1 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (0:56 people's noises) 2 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (check who) 1.17 We've got one hour and a quarter. 3 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (confused voices then 1:31) How do we know when these things are going to be turned on? 4 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (confused voices, then1:58) What? OK? Right. 5 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Chairperson 2:03) Ladies and Genltemen, can I ask everyone 6 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to take their seats, please? 7 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We're about to begin, so if you're visiting the bar, 8 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 can you charge your glasses and return to your seats, and then we'll begin. 9 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We've got an hour and a quarter for this debate. 10 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK, can I -- Welcome everybody to the Online Educa OEB debate. 11 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm not sure what number this is in the series of debates that we've had, 12 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I think it may be getting up to our 10th. 13 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What I can tell you is that in the time that we've been having these debates 14 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and that I've been chairing them, my eyesight has now gone so bad 15 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that I can't possibly read any notes that I have without using glasses, so 16 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I think we must be on at least our 10th. 17 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What I can also tell you is that Online Educa itself, OEB, 18 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 this year is celebrating its 21st anniversary. 19 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So I think that perhaps deserves a round of applause. 20 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So happy birthday to Online Educa -- (Applause) -- this fantastic conference. 21 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And 21 years ago was a very difficult -- very different world indeed, 22 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when one thinks about the scale and scope of change that there -- 23 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that has taken place in the last 21 years. 24 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 One statistic I was reading recently was that in the UK, in 1994, 21 years ago, 25 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 there were only 67 mobile phones per 1000 people. 26 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But only ten years later, in 2004, 27 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 there were more mobiles in the UK than people. 28 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And that pattern of spread of mobile communications alone 29 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 has spread across the world and in Africa, for instance, 30 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 those of you who have been to Elearning Africa will have learned about 31 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the spread of mobile communications across the African continent. 32 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So in terms of the scale of technological change, 33 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and the spread of that change across the world, 34 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the change in that short period of time, in these past 21 years alone, 35 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 has been enormous, and we heard about 36 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the scale of it in the opening plenary session this morning. 37 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We live in a world that is globalized, interconnected, hyperlinked 38 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and that scale of change we're experiencing, have experienced 39 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in the last 21 years, is going to gather pace and continue. 40 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And all that is going to create a huge challenge for education and training, 41 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which is going to be at the heart 42 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of dealing with both the positive and negative aspects of that change. 43 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And that's why the motion that we're dealing with today, in this debate, 44 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is so important, and why the whole subject of giving young people the skills 45 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that they need to cope with the challenges of this new world 46 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that we all are going to -- that we are creating, is so important. 47 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We've got four speakers, four panel speakers 48 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to open the debate this evening 49 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I'm going to ask each of them to speak for 10 minutes, 50 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and then I'm going to -- 51 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 -- two of them will speak for the motion, obviously,and two against -- 52 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 then I will throw open the debate to all of you, 53 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but if you want to intervene whilst they are speaking, because 54 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we're having a parliamentary-style debate, 55 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 then you can try to intervene on them 56 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and if they want to take your intervention, 57 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 then they can do so, but it will be entirely up to you. 58 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And if they don't, then you can draw whatever conclusions you want from that. 59 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But I want to ensure that we keep the flow going, 60 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so I'm not going to let you bully them but I'm going to allow you, 61 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if you want to make a particular point, 62 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or if you want to make a short intervention, to do so. 63 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then after they've spoken, we'll throw open the debate to the floor 64 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and you can make your contribution, 65 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but do please realize that time is of the essence, 66 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so please try to keep it short and to the point, succinct. 67 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This is the kind of debate equivalent of texting. 68 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, no long rambling contributions, because I will cut you off 69 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if you try to do that. 70 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, very short contributions, please. 71 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And then I'll ask each of our -- I'll ask one speaker from each side 72 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to sum up, and then we will take a vote, and we'll do that by a show of hands. 73 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I've also made it clear to all the speakers that they may 74 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 say things that they don't necessarily want to be held to in the future, 75 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so I hope that you will understand that. 76 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But this is an opportunity for us to explore some of the issues, 77 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but don't take it all too seriously, 78 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and don't come and accuse people of saying things that you would -- 79 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that they might not necessarily always want to be held to. 80 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 With that in mind, I'm going to ask our first speaker, who is Jo Swinson. 81 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Jo Swinson, who is the former Minister for business, innovation and skills 82 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in the UK's coalition government of 2010 to 2015, 83 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to speak first for the motion. 84 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And Jo, since leaving Parliament, has begun a new career 85 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and is involved in an award within a data intelligence company 86 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 called Clear Returns 87 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and she is an expert on the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. 88 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, over to you, Jo. 89 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Jo Swinson) Thank you very much indeed, Harold. 90 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I'm absolutely delighted to be here in Berlin at OEB. 91 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 A bit of a first, actually, the first technology-related conference 92 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that I've been to where there is a queue in the ladies' loos! 93 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I have to say I was particularly pleased by that, not only as a feminist, 94 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but also as a Brit who appreciates the art of queuing. 95 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So it was good on two fronts. 96 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, this house believes that 21st century skills aren't being taught, 97 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and they should be, is the motion that I want to convince you 98 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to support this evening. 99 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We absolutely need to be equipping our young people, 100 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and indeed, people at every stage of their lives, 101 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 with the skills that they need for the 21st century. 102 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And our education systems, and our wider society, 103 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 have an important role to play in this. 104 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But I will put it to you, this evening, that when it comes to technical skills, 105 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when it comes to social skills, and vitally, 106 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when it comes to capacity to embrace change, 107 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we are not yet rising to that challenge sufficiently. 108 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There are very specific skills, there are gaps in science and technology 109 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that are not being properly filled. 9:32 110 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 These shortages are causing significant problems 111 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for businesses, for employers. 112 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Half of engineering companies say that they have delayed taking forward 113 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 new products or services, because they have vacancies 114 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that are so hard to fill, because the skills are not there to recruit. 115 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Digital start-ups are often in real need of software developers 116 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that they cannot find sufficiently. 117 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And companies of all sizes, grappling with cybersecurity challenges 118 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 struggle to have the skills that they need to take on those important issues. 119 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 As Harold mentioned, I'm now a director of a company called Clear Returns. 120 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's been going for about three years, based in Glasgow, and uses data analytics 121 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to help retailers understand the problems they have with product returns 122 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and therefore successfully cutting the costs for retailers, 123 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and resulting in better customer satisfaction. 124 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But in our technology team of 17 people, there are 12 different nationalities 125 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and not one of those people went through the school education system in the UK, 126 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because the skills are not taught up to scratch. 127 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Now, there have been some improvements and as to 2014, 128 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 computer science has been introduced into the curriculum in the UK, 129 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but that is not the end of the matter, 130 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because 11% of computer science graduates are unemployed. 131 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In fact, that's one of the highest unemployment rates 132 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for any subject discipline, 133 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 at a time when we have a huge shortage of these very skills. 134 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Something is going very wrong when that is the case. 135 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And this is not just about teaching people to code. 136 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Fashionable ....... (check) undoubtedly is at the moment (check) 137 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and it is necessary that we do have people who can code. 138 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But it's not some kind of silver bullet on its own. 139 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Actually, it's the building blocks that we need to be putting in place, 140 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the things that lie before you get to the point of coding, 141 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the logic, the basic maths, enhancing those skills, 142 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so that people can put those building blocks together 143 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and create an argument or a train of thought or a mathematical proof, 144 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or indeed, a piece of code that will instruct a machine to do something. 145 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Yet our maths skills are also going backwards. 146 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 A King's College, London, study found that compared to the 1970's 147 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 young people today are significantly less well equipped in the field of mathematics. 148 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And it's also worth pointing out that we are missing out, 149 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when it comes to teaching these skills on almost half of the population. 150 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Only one in five A-level physics students is a girl. 151 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 When it comes to computer science, that figure drops to 1 in 10. 152 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Now, it's wonderful to be at a technology conference 153 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 where there is a queue in the ladies' loos, 154 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but even at this conference, if you have a look at the speakers' brochure, 155 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 only 8 of the 35 main speakers are women, so where are the women? 156 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We are missing out on that important talent 157 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 who will not then get in the fields that we need for the 21st century 158 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to enable all of our economies to flourish. 159 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We're also not doing well enough at the social skills 160 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which have always been imported -- important, 161 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I would argue, are even more so in the context of the 21st century. 162 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Employers have long complained that they get coming into the work place 163 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 are not yet ready for work. 164 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I have to say there is that thing I've observed, 165 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when new graduates starting out in the work place 166 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 seem to be allergic to using the telephone 167 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for the purpose it was originally designed for. 168 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I've lost count of the number of times when, speaking to a member of staff 169 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 about the particular project that they are trying to make happen, 170 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and it seems so stuck, and I say: 171 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "What happened when you asked that person about it?" 172 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Oh, I sent them an email and they didn't get back to me." 173 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know, for all the wonders that technology can undoubtedly do 174 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in helping us in our working life, when you want to get people to do something, 175 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 an email is very easy to ignore, and it is much harder to just put to one side 176 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 a face-to-face person or contact, or on the telephone. 177 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And relationships are absolutely critical to 21st century work places and skills: 178 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 getting things done, collaborating in teams, motivating others. 179 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Yet when we assess children and young people in the education system, 180 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it is genuinely done on a pure individual basis, 181 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 not looking at how they are actually operating within a drip setting (check). 182 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And when it comes to skills in terms of relationships, 183 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 something like personal, social and health education, which I would argue, 184 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is absolutely essential to help young people learn to navigate relationships, 185 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and important issues like consent when it comes to sex, 186 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it's not even compulsory in the UK curriculum. 187 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In a world where ultimation is increasing, 188 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 where jobs that we've already seen through the Industrial Revolution, 189 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that manual jobs have been replaced by machines, 190 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that with the next stage of technological advancement, many, many more, 191 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in things like accountancy and professional services, 192 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 are also going to be replaced by algorithms, 193 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the human social relationship skills are going to be in even more demand 194 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and therefore deserve much more attention. 195 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And my final point is that we have not done enough to prepare people 196 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for the world of change. 197 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 A little while ago, I spoke at a School Award ceremony to 12-year olds 198 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I was to explain to them how the world had changed 199 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 since I was there age. 200 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And one of the examples I used was the process of taking a photograph. 201 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I described how, when I was 12, you would have a thing called a camera 202 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that was all that it did, it was just for taking photographs, 203 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you would have to get a piece of film, physically, 204 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to load it into the camera machine, you'd had to do that pretty carefully, 205 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because you didn't want to expose the film and it was quite a fiddly process. 206 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You wouldn't know whether the photos you were taking were any good. 207 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You would have to take at least 24, or sometimes 36, 208 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 depending on which particular piece of film you put into your camera, 209 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 before you would then take it along to a pharmacist's or a chemist's shop, 210 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 pay some money and then go and do something else for a few days, 211 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 at which point you could come back 212 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and be presented with your little envelope of photographs, 213 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and see if any of them had turned out OK. 214 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I was counting on these 12-year olds looked at me 215 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 like I might well be lying to them: this is how it worked, 216 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because of course these days, you know, within a matter of seconds, 217 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you can take dozens of selfies in your phone, 218 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 apply however many Instagram filters you like, 219 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and share it with the entire world, just without leaving the school. 220 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The pace of change is accelerating hugely. 221 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Here in 2015, for us to consider what even are 21st century skills, 222 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is like going back to 1915 and trying to imagine the space race, nuclear power, 223 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the internet, or the kind of social change going from a situation 224 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 where women didn't even have the vote, 225 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to electing a woman as Prime Minister in the UK, 226 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or the change with gay rights, 227 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or the ending of racial segregation in the United States. 228 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We can't even conceive of all that the 21st century is going to bring. 229 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And so, more than anything, with this huge pace of increasing knowledge, 230 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 more than anything, what we need to do is equip people 231 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to cope with and thrive on change and uncertainty. 232 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Instead, we have bunches of kids being processed through the education system 233 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that doesn't look that different to several decades ago. 234 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So we really do have a problem here, in terms of the skills 235 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that we are teaching and more importantly, not teaching well enough. 236 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Whether it's technical skills, whether it's those social skills 237 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or whether it's the vitally important ability to be resilient, 238 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to recover from change and setbacks, 239 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and to apply yourself in a new way to a new set of challenges and horizons. 240 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 These are the things we must be focusing on, 241 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and we aren't yet rising to that challenge. 242 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I support the motion. 18:06 243 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Applause) 244 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Moderator) OK, thank you very much for that, Jo. 245 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Our next speaker, who is going to speak against the motion, is Allan Päll, 246 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 who is the Secretary General of the European Youth Forum, 247 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which is the representative body for youth organisations in Europe 248 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and he is an advocate for youth's rights. 249 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He lead student unions in Estonia and at the European level, and has advocated 250 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for students' voices to be included in educational policy. Allan: 251 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Allan Päll) All right, thank you very much, chair. 252 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I would like to very much support many of the claims made by our opposition. 253 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 However, when it comes to the question and when it comes to this specific motion, 254 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 this house does not believe that 21st century skills aren't being taught, 255 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because, well, let me put it very bluntly and very simply: 256 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the whole notion of what are 21st century skills is often just a bunch of nonsense, 257 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if I would sum it up very briefly. 258 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But let me go into it a bit more. 259 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There are many definitions of what these skills could be 260 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I fully agree that they do include everything mentioned by the opposition. 261 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 However, there are many other ways of looking at it. 262 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So if we are to say whether these are being taught or not, 263 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 even if we have a problem of the very definition of what these skills are, 264 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 how can we say that they are not being taught so determinedly? 265 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Some of the elements that can be mentioned as 21st century skills 266 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 are simple things, as critical thinking, problem-solving, reasoning, analysis, 267 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 research skills, creativity, curiosity, perseverance, self-direction 268 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 oral and written communication, leadership, 269 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 information and communication technology, social justice, literacy, 270 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 civic, ethical behavior, global awareness: the list goes on and on and on. 271 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, indeed, many of those things, perhaps, are not being taught enough, 272 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or specifically enough, in our educational systems. 273 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But that doesn't mean that this is not happening. 274 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Let me ask you one simple question: 275 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If you believe that we don't acquire many of these skills 276 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in our educational environment, be it in a formal setting 277 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or a socializing moment in your school or at university, 278 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 would we actually witness the pace of change in society that we are seeing. 279 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Almost all of us have gone through the educational system. 280 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, we must get a lot of those skills also through that. 281 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I do agree, though, that there is something to be said about 282 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the question of how specific are we when we look at those skills. 283 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Because that is true that most curricula -- 284 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 education is very much compartmentalized into very specific subject areas 285 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and we're seeing an increasing trend of those subject areas becoming 286 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 more and more specific. 287 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And thus indeed, there is perhaps not enough emphasis on looking at, 288 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or thinking really about are we acquiring all those sets of skills 289 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that are important for our socialization, etc., our technical skills as well, 290 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 as mentioned by the opposition. 291 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 One of the things that I would like to highlight is that 292 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the schools and universities, and vocational education and training 293 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is not only about the formal learning outcomes 294 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that we are beginning to measure more and more. 295 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It is also about the social environment at that very school or university 296 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that determines a lot of what education gives us. 297 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In terms of specific skills that were mentioned by opposition 298 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and the lack of those skills, there are many variables perhaps to look at. 299 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Yes indeed, we are missing out on engineers, 300 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we are missing out on also staff in medical sciences, in care. 301 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We would need indeed many more people 302 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to have those qualifications, perhaps, indeed. 303 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But there is also a question of what is education for 304 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and what are the requirements on the labor market. 305 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And those two things, although they interact, 306 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 they move at different paces. 307 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So sometimes, we start to put blame very easily on the education system for 308 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 not delivering specific skills when, for example, the structure of our education 309 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 -- sorry, the structure of our economy has changed. 310 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I think here, it's an important remark that we need to look at 311 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 different experiences of different countries. 312 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And you see countries where unemployment levels, 313 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 even throughout the financial economic crises, 314 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 were record low, such as in Germany and Austria. 315 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But if you look at youth unemployment figures, 316 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 youth unemployment also among highly educated young people, 317 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in different areas, like Spain or Greece, all around the Mediterranean, 318 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 they've been staggeringly high. 319 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And it's not because the education systems failed, 320 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it's because the macro-economic systems failed them there, 321 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in terms of not having enough job creation for all those skills. 322 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And of course, there is something to be said that when we train people 323 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and when we train minds to think critically, 324 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to come up with new and innovative ideas, we also change the world through that. 325 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, we need to understand that interaction. 326 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but certainly, when we look at 21st century skills, well, 327 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if we are to define them with this broad set of lists that I noted, 328 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we certainly are gaining those skills, but perhaps, not specifically 329 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and not enough: that, we could agree. 330 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 When it comes to preparedness for change, 331 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when are we ever prepared for the change to come, one might wonder. 332 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Indeed, things, technologically, are changing very fast. 333 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And maybe our educational systems are not embracing that technology 334 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 at the same pace. 335 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But that doesn't mean that if we would embrace 336 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the use of that technology very quickly, that it would enhance immediately 337 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the skills that we can describe as 21st century skills, 338 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 such as, for example, critical thinking. 339 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There are many advocates that say that 340 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we need to replace subject matter teaching completely 341 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 with horizontal level approaches. 342 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 That doesn't work. 343 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If we don't know the facts, how do we know that we are on the right path 344 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 with our decisions, how can we know what really happened in the past, 345 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and not, how can we verify what is true? 346 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So when we look at the skills, we need to look at the evidences 347 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in terms of teaching preparedness and pedagogy. 348 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And yes, we agree: there is a lot to be done there 349 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in terms of measuring those essential skills of socialization and communication, 350 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 building relationships, and it is true that around, it's estimated, 351 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 around 50% of jobs in the service sector 352 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 are about to disappear in the next 20 years and transform, hopefully, 353 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 into something completely new. 354 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Finally, indeed, those skills, we can all agree, 355 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we'll need those skills. 356 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But there is an important element of young people, 357 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and this is a study that we have done in the European Youth Forum, 358 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that they gain a lot of those skills also outside, in non formal education settings. 359 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And the key here is to see if we can bring those experiences 360 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that young people gain from youth organizations, activism, 361 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 into the formal education setting, and thus make it much more open 362 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to recognizing those prior experiences as well, to overcome this shortage. 363 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Thank you very much. 364 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Applause) 365 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Moderator) Thank you very much, Allan. 366 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Our next speaker who is going to speak for the motion is Pedro De Bruyckere 367 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 who is an educational scientist and he has worked in Ghent in Belgium 368 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 since 2001. 369 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He co-wrote two books which debunk popular myths on generation Y 370 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and generation Z, 371 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and the latest one was entitled "I was 10 in 2015". Pedro: 372 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Pedro De Bruyckere) OK. Good evening. 373 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm a teacher, I'm a teacher trainer, so I'm not used to standing still. 374 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So if you don't mind, I will move. 375 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Allan, thank you very much for making my point. 376 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I have to explain: I have to agree, I've written a book about it. 377 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There's no such thing as 21st century skills. 378 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And that's why they need to be taught. 379 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I have to explain this. 380 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know, if we go back in time, to see the origins of the 21st century skills, 381 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you'll end up with the liberal arts, the Septem Artes Liberales. 382 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Rhetoric, what we are doing right here, that's for me ancient history, 383 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but still needed today. 384 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But the question is, is this still being taught in school? 385 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Because, like ....... Alberts (check) says, moreover we get a focus on the Three R's 386 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 -- Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetics -- 387 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 while most of the young people are looking to Snapchats. 388 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But because of the focus, because we want to test stuff, 389 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the more important things are being forgotten! 390 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Rhetoric, philosophy, for me, crucial. 391 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 To be honest, then, you don't have to look at Ancient Times, 392 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 than you have to look at Medieval Times, 393 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because then philosophy was added to the Liberal Arts. 394 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So we need to train our children because it's great to say: 395 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Look at us: we've done it." 396 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Yes, but we are not talking about us, because in 20 years' time, they will -- 397 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we will be old, boring and other people need to sit there 398 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and beyond stage, using rhetoric. 399 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So we need to prepare them. 400 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm not sure if we're doing a great job. 401 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 For instance, if we talk about technology, 402 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 technology is often like a sex ad in education. 403 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know, you talk about all the dangerous stuff 404 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and you never talk about the fun stuff. 405 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know, it's very simple: 406 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Don't do this, don't do that, certainly don't try that! Go ahead!" 407 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And another -- for instance, McKinsey, the McKinsey report, 2014 McKinsey report, 408 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 said just (check) -- and I agree again with you both -- 409 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 there is a mismatch. 410 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There is a mismatch between what children study in school 411 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and which topics they choose, and what we need in the economy. 412 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But at the same time, the employers said: 413 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "You know, don't train them to a specific job 414 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "but train them in strategic and communication skills." 415 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK, they have been around for ages but they are still important. 416 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But what do we do, for instance, in many schools? 417 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I've been in schools in Holland, in Germany, in -- 418 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you know, we teach them how to write a job application. 419 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We teach them how to perform a talk for a job. 420 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Do we teach them to write a LinkedIn profile? 421 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 No, what we say is "Never post a drunk photo on Facebook, 422 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "because people will search you." 423 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What we don't say is: 424 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "You know what? Post something good about yourself on Facebook, 425 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "that isn't a selfie." 426 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But we think well, they will do this. 427 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Actually, for instance research by Jan van Dek (check): 428 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that's one of the stuff that our kids don't know. 429 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And if we don't teach them, who will? 430 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So that's my point: we need to teach them basic skills like Jo said: 431 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 communication skills, strategic skills. 432 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And if you want to call them 21st century skills because, by accident, 433 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 we're living in the 21st century, so be it. 434 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Applause) Thank you. 435 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Applause) 436 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Moderator) OK, thank you very much, Pedro. 437 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Our final speaker who is going to speak against the motion is Miles Berry, 438 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 who is the principal lecturer in computing education 439 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 at the University of Roehampton in the UK: Miles. 440 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Miles Berry) Pleasure to be here, really is. 441 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Philip and Gudrun, where are you guys? 442 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK, on the Twitter thing you say: 443 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "We need to talk about what the purpose of education is, what is education for?" 444 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And that's where I want to start. 445 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I want to move back from the motion, to think about what education is for. 446 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And to do that, we need some understanding of what education is. 447 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I've been in education for over 40 years now. 448 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But even so, I checked. 449 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's the culture or development of personal knowledge, or understanding, 450 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 growth or character, moral and social qualities, etc., 451 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 as contrasting with the imparting of a skill. 452 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (blurred: check) 453 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK, there's definitely a place for imparting skills, 454 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but that's training, not education, and there is a difference. 455 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 My Roehampton students study education, but they are trained to teach. 456 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 England's new computing curriculum educates people about the principles, 457 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the principles of computer science: (inaudible: check), I tell you. 458 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (laughter) ... technology, I think the technology ran on me tonight, 459 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it's all right I'll give it... 460 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (off) (unintelligible) 461 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Berry) 21st century skill -- on knowledge -- (laughter) 462 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Knowledge that these things are the wrong shape for my head: never mind. 463 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK, so: England's new computing curriculum that Jo has alluded to 464 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 educates people about the principles of computer science, 465 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 whereas we used to train them to use Office software. 466 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Or think about sex. 467 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Look, not like that: we rightly include sex education on the curriculum in schools 468 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but we typically don't include training. (Laughter) Important skills. 469 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Do without microphones. (Laughter) ... very well. 470 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In England, our Education Act says what education is for. 471 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Firstly, it's to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical 472 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 development of pupils and of society. 473 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And it's to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities 474 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and experiences of later life. 475 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What else could education possibly be for? 476 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In that, you just got to love laws that require you to do 477 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 what you'd want to do anyhow. 478 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There does remain a question about how best to prepare people 479 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for these opportunities, responsibilities and experiences. 480 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I think the nob of the motion this evening is about whether this should be done 481 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 through some sort of training in 21st century skills 482 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or by passing on the knowledge, understanding and wisdom 483 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 of our generation to the next and I'd say, the latter. 484 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I've no problem with skills per se in teaching. 485 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Behavioral management is a skill, coding is a skill, 486 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so is searching for things on Google, or even Bing. 487 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK. I've some problem, though, with the notion that there are 21st century skills 488 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I'd agree with you on that. 489 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But both of you have done a fine job of demolishing that notion already. 490 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I've also some problem with the skills -- with the notion that skills can transfer. 491 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Skills are about accomplishing something. 492 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There's a context to the skills, 493 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I think we diminish specific skills by attempting to generalize them. 494 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It isn't critical thinking, it's thinking critically about something. 495 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's not creativity, it's creating something. 496 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And it's not communication, 497 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it's communicating something through some media. 498 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The 'something' here matters. 499 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's really not possible to teach skills in the abstract fashion, without context. 500 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And the context is king. 501 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Whatever the specific domain, 502 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 knowledge of that domain is necessary for expert skills. 503 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 My main problem, though, is that we've only a little time in school. 504 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We've other things to teach and our students have other things to learn: 505 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 things like knowledge 506 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and understanding 507 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and wisdom. 508 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Without these, skills are unlikely to be of much practical benefit. 509 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Stephen Downes is here. 510 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, nodding in his direction, I'd say, learning is about connecting things: 511 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 neurons, ideas, people. 512 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The computer scientists get this, 513 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Google's page rank algorithm relies not so much on the content of the page, 514 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 as the links between the pages. 515 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The thing is then, the new stuff has to be connected to something. 516 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Otherwise, it's just isolated factoids. 517 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 We can't make sense of it, we can't use new knowledge 518 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 unless it's integrated into our existing mental maps, our schema. 519 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Put simply: it takes knowledge to gain knowledge. 520 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This apples to each of us as individuals, but it's also how civilization grows. 521 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Human achievement is a cumulative thing. 522 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 New knowledge doesn't normally contradict what's gone before. 523 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It builds on it. 524 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If Newton saw further than others had, 525 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it was because he stood on the shoulders of giants. 526 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What hope would there be for the next generations 527 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if they had to discover everything afresh for themselves? 528 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The consequence of our building on what's gone before 529 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is that the pace of cultural, scientific and technological change 530 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 accelerates exponentially. 531 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But even allowing for this acceleration is knowledge, understanding and wisdom 532 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which have done the test of time. 533 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Less so, skills. 534 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Expect new inventions and discoveries over the next 85 years 535 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and new practical skills to go with them. 536 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But don't expect the foundational shared knowledge of our civilization 537 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to become irrelevant. 538 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Indeed, it's on this very foundation that the new knowledge will be built. 539 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's not 21st century skills that young people need. 540 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's 21st century knowledge, understanding and wisdom. 541 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Time, I think, for a quick case study. 542 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The most successful education systems and the top universities 543 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 seem to organize their curriculum around well knowledge-based subjects. 544 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 England's new National Curriculum is quite explicitly a knowledge-based one. 545 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It sets out to provide pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge 546 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 they need to be educated as citizens, 547 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and to introduce them to the best which has been thought and said. 548 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 One of the most radical things we've done in that curriculum, 549 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which many see as rather reactionary, 550 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is to have replaced the old ICT with a new subject: computing. 551 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This includes an introduction to the principles of computer science 552 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 for all, from age 5 up. 553 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It has been my privilege to be part of the team 554 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 designing and implementing the new subject. 555 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Under the old curriculum we offered a good grounding in tech skills, 556 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 finding this online, making a presentation, 557 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 typing up stories, articles and reports. 558 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Sometimes, even making a spreadsheet, often about having a party. 559 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Do people really use spreadsheets to plan parties? 560 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Are these fun parties? Are these -- OK (laughs) 561 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It was fine: pupils moved on to work or the next phase of education 562 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 with some competence and confidence 563 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and broadly speaking, were digitally literate. 564 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Our ...... (check) students at Roehampton's 565 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 suggested that broad portfolio skills, 566 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 two thirds regarded them as .... as competent, proficient or experts. (39:58)