my question now is when we get to the point where the holy spirit makes a Bible verse important to us or we get a deeper uh understanding of a Bible passage is it important then to keep a written record of it for example in a personal Bible diary or Bible Journal because I don't want to lose the knowledge I received um so how do you handle this how can we organize and manage all the knowledge we receive so we don't lose it very practical the question you asked was my uh I remember in 2002 when I came to Synagogue Church ofin Nations I I discover things new there's a a teaching that was so deep and I was battling to understand it because of language barriers well because I'm a French speaking so anytime I come across uh a verse a Bible verse or a word of wisdom which seems so difficult for me I said to myself God help me to understand if I don't understand I don't reject it I will take the verse I will write it I what helped me a lot is that for example you say okay let me give an example the first word of wisdom I came say we are Sav to save others I said to myself how can we save others it's only Jesus I know as Savior how can we save others so I wrote it on a on a on a small note and I begin to meditate I never knew what meditation was about but I read to understand if I don't understand something it's very difficult to become part of me so but I will not reject it I will write it later I will go to the verse to read it once I read it I record it in my brain I memorize it I to do that before because I don't have time to read sometime sometime if you put it on a note because of activities you may even forget it but the Bible is meant to be stored in the speci in the shelf of our heart that's very it is effective so when you read the Bible and you come across a specific passage that speaks to you intimately so I write down and one day the prophet say I give you an advice create a file called don't go don't go don't let it go it was 2004 I grabed the idea anytime I come across a Bible verse I highlight you see my Bible it's highlighted everywhere full of colors rainbow rainbow yellow so when I highlight it I do something I use my phone I have a not note I write the verse and I learned and I learned the verse I make sure the verse I know this verse anytime I hear Matthew chapter I must know what it is because when you just get the the Matthew 11:28 what does it say I have to read it to possess it to become part of me and the prophet say if you take God's word to heart and made it a part of you that word by its very nature will change you and when it changes you you find yourself moved by the life of God so I said to myself okay since you are so busy attening to people people write notes on their hands do you remember it me I memorize it in my in my brain that's why meditation start thinking is not bad I memorize but if you memorize something as time goes on you lose it but I Contin to tell in my mind I want to understand what it means to understand what it means to understand it means before you realize it after one day it become part of me it's the exercise I did so I wrote it but after I wrote it I will go to the not when I go to the notes I will I will learn it learn it learn it by and continue to meditate it's meditation that keep the word into our heart because it's just like a computer so when I switch my computer on I have the RAM memory so if I type a uh a message if I don't save it and I switch off I may lose it so I have to record it somewhere so it's very good to keep record but what we need to do after reading after you have read whether a message or a Bible I go back to the message and that's where the key of meditation starts it's not something passive is active I will record it on the tablets of my heart once I understand the word it is with me it's is there forever just try to do it I said to myself okay every day I must get five words of wisdom five Bible verses I read in my Bible that must be part of me so if I'm in a vehicle or I'm in a bus I need to look for the Bible it there already now this is where Holy Ghost will help you Jesus said in John chapter 14: 26 that the holy spirit will bring to our remembrance the very words of Jesus yeah that's what I was thinking of and that's very the key sometime you think you have forgotten you okay you have read something in the morning but go to a quiet place and just try to remember what you have read while you doing ask Holy Ghost to bring to you'll be very surprised to realize that what you think you have forgotten begin to come begin good to come begin good to come that's the work of Holy Spirit and that's where meditation will start you read after you have read you close your Bible and think about what you have read think about it think about it as you walk think about it think about it before you realize it the thing will sink into your heart Prophet say when you eat food I I I match it I it's my mouth chew it I chew it I chew it thank you very much I chew it before I realize it I instinctly swallow it once it enter my enters my stomach I have no control over it there's a process going inside so when you read your Bible you read it to understand it you read it to get it into your heart because that word is there forever that's why when you are praying we call it Spirit prayer prayer in the power of Holy Spirit Holy Ghost will bring that word to remance to you you start worshiping worshiping and the word just spring from your spirit so what we need to do now I kept record I write it I have full of them see if my phone is I want to show you even CER consum me I don't know what I like to do show you I I I even snap The Bible Pages I read not to forget it I will snap it and read it and read it and read it and read till become part of me so all these notes are I reading daily reading any time I read a passage that really strikes me see my Bible I snap it I snap the whole page on my Note and once I finish reading I go back to it I always go back to it to read it to meditate it and that's when the Bible will become part of you I strongly believe that the Bible explains Itself by itself you can read a passage that seems difficult to understand and later you come across one scripture that is cross reference to that one that give you more light so what I do I put those verses together in a very logical are way and read it and go over it I go over it I go I trust Holy Ghost before you realize it it is part of you and one day you begin to pray all of the scripture come to come to your spirit and when I read my Bible I I gave you one one testimony one day the prophet say if you read 40 chapters per day you got the Bible in one year in in one month I I say how can you read the Bible in one month 4 chapters perday I did it it's so quick you don't remember anything but what is there something mysterious in this Bible anytime you read it you will discover something new any time you read it first I read it again my mind get refreshed any time you read something new happen so what we need to do is to record instead of our shelves but on the shelves of your human spirit and that's the area of meditation that's what helps a lot many of my reference I don't need anymore they become part of me but those verse I read them I read them I read them I read them and when one day the man of the Prophet was saying that this is my advice when you are reading a message and you see Bible scriptures don't just read your Bible alone read the Bible but read the message read the message and read the Bible whatever message you come across go to the Bible and find out what is in line with the scriptures and that's what helped me a lot so when I came across that quote that say we are safe to serve others I begin to search I say wow I remember Bible say in book of First Corinthian uh the ministry of reconciliation absolutely yes that's Mutual reconciliation so knowledge come first but understanding comes later there are many verse we read today but later we get the understanding of it so the cross ref ref of the Bible is very important I meditate I learn it by heart I stop in my memory I begin to think about it till I get spiritual understanding of it once what you understand is what you keep forever yeah that that's what I wanted to say just quickly because when you talked about the Holy Spirit bringing to our remembrance he can only bring to to our remembrance what's already stored in our heart it's only the word in our heart that he will bring back to us at the time that we need it and you know he will use that word to to strengthen us to to fortify us to comfort us to to he will use that word but that word has to be stored in our heart and when you were talking about um you know do we write it down it's it's different to like when you're revising for exams you know when you're Rising for exams you know you pick up bits and you learn it's all it's all academic you know you just can write it out write it out put it in different colors and write out so many times but this is a matter that's why I just wanted to focus on you said understanding if you understand something it will stay in your heart forever you can you can learn something by memory all of us have gone through the education system you know we we learned so many things that now we can't remember you know I'm sure so much of of of but the process of of that learning stays with us forever and once you understand something that understanding is in your heart and that doesn't leave you and and because what struck me from your question is you know how how can we make sure that all of this um doesn't leave us that we don't lose um what we read and I really like that point you made because um it's it's you know it's not just a matter of reading and it going in one ear and out the other you know we can't lose this because this is our life how do we how do we not lose it well we have to understand spiritually that's only through the help of the Holy Spirit but we have to start somewhere so don't condemn yourself don't if we're all on this journey together and that's why we said at the beginning that if your life is in Christ it's a new creation there's there's new revelation every day when you read the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to help you you can read read things oh now I understand now I understand so it's a it's a it's a lifelong Learning Journey but I just wanted to emphasize on that point of understanding when you understand it with the spirit's help then you can't lose it you you you you might not know exactly the chapter and verse you know Vine is a walking Encyclopedia of the Bible I not like this if you ask him anything he'll be able to tell you the chapter and verse look I'm going to be honest with you I don't want to provoke you to say that I was not born Master when I was I was a young boy Muslim when I was young I learned to learn the Quran by heart I went to Quran in school and I learned them by heart and all those verses I learned by heart I still recorded here so I apply the same technique when I read the Bible I will read it I will memorize the whole thing so I will begin to read it in my memory I don't need to carry bible I memorize I now when I came across the book of prover if you have your Bible when you see the Book of Proverbs 4 verse 20- 23 my son attend to my words I learn it by heart keep them in the midst of your heart for there are life for those who find him and health to all flesh keep them way in the midst of your heart and that's what is the most difficult we need to allow that word in the midst of our heart through that process of meditation meditating the Bible because I we said already that we meditate because we want to understand the Divine meaning Jesus spoke lot of Parables do will really understand what it means to apply it he said if your right hand disturb you catch it off or plag it off it's a he was speaking his Parable that's why in the in the parable of the s in Matthew chapter 13: 19 Jesus said can you read it for us Matthew chapter 13: 19 it's good to keep record when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart this is he who received seed by the wayside when anyone hears the word of the kingdom when you hear the word of the kingdom and does not understand it and we do not understand it then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sewn in his heart that's is it the importance of understanding the Divine meaning of what I'm bring so when you are reading and you find you come across a a section sometime it is personal to you your heart will begin to ring that's why the prophet say read your Bible slowly attentively repeatedly mean sometimes some heart are very slow to understand that's dependent nature of our heart you go to read it you read it you read it slowly like the Ean un did in the book of act chapter8 he was reading he could not understand but did not drop it he kept on reading reading until he became a part of you once you understand it's there forever you may not remember the number of the Matthew 12 whatever but the meaning is inside of you that's what I wanted to say that's where I was going when I said that rine will know the exact chapter and verse I'm saying even if if you know we're not we all have different anyway everyone's different what I want to say is that the understanding of the scripture like for example you know what it says you might not know exactly where it is but you know what it says and you understand it and you apply it to your life that is what counts um you know and because for example this is the blueprint that we have The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6 you know this when when Jesus explained how we should live our life you know that that you might not know everything word for word but we know what he said and we we apply it we we understand okay what it means when turn the other cheek okay love your enemies okay do this do that okay it it's something which becomes a part of you in the same way the more you read and that's why it's so um important that we're doing this journey through the Bible together we're going all the way through you know many people it's difficult to read through many many books in the Old Testament you know um and so to actually go through this whole journey encourages you to actually see okay what what can I see in this and as you read things will just jump out at you and when they jump out at you definitely everyone has a different way okay you can underline it highlight it write it down somewhere else like rasine said he takes a picture with his phone um any way that's the best for you but the the most important is that H you you you ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand and apply it to your life then can never you can never lose it you can never lose it it's it's here that's the Heavenly currency that that will will get you what you need in the kingdom of God and please continue reading because one day you say I've heard about this somewhere sometime I read one verse and I remember Paul said this I quickly go to Paul and make the connection because the Bible is Interlink once I got the connection important verses I make sure I get it by heart because there some like everybody know John 3:16 God so loved the world that we know those verse you know Romans 10:1 17 Faith but when you come across your Bible there are some section where if your heart is a lord it will strike you you may forget you you either you highlight depend on system you have me what I do as I show you I snap the page this is the page I snap the page directly and then when I finish my day I will go back to the pages I read you see them this is my I'm sharing my technique to you because you ask me this is how I do I read this morning and I see the connection God was talking about let me tell you why was say about prophecy God say I will raise for them a prophet like you in the midst of the Brethren I will put my words what strike me is two words God say I will raise Prophet I will put my words I say wow this mean God is the one that raised the prophet not man number two I will put my words in his mouth means it's not just about receiving inspiration it's about expressing the word of God from your mouth mean the spirit of God will speak through you so I wrote those two I said wow this is teaching me lessen that God will raise and God will put the word mean the expression of Prophecy came through the power of Holy Spirit and I to ask myself what is the purpose of Prophecy I write that question later when I was reading I went to another section that gave me the answer and I and I noted here in the book of Jeremiah it's here he said if they are prophets and if the word of the Lord is with them let them now make intercession for the for the for the for the Lord of host that the vessel which they left in the house of the Lord will be taken back so that mean the purpose of the prophecy is to bring people to their heart back to God so I take those two verses and I get them into my heart now that understanding fix them for forever now God will raise and God will put his word in your lips so nobody can teach you to prophesy holy ghost that speaks through you so I read my Bible I take I take attention of every single word there are some words are so powerful why God you say it why this word why this verb why this and that's that understanding now make the Bible to become part of you as you continue to practice it to practice it to practice before you realize it it is there forever once you understand it but this is my record keeping record is very good so if you go to a church a service or you hear somebody preaching a wonderful message I heard the word wisdom I write it I heard something I write it when I go home I begin to meditate the more you meditate new revelation will come new understanding will come and that's just how this you transfer from the letter to the spirit from the written to Your Heart by thinking about it meditating we just have that time sometime we read we don't have to go back to it go back to it don't read it again turn it over turn it over till you get it right it's a gift of Holy Spirit and that's why I just wanted to say finally is that there is a power in actually reading the word you know it is a blessing as well to listen to the audio version of the Bible and have for example listen to have it how can I say listening to to scripture but there is such a power in physically reading your Bible um that's what I just wanted to encourage you with that you know when you read it it's like literally the word can just jump out of the page at you um and so don't underestimate or under mind the power of actually reading the Bible your your physical your physical Bible um yeah yeah and second not on your tablet or your iPad or your phone I'm I'm all for physical physical Bible it's we like to but sometime you may situation where I have my physical Bible I have both but one thing is important I used to read a lot of Bible study sometime you want something quick what they say about this it's very good to read the Bible study we commentary we learn a lot from this but learn to develop build your own correct Bible Bible references cross references that will help you a lot because this thought expressed by this Apostle has been expressed by another one in a different way and they interconnect themselves and number two my personal experience when I read for example the Gospel of John now John is very deep so when I read John after I finish John I will go to First John second John third John he has a way of expressing the same truth in a different way and it will help you to get the context and the mind that's why if you say key verses you should write them write them write them and by you you meditate that Bible is always when you are praying now holy ghost will use that word in your heart to pray that's the key because when you are praying your prayer must be filled with the scriptures that's why it says the holy spirit will pray for you absolutely was you don't understand Spirit prayer okay Spirit prayer prayer in the power of the Holy Ghost Springs from need what is the need at the time of need Holy Ghost will bring to your remembrance the very word you pray for as you pray the scripture will come the scripture will come just trust him for that we went to a very good school you know the same when you have when the prophet will call who has message to preach to the church tomorrow wow you know prepare a message and preach to a congregation how can it be you write your message there's something to have a message you prepare you write there's another thing to stand before the public and to deliver the message and by the time you read the message you write the message you the way you study the Bible you study the message you you understanding order it by the time you begin to talk you realize that new inspiration become better than what you wrote the holy spirit will give you that's the work of holy spirit so when you are reading just on your bed try to remember what you have read without opening the Bible say holy spirit help me Lord bring to my remembrance just like your dream your dream but you woke up in the morning the dream vanish you don't remember you're trying to grab bits of it and it's like vanished that's where you close your eyes and ask Holy Ghost to help you to remember to remember he that's his job he bring to our remance the very words of Jesus at the time of need sword of the spirit but if the heart is empty there's nothing for him to remind you of so there are many things you learned when you were at school primary school and you must have forgotten but they are deeply embedded one day you will just come to your mind the same for a heart so it's good to to do like like the animals when they eat food they will bring it out and bring it out bring it out bring it out bring it out you refresh your mind refresh your Spin and before you realize it the seed the word settles in your heart at the point of understanding that is it once you understand it conviction come it is there forever so please I encourage you keeping record is good excellent keep giving your record but much more don't don't don't forget your so busy go back to the record read it in the night read it and meditate make sure every single day you get one or two scriptures you part of you was my my my my discipline dedication and discipline I dedicate my heart to the word and I discipline my mind by thinking meditating while the public transport I meditate on the Bible when I have break in my job I meditate the Bible so it become part of me because I I rehearse it rehear it become fully part of me that's that's what I did thank you thank you so much for that question um I believe it's blessed many people and we hope that you're you're blessed as well thank you so much and I want tell something you know one day you can meet somebody in the street can say can you tell me about who is Jesus you'll be surprised that day Holy Ghost will bring all the verses you have been reading and that's the expression the expression of the Holy Spirit to your remembrance it will flow like a river it is there thank you