Hey, wait! Did you know that you can directly affect the issues that the European Commission and the European Parliament are working on? But how? By signing the European Citiziens’ Initiatives! Right now, there are 14 initiatives running. Here are some of the causes they are campaigning for: RECLAIM YOUR FACE, and ban biometric mass surveillance in the EU; START UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOMES THROUGHOUT THE EU; STOPGLOBALWARMING.EU is a way to make polluters pay. We ask for putting a price on CO2 emissions, and then to use the revenues for the ecological transition and for lowering taxes for workers. FREEDOM TO SHARE, the European Citizens’ Initiative for fair copyright, to legalize file sharing and to prevent upload filters. 9th of May, European Citizens’ Initiative signing day! [9th of May - #EUSignDay #SignNow #TheFutureisYours] [Find them all at eusignday.eu]