The Call of Jesus Welcome to this lesson called "Carry No Money". We are in Luke 10, looking at the call Jesus has given us. As you will see, Jesus is very, very, very specific in the call. He is very specific in instructions He has given to His disciples and given to you and me. I know it's a little funny title "Carry No Money", but it's, actually, very, very important what Jesus is saying to us. So, let's start with reading from my book. "The next thing Jesus says in Luke 10 is very important for us to understand, especially those of us who are living in the materialistic Western world where mammon (money) is the biggest god of them all. We read in Luke 10:4, 'Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road." We are going to look at this now. Do not take a purse, or carry no money. We heard this, but many people never stopped to actually think about it, what it is Jesus is saying. But, you have to understand, what Jesus is saying, He did not just said it without thinking. He said it with a very specific purpose. He said it for us to listen, to understand and to obey. Jesus sent His disciples out without anything. He sent them out without anything. Why? Because He wanted to teach them something. He also said that they should not greet anyone on the road. That is something we are going to look more the next time. But, we read here that Jesus said: Do not take purse or bag or sandals. Why? Why did Jesus do that? Why did He send people out without... or not allowing them to take a bag, or purse, or sandals? Why? Because He wanted them to teach them something. He wanted to teach you and me something. He wants us to learn to be dependent on Him and not on our money and what we have. If we look at the church today, that is a big problem. It's a big problem in the church today because almost everything in the church today comes down to money. In the churches we are so controlled by money. Controlled by what we have. But we should not be controlled by what we have. We should be led by the Holy Spirit, not led by money. Let me read a longer part from my book "The Call of Jesus". "Almost everything in our lives today and in our churches in the Western world is centered around money. We are controlled by what we have or what we lack. It is also money that, for many, is the main factor when it comes to missions, church life, etc. If the money is there, we will do it, and if not, then we will not do it. But, in the Kingdom of God, money is not the problem, and money should never control what we can do or cannot do. It is really important for us to learn to be dependent on God instead of our money or lack of money. We often think we should really see a breakthrough if we have a lot of money and that we then could do so many things for God, as if our growth or our obedience stands or falls with money. We think that if we have money, we can do many things for God, but if we do not have money, there is not much we can do. This is not how it should be. We should not be dependent or controlled by money or what we have. Instead, we should learn to understand that God has all the silver and gold in the world. Everything belongs to Him, and with Him, we lack nothing. What is clear in the Bible is that the lack of money is not the problem. The lack of workers is the problem." What I'm saying here is not so often I've heard people talk about it. But, if you think of it, so many things in our churches is controlled by money. I met many people who say: If I just had that money and do this and this, I would go out and do this and this, like money is the problem. Money is not the problem. Why? Because if you step out, when you step out, when you serve God... He will take care of your needs. And I've seen that so many times. I remember when I started our journey we had many, many times, as a family, had nothing, but we decided to go out on the Word of God. And when we stepped out on the Word of God we saw that He took care of us. He provided our needs. It started with small things, with food, and clothes, and many other things, He provided, but there we learned to be dependent on Him. And then it grew, and grew, and grew, and now it's bigger things. Let me come with a testimony. Some years ago... we have three movies, as you maybe know, "The Last Reformation: The Life", "7 Days Adventure With God" and "The Last Reformation: The Beginning". Many years ago, when we gave out "7 Days Adventure With God", I remember I was sitting with my friend Robert and we were talking about how to give out this movie. We talked about that we wanted to give it out for free. And we agreed on that. All our movies are for free. But then he said: But, if it's a free movie and then people have to pay 5 $ in shipping, people would not feel it was free. So, he said: What about if we just also ship the move out for free? And I looked at him and said: But if there is 10,000 people who want the movie like the last time, that is 50,000 $. And we don't have 50,000 $. But there I felt God said: Do it. And I was nervous. We there felt God said: Do it. Not only make this movie for free. Not only give the movie out for free, but, actually, ship it out for free. But, it's 50,000 $ and we did not have 50,000 $. But if we go, if we do what He said, He will take care of us. One week later I did a meeting, a woman came to me, and I've never experienced before like that. She came and said: Torben, I feel God spoke to me that I should give you 50,000 $. Hallelujah! And we gave out the movie and shipped it out. How many movies do I need to sell to get 50,000 $? A lot. But this is what we do, also with the book. If you don't have the money to get the book, then write to us in "The Last Reformation" and we will give you a code and you can download it right away as an e-book. You can read the book right away. We want it to come out. I have seen again, and again, and again, that when we go out on Jesus' words, not only He's with us, as we looked at last time, but He will also provide our needs. But we need to start to obey Him and learn that in small things. So, we start slow, we start obeying Jesus in small things. We start obeying Him the way He said we should obey Him. Go out on His word, find the person of peace, and then we will see that everything in Luke 10 is correct. Also that He will take care of our needs. So, it's very important that we learn to be dependent on Him. Now, I am in a place, because I've learned that dependence on Him, if Jesus says something to me - I do it. I don't ask: Yeah, but I don't have the money to do it. I don't sit down and count do I have the money to do this and this. No. If He has said: Go, I go. Because then He will take care of us. The same is with you. If He says: Go, then go and He will take care of you. So, when Jesus sent His disciples out in Luke 10, it was also for them to learn this. The reason Jesus said: Don't take this with you, because He wanted them to learn to be dependent on Him. And I'm thankful that He taught me this, when I started this amazing life, some years ago. It doesn't mean that I cannot have money now and that it's always wrong to have money with you. Because we also read this later, because later in Luke 22:35-37: we read this: "Then Jesus asked them, 'When I sent you out without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?' 'Nothing,' they answered. He said to them, 'But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you do not have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." So, here we see something interesting. What Jesus said in Luke 10, when He sent them out without anything, it did not mean that the rest of their lives they are not allowed to have anything with them. No. He sent them out that time, for them to learn something very important - not be dependent on what you have. Now we have more than we have when we started, but I'm not dependent on what we have. If I have more or less, I'm not dependent on what I have. I'm dependent on Him. And this is, actually, exactly what we do in our Luke 10 school. We have our training school. And when we train people in our Luke 10 school and send them out on what we call "The Luke 10 trip", we do like this. We send them out and very often we send them out without money, without a place to sleep, without a telephone, without a credit card, without anything. Out with you. See you in three days. And we have done that again, and again, and again for many years now. And every time it's amazing. Every time the students come back: Wow! I've seen it! I've experienced it! We did not have the money, but then we prayed for somebody who got healed, and we shared Jesus, and suddenly they said: Hey, do you want something to eat, or we found some money on the way, or we did not have a place to sleep, and then God opened the doors, and we slept there, and we slept there. I have so many testimonies of people going out, led by the Holy Spirit, going to a place, they find somebody who invites them home, open their home and give them everything they can eat and everything they need. People go to hotel, pray for somebody who get healed, and the owner of the hotel says: Hey, come and stay with us for two days. We have so many amazing examples, and that is one of the strongest things. One of the strongest things when they are out on the Luke 10 trip, that is when they come home and have learned this very, very important lesson. Seek first the Kingdom of God and do His will, and everything else will be given to you. If we seek the Kingdom of God and do what God has commanded us to, He will take care for the rest. Don't worry about clothes. Don't worry about food. Don't worry about where to sleep. Why? Jesus said: Look at the birds. Look at the flowers. They don't worry. God will also take care of you and me. And I am so thankful to God that He, some years ago, took us on this journey where He, the harder way, it's sometimes hard to learn something new, but where He was teaching us this important truth - that we can trust Him. That we need to trust Him. I would say the same to you. You need to be dependent on God and not if you have a job or don't have a job, not if you have money or don't have money. not if you have food or don't have food. Learn to seek God and do His will and see He how He takes care of it. It's so sad to see many Christians who have never learned this very important thing, and if they suddenly lose their job and stand in a crisis - the world is falling down. They have never learned to trust God. And I would say, especially in the time we are in now. We have just entered in the end times in a way none of us could have imagined. The world will never be the same again. It's a wake up call for all of us. We are going into a time where there will be an economic crisis, like we have never seen before. We are going into a time where there will be a control, control, control and control, and if you owe money and do this, and do this, and do this - it's not going to be easy for you in the future. We are going into the time in the future where there will be a beast's mark on your hand or your forehead and you will not be able to sell or buy things without it. We are going into the time the Bible is talking about and we need to learn... to be dependent on Him. How do we learn it? By doing what Jesus said. But sometimes being sent out... without anything. Go out. Go out... and see how He takes care of your needs. This is important. I encourage you, especially also with this chapter, take my book "The Call of Jesus". If you don't have the money send an e-mail and we can send a code to you. Get the book. Read the book. Because in this chapter where I talk about the money thing, I cover so many more things. And it's very important for the time we are living in. But until now we have looked at the harvest that is ready and we need to believe that. We need to pray for the workers to go out and then we need to go out as lambs among wolves. And when we go out we will see that Jesus is with us and take care of us. And we will also see how He takes care of our needs. So, don't worry about those things. Go out on the Word of God. And again, I encourage you to get my book where there is many more testimonies about this. So, look forward to see you next time, where we are going to look at what Jesus has also said, when He said: Don't greet anyone on the road. Because that is also important. Because when we go out, we don't go out just to go out. We go out not just to evangelize. We go out to find the person of peace. And when I say go out, it's not only to go out on the street. It's also to go out in your school, to go out in your work place, to go over to your neighbors. It's not only on the street we are talking about. But much more about that later. In the end of the book, in the end of this video series, I will put it all together. And when I put it all together I will share Luke 10 testimonies where you'll see how He's with us. You will hear testimonies how He provides our needs when we go out, you will hear testimonies how to find a person of peace, how to sit in their house, how to eat and drink what they serve. We will put it all together in the end and I look much forward to that. See you next time! God bless you! Bye-bye! The Call of Jesus