Okay, now you're gonna to press run. Next
week millions of students across the country
will try their hand at an hour of computer
programming. The WHOLE school will be doing
an Hour of Code!
Take an hour to learn more
about the technology that touches every part
of our lives. Computer science can unlock
the best opportunities in the world, no matter
where you are. If you can change technology,
you can change the world. We've seen tens
of millions of kids learn how to code. I'm
so excited that all of you are participating
in the Hour of Code. On it's face, it looks
like it's this daunting, scary thing that
you don't know how to do. But it can be learned.
The Hour of Code isn't just about one hour
of one week, organizers are hoping it has
a more lasting effect by motivating schools
to change what they teach in computer classes.
So your traditional computer class that teaches
you just how to use technology is increasingly
irrelevant. Computer programming, computer
science, and how to create technology, that's
what we need to be teaching our kids.
In 2014 alone, 60 million students tried the Hour of Code
1 in 3 U.S. students have tried the Hour of Code
Over 1 million girls and over
1 million African American and Hispanic students enrolled in Code Studio courses
Your generous
support helped make the Hour of Code possible
Thank you for supporting Code.org!
Oh this is awesome!
Thank you to all our donors
Anyone can learn