1 00:00:32,710 --> 00:00:37,550 Mutual Aid is a guiding factor behind anarchist practice, and an essential framework for understanding 2 00:00:37,550 --> 00:00:40,780 anarchist views on social organization more broadly. 3 00:00:40,780 --> 00:00:43,250 So... what is it, exactly? 4 00:00:43,250 --> 00:00:48,260 Well... in its simplest form, mutual aid is the motivation at play any time two or more 5 00:00:48,260 --> 00:00:52,620 people work together to solve a problem for the shared benefit of everyone involved. 6 00:00:52,620 --> 00:00:56,960 In other words, it means co-operation for the sake of the common good. 7 00:00:56,960 --> 00:01:02,730 Understood in this way, mutual aid is obviously not a new idea, nor is it exclusive to anarchists. 8 00:01:02,730 --> 00:01:07,360 In fact, the very earliest human societies practised mutual aid as a matter of survival, 9 00:01:07,360 --> 00:01:12,940 and to this day there are countless examples of its logic found within the plant and animal kingdoms 10 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:17,700 To understand anarchists’ specific embrace of mutual aid, we need to go back over 11 00:01:17,700 --> 00:01:22,400 100 years, to the writings of the famous Russian anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin, who in addition 12 00:01:22,400 --> 00:01:26,160 to sporting one of the most prolific beards of all time, just so happened to also be an 13 00:01:26,170 --> 00:01:29,850 accomplished zoologist and evolutionary biologist. 14 00:01:31,530 --> 00:01:36,250 Back in Kropotkin's day, the field of evolutionary biology was heavily dominated by the ideas 15 00:01:36,250 --> 00:01:39,950 of Social Darwinists such as Thomas H. Huxley. 16 00:01:39,950 --> 00:01:44,440 By ruthlessly applying Charles Darwin's famous dictum “survival of the fittest” 17 00:01:44,450 --> 00:01:48,840 to human societies, Huxley and his peers had concluded that existing social hierarchies were the 18 00:01:48,840 --> 00:01:53,420 result of natural selection, or competition between free sovereign individuals, and were 19 00:01:53,420 --> 00:01:57,830 thus an important and inevitable factor in human evolution. 20 00:01:57,830 --> 00:02:02,380 Not too surprisingly, these ideas were particularly popular among rich and politically powerful 21 00:02:02,380 --> 00:02:07,170 white men, as it offered them a pseudo-scientific justification for their privileged positions 22 00:02:07,170 --> 00:02:12,440 in society, in addition to providing a racist rationalization of the European colonization 23 00:02:12,440 --> 00:02:17,220 of Asia, Africa and the Americas. 24 00:02:17,220 --> 00:02:21,741 Kropotkin attacked this conventional wisdom, when in 1902 he published a book called Mutual 25 00:02:21,741 --> 00:02:26,730 Aid: A Factor in Evolution, in which he proved that there was something beyond blind, individual 26 00:02:26,730 --> 00:02:31,790 competition at work in evolution. 27 00:02:31,790 --> 00:02:36,000 Kropotkin demonstrated that species that were able to work together, or who formed symbiotic 28 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:40,750 arrangements with other species based on mutual benefit, were able to better adapt to their 29 00:02:40,750 --> 00:02:45,650 environment, and were granted a competitive edge over those species who didn't, or couldn't. 30 00:02:45,650 --> 00:02:50,110 In today’s metropolitan societies, people are socialized to see themselves as independent, 31 00:02:50,110 --> 00:02:54,660 self-sufficient individuals, equipped with our own condos, bank accounts, smartphones 32 00:02:54,660 --> 00:02:56,180 and facebook profiles. 33 00:02:56,180 --> 00:03:01,489 However, this notion of human independence is a myth, promoted by corporations and states 34 00:03:01,489 --> 00:03:06,280 seeking to mould us into atomized, and easily controlled consumers, concerned primarily 35 00:03:06,280 --> 00:03:08,560 with our own short-term well-being. 36 00:03:08,560 --> 00:03:12,060 The truth is that human beings are incredibly interdependent. 37 00:03:12,060 --> 00:03:15,060 In fact, that’s the key to our success as a species. 38 00:03:15,060 --> 00:03:19,090 Do you ever spend time thinking about where the food you eat, or the clothes you wear 39 00:03:19,090 --> 00:03:20,250 come from? 40 00:03:20,250 --> 00:03:24,260 What about the labour and materials that went into building your house, or your car? 41 00:03:24,260 --> 00:03:28,829 Left to fend for ourselves without the comforts of civilization, few among us would survive 42 00:03:28,829 --> 00:03:33,729 a week, let alone be able to produce a fraction of the myriad commodities we consume every 43 00:03:33,729 --> 00:03:34,729 day. 44 00:03:34,729 --> 00:03:39,109 From the great pyramids commissioned by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, to today’s globe-spanning 45 00:03:39,109 --> 00:03:43,200 production and supply chains, the primary function of the ruling class has always been 46 00:03:43,200 --> 00:03:44,979 to organize human activity. 47 00:03:44,979 --> 00:03:48,590 And everywhere that they have done so, they have relied on coercion. 48 00:03:48,590 --> 00:03:53,479 Under capitalism, this activity is organized through either direct violence, or the internalized 49 00:03:53,479 --> 00:03:58,870 threat of starvation created by a system based on private ownership of wealth and property. 50 00:03:58,870 --> 00:04:02,989 Capitalism can inspire people to do many amazing things, as long as there is a profit to be 51 00:04:02,989 --> 00:04:03,989 made. 52 00:04:03,989 --> 00:04:07,660 But in the absence of a profit motive, there are many important tasks that it will not 53 00:04:07,660 --> 00:04:12,960 and cannot ever accomplish, from eradicating global poverty and preventable diseases, to 54 00:04:12,960 --> 00:04:14,930 removing toxic plastics from the oceans. 55 00:04:14,930 --> 00:04:19,358 In order to carry out these monumental tasks, we require a change in the ethos that connects 56 00:04:19,358 --> 00:04:22,040 us to one another, and to the world that sustains us. 57 00:04:22,040 --> 00:04:26,380 A shift away from capitalism... towards mutual aid. 58 00:04:26,380 --> 00:04:30,580 Glimpses of the Anarchist ideal of mutual aid can be seen today in communities of open 59 00:04:30,580 --> 00:04:34,979 source software developers, and in programmers coming up with new forms of encryption to 60 00:04:34,979 --> 00:04:36,560 thwart NSA surveillance. 61 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:41,009 They can be seen in neighbours coming together to organize a daycare collective, and in the 62 00:04:41,009 --> 00:04:45,160 aftermath of disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, when in the absence of 63 00:04:45,160 --> 00:04:49,180 state institutions, perfect strangers rush to one another’s aid. 64 00:04:49,180 --> 00:04:52,939 It can be seen in the bravery of the white helmets of Aleppo, who risk their lives to 65 00:04:52,939 --> 00:04:57,270 pull children from the collapsed ruins of buildings hit by Assad’s barrel bombs. 66 00:04:57,270 --> 00:05:02,069 Imagine a world in which human activity was not organized on the basis of ceaseless competition 67 00:05:02,069 --> 00:05:07,370 over artificially scarce resources, but the pursuit of the satisfaction of human needs… 68 00:05:07,370 --> 00:05:10,650 and you will understand a vision of the world that anarchists seek to create.