Y'all when I started researching for this
video I honestly thought it was going to
be faster
I thought I knew everything I genuinely
did I was a backer for the Lisa Frank
Glamour Dolls campaign back in 2017
I really thought I knew the story
I saw other peoples videos on it
and I was in it, I did
all of the things, I was part of it.
My friend, oh-my gosh, I did not know.
There was so much that I did not know
It is so fucked up, like I am just-
I am absolutely blown away.
Because the thing is, the more I started
looking into it, the more things that I found
And the more connections I was making
And I was like oh my gosh.
This is a story, my friend.
There is so much that happened
in the Lisa Frank Glamour Dolls Collab
That we did not know, because everything
wasn't laid out through hindsight
we know hindsight is 20/20.
Now we're seeing 20/20 my friend.
And the rainbows are not rainbowing,
and the unicorns and the peguseseses, and
they're not, it's not good, it's very bad.
So if you are ready, to go on this
wild journey with me
This is Behind the Controversy.
And its starting right now.
I would dare to say, pretty much
everybody watching this video
has been online and seen something
that you never intended to purchase,
but you had that impulse feeling.
You had that feeling because,
for some reason, you didn't know
that you needed this,
and you needed to buy it.
Maybe it solves some kind of problem
in your life, maybe it was some kind of
advancement on something you already knew
or maybe it was due to nostalgia.
Something that reminded you of your childhood
or just when you were younger,
something that made you feel happy,
during that time.
And maybe its even something that made
an entire generation feel happy.
That's the feeling that the backers had
when we saw that Lisa Frank was
coming out with makeup with a company
named Glamour Dolls.
Now we did not, a lot of us had never
heard of Glamour Dolls.
Imma be 100%, I'd never heard of
Glamour Dolls before.
But I had heard of Lisa Frank.
And I was freaking out because
I was a sticker collector.
I-I will tell you though,
the scratch-and-sniff stickers
were my favorite, but Lisa Frank
stickers were super cool too.
They were very very popular,
and that's the way it was
for a lot of people that were GenX
or older millennials.
Mostly, probably mid-millennials as well.
If it wasn't the stickers,
maybe it was the school supplies.
Because Trapper Keepers were a thing.
It was not just a regular notebook.
It was a cool notebook.
And they were kind of pricey,
so if you had a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper,
you were cool.
Or if you were like me, you had a knock-off
version from K-mart, which made you
moderately cool. Not really.
But we pretended we were.
"I'll never forget the day
I got stuck on Lisa Frank.
The stickers were so cool, the colors
were awesome.
I gotta find more. So go to the store,
And WOW, there's tons of awesome
Lisa Frank stuff. I gotta have it!
What more can I say?
Pretty soon my friends, Ashley and Lindsay
are going Lisa Frank Crazy too."
And like I mentioned earlier, the company
that started all of this wasn't super
well known. They're called Glamour Dolls,
so they had to get their name out there
somehow, so they used an uber popular
youtuber, at the time,
named Candy Johnson.
And Candy Johnson was the perfect influencer
for this campaign.
I don't even know if we were calling
people influencers at that point.
But anyway, my point is that Candy Johnson
was top of her game. Everybody freaking
loved Candy, she was like the sweetest,
sweetest, kindest person.
And she has this really light voice.
And everybody freakin' loved Candy.
"Hi guys, 2016 is behind us, but
I am gonna share with you
my Best in Beauty of 2016.
Make sure if you have not subscribed,
subscribe, join the family,
become a Candy Corn. Candy Corn,
like a Unicorn, but like candy corn,
I don't know, I'll have to think
about that one.
And follow me on Snapchat, Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook for all kinds of
different and awesome things."
So when Candy announced the collaboration
between Glamour Dolls and Lisa Frank,
people lost their minds, they opened
their wallets to the tune of over $300,000
Almost 6,000 people backed this project.
Now, if you don't know what
I'm talking about as far as Kickstarter
and "backing" a project,
basically, it's kind of like a GoFundMe-ish
kind of thing, but for a business.
So the business wants to make a product,
but they don't have the money,
so they go and they tell people
"Hey, we wanna make this product,
if you back us, if you give us money
at different tiers, you'll get X products
for helping us to create the product."
This story has been told many times before.
But I don't think it has been told
in this way, because what I'm gonna
focus on in this video is the point of view
of the backers. What was it like to be
a backer from the beginning, and what
kind of tactics did Glamour Dolls use
to keep us hanging on for well over a year.
Where many, many people, including me,
did not ask for refunds even after
they were over a year late in sending out
Some of you