0:00:00.490,0:00:04.230 In the first of the units on[br]algebraic fractions, we looked 0:00:04.230,0:00:07.970 at what happened when we had a[br]proper fraction with linear 0:00:07.970,0:00:11.030 factors in the denominator of[br]proper fraction with repeated 0:00:11.030,0:00:13.750 linear factors in the[br]denominator, and what happened 0:00:13.750,0:00:18.170 when we had improper fractions.[br]what I want to do in this video 0:00:18.170,0:00:21.910 is look at what happens when we[br]get an irreducible quadratic 0:00:21.910,0:00:24.630 factor when we get an[br]irreducible quadratic factor 0:00:24.630,0:00:28.710 will end up with an integral of[br]something which looks like this 0:00:28.710,0:00:29.730 X plus B. 0:00:30.870,0:00:37.818 Over a X squared plus BX[br]plus, see where the A&B are 0:00:37.818,0:00:41.638 known constants. And this[br]quadratic in the denominator 0:00:41.638,0:00:44.422 cannot be factorized. Now[br]there's various things that 0:00:44.422,0:00:48.946 could happen. It's possible that[br]a could turn out to be 0. Now, 0:00:48.946,0:00:53.122 if it turns out to be 0, what[br]would be left with? 0:00:53.790,0:00:55.490 Is trying to integrate a 0:00:55.490,0:00:57.526 constant. Over this quadratic 0:00:57.526,0:01:04.446 factor. So we'll just end up[br]with a B over AX squared plus BX 0:01:04.446,0:01:09.041 plus C. Now the first example[br]I'd like to show you is what 0:01:09.041,0:01:12.293 we do when we get a situation[br]where we've just got a 0:01:12.293,0:01:15.003 constant on its own, no ex[br]terms over the irreducible 0:01:15.003,0:01:17.713 quadratic factor, so let's[br]have a look at a specific 0:01:17.713,0:01:17.984 example. 0:01:21.240,0:01:24.544 Suppose we want to[br]integrate a constant one. 0:01:25.590,0:01:27.018 Over X squared. 0:01:28.220,0:01:32.310 Plus X plus one. We want[br]to integrate this with 0:01:32.310,0:01:33.537 respect to X. 0:01:35.640,0:01:38.619 This denominator will not[br]factorize if it would factorize, 0:01:38.619,0:01:40.605 would be back to expressing it 0:01:40.605,0:01:44.840 in partial fractions. The way we[br]proceed is to try to complete 0:01:44.840,0:01:46.240 the square in the denominator. 0:01:47.020,0:01:50.440 Let me remind you of how we[br]complete the square for X 0:01:50.440,0:01:51.865 squared plus X plus one. 0:01:52.850,0:01:57.101 It's a complete the square we[br]try to write the first 2 terms. 0:01:58.500,0:02:00.339 As something squared. 0:02:01.260,0:02:04.704 Well, what do we write in[br]this bracket? We want an X 0:02:04.704,0:02:07.861 and clearly when the brackets[br]are all squared out, will get 0:02:07.861,0:02:10.444 an X squared which is that[br]term dealt with. 0:02:11.740,0:02:15.510 To get an ex here, we need[br]actually a term 1/2 here because 0:02:15.510,0:02:19.280 you imagine when you square the[br]brackets out you'll get a half X 0:02:19.280,0:02:22.760 in another half X, which is the[br]whole X which is that. 0:02:24.730,0:02:27.293 We get something we don't want[br]when these brackets are all 0:02:27.293,0:02:28.691 squared out, we'll end it with 0:02:28.691,0:02:32.681 1/2 squared. Which is 1/4 and we[br]don't want a quarter, so I'm 0:02:32.681,0:02:34.247 going to subtract it again here. 0:02:35.540,0:02:38.988 So altogether, all those[br]terms written down there 0:02:38.988,0:02:42.867 are equivalent to the[br]first 2 terms over here. 0:02:44.500,0:02:47.580 And to make these equal, we[br]still need the plus one. 0:02:50.590,0:02:56.200 So tidying this up, we've[br]actually got X plus 1/2 all 0:02:56.200,0:03:02.320 squared, and one subtract 1/4 is[br]3/4. That is the process of 0:03:02.320,0:03:03.850 completing the square. 0:03:12.040,0:03:17.695 OK, how will that help us? Well,[br]it means that what we want to do 0:03:17.695,0:03:21.842 now is considered instead of the[br]integral we started with. We 0:03:21.842,0:03:26.366 want to consider this integral[br]one over X plus 1/2 all squared. 0:03:29.320,0:03:33.533 Plus 3/4 we want to integrate[br]that with respect to X. 0:03:34.430,0:03:37.634 Now, the way I'm going to[br]proceed is going to make a 0:03:37.634,0:03:40.838 substitution in. Here, I'm going[br]to let you be X plus 1/2. 0:03:48.420,0:03:51.876 When we do that, are integral[br]will become the integral of one 0:03:51.876,0:03:55.908 over X plus 1/2 will be just[br]you, so will end up with you 0:03:55.908,0:03:58.628 squared. We've got plus 3/4. 0:04:00.210,0:04:02.106 We need to take care of the DX. 0:04:03.190,0:04:07.450 Now remember that if we want the[br]differential du, that's du DX 0:04:07.450,0:04:12.775 DX. But in this case du DX is[br]just one. This is just one. So 0:04:12.775,0:04:18.100 do you is just DX. So this is[br]nice and simple. The DX we have 0:04:18.100,0:04:19.875 here just becomes a du. 0:04:22.490,0:04:26.384 Now this integral is a standard[br]form. There's a standard result 0:04:26.384,0:04:30.632 which says that if you want to[br]integrate one over a squared 0:04:30.632,0:04:32.756 plus X squared with respect to 0:04:32.756,0:04:38.416 X. That's equal to one over a[br]inverse tangent that's 10 to the 0:04:38.416,0:04:43.498 minus one of X over a plus a[br]constant. Now we will use that 0:04:43.498,0:04:47.491 result to write the answer down[br]to this integral, because this 0:04:47.491,0:04:49.669 is one of these where a. 0:04:50.750,0:04:52.710 Is the square root of 3 over 2? 0:04:53.360,0:04:55.080 That's a squared is 3/4. 0:04:57.320,0:05:03.368 So A is the square root of 3 /[br]2, so we can write down the 0:05:03.368,0:05:08.282 answer to this straight away and[br]this will workout at one over a, 0:05:08.282,0:05:12.818 which is one over root 3 over[br]210 to the minus one. 0:05:14.390,0:05:18.342 Of X over A. In this[br]case it will be U over a 0:05:18.342,0:05:20.166 which is Route 3 over 2. 0:05:21.660,0:05:22.428 Plus a constant. 0:05:24.940,0:05:28.736 Just to tidy this up a little[br]bit where dividing by a fraction 0:05:28.736,0:05:32.240 here. So dividing by Route 3[br]over 2 is like multiplying by 0:05:32.240,0:05:33.408 two over Route 3. 0:05:35.300,0:05:37.030 We've attempted the minus one. 0:05:37.950,0:05:41.430 You we can replace[br]with X plus 1/2. 0:05:45.040,0:05:49.360 And again, dividing by Route 3[br]over 2 is like multiplying by 0:05:49.360,0:05:50.800 two over Route 3. 0:05:52.120,0:05:53.576 And we have a constant[br]at the end. 0:05:56.560,0:05:59.730 And that's the answer. So In[br]other words, to integrate. 0:06:01.000,0:06:03.576 A constant over an[br]irreducible quadratic factor. 0:06:03.576,0:06:07.992 We can complete the square as[br]we did here and then use 0:06:07.992,0:06:10.936 integration by substitution[br]to finish the problem off. 0:06:12.320,0:06:15.807 So that's what happens when[br]we get a constant over the 0:06:15.807,0:06:16.441 quadratic factor. 0:06:20.970,0:06:24.846 What else could happen? It may[br]happen that we get a situation 0:06:24.846,0:06:28.722 like this. We end up with a[br]quadratic function at the bottom 0:06:28.722,0:06:30.660 and it's derivative at the top. 0:06:33.570,0:06:36.558 If that happens, it's very[br]straightforward to finish the 0:06:36.558,0:06:40.210 integration of because we know[br]from a standard result that this 0:06:40.210,0:06:43.530 evaluates to the logarithm of[br]the modulus of the denominator 0:06:43.530,0:06:47.182 plus a constant. So, for[br]example, I'm thinking now of an 0:06:47.182,0:06:48.510 example like this one. 0:06:52.960,0:06:56.768 Again, irreducible quadratic[br]factor in the denominator. 0:06:58.430,0:07:01.436 Attorney X plus be constant[br]times X plus another 0:07:01.436,0:07:04.776 constant on the top and if[br]you inspect this carefully, 0:07:04.776,0:07:08.116 if you look at the bottom[br]here and you differentiate 0:07:08.116,0:07:10.120 it, you'll get 2X plus one. 0:07:11.320,0:07:14.524 So we've got a situation where[br]we've got a function at the 0:07:14.524,0:07:17.728 bottom and it's derivative at[br]the top so we can write this 0:07:17.728,0:07:20.665 down straight away. The answer[br]is going to be the natural 0:07:20.665,0:07:23.068 logarithm of the modulus of[br]what's at the bottom. 0:07:27.740,0:07:31.160 Let's see and that's finished.[br]That's nice and straightforward. 0:07:31.160,0:07:35.340 If you get a situation where[br]you've got something times X 0:07:35.340,0:07:36.480 plus another constant. 0:07:37.070,0:07:39.875 And this top line is not the[br]derivative of the bottom 0:07:39.875,0:07:43.445 line. Then you gotta do a bit[br]more work on it as we'll see 0:07:43.445,0:07:44.465 in the next example. 0:07:48.830,0:07:53.010 Let's have a look at this[br]example. Suppose we want to 0:07:53.010,0:07:58.330 integrate X divided by X squared[br]plus X Plus One, and we want to 0:07:58.330,0:08:00.610 integrate it with respect to X. 0:08:01.940,0:08:05.410 Still, if we differentiate, the[br]bottom line will get 2X. 0:08:06.040,0:08:08.999 Plus One, and that's not[br]what we have at the top. 0:08:08.999,0:08:12.227 However, what we can do is[br]we can introduce it to at 0:08:12.227,0:08:15.455 the top, so we have two X in[br]this following way. By 0:08:15.455,0:08:18.145 little trick we can put a[br]two at the top. 0:08:23.160,0:08:26.046 And in order to make this the[br]same as the integral that we 0:08:26.046,0:08:27.600 started with, I'm going to put a 0:08:27.600,0:08:29.660 factor of 1/2 outside. Half and 0:08:29.660,0:08:33.762 the two canceling. Will will[br]leave the integral that we 0:08:33.762,0:08:34.770 started with that. 0:08:36.010,0:08:39.590 Now. If we differentiate the[br]bottom you see, we get. 0:08:40.140,0:08:44.700 2X. Which is what we've got[br]at the top. But we also get a 0:08:44.700,0:08:46.860 plus one from differentiating[br]the extreme and we haven't 0:08:46.860,0:08:49.500 got a plus one there, so we[br]apply another little trick 0:08:49.500,0:08:50.940 now, and we do the following. 0:08:54.460,0:08:56.716 We'd like a plus one there. 0:09:00.700,0:09:04.120 So that the derivative of[br]the denominator occurs in 0:09:04.120,0:09:04.880 the numerator. 0:09:05.960,0:09:08.914 But this is no longer the same[br]as that because I've added a one 0:09:08.914,0:09:10.391 here. So I've got to take it 0:09:10.391,0:09:13.440 away again. In order that[br]were still with the same 0:09:13.440,0:09:14.540 problem that we started with. 0:09:16.540,0:09:21.258 Now what I can do is I can split[br]this into two integrals. I've 0:09:21.258,0:09:24.628 got a half the integral of these[br]first 2 terms. 0:09:27.300,0:09:29.946 Over X squared plus X plus one. 0:09:31.730,0:09:34.580 DX and I've got a half. 0:09:35.820,0:09:40.236 The integral of the second term,[br]which is minus one over X 0:09:40.236,0:09:45.020 squared plus X plus one DX so[br]that little bit of trickery has 0:09:45.020,0:09:49.068 allowed me to split the thing[br]into two integrals. Now this 0:09:49.068,0:09:52.748 first one we've already seen is[br]straightforward to finish off, 0:09:52.748,0:09:56.428 because the numerator now is the[br]derivative of the denominator, 0:09:56.428,0:09:59.004 so this is just a half the 0:09:59.004,0:10:02.805 natural logarithm. Of the[br]modulus of X squared plus 0:10:02.805,0:10:03.960 X plus one. 0:10:06.620,0:10:10.076 And then we've got minus 1/2.[br]Take the minus sign out minus 0:10:10.076,0:10:13.532 1/2, and this integral integral[br]of one over X squared plus X 0:10:13.532,0:10:17.276 Plus one is the one that we did[br]right at the very beginning. 0:10:17.850,0:10:22.335 And if we just look back, let's[br]see the results of finding that 0:10:22.335,0:10:26.475 integral. Was this one here, two[br]over Route 3 inverse tan of 0:10:26.475,0:10:28.890 twice X plus 1/2 over Route 3? 0:10:29.890,0:10:34.579 So we've got two over Route[br]3 inverse tangent. 0:10:35.750,0:10:37.450 Twice X plus 1/2. 0:10:38.540,0:10:39.728 Over Route 3. 0:10:41.580,0:10:43.010 Plus a constant of integration. 0:10:44.540,0:10:49.340 I can just tidy this up so it's[br]nice and neat to finish it off a 0:10:49.340,0:10:52.340 half the logarithm of X squared[br]plus X plus one. 0:10:54.020,0:10:59.408 The Twos will counsel here, so[br]I'm left with minus one over 0:10:59.408,0:11:01.204 Route 3 inverse tangent. 0:11:01.920,0:11:05.196 And it might be nice just to[br]multiply these brackets out to 0:11:05.196,0:11:08.472 finish it off, so I'll have two[br]X and 2 * 1/2. 0:11:09.110,0:11:09.820 Is one. 0:11:10.890,0:11:12.178 All over Route 3. 0:11:13.800,0:11:15.370 Plus a constant of integration. 0:11:17.670,0:11:19.050 And that's the problem solved. 0:11:26.100,0:11:30.280 Let's have a look at one[br]final example where we can 0:11:30.280,0:11:33.700 draw some of these threads[br]together. Supposing we want 0:11:33.700,0:11:37.500 to integrate 1 divided by XX[br]squared plus one DX. 0:11:39.400,0:11:42.700 What if we got? In this case,[br]it's a proper fraction. 0:11:44.030,0:11:45.482 And we've got a linear factor 0:11:45.482,0:11:47.880 here. And a quadratic[br]factor here. 0:11:48.900,0:11:52.376 You can try, but you'll find[br]that this quadratic factor will 0:11:52.376,0:11:54.272 not factorize, so this is an 0:11:54.272,0:11:57.754 irreducible quadratic factor.[br]So what we're going to do is 0:11:57.754,0:11:59.932 we're going to, first of all,[br]express the integrand. 0:12:02.580,0:12:06.050 As the sum of its partial[br]fractions and the appropriate 0:12:06.050,0:12:09.867 form of partial fractions are[br]going to be a constant over 0:12:09.867,0:12:10.908 the linear factor. 0:12:12.870,0:12:15.586 And then we'll need BX plus C. 0:12:16.850,0:12:20.378 Over the irreducible quadratic[br]factor X squared plus one. 0:12:22.450,0:12:28.255 We now have to find abian. See,[br]we do that in the usual way by 0:12:28.255,0:12:31.738 adding these together, the[br]common denominator will be XX 0:12:31.738,0:12:32.899 squared plus one. 0:12:35.200,0:12:39.208 Will need to multiply top and[br]bottom here by X squared plus 0:12:39.208,0:12:42.882 one to achieve the correct[br]denominator so we'll have an AX 0:12:42.882,0:12:43.884 squared plus one. 0:12:45.530,0:12:51.004 And we need to multiply top and[br]bottom here by X to achieve that 0:12:51.004,0:12:54.914 denominator. So we'll have VX[br]plus C4 multiplied by X. 0:12:57.330,0:12:59.160 This quantity is equal to that 0:12:59.160,0:13:03.143 quantity. The denominators are[br]already the same, so we can 0:13:03.143,0:13:07.303 equate the numerators. If we[br]just look at the numerators 0:13:07.303,0:13:11.252 will have one is equal to a X[br]squared plus one. 0:13:13.650,0:13:15.518 Plus BX Plus C. 0:13:16.820,0:13:18.410 Multiplied by X. 0:13:20.400,0:13:23.777 What's a sensible value to[br]substitute for X so we can 0:13:23.777,0:13:27.154 find abian? See while a[br]sensible value is clearly X is 0:13:27.154,0:13:30.838 zero, whi is that sensible?[br]Well, if X is zero, both of 0:13:30.838,0:13:32.987 these terms at the end will[br]disappear. 0:13:34.520,0:13:38.304 So X being zero will have one is[br]equal to A. 0:13:39.080,0:13:41.078 0 squared is 0 + 1. 0:13:42.080,0:13:45.032 Is still one, so we'll have one[br]a. So a is one. 0:13:46.830,0:13:48.090 That's our value for a. 0:13:49.410,0:13:54.170 What can we do to find B and see[br]what I'm going to do now is I'm 0:13:54.170,0:13:56.690 going to equate some[br]coefficients and let's start by 0:13:56.690,0:13:59.490 looking at the coefficients of X[br]squared on both side. 0:14:01.560,0:14:04.730 On the left hand side there[br]are no X squared's. 0:14:06.350,0:14:09.626 What about on the right[br]hand side? There's clearly 0:14:09.626,0:14:10.718 AX squared here. 0:14:12.990,0:14:15.339 And when we multiply the[br]brackets out here, that 0:14:15.339,0:14:16.383 would be X squared. 0:14:19.960,0:14:24.202 There are no more X squares, so[br]A plus B must be zero. That 0:14:24.202,0:14:28.444 means that B must be the minus[br]negative of a must be the minor 0:14:28.444,0:14:32.080 say, but a is already one, so be[br]must be minus one. 0:14:34.150,0:14:38.518 We still need to find C and[br]will do that by equating 0:14:38.518,0:14:39.610 coefficients of X. 0:14:41.740,0:14:43.484 There are no ex terms on[br]the left. 0:14:45.240,0:14:46.780 There are no ex terms in here. 0:14:48.460,0:14:53.248 There's an X squared term there,[br]and the only ex term is CX, so 0:14:53.248,0:14:54.616 see must be 0. 0:14:56.310,0:14:59.946 So when we express this in its[br]partial fractions, will end up 0:14:59.946,0:15:01.158 with a being one. 0:15:02.720,0:15:06.704 Be being minus one[br]and see being 0. 0:15:09.020,0:15:14.987 So we'll be left with trying to[br]integrate one over X minus X 0:15:14.987,0:15:17.282 over X squared plus one. 0:15:18.990,0:15:19.640 DX 0:15:21.610,0:15:25.294 so we've used partial fractions[br]to split this up into two terms, 0:15:25.294,0:15:28.978 and all we have to do now is[br]completely integration. Let me 0:15:28.978,0:15:30.206 write that down again. 0:15:31.750,0:15:38.386 We want to integrate one over X[br]minus X over X squared plus one 0:15:38.386,0:15:43.600 and all that wants to be[br]integrated with respect to X. 0:15:46.660,0:15:48.430 First term straightforward. 0:15:49.260,0:15:52.388 The integral of one[br]over X is the 0:15:52.388,0:15:54.734 logarithm of the[br]modulus of X. 0:15:56.570,0:15:58.320 To integrate the second term. 0:15:59.040,0:16:03.506 We notice that the numerator is[br]almost the derivative of the 0:16:03.506,0:16:05.942 denominator. If we[br]differentiate, the denominator 0:16:05.942,0:16:07.160 will get 2X. 0:16:08.110,0:16:11.230 There is really only want 1X[br]now. We fiddle that by putting 0:16:11.230,0:16:13.310 it to at the top and a half 0:16:13.310,0:16:17.598 outside like that. So this[br]integral is going to workout 0:16:17.598,0:16:21.538 to be minus 1/2 the[br]logarithm of the modulus of 0:16:21.538,0:16:23.114 X squared plus one. 0:16:24.710,0:16:27.356 And there's a constant of[br]integration at the end. 0:16:29.400,0:16:32.611 And I'll leave the answer like[br]that if you wanted to do. We 0:16:32.611,0:16:34.587 could combine these using the[br]laws of logarithms. 0:16:35.670,0:16:37.861 And that's integration of[br]algebraic fractions. You 0:16:37.861,0:16:41.304 need a lot of practice at[br]that, and there are more 0:16:41.304,0:16:43.182 practice exercises in the[br]accompanying text.