[Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] [Translated and timed by xyz and ceielle] [Reviewed by jackie and hearthrose] Welcome back to Shanghai Share Life. This show is sponsored by the sports app Keep. Keep Live Class makes burning fat happier. Let's take a look at this week's episode. Episode 16, Week 8 How to Guess a Woman's Heart? [panelist] Hey, that's my book! [panelist] Hao really knows his stuff. -Not sleeping yet? -No. -You're working? -Editing a document. -Not sleeping yet? -No. -You're working? -Editing a document. I still don't know how to use this hot water machine. -Oh, I got it. -Got it? I was drinking cold water before. I was just reading the book you recommended today. Oh, how is it? Not bad. Read two chapters so far. It's pretty authentic. I think what he writes is very interesting. Yeah, he writes about his outlook on life. How the tables turn! They really know their stuff! Seriously. The person you picked bought your book. Wait, this is amazingg. In the past, no one was willing to say this idea. "No need to work hard if there's no point doing it." Yes, it's very down to earth. -Have you seen it yet? -Yes. But he seems to be a little timid. Yes, that's why he's in the cage. Baby! Let me hold you. Come on. -We should wash him. -Time for a bath, huh? He's a little dirty since he just came back. So cute. -Seems like you really like him. -Yes, I do. So why did you decide against adopting it with Curry today? Don't you think that adopting a dog together... Sounds very official? -I just think of him as a roommate, -Yeah, true. We don't have a special relationship, So adopting a dog together is too much for me. Generally I'm not uptight about social conventions, but this.. And honestly, you don't know how long your friendship will last in the future. But the dog will be there for a long time. So what's going to happen to it? You can't raise it together. He actually thought about it for a long time, asking you out to the pet shop. He wanted to be thoughtful, since he noticed that you like shiba inus. -Yes. -So that's why. But what you said is true. Adopting a dog together really is a heavy responsibility. -It's too much. -Yeah, it's also not fair to the dog. Chu Mengna (Nana) Student, 22 years old Wang Tianqi Salesperson, 26 years old Wu Kawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Liu Keli (Curry) Entrepreneur, 29 years old Li Xing (Hao) Manager, 35 years old Chen Liuming (Ming) Financial Advisor, 26 years old Let me show you first. Hold it here. Then push this switch up to three. Turn it slowly. Be careful. Want to give it a try? It's too meticulous. You do it and I'll turn the switch for you, ok? If you're nervous, I can do it. It's okay, I'll try it first. -I'll turn it on now. -Ok. A little higher. I'm afraid you'll hit that side. Careful. [panelist] They really fit. They're in tune with each other. Are you tired? I'm ok. Would you like me to help? Ok, should we switch? Sure thing. -You got this. Are you tired? -I'm okay. -You're sweating. -Am I? Thanks. -You're like a waterfall. -You're exaggerating! You're sweating so much. Thank you. [panelist] I'm dying. Can you will yourself to stop sweating? No way. It'll only make it worse. We have to fill this up, right? It's like squeezing shrimp paste. (T/N: A hotpot staple.) I seem to be sweating again. I'm just here to wipe your sweat. Yes, it's like we're performing surgery. How's that side? Let me see. Is there? -I'm too nervous. -Definitely. You make the cake, I'll just wipe your sweat. -I don't want to let you down. -No, nothing like that. Okay. Let me set up the canvas first so you can show off your decorating skill. -I'll draw you. -Me? -You sweating. -Me sweating? Thank you. Just fold it up. Thank you. Done? It looks good. My turn to draw you. I'm so nervous! I don't know how to position my hands. Your hands are shaking! Why don't you come over to help me? Wait. That's a lot better. So steady. Okay. So cute! -It must be because of my guidance. -Yeah. Done. Wait, what about the middle? Looks like they can only hands. [panelist] Nice one! Aren't you being a bit obvious? Otherwise... -Surely it can't be a high five. -Oh, good idea. -Should it be a high five? -Yeah. Is your hair blocking you? Thank you. It's not blocking her from the cake, but blocking her from him. Okay, okay, I'll do it properly. You can frost yourself. I don't know how to. You mean here? [panelist] These two! That was too far. I'll help you. Here, here. Be careful. Alright, that's done. All right. Yay. High five! This is how to say my name in Japanese. I was born in Japan, and I went to university there. I've always done what I wanted to do. So I think my next step is to... find inspiration in these designs. But what I want to do is to add my own interpretation. For example, this color can be the inspiration for designing a top. There are many examples like this. So... I think it's actually relatively easy to design clothes with my own style. -Hello. -How do you feel? Do you feel okay? I'm ok. I can take a breather now. -A breather? -I feel relieved. -Was it so stressful? -Of course. I want to prove myself to someone. It takes time. It won't be overnight. If it happens, it will be sudden. When this kind of opportunity arrives, you have to seize it. Just remember that. Anyway, I'm officially offering this internship position to you. -Moving forward... -Thank you. -You just have to work hard. -I will. Anything you want to discuss, just come to me. -Let's communicate. -Ok. -Good luck. -Thank you. We're done with midterm exams. Today we're moving onto the next part of the course. Next, we'll be rehearsing scenes from classic plays. Zhang Danting as Fan Yi. Tu Yuan as Zhou Ping. Nana, this semester you will focus on assisting everyone else. Prepare the lights for the show, ok? For our next class, everyone please read the script carefully. You really came. Why were you so slow today? I wasn't that slow. Here, I got you milk tea. I forgot. You drink it. I don't like it, it's for you. -It's ok, you have it. -Are you... Are you the type who's too lazy... to poke the straw through? I'll do it for you. Remember a while back when I was working on those design drafts and Powerpoints? I did the presentation today. And... They've officially accepted me as an intern. Really? Let's go, we can walk and talk at the same time. So how about we celebrate a little tonight? And do what? Watch a movie? How's that? Ok. [panelist] He didn't even notice that she's angry. You were serious about the movie? Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Isn't it fun to watch a movie? Yes. What's wrong? You'll cheer up after watching the movie. Okay? Can I get two tickets for "Caught in Time"? And a popcorn. -Here. -Thank you. No problem. Let's go. Have some. I don't want it. Let's go, it's gonna start. Let's go. What's wrong? Nothing. I don't want to watch anymore. Why not? I already got the tickets. I just don't want to watch it anymore! Stop walking away. What's with the attitude? The movie ticket-- I'm talking to you. I got the tickets and you're just leaving? I just don't want to watch. Then why didn't you say so earlier? I know you're very happy today, Wang Tianqi. But can you feel my unhappiness? -Is it wrong to share that I'm happy? -Do you even feel the slightest-- Did you even sense my unhappiness in the slightest? My unhappiness was written all over my face tonight. I know you got an offer today. I know you're really happy. But I'm really not in the mood today. At all. Lately I've just-- I'm not in the mood to accompany you to a movie tonight, ok? Then tell me. If something's wrong, talk to me. I was waiting for you, do you know that? I was waiting to see when you'd finally realize how depressed I am. It's not just about tonight. It was from the beginning. How many times has it been, Wang Tianqi? When have you ever-- When have you ever considered my feelings? Or taken care of me? It feels like you know that I'm unhappy, but you don't care. You only care about yourself. As long as you yourself are happy, that's enough for you. This is about the movie, what does that have to do with it? Isn't this about the movie? The movie is just a small issue. You really... This is... It’s been accumulating in my heart for a long time. Just... I don't feel like you care about me. I don't feel your care or concern. I still remember... the last time... my period came, I wasn't feeling well and I cooked for you. Do you remember? And then? That day... you saw that I was in so much pain I was lying on the ground, didn't you? When I went to get hot water, I scalded my hands. What were you doing? Playing games. And I had a photoshoot in two days. I had chest pains. I felt like I was going to die. But when I got home after filming, the first thing I thought of was that you were up. You're awake, I'll cook for you. That's how I feel about you, but what about you? Do you know how sad I've been lately? You know when I came back last night... I... I wanted to pour my troubles out to you, but you were just... busy with your own stuff. You didn't even look at me once. I was afraid I would bother you, but I couldn't help but want to tell you. But what about you? I feel like... What am I to you? I feel so cheap. All the good I've done for you was just taken for granted, Tianqi. But didn't you... You said that when our careers started looking up, you would consider dating. My point today was to let you know that things are getting better for me now. What you said to me is the reason why I've been working hard all this time. But what about in the meantime? There were countless times tonight I was waiting for you, why do you think I went all the way to the theater with you? I was just waiting to see if you would pick up on my unhappiness. If you would say something. Just one sentence would have been enough. Just one sentence, and you couldn't do it. Do you still want to see the movie? Did you even hear a single word I just said? Even now, you still don't... I really don't know what to say anymore. Wang Tianqi. Whether you succeed or fail... anything and everything about you, has nothing to do with me anymore. Hey! Don't go! -Are you doing his voiceover? -Support me. -Yes. -I'll support you. You guys are too cruel. Nana was so unhappy, did Tianqi really not see it? I think this whole thing is actually very simple. Tianqi feels like, I'm someone who doesn't work much. But now that I'm in Shanghai, you said I have to work hard, so I did. And I succeeded. That should be touching. No matter how unhappy you are, if I tell you this, -you should be happy. -No, no. If he's thinking like that, he would express it. -He did say it. -The first thing he said was, "The presentation I was working on went really well today." He shared his happiness with her. That's not his happiness, it's what he did for her. -Yes. -Don't think I don't care about your emotions. I spent the past two months doing this for you. Today I finally did it. So just watch a movie with me, why are you mad at me?! I want to watch "Caught in Time"!' Yes, he was too much. But I think we can also understand where Nana is coming from. She had two consecutive bad days, but both times she was ignored. Tianqi was hoping that what he did could make it better. In his own tiny world, he thinks he's very noble now. I understand where he's coming from... but if you can be a little more considerate, you'll be even better, Tianqi. But I want to know to what extent does not care about her feelings? After all that, he didn't even ask how she was or-- what happened to her. The core of their quarrel was that they're both stubborn in their thinking. They both felt like they were giving without receiving. They're both focused solely on their own contribution. And their contributions were ignored by each other. So each felt like they were giving more. They sacrificed for each other, but didn't consider whether the other person accepted it. Nana wasn't wrong. 'Tianqi, I did this for you...' Tianqi said, 'Nana, I did this for you...' But did the other person accept what you did? No. In love, this kind of sacrifice hurts your relationship as well as yourself. Even if you really did something for someone else, don't expect it to be reciprocated. You'll only be disappointed in the end. You'll be upset and it will affect your relationship. Whether or not your action is reciprocated, just let it be. I think their biggest problem is that their love language is different. If I say "I love you" (in Mandarin), and my partner says I love you (in English), we're not communicating well and we can't understand each other. So to them, Nana isn't satisfied with Tianqi, but for us as bystanders, their issue is clear. For such a long time... he was so immature. He started working hard because of her. But she can't feel it because all she wants is him to ask her, "How are you?" They have communication issues. They're not listening to each other. He hears her, but he's not listening to what she's saying. Nor is he doing anything to respond to her and soothe her worries. -What she needs is comfort-- -Yes. which he didn't give. He thinks it's good enough to hear her out. But when his career wasn't doing well, Nana did it. So I think Tianqi is at fault here. Nana is also responsible. The problem with girls is that they don't say what they think. They only ever hint. This whole thing made me realize that everyone sees life differently. Guys see life in discrete sections. This hurdle has been cleared, so it's done. We've spoken about it, so that's the end of the story. For women, maybe it's like rowing a boat. The waves roll back and forth, so issues bump into each other and aren't so distinct. Both of them are still immature. You can understand both sides, but they're both at fault. If one of them had figured out what the other person wants, they wouldn't have ended up here. Do you feel like... They can't seem to communicate, but they really like each other. There's another couple who's very good at communicating, but they don't like each other. Or at least not as much. What do you think of Carmon and Hao? From what I see, I don't think anything's going to happen between them. After all that? He's already put all his moves out there. If you didn't like a guy, would you wipe his sweat off for him? While I was watching this segment, it was the first time I felt like I accepted Hao on behalf of Carmon. What was more awkward was when... Ming and Hao commented on me instead. -Yes. -It was all compliments, but... What made me a little uncomfortable was that maybe we.... Some of our comments on them might be... At least they were praising me, so I'm not... They're just being smart. They know that-- Li Dan is always criticizing them and they want to make him feel guilty. Hao, Ming, You wouldn't do this to me. You guys-- I think these two are... I don't think we've said anything negative about them. Especially Ming, we like her too much. At least in culture and taste, there's nothing to criticize about them. Ok, let's continue watching. That was high praise. Since when are you cultured? Should we refrigerate it? -Let's eat it now. -Eat it now -Hello! -Hello! Ming! Come over for cake. -Did you both make that cake today? -Yes. Great. Alright. You both made this? -Uhuh. -Yes Pretty awesome. You made a heart-shaped one? -This one is... -Terrific. This one is... Who tied it? Allow me. -No, he tied a tough knot. -Are there any scissors? Yeah. What else did you draw? You guys! We're just high-fiving. Look more closely. Even this high-five gives it a pretty sweet feeling. You just pull it outwards. For you. Thank you. You eat the first piece. -Quickly. -You can have it. So generous. Earlier when you weren't at home, I drank wine by myself. -Oh, really? -Yeah. I'll sit and eat now. -I sense you are a bit tipsy. -Mmmhm Okay. Cut my figure off. Okay. Delicious. -I didn't do it on purpose. -It's okay. [panelist] The poor third-wheel. [panelist] Very sweet. I taste a hint of sweetness. Is it tasty? This is a girl. Yes. Who is back? -Nana. -Ah, Nana! Do you want cake? Nana? Come, eat cake! Eat cake! What's wrong? Want to call her? Contact her? I might have to. I'll seek her out now. Cut a slice of cake for her. Okay? Good. [panelist] Our first time seeing Nana like this. Nana. Nana, what are you doing? What happened? Where are you going? Did something happen? It's okay. I'm returning to school for a bit. Now? It's very late now. Yeah. It's okay. Did you argue with Tianqi? Don't leave. After an argument, why should you go? He should be the one to go. It's nothing. It's late now. Can't you sleep on it first? I can't be here if he's going to be like this. I can't live with him. Tianqi? Did you just go out with Nana? Yeah. Why did she just come back alone? She's back? And ignored us. She went upstairs visibly angry. What's up? A bit of... an argument. What about? I wanted to see a movie, then after buying tickets, she suddenly said... Nana! It's too late. Nana. Nana, sit down first. Forget it, I'm leaving. Tianqi, you're really something. Absolutely. Why are you going? There's no need to. Where are you going? Then, I have to talk to you, okay? What? About watching a movie? No, it's that... I think what you said today makes sense. That maybe I often didn't consider your feelings. So, I'll apologize to you now. In the share house... Firstly, I couldn't save face. So in front of so many people, I couldn't apologize. Then secondly, I didn't consider how to properly apologize. Finally... I will consider your feelings more in the future. Alright? Do you want to say anything? You can talk to me. Nothing? [panelist] I think Nana's forgiven him. [panelist] Yeah. The way she just puffed her cheeks. [panelist] It seems so already. Then, want to eat roasted sweet potatoes? No. I remember you love to eat them, so I bought one for you on the way back. Look: I actually remembered you love roasted sweet potatoes. Right? You only said it once. I remembered. I don't want it. I won't eat it. -Eat a bit. -I won't. Then if you won't eat it, I will. Alright? You don't even like them. I like whatever you like. Idiot. It's delicious. I won't eat it. Are you still mad at me? I have another. -Eat more if you like it so much. -You eat it. How is it hard to remember what I love to eat? Go back in when you're done eating. I can't. I have to bring you back. I won't go with you. I haven't forgiven you yet. What will it take to forgive me? Eat all the potatoes, then I'll forgive you. [panelist] He got off so easily. Alright. Is it tasty? Are black bean noodles or these more delicious? Noodles are better. Black bean noodles are the best in the world. You can't eat all of it anyways. No way. I have to eat it. Actually, did you know today I... So... it was because, I didn't get assigned a role. Why? Because recently I haven't performed well. Recently I've been shooting a lot, right? And ... I just neglected school. Yeah. -So... -The teacher wasn't happy. Yeah. Enough. Don't eat it. Finished it. Here, have one. I'll peel it for you. Earlier... I might have been on cloud nine, so I didn't consider your feelings enough. Anyways, you got the job. That's also really great. Right? You, eat. I'll eat. Forgiveness will only come after eating, after all. I'll split one with you. [panelist] Sweet potato couple. Do you remember before, you said... Once our careers are more stable, then we'd discuss dating. Remember? Remember that? What? You said to wait for when our careers are more stable then we'd discuss dating. Huh? Wait for our! careers to stabilize! then we'd discuss dating! Remember? There was probably something like that. And so? What do you think now? It seems like You're getting closer... to your goals. But I feel like I'm getting further and further away from my own goals. I'm afraid that one day, you would summit your mountain early, but... I'd still be at the foot of my mountain. It's okay. So what? I can also go down the mountain. right? How would that work? You're so... No way. It's okay. Compared to a career, you're much more important. Alright? Really? [panelist] Hug! Hug! [panelist] Get together already! So sweet. Right? It's true. Let's eat at home. It's a bit cold. Let's go. Grab the luggage. What about me? How can I pull you? You sit on the luggage then? I... You're really... You're really a pig. You're really hopelessly stupid. Go. What? I should record what you said tonight. Record it all for you because I won't hear it again. Girls are sweet-talkers. Firstly, let me ask these two with the most expressive body-language. These two seemed like they were about to flip while they watched. What's wrong? Did something happen? It's just that Tianqi would do or say things in a way that makes me uncomfortable. -Such as? We're not saying that--- I just get the feeling-- Isn't it sweet this way? -No. -I can't. Weren't you also like that before? -Yeah. -Possibly. But then you guys could scold me. But I just can't see it now. I always think they owe each other a label. If you two can say that-- "I like you", "I like you too. We are together.", You should label the relationship. It's always so ambiguous! I feel uncomfortable watching. I think they are already together. This time it’s clear. There can't be any more ambiguity. But they are really just students. High schoolers falling in love. I thought that when Nana once said, "Our careers are unstable, we shouldn't be together." I thought she was mature. But, now I think it's like if a middle schooler said, "Your midterm exam must be at least 80% or we won't date," meaning that she couldn't get 80% herself. You know? These two kids! It's actually like I said back then. She feels everything is happening too fast She just can't adapt. These sweet potatoes are crucial. Their tension finally lifted when Nana said "Sweet potatoes are so sweet." "You're really a pig." -Didn't she say-- -"You're hopelessly stupid." "...hopelessly stupid." No, I think the point is that Tianqi didn't coax her enough. Then, how should one coax? Can I ask? How does one coax? No, you have to ask what happened. Pretend to be mad. "I am so angry right now!" "What's wrong? What happened to you today?" "I was scolded by my teacher." See? I'm asking you at least. He said, "I didn't understand you," "I'll understand you more in the future." That's it. He said something before that. "You like roasted sweet potatoes." "You said it. I remembered." After that he said, "I'll be more considerate." -Correct. -He really didn't solve the matter, but he made it clear to her and showed that he wanted to consider her feelings. One roasted sweet potato is enough? After watching, I feel -Nana's gonna suffer. -Yes. If they stay together she'll keep being the one who suffers. I think she likes Tianqi more. I feel she is crazy happy. Yeah. This is her personality. She also enjoys this feeling. In a twisted way she likes to suffer. There's a very childish quality to their romance. The way this pair expresses their emotions is like that. I think that's something they'll run into. But Ming's and the other two's way of expression is totally different. A very mature bite from the cake they made together. So we can consider Ming and Hao over? I think if if Ming wants to pursue Li Xing again I'd be really impressed. She won't. She won't. She's so dignified. How can she? By eating this cake, she is signaling, "I'm over it". Done. And when Ming was handed the first piece of cake: "I won't eat it. You two eat the first piece." She used "you two" to describe them. Yes. I think Ming has a great trait: She always speaks so thoroughly and leaves no room for ambiguity. She won't get hurt this way. Very good. Do you know why Ming is so great? Because she'll be fine after a drink. No! It's because she likes to read your books! Next part. Hello. Back from running? Why haven't you invited me to run recently? No, no, no ... It's just these last few days ... Busy with work? Yes. It's been very busy. You see my eyes are swollen. -Come here. -Ok. -This is yours. -I'll pour a glass of water. What are you doing today? Today is work, then I have an exam in the evening. -Exam until when? -Until... like seven forty-five? Ok, then let's all have dinner tonight. That's late. I should eat by myself before the exam. I'll just eat whatever. You can hand...hand in your exam early. Why must we eat together today? Because...it's just that... We've all moved in, but haven't had a meal together. -Really? -Yeah. I just wanted to get everyone together. Then, how come today? Should it be over the weekend or-- Because, maybe, the others are free today. And I'm free tonight. Okay. -Can we? -We can. Then I'll be back early. Great. Will they all come back earlier? I don't know. Anyways, we can plan to eat later too, right? It seems like you're determined to have this meal today: "It must be eaten." Right. It sounds a bit like there's something more... -There is something. -"Something" -Such a weird conversation. -Curry's retreating. Yes. He said before he's not fit to run. Who can run like that every day? You must be very self-disciplined. Doesn't he work out? He works out. He works out at Keep. Keep APP. Live lessons are better. Burning fat is happiness. Falling in love is happier. Then why did he ask her to eat dinner with everyone tonight? I think that Curry... even though he has a lot of small flaws... this person is still very sincere, Very straightforward. Guileless. What he says is his true reason: They haven't all had a meal together, so all six should have a meal together. Correct. Do you think he's given up? The rejection was just too obvious. Probably, refusing to raise a dog with him and rejecting him are different. -Otherwise, why didn't she ask the others? -"Why haven't you invited me to run" "Why haven't you invited me to run?" Whose face looks like that? Who even looks like you? Ming only asked when she saw him, because she has a clear conscience. It's just running to her. She asked openly. I think it's even If Ming was rejected, she wouldn't be embarrassed. For example, if Li Xing rejected her, she could still talk to him about things. So she won't feel that, "This person was rejected by me so he'd ignore me and hide from me." Strong of heart. She wouldn't think that something had been permanently lost. I think that's her reasoning. It is like that. Curry might have also invited her to dinner just to say he's leaving. -Also possible. -Because his pursuit of love has failed. I feel it won't happen in this house. His rationale might be "I still have to work and find love. And so I'll go ahead and leave." We don't know. We're guessing. Ok. Shanghai Share Life, see you next time! Today is a very important day. Confession. Tonight's dinner. "Tonight I'll declare I love you." You're done. There's something there Curry. Go ahead. I just received a call from teacher Lai Shengchuan's studio. I want to act too! -I actually-- -I want to act too Teacher Chen! You've been acting. Give me a chance. Ok. Li Xing, you are really good. You care for me very much. Very mature. After listening to Carmon's words, she'd probably like my type. Suddenly, said something so seriously. To praise yourself.