Why're you so moody? Is it that time of the month again? So you're a sports fan, huh? Can you, uh, name me any players on the team? Heyyyyy baby! You know you should get your hair done more. You've got brothers, right? Your brother got you into sports? Are you sure you should be out here alone? Dressed like that? Kinda askin for attention. Why are you eating salad? You on a diet or something? Don't cut your hair, cuz you'll look like a boy. Listen, sweetie.. -Look, I'm just giving you a compliment, that's all. Well, um, your biological clock is ticking. Fuck. - Hey, you curse a lot for a girl. Don't be so sensitive! -Relax, it was just a joke! You're being too picky. -Hey, let me get that, it's a little heavy. Just relax! Don't get all feminist on me. Is that like a... feminist thing? Calm down, what are you-- Grand Slam! You want me to smile? Oh I'll give you a smile. Okay.. that's enough. All right. I just heard that your eggs die by 30. -Do you want me to just pop out an egg right now? Ah... oh my god... It's coming... It's a girl! I just heard that your eggs die by 30. -Ah come on, I'm just looking for a smile. I got it, I'll take it for you. No worries.