If you have WHATSAPP installed on your phone, you need to watch this video until the end because we will address questions on everyone's mind- Can we still trust WHATSAPP, or should you delete from your phone? Lately, many WHATSAPP users have been jumping ship to more secure messaging apps like SIGNAL and TELEGRAM after WHATSAPP announced recent updated privacy policy. Many users pointed out this important line was removed, "Respect for your privacy is coded in our DNA, since we started WHATSAPP, we've aspired to build our services with a set of strong privacy principles in mind". But what does new policy actually say? Well in simple terms, if you want to continue using WHATSAPP after FEB 8th you have to agree to sharing your personal data with FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM so they can customize ads on their platforms. Personal data includes; your phone number, your profile picture, your WHATSAPP status, your IP address, your ABOUT info, your language, time zone, how often you use app, and what groups you've joined. But ladies and gentlemen, those are just the basics. If you communicate with a business via WHATSAPP and that business chose to be hosted by a third-party service, that third-party service might be able to read your messages and use whatever information there for their benefit. That third party by the way can be FACEBOOK. In that case, FACEBOOK may use these chats to personalize content for you. Remember that time you spoke about something then saw an ad about that next day? Funny thing about WHATSAPP update though, most of it old news. Early as August 2016 WHATSAPP already started sharing user information with FACEBOOK. Users were given 30 days to opt out that policy change. If you were aware back then and you said no, then you're safe now. If you didn't well, it's not the end of the world. To be clear, all your private messages, videos, pictures, recordings according to FACEBOOK remain safe. Yes, my dear Mark Zuckerburg won't be able to read them. But apart from that, should you delete WHATSAPP or not? Ask yourself these two questions; number one, how much you trust FACEBOOK? Number two, will you be able to sleep soundly at night knowing all your personal data I listed earlier will be available to them? But then again, you have just watched this video on FACEBOOK and probably earlier today GOOGLED something too which means that most of your personal data is already out there.