 0:07:25.960,0:07:28.100 meaning that if you never[br]hit that first checkpoint, 0:07:28.100,0:07:29.990 you can drive around forever. 0:07:29.990,0:07:33.750 (car engine roaring) 0:07:33.750,0:07:35.230 (car passing on right honks) 0:07:35.230,0:07:37.070 This led to what I can only describe 0:07:37.070,0:07:39.470 as a transcendent video game experience. 0:07:39.470,0:07:41.100 It felt like I was seeing something 0:07:41.100,0:07:42.870 that I was never meant to see. 0:07:42.870,0:07:46.510 This ability to explore the[br]city as much as I wanted to 0:07:46.510,0:07:48.630 all from this wholly unique, 0:07:48.630,0:07:51.570 extremely surreal second-person viewpoint: 0:07:51.570,0:07:53.170 it felt like a magical experience 0:07:53.170,0:07:54.560 and one that almost nobody else 0:07:54.560,0:07:55.940 has experienced for themselves. 0:07:56.500,0:07:57.730 Now, revisiting this mission 0:07:57.730,0:07:59.420 and managing to escape the confines 0:07:59.420,0:08:01.690 laid down by the developers[br]all those years ago, 0:08:01.690,0:08:04.680 I really wanted to try and[br]push this thing to its limits. 0:08:04.680,0:08:06.430 I couldn't resit trying[br]to break things a little: 0:08:06.430,0:08:09.750 I drove the car off ramps, into[br]upcoming traffic, all of it. 0:08:09.750,0:08:12.000 But surprisingly, it[br]held together perfectly. 0:08:12.000,0:08:14.840 That is, until I tried one specific thing. 0:08:14.840,0:08:16.140 See, I haven't talked about it before, 0:08:16.140,0:08:18.990 but this mission actually[br]does have a failure condition. 0:08:18.990,0:08:20.310 In the lower-right corner of the screen 0:08:20.310,0:08:21.180 there's a health meter, 0:08:21.180,0:08:23.000 and it represents the[br]health of Tanner's car: 0:08:23.000,0:08:25.620 the car you're chasing / driving. 0:08:25.620,0:08:27.130 But if you get into[br]one too many collisions 0:08:27.130,0:08:28.650 while driving this car[br]in the second person, 0:08:28.650,0:08:30.580 you can actually run out of health, 0:08:30.580,0:08:33.390 causing Tanner to die and[br]the mission to end in a loss. 0:08:33.390,0:08:35.140 This is actually pretty hard to achieve 0:08:35.140,0:08:36.770 on the default mission path they laid out, 0:08:36.770,0:08:38.820 but driving into[br]oncoming lanes of traffic 0:08:38.820,0:08:40.420 and ramping off car transporters 0:08:40.420,0:08:41.850 had taken its toll on my vehicle 0:08:41.850,0:08:44.250 and I only had a small[br]sliver of health left. 0:08:44.250,0:08:46.450 Wanting to explore this[br]mission as long as possible, 0:08:46.450,0:08:49.480 I gingerly pulled Tanner's[br]car into a narrow alleyway 0:08:49.480,0:08:51.300 and then decided to try out the one thing 0:08:51.300,0:08:52.240 I hadn't attempted yet: 0:08:52.860,0:08:54.700 I turned around and drove[br]the car, 0:08:54.700,0:08:56.120 in the second person, 0:08:56.120,0:08:57.860 directly at myself. 0:08:57.863,0:09:00.410 (music) 0:09:00.410,0:09:02.300 This put the AI driver[br]in a weird position. 0:09:02.300,0:09:05.030 It now had to drive backwards[br]just to keep me in the frame, 0:09:05.030,0:09:06.480 and it was also narrowly sandwiched 0:09:06.480,0:09:08.200 between the two walls of the alley, 0:09:08.200,0:09:10.360 giving it almost no room to maneuver. 0:09:10.360,0:09:11.590 I kept driving towards myself, 0:09:11.590,0:09:14.343 putting on the pressure,[br]closer and closer, and then... 0:09:14.343,0:09:15.940 (car engine roaring) 0:09:15.940,0:09:16.940 (car screeching) 0:09:19.020,0:09:19.845 (cars crashing) 0:09:19.845,0:09:21.260 - [Leila] Nice work. 0:09:21.260,0:09:22.540 - It broke. 0:09:22.540,0:09:25.420 All at once, the second-person[br]vehicle shoots into a wall, 0:09:25.420,0:09:26.253 clips through it, 0:09:26.253,0:09:28.870 and then launches hundreds[br]of feet into the air. 0:09:28.870,0:09:30.210 Briefly, one frame at a time, 0:09:30.210,0:09:32.400 we can get glimpses of[br]the chaos that unfolded: 0:09:32.400,0:09:34.060 we see the car inside the wall, 0:09:34.060,0:09:36.850 then we see the car's[br]front console flipped over; 0:09:36.850,0:09:38.910 we see what appears to be the ocean floor 0:09:38.910,0:09:41.660 and then the pavement[br]as seen from underneath; 0:09:41.660,0:09:43.920 we see rooftops, the driver's arm, 0:09:43.920,0:09:46.970 the sky, trees, abstract geometry - 0:09:46.970,0:09:49.220 and then the city from above, 0:09:49.220,0:09:51.530 flooded with unloaded geometry. 0:09:51.530,0:09:53.880 After that, we see the car[br]spinning and spinning in mid air, 0:09:53.880,0:09:55.910 giving us glimpses of[br]San Francisco from above, 0:09:55.910,0:09:57.750 before finally getting so high 0:09:57.750,0:10:01.440 that nothing can be[br]seen but endless ocean. 0:10:01.440,0:10:02.970 And then, 0:10:02.970,0:10:04.085 black. 0:10:04.085,0:10:06.860 (music) 0:10:06.860,0:10:09.780 Suddenly, all at once, the[br]car snaps back to earth. 0:10:09.780,0:10:12.860 The health meter for Tanner's[br]vehicle turns blindingly white 0:10:12.860,0:10:14.200 and then the second-person viewpoint 0:10:14.200,0:10:17.420 fills with an orange-yellow[br]hue: Tanner's car. 0:10:17.420,0:10:19.410 Quickly it becomes clear[br]that the second-person car 0:10:19.410,0:10:22.200 has somehow spawned inside[br]of Tanner's vehicle, 0:10:22.200,0:10:24.199 dealing infinite damage to the car. 0:10:24.199,0:10:25.560 (cars crashing) 0:10:25.560,0:10:27.400 A deafening crash sound can be heard 0:10:27.400,0:10:28.860 and shattered glass flies everywhere, 0:10:28.860,0:10:32.160 and then, for a brief moment,[br]right before the mission ends, 0:10:32.160,0:10:35.270 the camera inexplicably[br]shifts into Tanner's car 0:10:35.270,0:10:36.870 where the car is balanced on its nose, 0:10:36.870,0:10:38.000 its windshield shattered, 0:10:38.000,0:10:40.810 thrust impossibly through another vehicle. 0:10:40.810,0:10:43.360 And then, horrifically, the camera clips 0:10:43.360,0:10:45.610 through the back of[br]Tanner's partner's head 0:10:45.610,0:10:48.580 and shows us the backside[br]of his eyeballs and tongue: 0:10:48.580,0:10:51.140 a truly terrifying[br]second-person perspective 0:10:51.140,0:10:52.287 if ever there was one. 0:10:52.287,0:10:54.870 (music) 0:10:59.740,0:11:02.080 Shaken by my other-worldly[br]encounter seemingly brought on 0:11:02.080,0:11:04.980 by pushing this already[br]existential mission to its limits, 0:11:04.980,0:11:05.980 I reset the mission 0:11:05.980,0:11:08.630 and played it beginning[br]to end one last time - 0:11:08.630,0:11:10.930 this time careful to do it the right way, 0:11:10.930,0:11:13.160 not wanting to disturb[br]whatever eldritch being 0:11:13.160,0:11:15.580 I'd upset by breaking the[br]mission in the first place. 0:11:15.580,0:11:17.920 After all, I thought, I[br]know that every mission 0:11:17.920,0:11:19.010 in Driver: San Francisco 0:11:19.010,0:11:21.440 ends with a continue and retry option, 0:11:21.440,0:11:23.370 so if I really wanted to[br]explore this mission again, 0:11:23.370,0:11:25.770 I could always hit the retry[br]button to give it another shot 0:11:25.770,0:11:27.170 after running through it normally. 0:11:27.170,0:11:29.540 So I proceeded to complete[br]the mission as intended - 0:11:29.540,0:11:32.880 a mission, by the way, that[br]ends with the antagonist Jericho 0:11:32.880,0:11:34.420 actually taking over your body 0:11:34.420,0:11:37.174 and attempting to drive you[br]into a lethal car accident: 0:11:37.174,0:11:39.680 (car engine roaring)[br]- You mean... Jericho! 0:11:39.680,0:11:42.010 - [Leila] Sit back and enjoy the show. 0:11:42.010,0:11:45.140 Not many people get to[br]watch themselves die. 0:11:45.140,0:11:46.960 - ...a problem that[br]Tanner decides to solve 0:11:46.960,0:11:48.860 by, disturbingly enough, shifting 0:11:48.860,0:11:50.890 for the first and only time in the game 0:11:50.890,0:11:53.040 into his partner Jones' body. 0:11:53.040,0:11:54.170 Yes, that partner. 0:11:54.170,0:11:55.820 - [Jones] What the heII is going on? 0:11:55.820,0:11:57.520 - Anyways, I[br]go to finish the mission 0:11:57.520,0:11:58.920 the normal way, staying on the path, 0:11:58.920,0:12:00.290 fully expecting the restart option 0:12:00.290,0:12:02.190 that appears after most[br]missions to show up. 0:12:02.190,0:12:04.280 Instead, I get to the end of the mission, and - 0:12:04.280,0:12:06.260 for some reason that[br]I still can't explain - 0:12:06.260,0:12:08.070 the only option was continue. 0:12:08.070,0:12:10.053 The reset option had vanished. 0:12:10.900,0:12:13.490 Panicked, I quickly hit[br]ALT+F4 and existed the game, 0:12:13.490,0:12:15.020 hoping I could load up my save file 0:12:15.020,0:12:17.080 and play through the mission[br]again, but it was too late. 0:12:17.080,0:12:18.770 It had already autosaved over my file 0:12:18.770,0:12:22.854 and the mission was gone with[br]no way to replay it again. 0:12:22.854,0:12:26.090 (music) 0:12:26.090,0:12:28.250 Look, Driver: San Francisco is a game 0:12:28.250,0:12:30.820 full of weird, interesting,[br]strikingly-designed missions - 0:12:30.820,0:12:32.830 but, to me, "The Target"[br]has always stood out 0:12:32.830,0:12:36.100 as the perfect example of[br]what makes this game special. 0:12:36.100,0:12:37.970 Video games are an entire medium 0:12:37.970,0:12:39.870 built around taking over others' bodies, 0:12:39.870,0:12:42.570 and Driver: San Francisco[br]is a richly existential 0:12:42.570,0:12:45.160 and metatextual reflection of this idea. 0:12:45.160,0:12:47.260 This mission in particular[br]brought these ideas to the fore 0:12:47.260,0:12:49.150 in a way that I wasn't fully prepared for 0:12:49.150,0:12:51.350 and that I'm only now beginning[br]to wrap my head around, 0:12:51.350,0:12:52.940 years and years later. 0:12:52.940,0:12:54.540 Even writing the script for this video 0:12:54.540,0:12:56.290 felt like a mind-bending exercise 0:12:56.290,0:12:57.500 in trying to explain something 0:12:57.500,0:12:59.390 that is borderline unexplainable. 0:12:59.390,0:13:00.700 You really have to play it for yourself 0:13:00.700,0:13:04.140 to get a full sense of how[br]crazy this mission feels. 0:13:04.140,0:13:06.330 In designing this mission,[br]Reflections took decades 0:13:06.330,0:13:08.870 of 3D video game conventions[br]and turned them on their head 0:13:08.870,0:13:12.150 to create what feels a truly[br]out-of-body experience. 0:13:12.150,0:13:15.350 That, to me, is an[br]accomplishment worth celebrating. 0:13:15.350,0:13:16.931 Please play "Driver: San Francisco." 0:13:16.931,0:13:17.890 (car engine roaring) 0:13:17.890,0:13:20.510 - [Leila] If you're[br]here, who's in your body? 0:13:20.510,0:13:21.710 - [Tanner] Well, no one. 0:13:22.628,0:13:23.461 ...oh God. 0:13:25.222,0:13:26.559 (door shuts) 0:13:26.559,0:13:27.755 (keys jingling) 0:13:27.755,0:13:29.540 (car revving) 0:13:29.540,0:13:30.900 - All right, so a couple quick updates 0:13:30.900,0:13:33.450 on the "Driver: San Francisco" situation. 0:13:33.450,0:13:35.640 The petition to get[br]Ubisoft to re-list the game 0:13:35.640,0:13:37.240 that I mentioned at the[br]end of my last video 0:13:37.240,0:13:41.530 is now at over 70,000[br]signatures, which is insane. 0:13:41.530,0:13:43.390 Please, if you have any[br]interest in this game, 0:13:43.390,0:13:44.810 please sign this petition. 0:13:44.810,0:13:47.880 It now feels like 100,000[br]is within our grasp, 0:13:47.880,0:13:49.940 which is crazy, and I[br]can't believe I'm saying, 0:13:49.940,0:13:51.510 but it could happen - 0:13:51.510,0:13:53.630 which, to me, feels like[br]an unignorable number. 0:13:53.630,0:13:55.750 But! In the meantime, as[br]you might have noticed, 0:13:55.750,0:13:57.180 Ubisoft has not re-listed the game - 0:13:57.180,0:14:00.480 they have been ignoring the[br]70,000 signatures we have. 0:14:00.480,0:14:03.247 And on a totally unrelated[br]note, not connected at all, 0:14:03.247,0:14:05.390 Driver: San Francisco,[br]since my video last month, 0:14:05.390,0:14:07.940 has been in the top 10[br]most downloaded games 0:14:07.940,0:14:09.130 on The Pirate Bay. 0:14:09.130,0:14:10.810 ...totally no relationship there, 0:14:10.810,0:14:12.210 not mentioning that for any reason at all. 0:14:12.210,0:14:14.410 Just saying, the game is not available 0:14:14.410,0:14:16.630 and it's also one of the[br]most pirated video games, 0:14:16.630,0:14:19.500 and has been in the top[br]10 most pirated games 0:14:19.500,0:14:20.450 for the past month. 0:14:21.950,0:14:22.880 Just a coincidence. 0:14:22.880,0:14:24.730 Also, totally unrelated to the fact 0:14:24.730,0:14:28.940 that this game is apparently[br]very popular on Pirate Bay, 0:14:28.940,0:14:32.970 did you know that if you go[br]to NordVPN.org/babylonian 0:14:32.970,0:14:37.970 you can go to websites,[br]illicit or non-illicit, 0:14:38.020,0:14:40.690 without being tracked by[br]your ISP or anybody else? 0:14:40.690,0:14:42.010 So that means that, for example, 0:14:42.010,0:14:44.570 if you were to go to - and[br]I'm not saying you should - 0:14:44.570,0:14:47.750 a website that allowed you[br]to download a video game 0:14:47.750,0:14:49.810 that is no longer available[br]and can be easily pirated 0:14:49.810,0:14:50.920 with just a few clicks 0:14:50.920,0:14:53.060 and you don't wanna get an[br]angry email from your ISP 0:14:53.060,0:14:54.410 saying you can't do that, 0:14:54.410,0:14:56.560 you should invest in a VPN. (laughs) 0:14:56.560,0:14:58.880 If you go to NordVPN.org/babylonian 0:14:58.880,0:15:00.650 and use coupon code "babylonian", 0:15:00.650,0:15:02.580 you'll get 70% off their three-year plan 0:15:02.580,0:15:05.500 and get one full month[br]of VPN coverage free. 0:15:05.500,0:15:07.280 But yeah, if you enjoyed this video, 0:15:07.280,0:15:09.530 please share it with anyone[br]you think would like it, 0:15:09.530,0:15:11.900 and/or subscribe to my channel 0:15:11.900,0:15:13.540 if you'd like to see more[br]stuff like this in the future. 0:15:13.540,0:15:14.760 I've got a lot of videos 0:15:14.760,0:15:16.830 in various stages of production right now 0:15:16.830,0:15:19.770 that I'm really excited[br]to get out into the world, 0:15:19.770,0:15:20.603 and I can finally start[br]thinking about them 0:15:20.603,0:15:21.790 now that this one's done. 0:15:21.790,0:15:24.450 So yeah, that's it from me for this time. 0:15:24.450,0:15:26.880 Hopefully the next video[br]comes out a little quicker. 0:15:26.880,0:15:28.270 I've got a lot of ideas[br]that have nothing to do 0:15:28.270,0:15:30.570 with Driver: SF, I just... this one 0:15:31.520,0:15:33.340 has been on my mind for a while 0:15:33.340,0:15:34.790 and I'm glad to finally have it done. 0:15:34.790,0:15:37.760 So thank you for watching,[br]and I'll see you next time. 0:15:37.760,0:15:39.380 (music)