WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:12.580 A. Pushkin The Tale of Tsar Saltan 00:00:12.700 --> 00:00:18.260 written by Valentina & Zinaida Brumberg 00:00:18.400 --> 00:00:22.240 Assistent: T. Basmanova, art director K. Kuznetsov music V. Oransky Technical ass. T. Fedorova, N Palatkin 00:00:22.240 --> 00:00:27.560 artistsK. Malyshev, V. Rodgero, V. Valerianova animators Irtenev, Faina Yepifanova, Nikolai Fedorov, O. Kovalenko, Roman Davydov, L. Dikovsky, 00:00:27.620 --> 00:00:33.740 Lamis Bredis, L. Popov, Valentin Lalayants, Tatiana Fedorova, Ye. Sergeyev, Boris Dezhkin 00:00:33.740 --> 00:00:37.780 voice artists D. Orlov, Faina Ranevskaya, Ludmila Koreneva, Maria Babanova, Michael Zharov, Faina Shevchenko, Leonid Pirogov 00:00:43.600 --> 00:00:50.100 cameramen N. Sokolova sound S. Rensky Soyuzmultfilm Moscow 1943 00:01:12.640 --> 00:01:19.460 "It was once upon a time at New year's eve." 00:01:19.460 --> 00:01:26.400 "The land lay in the winter's might" 00:01:26.520 --> 00:01:32.320 "It was cold, and it was snowy" 00:01:32.600 --> 00:01:39.000 "No time for warfare, a time to wed" 00:01:39.160 --> 00:01:46.840 "No time for warfare, a time to wed" 00:01:47.280 --> 00:01:51.820 Three fair maidens late one night Sat and spun by candle light. 00:02:13.140 --> 00:02:16.200 - Were a tsar to marry me - 00:02:16.280 --> 00:02:19.080 "I would cook and I would bake - 00:02:19.180 --> 00:02:22.920 Oh, what royal feasts I'd make. 00:02:30.380 --> 00:02:33.120 - Were the tsar to marry me - 00:02:33.240 --> 00:02:37.640 - I would weave a cloth of gold fair and wondrous to behold - 00:02:48.360 --> 00:02:51.140 - And if he would marry me - 00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:55.500 - I would give our Tsar an heir, 00:02:55.580 --> 00:02:58.580 handsome, brave, beyond compare. 00:03:19.700 --> 00:03:23.260 Greetings, O my maiden fair! 00:03:28.160 --> 00:03:31.040 - my tsaritsa you will be! 00:03:31.180 --> 00:03:33.940 And, ere next September's done, 00:03:34.000 --> 00:03:36.580 ...see that you'll bear me... 00:03:38.300 --> 00:03:40.280 ...a son! 00:03:40.400 --> 00:03:43.360 - As for you, fair sisters two, 00:03:43.400 --> 00:03:45.740 leave your home without ado, 00:03:45.820 --> 00:03:48.440 leave your home and follow me, 00:03:48.480 --> 00:03:51.660 and your sister, bride to be: 00:03:52.100 --> 00:03:56.200 Royal weaver, YOU I'll make, 00:03:56.300 --> 00:03:59.340 YOU as Royal cook I'll take! - 00:05:32.680 --> 00:05:38.800 These were days of war's alarms. Ere he rode forth for the strife, 00:05:38.940 --> 00:05:45.020 Tsar Saltan embraced his wife, Bidding her to take good care Of herself and coming heir; 00:06:11.360 --> 00:06:15.100 While he battled on the field, Forcing countless foes to yield, 00:06:15.160 --> 00:06:19.040 God gave unto her an heir - Lusty, large of limb, and fair. 00:06:35.160 --> 00:06:39.760 Like a mother eagle, she's Guarding him most jealously; 00:06:44.740 --> 00:06:50.180 But the royal cook, and weaver, And their mother, sly deceiver, Sought to ruin her, so they 00:06:55.720 --> 00:06:58.860 "Your tsaritsa, sire, last night Was delivered of a fright - 00:06:58.940 --> 00:07:01.340 Neither son nor daughter,... 00:07:51.500 --> 00:07:56.280 "Your tsaritsa, sire, last night Was delivered of a fright - 00:07:56.450 --> 00:08:00.080 Neither son, neither daughter, 00:08:00.700 --> 00:08:05.160 Neither mouse, neither frog, 00:08:05.300 --> 00:08:09.260 it doesn't even look a dog." 00:08:23.620 --> 00:08:27.360 At these words, the royal sire Raved and raged in furious ire, "Hang that messenger!" roared he, 00:08:27.400 --> 00:08:31.120 "Hang him on the nearest tree!" But, relenting, spared him, and Sent him back with this command: 00:08:33.740 --> 00:08:36.580 - From all hasty steps refrain 00:08:36.640 --> 00:08:39.080 till the Tsar comes home again. 00:08:47.260 --> 00:08:52.660 Neither mouse, neither frog, it doesn't even look a dog." 00:09:12.340 --> 00:09:16.700 Back the messenger rode fast, Reached the city gates at last. But the royal cook, and weaver, 00:09:16.700 --> 00:09:21.060 With their mother, sly deceiver, Made him drunk; and in his sleep Stole the message from his keep 00:09:49.020 --> 00:09:56.460 - From all hasty steps refrain.... 00:10:15.400 --> 00:10:19.160 And, before he could recover, They replaced it by another. 00:10:35.760 --> 00:10:40.400 - The Tsar instructs his boyars 00:10:40.780 --> 00:10:44.720 to act in haste on this ukaz, 00:10:44.840 --> 00:10:48.940 Have the queen and have her spawn 00:10:49.200 --> 00:10:54.460 Drowned in secret ere the dawn. - 00:11:46.680 --> 00:11:50.720 Stars gleam in the dark blue sky, Dark blue billows heave and sigh. 00:11:50.720 --> 00:11:54.620 Storm clouds o'er the blue sky creep, While the cask rides o'er the deep. 00:12:18.360 --> 00:12:23.780 While the babe to manhood grew As the hours swiftly flew. 00:12:48.760 --> 00:12:51.660 "O, you wanton waves so blue -- 00:12:51.760 --> 00:12:55.080 Free to come and go are you, 00:12:55.140 --> 00:12:58.440 Hear my prayer, o waves, and spare us - 00:12:58.560 --> 00:13:02.060 Safely onto dry land bear us." 00:13:17.800 --> 00:13:22.040 "I wonder, mother, how We could break our prison now?" 00:13:30.640 --> 00:13:34.220 "Some food and drink Wouldn't come amiss, I think." 00:14:14.870 --> 00:14:18.440 "O, tsarevich, champion peerless, 00:14:18.750 --> 00:14:21.910 My deliverer so fearless-- 00:14:22.060 --> 00:14:25.040 I will serve you too, one day; 00:14:25.140 --> 00:14:28.210 Tis no swan that you set free, 00:14:28.340 --> 00:14:30.960 But a maiden charmed, you see; 00:14:31.020 --> 00:14:33.800 'Twas a wizard, not a kite, 00:14:33.900 --> 00:14:36.940 That you slew, O noble knight; 00:14:37.020 --> 00:14:41.220 I shall ne'er forget your deed" 00:15:23.080 --> 00:15:28.800 "Things have only just begun, I see- My white swan is having fun with me" 00:15:44.520 --> 00:15:48.700 That same day began to reign In his newly-found domain, 00:15:48.700 --> 00:15:53.460 Sat in state upon the throne And was crowned as Prince Guidon. 00:16:02.280 --> 00:16:07.300 Sailors, merchants, crowd the decks, Marvel loud and crane their necks. 00:16:07.400 --> 00:16:12.840 Wondrous changes meet their view On an island which they knew! 00:16:22.880 --> 00:16:26.460 Cannons with a mighty roar Bid the merchants put to shore. 00:16:26.480 --> 00:16:30.420 When the merchants land, Guidon Bids them be his guests anon; Feasts them first with meats and wine, 00:16:42.260 --> 00:16:48.020 May I say, now, masters mine - Tell me what you have for sale, Whither bound, and whence you hail?" 00:16:48.080 --> 00:16:54.200 We have sailed the seven seas Costly furs, prince, were our ware. 00:16:54.380 --> 00:16:57.020 Silver fox and sables rare. 00:16:57.180 --> 00:17:00.200 Now our time is overstayed, East-due east... 00:17:00.280 --> 00:17:02.800 ...our course is laid, Past the Island of Buyan, 00:17:02.900 --> 00:17:05.780 Back to gracious Tsar Saltan." 00:17:11.599 --> 00:17:19.349 "Gentles, May fair breezes speed you on, And, when Tsar Saltan you see Bow down low to him for me." 00:17:32.660 --> 00:17:36.060 "Greetings, my fair prince," said she-- 00:17:36.180 --> 00:17:42.540 "Why are you so sad, tell me? Why are you so dismal, say, Like a gloomy, cloudy day? 00:17:42.630 --> 00:17:48.760 "Grief is gnawing at my breast, My soul has only one request-- 00:17:48.880 --> 00:17:52.260 I should like to see my sire." 00:17:54.100 --> 00:18:02.480 "Is that all?" was her reply-- "Listen--would you like to fly, Overtake that ship at sea? 00:18:02.980 --> 00:18:06.520 Why, then--a mosquito be!" 00:18:55.840 --> 00:18:58.580 "Now, I ask you, masters mine, 00:18:58.740 --> 00:19:01.960 Sailed you far across the brine? 00:19:02.060 --> 00:19:05.260 Are things well where you have been? 00:19:05.720 --> 00:19:08.940 What strange wonders have you seen?" 00:19:09.060 --> 00:19:12.020 We have sailed the seven seas; 00:19:12.120 --> 00:19:15.280 Peace reigns overseas, serene. 00:19:15.490 --> 00:19:21.420 There, we saw this wondrous scene: There's an island in the sea, 00:19:21.840 --> 00:19:28.540 Shores as steep as steep can be; Cheerless once, deserted, bare - 00:19:28.900 --> 00:19:34.160 Nothing but an oak grew there. Now it has a new-built city, 00:19:34.260 --> 00:19:37.080 Stately mansions, gardens pretty, 00:19:37.140 --> 00:19:42.260 Churches tall with domes of go Fair and wondrous to behold. 00:19:42.320 --> 00:19:49.220 Prince Guidon reigns there, and Sends his compliments to thee.' 00:19:50.760 --> 00:19:54.260 "If but God prolong my days, 00:19:55.180 --> 00:19:59.710 I shall visit this strange isle, Guest with this Guidon a while." 00:20:01.560 --> 00:20:04.380 "That's no wonder, to be sure... 00:20:04.420 --> 00:20:07.760 Just a city by the shore! 00:20:08.040 --> 00:20:11.740 But have you heard of this before? 00:20:11.900 --> 00:20:18.000 There's a little squirrel dwelling In a fir tree; all day long, 00:20:18.180 --> 00:20:21.200 Cracking nuts, it sings a song. 00:20:25.480 --> 00:20:28.000 Nuts--most wondrous to behold! 00:20:28.040 --> 00:20:30.560 Every shell is solid gold; 00:20:30.620 --> 00:20:33.460 Kernels--each an emerald pure! 00:20:33.520 --> 00:20:36.420 That's a wonder, to be sure." 00:20:53.000 --> 00:20:58.460 Our mosquito waxed most furious And, with his mosquito might, Stung his aunt's right eye, in spite. 00:21:00.520 --> 00:21:04.520 "You cursed insect, you! Just you wait! 00:21:18.200 --> 00:21:24.460 There's a wonder, I confess, That I'm burning to possess. 00:21:25.040 --> 00:21:29.820 this squirrel, that is somewhere dwelling... 00:21:32.220 --> 00:21:38.380 "Yes - this rumour does not lie; Marvel - not-though this may be strange for you, ... 00:21:38.480 --> 00:21:44.320 ...'tis not for me. Grieve not - I will gladly do This slight service, prince, for you." 00:21:54.700 --> 00:21:59.460 "Through the garden there she goes, Tripping on her dainty toes." 00:21:59.580 --> 00:22:04.540 "Through the garden there she goes, Tripping on her dainty toes." 00:22:09.160 --> 00:22:13.240 "Thank you, swan! God grant you felicity. 00:22:14.240 --> 00:22:19.320 Breezes o'er the ocean play, Speed a barque upon its way; 00:22:19.320 --> 00:22:24.040 Sails all spread, it skims the seas, Running swiftly 'fore the breeze 00:22:48.520 --> 00:22:53.040 In the twinkling of an eye He became a tiny fly, And he flew across the sea 00:23:05.900 --> 00:23:11.420 On an island, far away, Stands a city, grand and gay - 00:23:11.620 --> 00:23:17.280 By the palace grows a fir In whose shade, O royal sir, Stands a crystal cage; and there 00:23:17.360 --> 00:23:23.000 Dwells a squirrel, strange and rare- 00:23:23.000 --> 00:23:28.380 Full of frolic; all day long, Cracking nuts, it sings a song, 00:23:28.380 --> 00:23:34.800 Nuts, most wondrous to behold - Every shell is solid gold, 00:23:34.800 --> 00:23:38.620 Kernels - each an emerald bright; 00:23:38.620 --> 00:23:44.100 People live in plenty there, Not in huts, but mansions fair. 00:23:44.100 --> 00:23:50.160 Prince Guidon reigns there, and he Sends his compliments to thee." 00:23:53.300 --> 00:23:55.860 "If but God prolong my days, 00:23:55.940 --> 00:23:58.420 I shall visit this strange isle 00:23:58.480 --> 00:24:00.520 Guest with this Guidon a while." 00:24:09.880 --> 00:24:14.580 Nothing strange in this see I! Be this true, or but a lie, 00:24:14.920 --> 00:24:21.800 I know of a better wonder. Lo! The ocean swells in thunder, 00:24:22.020 --> 00:24:27.800 Surges with a mighty roar, Overflows a barren shore, 00:24:28.000 --> 00:24:33.540 Leaving, wonderful to see, Thirty stalwart knights and three, 00:24:33.720 --> 00:24:36.920 All in mail a-gleaming bright, 00:24:36.990 --> 00:24:40.190 Marching proudly left and right; 00:24:40.520 --> 00:24:45.580 Each one brave beyond compare, Tall of stature, young and fair, 00:24:45.840 --> 00:24:51.240 All alike beyond belief, Led by Chernomor, their chief. 00:24:52.160 --> 00:24:56.210 That's a wonder, now, for you, Marvelously strange, but true." 00:24:56.320 --> 00:25:00.140 Then the tsar waxed very curious, And Guidon waxed very furious. 00:25:00.200 --> 00:25:04.600 Fiercely buzzed and settled right On his aunt's left eye, in spite. 00:25:04.680 --> 00:25:08.940 "Catch it! Kill that insect there! 00:25:10.280 --> 00:25:15.080 O you nasty insect, you!" 00:25:56.200 --> 00:26:00.500 "It is by the swan's request 00:26:00.960 --> 00:26:04.420 And, at her express behest, 00:26:04.500 --> 00:26:08.220 We have come from out the sea 00:26:08.460 --> 00:26:11.780 Your fair city's guards to be. 00:26:12.340 --> 00:26:16.080 Henceforth, from the ocean blue, 00:26:16.360 --> 00:26:19.780 We will always come to you, 00:26:19.820 --> 00:26:22.980 Every day, on guard to stand 00:26:23.200 --> 00:26:27.660 By your lofty walls so grand. 00:26:28.220 --> 00:26:31.680 Now, however, we must go - 00:26:31.800 --> 00:26:35.180 to the salty sea below; 00:26:35.420 --> 00:26:39.000 We're not used to land, you know; 00:26:50.260 --> 00:26:55.120 So she drenched him, head to toe. In a trice, he shrank, and lo! 00:26:55.180 --> 00:27:00.100 Ere he could even gasp, He had turned into a wasp. 00:27:10.750 --> 00:27:15.230 There's an island far away- On this isle - a city gay; 00:27:15.310 --> 00:27:17.880 There, each dawn brings in new wonders: 00:27:18.110 --> 00:27:23.170 There, the ocean swells and thunders, Breakers, with a mighty roar, 00:27:23.330 --> 00:27:28.830 Foaming, flood its barren shore, Leaving, wonderful to see, 00:27:28.890 --> 00:27:34.090 Thirty stalwart knights and three, All in mail a-gleaming bright, 00:27:34.300 --> 00:27:36.860 Marching proudly left and right; 00:27:37.150 --> 00:27:44.330 Prince Guidon reigns there, and he Sends his compliments to thee." 00:27:44.510 --> 00:27:48.310 "If but God prolong my days, I shall visit this strange isle, 00:27:48.410 --> 00:27:51.210 Guest with this Guidon a while." 00:27:52.990 --> 00:27:59.330 Stranger things exist, mark you - This report, though, is quite true: 00:27:59.780 --> 00:28:05.590 There's a young princess, they say, That she charms all hearts away. 00:28:05.850 --> 00:28:12.710 Brighter than the sun at noon, She outshines the midnight moon, 00:28:12.890 --> 00:28:19.690 In her braids a crescent beams, On her brow, a bright star gleams. 00:28:19.790 --> 00:28:25.850 She herself is sweet of face, Full of majesty and grace. 00:28:26.070 --> 00:28:32.690 When she speaks, her voice doth seem Like the music of a stream. 00:28:32.890 --> 00:28:36.090 That's a wonder, now, for you - 00:28:36.170 --> 00:28:39.810 Marvellously strange, but true." 00:28:48.050 --> 00:28:50.870 Catch it! - Hold it! - Kill it!- O! 00:28:52.950 --> 00:29:01.510 Help, help! My God, get it! Get it! 00:29:13.470 --> 00:29:17.050 "Greetings, my fair prince, once more - 00:29:17.370 --> 00:29:22.930 Why are you so sad, tell me? Like a gloomy, cloudy day?" 00:29:22.990 --> 00:29:25.770 "Grief is gnawing at my breast," 00:29:25.830 --> 00:29:30.910 "Every youth has his own bride - Only I unmarried bide." 00:29:32.550 --> 00:29:35.810 "Who is she you wish to wed? 00:29:35.930 --> 00:29:43.110 "There's a fair princess; they say That she charms all hearts away - 00:29:43.650 --> 00:29:47.790 Is this true, though, or a lie? 00:29:49.030 --> 00:29:53.110 Yes-this maiden I can find; 00:29:53.630 --> 00:29:58.730 But a wife's no mitten, mind, From your lily hand to cast, 00:29:58.830 --> 00:30:03.970 Or unto your belt make fast; Listen now to my advice: 00:30:04.210 --> 00:30:10.410 Weigh this matter well - think twice, So that on your marriage morrow 00:30:10.730 --> 00:30:13.410 You do not repent in sorrow." 00:30:13.470 --> 00:30:17.870 "Know, your future bride is here - 00:30:17.990 --> 00:30:22.350 I am that princess, my dear." 00:30:53.050 --> 00:30:56.650 Prince Guidon reigns there in glory, 00:30:56.830 --> 00:31:00.030 He is praised in song and story 00:31:00.130 --> 00:31:03.450 Prince Guidon sends his respects, 00:31:03.530 --> 00:31:09.150 Bade us say he still expects You to visit him one day 00:31:09.430 --> 00:31:13.490 And regrets your long delay." 00:31:14.030 --> 00:31:16.210 "We will sail today!" 00:31:32.830 --> 00:31:35.550 "I'm your tsar and not a child!" 00:31:46.130 --> 00:31:50.390 Tsar Saltan's fleet, at long last, O'er the seas was sailing fast. 00:31:57.310 --> 00:32:02.210 "Mother dear, come hither, do - You, my fair princess, come too - 00:32:02.350 --> 00:32:08.150 Only look out yonder - there Sails my father, I declare!" 00:32:22.330 --> 00:32:25.750 To the shore Guidon then ran, There to welcome Tsar Saltan, 00:32:25.810 --> 00:32:29.170 And the royal cook, and weaver, And their mother, sly deceiver. 00:32:42.790 --> 00:32:49.490 "Am I dreaming in my sleep? Who is this I see? who? 00:32:49.670 --> 00:32:55.670 Oh how I'm overwhelmed with this surprise Tears are streaming from my eyes! 00:34:34.929 --> 00:34:38.690 The end Subs by Eus 20 august 2013