0:00:01.093,0:00:02.067 Hello there! 0:00:02.092,0:00:03.600 Welcome to New Frame Plus, 0:00:03.625,0:00:06.005 a series about video[br]game animation. 0:00:06.030,0:00:11.216 Persona 5 is one of the most[br]eye-catching games of 2017 AND 2019. 0:00:11.241,0:00:13.521 And the Persona team[br]keeps doing this 0:00:13.546,0:00:16.233 on considerably smaller[br]budgets and team sizes 0:00:16.258,0:00:19.533 than most of their competition[br]in the AAA RPG space, 0:00:19.558,0:00:22.330 making up for any[br]shortcomings in fidelity with 0:00:22.355,0:00:25.373 strong art direction[br]and overwhelming style. 0:00:25.398,0:00:27.467 But how are they doing that? 0:00:27.492,0:00:30.931 Animation is slow work,[br]which means it’s expensive, 0:00:30.956,0:00:34.423 so how does this team manage such[br]an eye-popping anime aesthetic 0:00:34.448,0:00:38.700 for 80+ hours straight without[br]spending Final Fantasy money? 0:00:38.725,0:00:40.767 To find out,[br]let’s break down the animation 0:00:40.792,0:00:44.200 of one of the most intensely[br]stylish sequences in the game, 0:00:44.220,0:00:46.040 the All-Out Attack. 0:00:46.960,0:00:50.440 All Out Attacks are basically[br]a high-damage dog-pile maneuver 0:00:50.464,0:00:52.952 which requires some[br]strategizing to set up. 0:00:52.977,0:00:55.281 When you hit enemies with[br]something that they are weak to, 0:00:55.306,0:00:58.773 it will knock them down and leave[br]them vulnerable until their next turn. 0:00:58.798,0:01:03.429 If you can manage to knock down every enemy[br]on the field, this will trigger a Hold Up, 0:01:03.454,0:01:07.151 where your entire team moves in[br]on the vulnerable enemy line. 0:01:07.176,0:01:08.792 From here,[br]you've got a lot of options: 0:01:08.817,0:01:12.363 you can try to convince the enemy[br]to join you as a summon-able persona, 0:01:12.388,0:01:14.797 you can extort them[br]for money or items, 0:01:14.822,0:01:19.479 OR you can take advantage of your[br]position and perform an All Out Attack. 0:01:19.504,0:01:22.600 If you choose that option,[br]this will initiate a short, 0:01:22.625,0:01:26.445 flashy cut-scene in which your entire[br]team attacks the enemy at once in a 0:01:26.470,0:01:27.900 glorious swarm. 0:01:27.925,0:01:31.800 Now, in the event that your opponent[br]survives this, battle will simply resume. 0:01:31.825,0:01:35.567 But in the much-more-likely event that[br]your enemies are completely wiped out, 0:01:35.592,0:01:38.233 you are rewarded with a[br]special victory screen 0:01:38.258,0:01:40.736 featuring the character[br]who initiated the attack. 0:01:40.761,0:01:44.545 These are unique for every party[br]member, and they are all great. 0:01:44.570,0:01:48.196 Now, there are a LOT of moving parts[br]in this All-Out Attack sequence, 0:01:48.221,0:01:51.000 and they all come and go[br]in the blink of an eye so, 0:01:51.025,0:01:53.487 let’s try to break[br]this down into chunks. 0:01:53.512,0:01:56.867 From the Hold Up screen,[br]as soon as you select All-Out Attack, 0:01:56.892,0:01:59.467 your entire party first[br]stows their firearms 0:01:59.492,0:02:01.303 and switches back[br]to melee weapons. 0:02:01.328,0:02:04.081 These are just the default[br]animations your characters do 0:02:04.106,0:02:06.621 whenever you swap back to[br]melee weapons during battle. 0:02:06.646,0:02:11.314 And the instant everybody returns to their[br]idle pose, they immediately leap backward. 0:02:11.339,0:02:15.033 Your main character, Joker, has the[br]most eye-catching jump of the bunch, 0:02:15.058,0:02:17.304 which is good,[br]because he’s always in your party 0:02:17.329,0:02:20.108 and he’s always going to be[br]front and center on this screen. 0:02:20.133,0:02:22.198 And then,[br]just as your characters land, 0:02:22.223,0:02:25.800 the battlefield is obscured by[br]a big 2D animated dust cloud, 0:02:25.825,0:02:28.230 which serves to hide[br]a scenery change. 0:02:28.255,0:02:31.033 When the cloud clears,[br]your party is now clustered together 0:02:31.058,0:02:33.918 and facing camera,[br]against a flat red background. 0:02:33.943,0:02:36.323 The camera pulls back,[br]the background cracks 0:02:36.348,0:02:40.370 and the lighting on your 3D characters[br]dims until they’re nothing but silhouettes, 0:02:40.395,0:02:43.333 visually flattening[br]them into a 2D shape. 0:02:43.358,0:02:45.585 And then everybody[br]springs into action. 0:02:45.610,0:02:48.919 And I really like how they’re not[br]all jumping at the exact same time! 0:02:48.944,0:02:51.220 There is a nice[br]staggered rhythm to this. 0:02:51.240,0:02:54.800 Morgana even does a smaller hop[br]before leaping out of frame. 0:02:54.820,0:02:58.220 And in real time, obviously,[br]this is all happening super fast. 0:02:58.240,0:03:00.440 The time between the[br]2D dust cloud wipe 0:03:00.471,0:03:03.514 and everybody leaving frame[br]is like 1 second, tops, 0:03:03.539,0:03:07.271 but that variation in their exit[br]timing adds some really nice texture. 0:03:07.296,0:03:08.541 It’s the little[br]touches like that, 0:03:08.566,0:03:12.733 that make this whole sequence feel[br]so viscerally satisfying in motion. 0:03:12.758,0:03:15.960 So once everybody is off screen,[br]there’s another screen shake, 0:03:15.985,0:03:18.700 the fractured background[br]shatters and your party members’ 0:03:18.725,0:03:21.133 portraits appear in[br]the foreground shards. 0:03:21.158,0:03:25.405 Then all the fragments fly past camera,[br]setting us up for another scene change. 0:03:25.430,0:03:28.567 We pull back to see the darkened[br]silhouette of our opponent. 0:03:28.592,0:03:32.033 And this is still a 3D model[br]that we're looking at, but again, 0:03:32.058,0:03:35.757 because of the absence of lighting,[br]it appears like a flat 2D shape, 0:03:35.782,0:03:39.487 which helps them to fit right in to[br]this barrage of 2D effects animation 0:03:39.512,0:03:40.783 they are being pummeled with. 0:03:40.808,0:03:42.000 The screen shakes. 0:03:42.025,0:03:45.915 Darkened 2D blurs representing your[br]characters streak across the screen. 0:03:45.940,0:03:48.720 The enemy plays their hit[br]react animation on loop. 0:03:48.745,0:03:53.547 Onomatopoeic katakana and impact[br]flashes are everywhere… it’s awesome. 0:03:53.572,0:03:56.467 And then one final bright[br]flash fills the screen, 0:03:56.492,0:03:59.340 clearing the board and setting[br]up the final scene change. 0:03:59.365,0:04:01.668 Whichever character[br]initiated the All-Out Attack 0:04:01.693,0:04:03.933 drops down onto a flat[br]red and black field 0:04:03.958,0:04:06.880 with the enemy silhouetted[br]behind, does a little flourish. 0:04:06.905,0:04:10.233 And then, with a snappy zoom,[br]your 3D character is swapped 0:04:10.258,0:04:13.467 for a gorgeous hand drawn rendition[br]and the background is filled 0:04:13.492,0:04:15.127 with an animated splash screen 0:04:15.152,0:04:18.090 as the enemy bursts in a[br]silhouetted blood spray effect. 0:04:18.115,0:04:21.725 When you frame through this, you can[br]actually see the the one-frame cross-fade 0:04:21.750,0:04:25.058 from the 3D model to[br]the pose-matched 2D art! 0:04:25.083,0:04:28.154 Again, every member of the party has[br]a different version of this screen 0:04:28.179,0:04:29.467 and they all look amazing. 0:04:29.492,0:04:32.600 And even here there's a lot[br]of subtle animation happening. 0:04:32.625,0:04:35.164 There’s that shake on[br]the 2D assets emphasizing 0:04:35.189,0:04:37.138 the impact of the[br]zoom transition, 0:04:37.163,0:04:40.133 and the slight drifting[br]rotation of the 2D layers? 0:04:40.158,0:04:42.021 Mmm. It's very good. 0:04:42.046,0:04:46.572 All of the action I just described[br]happens within the span of like 8 seconds, 0:04:46.597,0:04:50.963 but that action is so well-composed that[br]it not only reads clearly throughout, 0:04:50.988,0:04:54.800 but you don’t even get a chance to[br]notice when any individual element is 0:04:54.825,0:04:56.455 maybe a little lackluster. 0:04:56.480,0:05:00.212 Which is good, because that element[br]is usually the character animation. 0:05:00.237,0:05:03.545 Like, if I really wanted to get in[br]there and nitpick things a bit, 0:05:03.570,0:05:08.079 I can see plenty of places where the[br]animation on the 3D characters is a little 0:05:08.104,0:05:09.402 rough around the edges. 0:05:09.489,0:05:14.561 Like, here: Ryuji’s transition from Hold[br]Up stance to his weapon swapping animation 0:05:14.586,0:05:17.233 results in this quick,[br]slide-y 180 degree turn, 0:05:17.258,0:05:20.100 because the two animations don’t[br]start with the same foot forward. 0:05:20.125,0:05:21.667 You usually don’t want that. 0:05:21.692,0:05:23.733 And his little weapon[br]twirl right after - 0:05:23.758,0:05:27.990 while a cool touch - isn’t animated in[br]a way that makes much physical sense. 0:05:28.015,0:05:30.847 Or Joker’s back handspring[br]here: it looks pretty nice, 0:05:30.872,0:05:33.572 but it could use a more[br]pronounced anticipating crouch 0:05:33.597,0:05:35.765 to sell the physicality[br]of the jump better. 0:05:35.825,0:05:37.933 It’s little polishy[br]stuff like that. 0:05:37.958,0:05:41.633 And there’s a number of tiny imperfections[br]in the screen transitions too, 0:05:41.658,0:05:44.733 like, how your party members[br]often pop into place a few frames 0:05:44.758,0:05:46.633 after the dust cloud[br]already passed, 0:05:46.658,0:05:49.333 and sometimes the characters[br]are even partially clipping 0:05:49.358,0:05:51.580 through the red backdrop[br]for a couple of frames. 0:05:51.605,0:05:55.567 But good luck spotting ANY of those rough[br]edges when you play this back at speed. 0:05:55.592,0:05:59.000 All those tiny little flaws[br]just get completely lost 0:05:59.025,0:06:02.106 in the larger whirling[br]tapestry of movement here. 0:06:02.131,0:06:05.704 If anything, framing through this[br]and seeing those tiny little seams 0:06:05.720,0:06:10.820 really only serves to highlight how[br]intricately-choreographed this whole sequence is. 0:06:11.000,0:06:12.940 This right here is a microcosm 0:06:12.966,0:06:16.033 of everything that makes the[br]animation in Persona work: 0:06:16.058,0:06:19.525 in the places where the polish and[br]fidelity of the character animation 0:06:19.550,0:06:23.467 kind of underwhelms,[br]a bombardment of gorgeous 2D art, 0:06:23.492,0:06:26.563 and effects and UI animation[br]picks up the slack. 0:06:26.588,0:06:28.785 Because,[br]to be a little blunt about it, 0:06:28.810,0:06:31.074 there is not much[br]especially remarkable 0:06:31.099,0:06:34.100 about the 3D character[br]animation in Persona games. 0:06:34.125,0:06:35.963 And I’m not meaning[br]that as an insult! 0:06:35.988,0:06:39.296 For a franchise that has historically[br]had to make modest budgets 0:06:39.321,0:06:42.656 and small dev teams go[br]a very very long way, 0:06:42.681,0:06:44.561 I think they’ve done[br]a fantastic job. 0:06:44.586,0:06:49.767 But if you actually look at most of the[br]game’s 3D character animation in isolation, 0:06:49.792,0:06:51.889 very little of it stands out. 0:06:51.914,0:06:55.619 Like, if you’re just looking at the 3D[br]characters in these story scenes, 0:06:55.644,0:06:58.212 just their gestures and[br]their physical acting, 0:06:58.237,0:07:01.900 nothing about these performances[br]is all that striking or impressive. 0:07:01.925,0:07:05.831 BUT, reinforce those animations with[br]some gorgeous character portraits 0:07:05.856,0:07:09.785 so that every line of dialog has some[br]more nuanced expressiveness attached, 0:07:09.810,0:07:11.478 and suddenly it pops! 0:07:11.503,0:07:15.737 And layered on top of that, you’ve got a[br]dialog box wobbling with chaotic energy, 0:07:15.762,0:07:19.567 plus some extreme close-up splashes[br]to punctuate spikes in emotion… 0:07:19.592,0:07:23.633 put all of that together and now you’ve[br]got a yourself a pretty dynamic scene. 0:07:23.658,0:07:25.900 It’s the same with the[br]battle interface too! 0:07:25.925,0:07:29.323 A lot of these battle animations are[br]actually pretty darned solid to begin with, 0:07:29.348,0:07:33.079 but even so, none of this would[br]be nearly so visually striking 0:07:33.104,0:07:35.133 without all those[br]2D hit effects, 0:07:35.158,0:07:38.000 and those really stylish[br]screen wipes between turns, 0:07:38.025,0:07:42.986 and also that INCREDIBLE animated menu[br]interface layered behind your character. 0:07:43.011,0:07:47.192 The 3D character animation in[br]Persona is like a foundation layer, 0:07:47.217,0:07:51.663 with all of the 2D art that actually[br]makes things pop built on top of it. 0:07:51.688,0:07:54.508 The streamlined efficiency[br]of this animation 0:07:54.533,0:07:55.869 approach is what[br]makes it possible 0:07:55.894,0:07:59.626 for the Persona team to produce an[br]absurd quantity of story scenes. 0:07:59.651,0:08:03.560 And because this game’s art[br]direction is so incredibly cohesive, 0:08:03.585,0:08:09.733 this 2D/3D hybrid anime-infused aesthetic[br]far exceeds the sum of its parts. 0:08:09.758,0:08:11.367 The character[br]animation in Persona 0:08:11.392,0:08:15.227 may not have nearly the animation[br]fidelity of a Final Fantasy, 0:08:15.252,0:08:18.746 nor stay as true to the anime[br]aesthetic as a Guilty Gear. 0:08:18.771,0:08:24.102 And yet, these games still transcend their[br]budget limitations with overwhelming style. 0:08:24.120,0:08:26.500 And I think that is very cool. 0:08:26.800,0:08:30.180 A special thanks to Hank Kleinberg[br]for suggesting this topic, 0:08:30.211,0:08:33.255 and for giving me an excuse to[br]listen to a LOT of Persona music. 0:08:33.280,0:08:35.333 If you enjoyed this[br]animation breakdown, 0:08:35.358,0:08:37.144 then consider hitting[br]that Subscribe button, 0:08:37.169,0:08:39.867 maybe even that little bell[br]thingy if you’re feeling feisty. 0:08:39.892,0:08:42.280 Or hey, you could consider[br]supporting the show directly 0:08:42.305,0:08:44.502 like all these good[br]delinquents over here. 0:08:44.554,0:08:47.968 Thank you for watching,[br]and I’ll see you next time. 0:08:47.993,0:09:00.031 [music]