Hello everyone, this is X-Raym, for the third part of the tutorial about Lua coding for REAPER ReaScript. Today, we will work on Items. We will get infos of first selected items, and then, we will learn how to modify them. We will start by the script we wrote last time. I will set Notepad++ this way so that it stay in foreground. Imagine that I want to get the infos of that items. First, I have to return this item in a variable. I check the API Doc, and I write "Selected Item" We see that there are some functions about Item Selection The function that we want is this one. "GetSelectedMedialtem" If we add a project number ID and an integer we get an Item. Project ID is 0 for current project. And the integer is the place of the item in selection. If it is the first item, the integer will be 0. Demo. I will create a function "Main" which will contain the core of my script. Hop, I put the function end at the end of the script, I call "Main". I move the call to that function below so that it is more clean just before the call of Main. Remember, ShowConsoleMsg("") is used to clean the console. I take this. This function return an item. So I will stock this item in a variable. Item = reaper. GetSelectedMedialtem() Here I delete value type reference, we don't need it. As first parameter, 0 for current project, and 0 as ineteger, for First Selected Item. If I run the scrip... The console open because of ShowConsoleMsg(""), but nothing happen. If I display item in the console... Hop, save, run.. We see that the item is a special type of data called userdata. Userdata in Lua represent an array value... but all you have to remember is that this userdata is specific to this item the project with a unique ID. We will try to get infos on this item. I get back in function list, And I enter Item Infos. I see that there is a function GetMedialtemlnfo_Value and there is a variant for Take properties. We will focus on item. So, I click on GetMedialtemlnfo_Value and I see this function. If I want to get the state of Mute of the item. I add a breakline, it is more readable. I add item_mute = and I copy this function. The item that we will set as parameter is the item stored in item variable. I activate the automatic break lines of Notepad++ so it is more readable... As second parameter, it asks for the name of the type of value we want It has to be a string so I write "". The parameter we want in our case is called "B_Mute". I copy "B_Mute" and I paste it here. I delete that... I add a break line here... and I ask to the console to display the value of item_mute. I get back here. I run the script. And we see that the value is 0. If I mute the item and I run the script again... we see that when the item is muted, the value displayed is one. In other words, GetMedialtemlnfo_Value("B_Mute") return 1, when the item is muted. Another parameter very interesting is the position. We will duplicate this line. We name this variable item_pos. We add the parameter "D_POS" and we will display the value of this variable. So that we can see better, I will add... "Item Mute =" .. And here "Item Position =" .. I save and run. It seems that I made a mistake somewhere... Oh I forgot to add points to tell we merge two strings. I run the script again. We see Item Mute = 0 and Item Position = 0 Item Position = 0 because I made a mistake here (one trailing space). We will have to be vigilent when coding one small space at the wrong place can broke the script. I run the script again. Here we see the item position in seconds. As you can see, it is very precise. If I want to display the duration, I duplicate I get the parameter value here. I replace. I rename the variable. And I duplicate that too, and display the item length. I save, I select the item I run the script. We see that the item length as the same value as the item pos because I forgot to copy paste the variable here... VoilĂ . I run again. We will see that the item length is 9 seconds. If I make it shorter, it display 5s, if I extend, it displays 9 seconds. Another item parameter often used by scripters is the volume. I will show you how it works, because it is a bit special. I duplicate this. "D_VOL" Note that the variable can be named with every name that you want. I duplicate this line. And I wrote item_vol here. If I execute the script, I can see that item_vol = 1 However, I see that item volume is set to 0 dB. It is because the scale of the vol parameter displayed in the console is completly different. The value returned bu "D_VOL" is on a log scale. If item_vol = 0, it means that that item volume is -inf dB If item_vol > 1, it means that the item had a volume boost. I'll show you, if I set -7 dB, and that I run the script again... We see that it is 0.4 (log scale) If I boost at 10 dB, it is equal to 3 (approx). 2 on log scale is for 6 dB boost (approx). To convert the log scale value into dB We have to do some maths. It is a bit complicated but we can use a code snippet a small code chunk that you can use without having to write it from scratch You only have to understand what variable you have to replace. Here, we just have to replace some variable names. We will replace VolDB by item_voldB so that it matches our other variable naming Here, the value to put is the value of item_vol which is transform by this formula. If I display item_volDB here... we can see that here is 0dB. And here is too. If I set to -7db it displays -7 in the console. If I go to +6db it displays +6. There is other nice parameters, such as fades length, snap offset position, and color of the object. Now imagine that we want to modify these values. There is a sister function of GetMedialtemlnfo_Value which is... I'll show you... which is SetMedialtemlnfo_Value we can see that it look like the Get version so that there a third parameter which is the new value we want to set. I will copy that. Put it here... The item we want to modify is still in the item variable. We will start by setting the mute parameter. "B_MUTE" As new value, we set 0. If I run the script... Nothing happens. But if I zoom out, or click, you see that the item has been unmuted. We have to add at the end of the script a simple function UpdateArrange which allows to update the arrange view if some items have been modified. Now, if I change the script... You see that I don't need to click to refresh the arrange view (and the item). Now if I want to modify... the position... I write a new position in seconds. I set "D_POSITION" as second parameter. And now my item should go to 1.5 second. The item is nicely placed at 1.5 s in the project. If I set 3... it will go there... We can of course use calculations. 5 + 10 and it will go at position 15 s. To modify the volume, I will advice you to modify the volume converted in dB. But you will have to set it back to log to make the modification valid. If we want to add +1 dB to our item We can do the following thing... And here I do... reaper. SeMedialtemlnfo_Value(item, "D_VOL"... reaper. SeMedialtemlnfo_Value(item, "D_VOL", item_volDB) It is still express into dB we have to convert it in Log scale Here is the code snippet. We put it here. And we replace calc the variable we have to change, by what we wanted (our dB value +1) I unmute the item, and I run the script. The item goes to position 0, its volume had a +1 dB boost, and it is not muted anymore. If I run the script again... we will see that the item volume gets another extra +1 dB boost. If I want to substract 1 dB, I set - here, and when I run the script... The item volume goes down. In the next videos, we will see how to get the parameter values of several selected items and how to modify them one after the other.