(music) How's it going guys? This is The Modded Minecraft Let's Play. My name of course, is SystemZee and you are awesome. Welcome to part two of the Let's Play. Today we are going to be dealing with Tinker's construct. It's really bright so I'm just going to zoom back in. But yes. we're going to be doing Tinker's Construct today which is exciting because that'll be the first time we're actually doing anything with a mod. Look at the background, that is beautiful Man, that's so cool! Anyways, that was some like... Grand Theft Auto lighting there. I got rid of the Hunger Overhaul MOD Because I didn't like it. And that's that. (laughs) It's not really that different, it's just, I go to not starve, as much. And I also get to stack food a lot more So, I just prefer it that way. And that's, we're just gonna end it at that. (laughs) No, no. If uh, if you guys are playing along then, you know, feel free to play with it. But I didn't like it, I needed to remove it Uhh, it was cool with this type of stuff though, so I'm a little, I'm gonna miss it in terms of farming because you could like, hold down Bone-Meal and just farm for days. But, uh it's not really worth it. (laughs) I just didn't like running around and like constantly losing hunger so quickly. But anyways, that's not what this episode is about. Like I said, we're doing Tinkers Construct So, I've got the basic materials for today's project, and it's gonna be really cool and I'm really excited. But first, we're gonna get rid of these and uh, and just quit the game. No. We are going to make an iron furnace Ba-da-boom. Which requires Iron Plates which requires a Forge Hammer. We've, we can easily do that Check it out, Boom, and then we'll do that and then that. Place it there. Do that. Make a sideways Thor hammer. Boom. And then, if we throw that in there and that in there, Uh.... Come on, No. There we go. I can do that, and then we need like, what, 10. Yeah. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10. How easy. (laughs) And then if we throw that in there, actually, we could just do that. That, and then. I thought I could do that. But I guess not. (laughs) It shows us the recipe though, so that's good enough I guess. Yeah, we'll do that, and then take one there. Boom. Boom. There we go! So, two iron furnaces. And what do those do, SystemZee? Well, good viewer, those are just faster furnaces and I, I love that. Or is it furni? (laughs) They're just faster and I love that. They just cook much quicker. About double the speed, at least, I think it's double the speed. Which is awesome. Let's go ahead and make these seared grout stuff. I am grout. I believe is what is says. I am grout. There we go. And we'll cool those up. Lovely. We're on our way to excellenceness I think that's the right pronunciation. But yeah, you can see it's cooking a lot quicker there, and we get a seared brick, which takes us on to what we're gonna do next. Which is of course, create the stuff we need, which is seared bricks. But, we're not gonna do that just yet. Actually, I should probably check and see how to make this. Oh NO! We're gonna need glass for a tank. I need more sand though. Um... Well, sand isn't really that hard to get considering it's like, right here. So, I'm just gonna grab one. Don't judge me. We'll come to the edge so it's not as noticeable, and... boop. There we go, but yeah, anyways I'm gonna use this as a time to talk about why I haven't really uploaded part 2 any sooner. Or any video for that matter. It seems like all I'm doing now is just making excuses, you know, day after day. And I'm really sorry about that. I, I do not like the idea of me just never really making consistent videos. Because I spent most of 2016 try to do that, and to be honest it's just a unfortunate series of bad luck. Genuinely. Like, I got sick the moment I was able to record, the moment work slowed down, I caught a cold. And I don't know if you can hear it. It's, it's still pretty bad, but I'm feeling a lot better and I can actually breathe (laughs) Which allows me to record in the first place, uh, but now hopefully, nothing else will happen unless, just a magic earthquake just happens out of nowhere, uh, you know, the rare occurrence that it ever happens where I live. And then, just everything gets destroyed. That's the only thing I can really think that would stop me, other than laziness. But I'm not gonna be lazy. But anyways, I wanna show you guys what we're gonna do today, other than work with the Seared Bricks. Let me grab these apples, because apples are great. Apples are good. Gimme those. Alright that's good. (laughs) We're gonna run over here and throw that in there. Hush cricket, you're too loud! (laughs) We're gonna come right to this little piece of wood and stare at it for a little while... No, we're actually gonna be building a really cool little platform for our tinkerers construct thing, but I'm gonna do it in montage format because I have a series dedicated to building, and you guys can watch that if you wanna learn how to build. No, I'm kidding. I'm gonna do building here as well, but I do want to do this one in montage format, so let's go ahead and get started. I'm gonna use these materials here and I will see you guys once it's completed. (Music) And that, is pretty much how you build a smelter platform. Look at that. This think looks amazing. This is actually the second time I've built it, unfortunately (laughs) because apparently when I brought my camera account on here it didn't want to save, which is very unfortunate. And very unlucky, and I actually forgot something apparently, I hope I actually still have the resources. I uh, I cleaned things out, but yeah, I had to do it an entirely second time, what kind of luck us that? I need more Limestone now, actually, do I have any in there.