the gvernment is monitoing private phone calls
your children and my my children private phone calls and tracking who their associates are
this June we learned that out private lives are not longer private
the US government is secretly trackign the emails
purchases, text messages, location and phone call of
people all over the world
these code names such as PRISM, XKEYSCORE, FAIRVIEW
etc. this network of monitoring programs
is one parts of largest survalance system in the history
it is open and and it is illegal and operates in total secrecy
under the system the government can know where you have been
where you are and where you're going.
the program was only exposed when former
NSA contractor Edward Snoden leaked documents
detailign the extensive data collection
our got information man new shit is come to light
the presidcent, the NSA
and thier lawyer have tried to deflect the
public outrage
by distortign the facts and misleading the public about the process
US courts have never allowed the government to run a spying
program of this scale.
so how this happen?
well, lets take a step back, for a minuet.
America's factory owners opresive British survalance
and resonable search and seizer
this .. is independant.
understandign the privacy was necessary to
basic right of our constitution.
they stablished the forth amentment.
the 4th amendment exist to prevent the governement from tracking
or searching your persontal infromation
unless they have good reason to believe
a crime is happening
it's all there black and white
clear and crystal.
using the NSA the us government is violationg the
highest law of the country
the constitution
gtovernment survalance
is goign on for decades
but things got a lot worse
in 2001
when the congress passed the patriot act
giveing secret ... court more authority
to grant survalance request
on a large scale
instead of getting a warant for individual person
suspected of crime
the governemnt can search a large list of persons
even though under the no suspssiion of criminal activity
FISa courts aren't required to what court orders have been approved
and according evedance is needed
under the 1789 request for authorizing
one was withdrawn by the government
all the other one were grandted
it is a rubish stamp
all of this is protected by
with no system for checks and balances
if the NSA is collectiing information
on you based on what you read, or the websites you go to
you'll likly never know or get to stop it
no matter who you are
programs like PRISM
completley ignore the purpose of
warants while claiming
to work within the law.
the US government have turned the internte we love into something never intended to be
a tool for survaling everyone.
this is the most essential problem.
thought the secret courts
and secret inperpertation
of the laws
US government agents can illegally track
a user based on things like
key words
... who uses web for web portal
data has been collected
for years
of the most popular websites
gmail, facebook, yahoo, and many more
this 1000 of words that government can track.
words like "marijuana"
almost any email
you send
might get your account monitored
this kind of tracking
can make you second
guess what you say
that's why ... spying is unconstitutional
absues are inividbale and data leaks are already happneding
spying on out internet usage give our governemnt
power over our lives
what happens to
free speach
free assosiation
or free press
when everyone is under constant survalance
even in our provate moments