Y'all when I started researching for this
video I honestly thought it was going to
be faster
I thought I knew everything I genuinely
did I was a Backer for the Lisa Frank
Glamour Dolls campaign back in 2017
I really thought I knew the story
I saw other peoples videos on it
and I was in it, I did
all of the things, I was part of it.
My friend, oh-my gosh, I did not know.
There was so much that I did not know
It is so fucked up, like I am just-
I am absolutely blown away.
Because the thing is, the more I started
looking into it, the more things that I found
And the more connections I was making
And I was like oh my gosh.
This is a story, my friend.
There is so much that happened
in the Lisa Frank x Glamour Dolls Collab
That we did not know, because everything
wasn't laid out through hindsight
we know hindsight is 20/20.
Now we're seeing 20/20 my friend.
And the rainbows are not rainbowing,
and the unicorns and the peguseseses, and
they're not, it's not good, it's very bad.
So if you are ready, to go on this
wild journey with me
This is Behind the Controversy.
And its starting right now.
I would dare to say, pretty much
everybody watching this video
has been online and seen something
that you never intended to purchase,
but you had that impulse feeling.
You had that feeling because,
for some reason, you didn't know
that you needed this,
and you needed to buy it.
Maybe it solves some kind of problem
in your life, maybe it was some kind of
advancement on something you already knew
or maybe it was due to nostalgia.
Something that reminded you of your childhood
or just when you were younger,
something that made you feel happy,
during that time.
And maybe its even something that made
an entire generation feel happy.
That's the feeling that the Backers had
when we saw that Lisa Frank was
coming out with makeup with a company
named Glamour Dolls.
Now we did not, a lot of us had never
heard of Glamour Dolls.
Imma be 100%, I'd never heard of
Glamour Dolls before.
But I had heard of Lisa Frank.
And I was freaking out because
I was a sticker collector.
I-I will tell you though,
the scratch-and-sniff stickers
were my favorite, but Lisa Frank
stickers were super cool too.
They were very very popular,
and that's the way it was
for a lot of people that were GenX
or older millennials.
Mostly, probably mid-millennials as well.
If it wasn't the stickers,
maybe it was the school supplies.
Because Trapper Keepers were a thing.
It was not just a regular notebook.
It was a cool notebook.
And they were kind of pricey,
so if you had a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper,
you were cool.
Or if you were like me, you had a knock-off
version from K-mart, which made you
moderately cool. Not really.
But we pretended we were.
"I'll never forget the day
I got stuck on Lisa Frank.
The stickers were so cool, the colors
were awesome.
I gotta find more. So go to the store,
And WOW, there's tons of awesome
Lisa Frank stuff. I gotta have it!
What more can I say?
Pretty soon my friends, Ashley and Lindsay
are going Lisa Frank Crazy too."
And like I mentioned earlier, the company
that started all of this wasn't super
well known. They're called Glamour Dolls,
so they had to get their name out there
somehow, so they used an uber popular
youtuber, at the time,
named Candy Johnson.
And Candy Johnson was the perfect influencer
for this campaign.
I don't even know if we were calling
people influencers at that point.
But anyway, my point is that Candy Johnson
was top of her game. Everybody freaking
loved Candy, she was like the sweetest,
sweetest, kindest person.
And she has this really light voice.
And everybody freakin' loved Candy.
"Hi guys, 2016 is behind us, but
I am gonna share with you
my Best in Beauty of 2016.
Make sure if you have not subscribed,
subscribe, join the family,
become a Candy Corn. Candy Corn,
like a Unicorn, but like candy corn,
I don't know, I'll have to think
about that one.
And follow me on Snapchat, Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook for all kinds of
different and awesome things."
So when Candy announced the collaboration
between Glamour Dolls and Lisa Frank,
people lost their minds, they opened
their wallets to the tune of over $300,000
Almost 6,000 people backed this project.
Now, if you don't know what
I'm talking about as far as Kickstarter
and "backing" a project,
basically, it's kind of like a GoFundMe-ish
kind of thing, but for a business.
So the business wants to make a product,
but they don't have the money,
so they go and they tell people
"Hey, we wanna make this product,
if you back us, if you give us money
at different tiers, you'll get X products
for helping us to create the product."
This story has been told many times before.
But I don't think it has been told
in this way, because what I'm gonna
focus on in this video is the point of view
of the Backers. What was it like to be
a backer from the beginning, and what
kind of tactics did Glamour Dolls use
to keep us hanging on for well over a year.
Where many, many people, including me,
did not ask for refunds even after
they were over a year late in sending out
Some of you are probably sitting there
thinking, like, "why didn't you know?"
like, "why didn't you see the red flags?"
Like, "what happened?"
I'm going to tell you.
I'm going to share with you what they
did to us.
I'm pointing down because of a 22 page
script here with all the fucked-up shit
that they did.
Because, if you haven't figured it out yet
Yea, we didn't get anything.
[wheeze] Well some people got a little bit,
but I didn't get anything
And the vast majority of people got
absolutely nothing, the people that did
get things, got very very little.
It's layered. It's multi-layered.
So lets just jump in to the very beginning
which was the start of the Kickstarter
in February of 2017.
Something you might want to remember
about 2017 was that we didn't have
the inundation of weird collabs,
like we do now, I mean,
the Glamlite Pizza palette was still about
a year away, and that one broke
the internet.
It was like the first really weird collab
that people were like "that's odd, but
also kind of cool".
The kind of collabs we were getting
at the time were things like
Wonder Woman and Luxie
and PUR and the Trolls Movie.
A makeup collaboration with Lisa Frank
had literally never been done before,
so people, naturally, were very excited
due to that strong feeling of nostalgia.
The Kickstarter launches with a maximum
bid of 40 dollars to get a few products
and a goal of 30,000 dollars.
And the lowest buy-in to get something was
pretty cheap, at 5 dollars for what they
called, a digital background.
It was an image that you could use as your
background on your phone,
or on your computer, or whatever.
The kickstarter ran for 45 days
from February 16, 2017, to April 2, 2017.
It's also important to talk about the fact
that Glamour Dolls said that Backers
would have a say in the products
being created.
That there would be polling and voting
and people would get sneak peaks,
people would also get the products
at a discount, because the products
would eventually end up at retailers
but the Backers, because you bought
in a bundle, would get things cheaper
than you would get if you bought
the products individually.
Just 3 days into the campaign,
Glamour Dolls posted their update.
They were so so excited.
They said that Lisa was "opening
her vault and would be sending
1000 vintage goodies to be included,
for the first 1000 Backers".
They promised a second treat,
if they hit 2000 Backers, and Lisa
had something really special planned
if they made it to 10,000.
They're just hyping the heck out of the
Backers, because they also promised
something called "stretch rewards".
And they way they described it is not
how it turned out.
Basically, what they said is that
if the Backers, as a community, complete
a set of challenges, that something will
be unlocked, and this something was going
to be very very exciting.
Challenges included tasks like creating
a Lisa Frank-inspired makeup look
and taking a picture of it, writing a rap
about Glitter and tweeting it, and they
even had a challenge where a person
had to create a foil unicorn horn and put
it on their head and take a picture
of themselves in public, wearing
the unicorn horn.
40 people had to take a picture of their
vintage Lisa Frank products and submit
those pictures.
See, the community's participating,
they're excited, they're talking about all
the things that they're doing because
in every comment section under each post
there's a place for people of the
community to communicate, to talk about
what's happening. Its almost like a
little, not a message board, but just
kind of a place to dump things that people
were thinking after the update.
So people are hyped about this, they're
so excited about their stretch reward.
And this is the first big disappointment
for the Backers.
Because it was not an extra item added to
the bag, it wasn't even a reward, because
when you think of a reward, you think
that you're getting something.
What it actually was, was a mock-up photo
of an image of three-piece nail polish set
and this is the kicker about it,
no pun intended, that the nail polish set
wasn't included in any of the levels,
so nobody that had put in any money
at this point was going to get the
nail polishes that were featured
in the picture, in order to get the
nail polishes, you had to now increase
your bid by at least 15 dollars
because Glamour Dolls had just created
new tiers that required more investment
and the Backers were like "what?"
"That's it?"
What we just worked so hard for, we just
did all the challenges, 40 of us sent
pictures of our Lisa Frank stuff that we
dug out of our basement or out of
our attics, and we found the stuff and
we took the picture and we did
all the work, and we got a drawing of
something we're not getting unless we
spend more money?
That's what happened.
I'm gonna put the whole post on the screen
for you to read, but I'll read one of the
key points.
"We started this collection with a handful
of products, but a big part of this
Kickstarter is expanding the collection
with the community and developing new
products to add to it.
What maybe separates this Kickstarter from
others is that we don't know how big the
collection will ultimately be.
It all depends on community engagement".
But the thing was is that they told people
how big it was going to be.
Because that's what they put their money
in for because it said if you put the
money in for this amount, then you'll get
this stuff, and now she's saying that it
may get even bigger than that.
Because what was about to happen is they
were about to add even more tiers with
even more products.
The explanation continued with this,
which was the kicker, "we would have told
you from the beginning" that basically it
was only a drawing of a mock-up of
something that no one was getting yet, but
"we only developed it last week.
In response to fan engagement after we
researched cost formulations. For many
people, the challenges were a fun way to
unlock it and we'll be clear going
forward so you can choose whether
to participate".
Unlock what? They unlocked a picture of
something they had to pay more for.
Thing is is that kind of the way that
these stretch rewards work, but they
didn't explain it to people that way.
When people see a stretch reward, they're
going to think that they're getting
something as a reward.
What it is traditionally called is
a "stretch goal" and that is not something
that is officially part of kickstarter,
but something that Kickstarter campaigns
do often. They usually call them goals,
not rewards, and from what I was reading,
a lot of the stretch goals typically happen
after the Backers already have their first
set of products because they have gotten
their products, they're excited about it,
they're loving it, and now they want
something more.
So in order to stretch their amount that
they've collected and create more products
they have a stretch goal. So let's say, If
I get 100 people to donate 20 more dollars
we can create X products, so lets see if
we can get to our stretch goal, rather
than, it's a mystery, it's a game, it's a
reward, it wasn't.
They just completely misrepresented
that to Backers. But I'm telling you,
that snafu is mild, compared to what is
coming next, like that-that's just
extremely minor. It gets so so much worse.
So trying to backtrack, Glamour Dolls
tells their Backers "hey, if we get to
3,500 Backers, then we're going to include
in everybody's bag, the first 3500 people,
a Lisa Frank designed crease brush.
Sometimes they call this a crease brush,
sometimes they call it a blending brush,
its the same brush.
The promise of the free crease brush,
I am not kidding you, according to the
Kickstarter brought them past that
3500 backer mark in 24 hours.
So at this point in time, highest level
includes everything that they've said
so far, plus the nail polishes at a $60
price point. But people were still mad,
people were like, this is not what you
said it was going to be, sir, ma'am, sir.
So in response, Glamour Dolls was like
"ok, well, we will add something else,
we'll add something from our own line",
It was what they called their
"Gypsy Eyeliners" to the first
2000 Backers who complete a survey
to pick their preferred color of this
liner. They were going to add that into
the boxes, and that I think kind of
calmed people down a little bit,
they were like "ok, that feels more like
a reward." And people started getting
really excited about everything all over
again. A backer named Marsha said
"Wow, thanks yet again, the entire vibe
of this campaign totally reminds me of
what it felt like to open my noisy
Lisa Frank Trapperkeeper, write with
my pencils, play with my erasers, that I
never used, to keep pristine, like dolls
LOL, etc. in school. It made me smile
and dream. I feel like we're all reliving
our childhoods through this campaign and
your team is making this fun. I'm hoping
this will begin a new generation
of Lisa Frank fans, when kids see us using
our stuff".
Little did Marsha and the rest of us know,
we'd never use the stuff, we're not
getting the stuff. In March of 2017,
the Kickstarter is still going on, and
one of the founders and CEOs
of Glamour Dolls came on to clarify a
couple things. You're gonna see his name
coming up a lot. His name is Peter,
he looks like that. Just so you can get
a visual of who we're talking to.
Peter, CEO, founder, Glamour Dolls,
along with a chick named Jessica,
that's Jessica. Back in 2017, unless you
were in the makeup industry, there wasn't
as much information readily available
about how makeup manufacturing worked,
so Peter felt like it was important
to explain to the Backers, kind of, what
we were in for with this. He explained
something called minimum order quantities
and he said "as we get more pledges we
have to order more units and if the order
gets big enough, we are able to consider
adding new products, knowing that we will
be able to meet the factory minimums for
packaging and filling".
And then he says "as we add new products,
there will need to be some higher pledge
tiers, there no way around it. I wish I
could tell you exactly how much the
highest tier will be or how many products
we'll end up with, but we came here to
figure that out with you. But, you may see
the problem with this, in that they
haven't even created or started to create
the products they've already promised,
and now we're talking about adding on
another layer, more tiers, more products,
that also they don't have any plan for how
they're going to make them. There's no
artwork from Lisa frank, there's no colors
picked out, there's just a concept
in their minds, that's all that exists.
And as we go through this, you'll realize
they didn't even calculate the financials
on how much all this was going to cost,
or if they did calculate the financials,
they didn't care, they were like, we'll
figure it out some how.
And then Peter said something that stuck
in the minds of Backers for the rest
of the campaign. This is what he said,
"Ultimately, whatever we do and don't
figure out, these products will be
available for individual purchase before
the end of the year". The end of 2017.
Kickstarter Backers will just be getting
them first. They didn't.
So you remember how I said they were
adding all of these new products, and
either they didn't calculate the
financials to figure out how much they
were gonna cost or they did know, but they
"oh we'll get the money from somewhere"
they kinda figured out how they might get
the money. They tapped into a creator
named Wengie, now back then, there was
a big boom around creators who did DIY
challenge kinds of videos. I'm gonna show
you some of Wengie's thumbnails. She got
tens of millions of views on these videos
Wengie was huge in this space, especially
with kids. At the time, Wengie only had
6 million official subscribers
on her channel, but she had way more
watching her.
Wengie: Hey guys, it's Wengie Welcome back
but today I'm here to make a special
awesome announcement, I'm so excited
to announce this, like I can't even right
now. I'm going to be collaborating with
Lisa Frank and Glamour Dolls on an
eyeshadow palette, like What?! for those
of you who haven't heard about Lisa Frank
she is so amazing. She is, like, literally my childhood.
And her art is all about rainbows,
unicorns, colorful, like
everything I'm about.
Like, her art is my aesthetic, but
the most amazing thing is
you guys get to be involved as well
because you guys are my Wingy-con fam
and if I'm going to work on my first
huge collaboration,
it's got to be with you guys.
So, I really want you guys to help
contribute to our creative.
Choose the colors with us,
choose the designs of the pallet.
And we've partnered with
Glamour Dolls Make-up
to make this come alive.
Because they are a high quality,
vegan, cruelty-free brand.
Not only that,
they make super affordable makeup,
because I want this collaboration
to be affordable to everyone.
And the great thing
about this whole process
is this was Internationally available
no matter where you are,
you can pre-order this palette.
I'm not a hundred percent
on this timeline, but it seems
like this is when they added more tiers.
They added a seventy dollar tier,
a one hundred dollar tier,
and two hundred dollar tier,
but what they added that
was the most important thing
that I think really turned everything,
was the additional of the
Trapper Keeper palettes.
These were going to be six pan
eye-shadow palettes that
looked legit like a trapper keeper.
No one had ever seen anything
like this before and the
nostalgia overload. Oh my gosh.
People lost their minds when
they were thinking,
"Oh my gosh, a trapper keeper
eye-shadow palette, I need to have this
in my life!"
So, along with Wengie
trapper keeper palette
there would be a naturally glam
palette and a bold a bright palette.
All adorned with Lisa Frank artwork.
Just an hour before the kickstarted ended,
Glamour Dolls made another promise.
They said that everybody, thanks
to their participation,
anybody that participated in the
Kickstarter was going to get a goody bag.
What was in the goody bag?
No idea - no one ever got it.
But they promised, they said
"There's gonna be a goody bag added,
thank you so much for backing
this project.":
According to the community,
at the time, it looked like before
Wengie launched her video,
they were at about
two hundred fifty thousand dollars
in pledges.
After Wendgie launched her video,
they reached their peak
at three hundred seventy thousand dollars
and almost six thousand people.
That was an average of about sixty two
dollars spent per backer.
The one hundred dollar tier got everything
from the collection.
And the two hundred dollar tier got two
sets of everything in the collection.
Now me not having a ton of money,
at the time, and being a procrastinator
I waited until the last minute to
back this campaign.
So I joined in at the very last moment
in the very last day of the campaign
at the seventy dollar level, so I paid
seventy dollars plus five dollar shipping.
And I will tell you, I was most excited
about those dang trapper keeper palettes.
So excited about those things!
And I was excited, after I saw the drawing
I was excited about the nail polishes.
They looked really cool. I'd never seen
anything quite like that.
And I wanted to review it for the channel,
I was excited to talk to you all about it.
Was it good quality along with
being really cute?
I wanted to let you know.
Then something really weird happened.
Because, at the time, I was really in to
subscription boxes, I got a ton of them.
I got my Ipsy bag, and I got this in it.
Yes, I still have it.
This is the Lisa Frank blush brush.
Why-why am I getting this in an Ipsy bag?
Let me go ahead and show you,
it is super super freaking cute.
there is a little line here,
where the image connects,
but overall it's just a very cute design.
I will show you though that the, ya know,
it is a little wiggly,
it's not great quality, but
at the time,
I was more just confused.
We are all super confused
on what is happening and why
the Lisa Frank blush brushes are in Ipsy.
You guys! I'm so excited!
I saw that this might be a possibility,
something you could get in your bag,
and I got it! I'm so excited!
The fourth grader in my is, like,
jumping up and down, she has
her Lisa Frank trapper keeper like
in the air.
This is a Lisa Frank inspired brush!
Look at this thing!
Look [laughs] at this thing!
There's magical, like, unicorns
on the handle.
And it is pink, and vibrant,
and blue, and green,
and all sorts of magical colors.
If I would've had this in fourth grade
I would've been the coolest kid around
I would've been like, "yes, I'm putting
on my fake blush with my [laughs]
Lisa Frank blush brush.
Thank you very much."
Guys, I'm completely serious, I had
the trapper keeper, I had the folders,
I had the pencils, I had the little, like
pencil holder. I had everything -
everything Lisa Frank.
When I was in fourth grade, that was like,
the only way to be cool was to have
multicolored rainbow cheetahs
on your trapper keeper.
And now I am twentyfour yearold woman with
a rainbow unicorn brush and I love it.
But it does make sense,
it will make sense
I'm gonna get there.
About a month after the kickstarter ended,
there was a red flag.
Besides the red flag of the
blush brush being in Ipsy bags and
them not telling us that this could happen,
this was another major red flag that we
probably should've seen.
What they posted to the kickstarter
was basically about lessons that they
had learned so far.
This is what they said:
"Lisa knows how much we've got in the
works, but her advice was to
stop and focus on a few things with
high production quality rather than
trying to do everything at once.
Our friends at Kickstarter gave us
some very similar advice-
this is a marathon, not a sprint.
We've taken it to heart, and stopped, gone
back to the lab and made sure that the
next few weeks are going to run smoothly
and be everything that we promised. "
So ever body, Lisa Frank, Kickstarter,
every body's telling Glamour Dolls
you're doing too much. Stop.
You have made too many promises
and you are going to just lose everything
slow down, figure out how you're going to
just get a couple of high quality products
out and then worry about the rest,
but the thing is; is on the Kickstarter
page, it had said 'estimated deliver of
September of 2017,
So we are now the beginning of May.
June, July, August, Semptember,
that's four months until the estimated
deliver date of the products.
Now, I didn't know at the time a lot
about production, I had no idea,
so I didn't know that was
freaking impossible.
I don't think a lot of us knew that
that was freaking impossible,
but it was freaking impossible.
But Glamour Dolls didn't tell us
it was freaking impossible,
oh no, they made us think it was
we were getting our stuff in September
because, remember, at this point,
they've got thirteen products
that they've promised us,
including counting each nail polish
as one product.
And then, on top of that,
they had promised us
that they would add in a Lisa Frank
designed nail file, so that made it
fourteen products that they needed
to give us, in four months.
Because we didn't realize as Backers,
that Lisa was designing all of this stuff
from scratch.
Why in the world, she was not using
existing artwork, I have no freaking clue.
I still don't know why she didn't
use existing artwork.
And in hindsight, this is why hindsight
is twenty - twenty.
Glamour Dolls had to have know there was
no way in hell
we were getting this stuff by September
but they didn't tell us that.
They even went so far as people saying
it was their birthday in September
and they were so excited to get
Glamour Doll's products for their birthday
and Glamour Doll's like "yaaayy,
we're so excited for you to get them too!"
They knew darn well those people were
not getting those products
for their birthday.
In May of 2017, the surveys continued
They started really asking us our opinions
on how we wanted things to be done.
And we started seeing actual product
coming together
and they sent a picture of this unicorn
lippy- it was a lip balm
and it was a unicorn, and it was so
freaking cute in this little
empty white box. Of course it was a white
box, because Lisa hadn't designed the
artwork yet, but they were like,
"yes look at this draft of this unicorn,
it's so cute!"
And then they sent over the picture
of the vegan leather make-up bag
also so cute! Really cute little zipper,
that was like a rainbow, and it was white,
of course, because again, Lisa hadn't
designed the artwork yet.
We also got a final look at the upcoming
crease brush, now keep in mind,
that the blush brush that was already
sent out to Ipsy people, and this
crease brush, were only going to be
shipped to the highest tier Backers.
The 100 dollar level, and the 200 dollar
level. This is going to be important
in just a moment.
In June, we get another in hindsight
red-flag, because Glamour Dolls
opened up another way to buy items from
the collection from a site called 'backer kit'
and on Backer Kit, you could order product
individually to be added to your box
when all of your stuff shipped.
It was also a way for people who hadn't
been part of the kickstarter
to get on the action and
order the products.
If you did happen to order the angled
blush brush from Backer Kit
those blush brushes did go out
but the 100 dollar and 200 dollar people,
still didn't have a blush brush.
Unless they got it in their Ipsy bag,
then they had a blush brush.
And if they were 200 dollar tear,
they were gonna end up with 3
blush brushes by the end of it,
if they also got it in Ipsy.
And in June, Backers got a sneak peak
of a single eye shadow
and a bronzer - we are almost there
of the big debacle with the bronzer
and the eye shadow.
That's a whole 'nother thing -
we're almost there.
Throughout June we also got sneaks of the
Trapper Keeper palate -
who are so excited! The draft of the
actual product packaging.
We also got sneaks of the
matte mousse swatches,
we also got information about what the
nail polish colors were gonna look like,
I mean they are giving us pieces and
pieces, and pieces,
of 'this is coming, this is coming,
this is what we're working on.'
They really did show us a lot!
But one thing you'll notice,
if you listen carefully to this video
of this nail polish swatches,
is somebody in the background
says something about Hot Topic.
That's gonna be another piece.
Hang tight.
They also said that everything was
still on track for shipping in September
in three months!
How are they telling us this?
They lied to us! They outright lied to us!
They had to have known, darn well,
we weren't getting shit in September.
Because at this point nobody had even
gotten on this digital background yet,
that should've been the easiest
thing to do.
You have a piece of art, you send it out as
a background,-you just digitally send it
you don't even have to mail anything!
you don't even have to create a
physical product!
It's literally just a piece of
art e-mailed, that's it!
They didn't even make that yet.
Here comes another red flag.
Are you ready?
In July, they started selling that crease
brush that was supposed to go to the
top tier Backers, they started
selling it on their website for 4.99
and according to Popsugar, it
sold out immediately
at the beginning of July, and
then restocked in the middle of July
So this is what I think happened,
because, of course, you can't sell out
and then restock two weeks later
from a true sell out. You have to
order more! They didn't sell out!
What they did, I think, is they
had a number of extra brushes
beyond what people had, what they
had, you know, allocated to send out.
So they sold those brushes, and then
they realized they were selling out so fast
they sold the backer's brushes.
I guess, figuring they
would just make more.
And they would just send more out later,
I don't know.
So while all of this has happened,
Glamour Dolls is continually and
constantly involving the Backers in
the development process
of everything. We're watching everything
go down, and I will honestly tell you...
I kinda tuned out, I was like, "I don't
even freakin' care" like,
I don't care what thin- I just want the
products! Like, I participated
in a couple of surveys, but after that,
I just stopped reading e-mails.
I was like, I don't care! I don't care
about all of this, it's too much!
It's just- send me the products!
I don't care what ya'll decide. It's j-
it's fine - it's whatever.
So I kinda tuned out at this point.
But a lot of people were very invested
in all of these choices.
The Backers even started arguing
amongst each other,
where some people were being a little
harsh about the designs,
like with the trapper keeper palate,
saying that the mirror was too small
and can you make the mirror bigger,
people were complaining that there
were too many unicorns. Like, and then
some people, just being like,
jus-just-what did you expect,
it's Lisa Frank.
Just let them do the thing.
It's fine. It's fine.
People were just getting frustrated
and just started arguing back and forth
a little bit.
Jessica, the co-founder with Peter
even came in and was like,
"hey ya'll, you need to speak nicely to
each other, like, we're a community
we're working on this together, cause it's
starting to get a little heated."
Now we're in August of 2017, one month
before we're supposed to be getting
our products shipped.
We get another shot of the bronzer,
this time with swatches.
this is what they said, "We specifically
developed this formula so it's universally
flattering, making it the perfect shade
for all of our dolls."
Unless the dolls are deeper than that
color, I-I don't know.
The thing is, you really can't make a
universal shade of bronzer
because what works for someone
very deep skinned, is not gonna work
for someone with very pale skin.
You just can't do that.
All you can do is shoot for the middle.
So just saying that they made it for
all of their dolls, just really was kind of
insulting to some of the Backers.
The most interested update,
i['m gonna go ahead, put it on the screen
for you, but I'll read the most
interesting part, they said,
"we know we've been little quiet
over the last few weeks,
but trust us, we have so many fun
and exciting updates to share
with you guys. The Trapper Keeper
palate artwork should be finalized
any day now. " Any day now. "And we
literally cannot wait to show you
what it looks like! This collaboration
has been long time in the works,
and we know that in the end,
it'll be worth all the blood, sweat
and glitter tears that we put into it."
There's no mention of any shipping delays,
There's just - we're getting our products.
All of them - in September apparently.
[laughs] And the reason why we know this
is because they keep showing us things,
they keep showing us that things
are almost done!
We got a sneak peak of the shades that
were gonna be in the bold and bright palat
we also got an explanation about the
digital artwork that was supposed
to be going out, and what they basically
said was that they wanted to start
with the hardest products first,
like the trapper keeper palates,
and then work they way to the easiest stuff
which would be the digital background.
In mid-August they put out a statement
that the Wengie palate was almost finished
and that they would update when they
had an exact delivery schedule.
So it's getting towards the end of August
and the people with the September
birthdays are starting to realize
I'm not getting this for my birthday,
am I?
So there was a backer that said
"It's obvious that all the
September birthday Backers are
not receiving their make-up next month
it's almost September, and not many
products and designs are finalized
as much of a bummer this may be,
getting Lisa Frank make-up
for Christmas, will still be really cool.
I hope it's ready by then."
It's not gonna be ready.
So September finally arrives
and everybody is like okay
we're gonna get our announcement
that everything is gonna be shipped
but we did not get that!
What we got was a sneak of the shade
of the lip mousse,
and no mention of the fact that things
are supposed to be shipping right now
like, they just didn't even say anything.
Comment after comment, people are like
"what the hell? You're showing
me a shade of the lip mousse, how
are you still making this?!
We're supposed to be getting them shipped
this month!?"
So, after that post, everybody was pissed.
Everybody was sounding off in the comments
how mad they were, so the CEO had
to re-group and he ended up putting out
a very lengthy statement.
I will put it all on the screen for you.
He sincerely apologizes for
gaps in communication
and disappointment, and he says that
if for any reason Backers are not happy
that they can send an email and they
will issue a refund immediately.
followed with quote, "we need to stress
to all of you that you will be receiving
the products that you paid for
no matter what."
And I really genuinely don't think that
people asked for refunds because of this
because they saw things that they really
wanted and they knew if they asked
for a refund, they weren't going
to get any of it.
And they still had faith that at some
point, this was going to happen.
Maybe it wasn't going to happen right now,
but, if I take my money out I'm not
getting all this stuff.
And if I do want it, I'm gonna have to
wait for it to go to retailers
and I'm gonna have to pay retail
price for it- i'm gon-I
I'm gonna have to pay a lot more money
for it, when if I had just been patient,
I would've gotten everything that I wanted.
The post continued with statements
about threats that they were getting
across social media- and they said
that the threats are unnecessary
and if they want a refund,
just let them know.
And they also said, about the shipping
delay, they said it was just an estimated
shipping delivery for September.
Quote, "We started all these products
from scratch with you at the concept phase
and this is our first time working with
a license so there are new steps
and things to learn. Hiccups have ranged
from trying to find the right
fulfillment agents, to some of the
packaging samples we received
not being up to our standards.
We were clear from the beginning
and in previous updates
that things might get delayed
as the process played out.
We realize that September will be over
within a few short weeks, which means
we will unfortunately not be -be on target
with our hopeful September estimation."
This is a bold face lie!
It is a straight up lie!
They never once in any of the updates
told any body that there could possibly
be a delay.
In fact, they reassured customers
that everything was on track for September
They lied!
Regarding communication, they said
it hasn't been the best, but they're
going to do better in the future.
And about people getting the brushes
from Ipsy, 'member, I said 'hold on'?
we're gonna get to it -
I'm getting to it right now.
They said, "The only products from this
collection that are on the market
are the Lisa Frank blush brush
and the Lisa Frank blending brush.
Those were developed six months before
the kickstarted, along with the eye shadow
and the travel bronzer for a specific
That specific customer was Ipsy,
"And were offered during this campaign as
an addition perk, or add on,
so that you can truly have everything
in the collection.
Beyond that, we can assure you that
anything being developed
through kickstarter will be in your
hands first."
What they don't mention in this,
was the update where they said
that 3500 Backers, the first 3500
were also going to get the crease
slash blending brush.
They've conveniently forgotten about that.
That actually never gets mentioned again.
When Backers pointed out that Glam Dolls
raised ten times more than their
original goal of 30 thousand dollars,
they said that it didn't make things
easier, it actually made things more
complicated, because that's when
they started adding extra products.
Well who's dang fault was that!?
This is also the first mention of
hand painted items.
Why are there hand painted items
in this collection?
I have no idea. I don't know why
they thought this was a good idea.
We'll talk about that.
They also mention, that of course,
because the Backers went in
and helped them fund the products
that they will get everything
at a cheaper price than what they
would be sold at retail.
Then they breakdown everything
that they say is happening right now
including, they say, specifically
that all the products have been finalized
and physical production samples
have been approved,
but they do say that they're
keeping 3 products blank
so that community can vote on
what kind of artwork is going to
go on to those 3 products.
They also promise that on October
1st, they're going to ship out
those 4 products that were
made before the kickstarter started;
the 2 brushes, the eyeshadow,
and the bronzer.
They'll go out to the 100 and 200
dollar Backers.
As well as anybody that added them on.
They also say this: "In addition to the
press, we were reached out to by
a few major retailors, all of whom
require time and energy to onboard
with. There have been many sleepless
nights and it has been a journey
as we try to build our team, and turn
this opportunity in to a solid foundation"
I don't think we knew what this meant
at the time,
but this meant that they had two
retailors they were talking to
to sell these products.
Hot Topic and Dolls Kill.
The letter then goes on to pull
at the heartstrings
of the Backers, to get everybody
to calm down, and be patient,
and be nice to them.
They -s- give shoutouts to the staff
members and the interns
and statements like, "Jessica and I
are both people too"
And they mention Jessica neglecting
her own wedding because she's
working so hard on this project.
They also talk about Peter missing friends
and family members' major life events
due to trying to make this product happen.
What we like to think that if you were
able to see our day to day,
those of you who feel the need to
be critical, would be a little less so.
And this is when there's a complete
tone-shift in the comment section
underneath the project.
The comments are so kind, and so
patient, there's even people saying
that they expected the products to ship
after September,
because a lot of kickstarters ship late
which I found isn't necessarily true,
but people were really nice to Peter
after his post. Just like, yeah you are
human, let's give you some time
I can see that you're trying,
like, you're doing your best
and things are coming.
It'll be soon.
Everybody is just being super super
nice to them.
But one backer, Ariel, she really
summed things up, but in a very
very polite way.
She asked questions like,
i-she wanted to know the dates of the
extra promises, like the Glamour Doll's
Gypsy eyeliner pencil, the vintage Lisa
Frank item that they were promised.
The nail file, and the digital background,
and of course, her questions went
completely unanswered.
On September 21st, they said,
Thank you so much,
the eyeshadow and the bronzer production
have been completed. We have them.
They say, as a huge thank you for
supporting us throughout this journey,
we've decided to ship out the orders early
for those of you who backed a tier
that includes them, or added them to their
pledge afterward in backerkit.
But you and I both know, that this is
not on time.
October 1st is technically late, because
the estimated ship time was September
and there shipping them in October,
but they're using this language on purpose
to manipulate the Backers
and make them feel good that they're
getting things early.
Because what I think they meant, is that
they had intended to send out the packages
when they were all completed, but they're
sending these particular items because
they're ready out before the rest of the
products are ready.
Glamour Dolls makes it sound like this is
- like- a big reward,
this is something we're doing for you
because we care about you -
No, this is something that you
owe to people.
This is not - this is not a -
a luxury.
This is not a super kind thing to do.
This is just what you should be doing.
Then things switched with the
digital background.
Basically what they were saying,
was that they wanted to give an update
on the digital background and they
said that Lisa had some concerns
about her artwork getting stolen.
I don't know, I think if anyone wanted
to steal Lisa Frank's artwork
it'd be pretty easy to do,
but I digress.
So anyway, they were worried about
this digital background
being stolen and then put on
things illegally,
so they didn't want to do a digital
background, instead
Lisa was going to go in to her vault
and she found these vintage postcards.
And these vintage postcards were going
to be shipped out instead of the digital
background to anybody that pledged
5 dollars or more.
So every single person that pledged
was going to get one of these.
And 25 people would have one that was
handsigned personal signed by Lisa herself
This postcard was supposed to go out
once all of the orders, all the products,
had been made and the final orders
were being shipped.
Then they dropped drawing designs
of the caps of the nail polishes
and I was thinking as I was looking at
this, I was like didn't they just say
like a week ago, that everything
was already designed, that they
already had all the mockups?
Apparently that was a lie.
And would you be shocked to learn
that the shipping of the bronzers
doesn't happen on October 1st?
'Cause it doesn't happen.
In October, the community is sent a poll
for the design for the vegan make-up bag
they had a choice of zoomer and zorbit,
who are aliens,
dancing dolphins, or Sky the Pegasus.
We also saw the first physical samples
of the Naturally Glam
and the bold and bright palates,
so freaking cute.
The community loses their minds over
these palettes, comments are lighting up
about people so excited to get these
palettes in their hands.
And like I said, the eyeshadow and
bronzers, that stuff did not
end up shipping on October 1st,
because Glamour Dolls says that
they were stuck in customs..
for two weeks.
They said in an update, being as today is
10 26, we expect the product to arrive
to the shipping facility and ship to you
on October 31st.
And therefor, you should expect the makeup
there on your doorstep during the first
week of November.
Are you surprised that this did
actually happen?
Me too.
In November we get more information
about the two brushes, the eyeshadow,
and the bronzer.
They talk about how the products
had already been in production
when the kickstarter started,
but where Peter shot himself in the foot
was because in May he said that the
Backers would be getting the products
first. And he should've known not to say
that because he knew that they were
gonna end up in Ipsy bags before the
Backers got them, but he didn't tell
anybody that.
He just lied to everybody instead and then
when we found out they were in Ipsy bags
we naturally freaked out.
Because not only were the blush brushes
in the April Ipsy bags, but the bronzers
were in the November Ipsy bags!
"Oh my gosh, is this a Lisa Frank?
[gasp] Glamour Dolls bitten and bronze
matte bronzer!? Awhile ago we got a Lisa
Frank brush in our Ipsy bag,
I wonder if this is from the same line.
I'm not really expecting much from this
bronzer, because I feel like it's just
more on the gimmicky side,
But I hope that it works amazingly well.
Color is really promising!
It's not too warm and it's not
too cool.
I'm gonna swatch it out.
This feels a little bit powdery.
Ooh, it actually feels really nice and
smooth on the skin.
Granted, I did just put that hand cream on
so I don't really know what that says
but it feels really buttery-ish
on the skin. Feels nice!
The color is pretty good too.
If you're fair though, I don't think
this is going to work for you
because it's showing up on my really
tan hand, so if you're fair,
I don't think this bronzer is for you.
But it's really F'in cute.
I wish the actual packaging
looked as cute as the box,
but I mean, it's still pretty cute"
As a backer, what we were thinking
was that Glamour Dolls took our money
from the Kickstarter and made these
bronzers and made the brushes and made the
eyeshadows with our money and then sold
them to Ipsy. Which is actually not what
happened. I put all of the timelines
together and it turns out they did not use
Kickstarter money in order to fund
these products.
They had used a different website.
It was called: "Kickfurther".
Kickfurther - it still exists.
It's kind of like Kickstarter, but instead
of backing a project and getting product,
you back a project and you get interest
on your investment.
It's basically a way that small businesses
can fund the production of something
and then pay the investors back.
So I went over to the Glamour Dolls'
Kickfurther page and what I found out was
that they had done a Kickfurther campaign
to produce the blush brushes.
They raised $166,000 and they paid
those Backers back about two weeks after
the Kickstarter ended in April of 2017.
They ran a second Kickfurther campaign
that was running about the same time as
the Kickstarter campaign was running.
It was from Feb 13th of 2017 to
March 6th of 2017. This was to fund the
production of the eyeshadow
and the bronzer. Because with the money
they got from the blush brush they were
also able to make the crease brush.
There's a lot of business-y language
over there and I'll be honest,
I don't understand a lot of what
they're talking about.
But I will tell you what I did understand.
So, he's basically saying people are
concerned that they're not going to get
their money back. And he's reassuring them
and basically saying they've got these
two purchase orders - they're very very
blurry, there's stuff that's knocked out
of it, but we know now in hindsight that
the brand that ordered the highlight
and the bronzer was Ipsy.
You can kind of make out in the very
blurry paperwork that Ipsy paid $378,750
for the bronzer. Same for the eyeshadows.
And that was for 757,500 units of each
product. But! They were not
going to pay that money
until the product was delivered.
That's why they needed the Kickfurther
people- was to actually make the products.
Once they actually delivered them, then
they would get the money from Ipsy and
they could pay the Kickfurther Backers
So here's the math broken down:
Glamour Dolls raises $313,000 from the
Kickfurther. They spend that money to
make the bronzer and the eyeshadow.
Ipsy pays them two payments of $378,750.
Which is $757,500 total
for those two products.
Then they have to pay interest to the
Kickfurther Backers.
They pay out $354,000 about to those
Backers. That's $41,000 in profit for the
Kickfurther people, but that gives
Glamour Dolls about $400,000 from
those two products from the Ipsy deal.
Plus they still have that $350,000 from
the Kickstarter in order to make products.
So what happened to all of that money -
where did they spend it?!
I have it- I know exactly where
they spent it!
I have to... but we have to get there.
So remember: the Backers over on the
Kickstarter have no idea any of this
Kickfurther stuff was happening.
And Glamour Dolls had no obligation
to share it -
it wasn't our business.
But this was happening behind the scenes.
In mid November, the Backers at the
$100 and $200 level, as well as
people who added on the bronzer or
the eyeshadow are starting to get their
products in the mail. Remember they
had ordered these back between February
and April - it's now November and they've
finally got some products.
And they also have their vintage
Lisa Frank postcard.
Glamour Dolls seemed a little bit "Oooo"
about that because the postcards
technically weren't supposed to go out yet.
The postcards were supposed to
be in the final package.
So what they told the Backers was:
if you got a postcard in this order,
you'll get a second one
in your next order.
That's the order where we're going to ship
you out everything.
And this is when Glamour Dolls is forced
to admit that they are selling the
Lisa Frank branded stuff - the stuff
that's supposed to be in the hands of the
Backers first- over at Hot Topic
and Dolls Kill.
Because people found the products
available over on Hot Topic!
But they spin it - they're SUCH
manipulative liars, I swear. This is
so awful.
This is what they said:
"The eyeshadow that leaked on Hot Topic
that some of you eagle eyes caught (we are
so impressed!) was supposed to be a
teaser promo for what's to come.
And we were 100% not aware that they would
be breaking the news so soon.
We're of course THRILLED to have such an
amazing partnership, but we truly had
had no idea they were launching this
promo so early.
Now that the cat's out of the bag, so to
speak, we'd love to formally introduce you
to the new single eyeshadow shades in
the Lisa Frank x Glamour Dolls line."
followed by swatches of two shadows,
not one.
This second single shadow was never
a part of the original list of products.
Why are they making more products?
It's because they could make money off
of Hot Topic customers.
That's why they made more.
Because apparently they need more money.
But then it gets so, so much worse.
This was when I went on my Twitter and I
was like, "This is f*cking ridiculous!"
If you were following me on Twitter
and you saw me freaking out on Twitter
about what I was finding,
this is what I had found.
Because the postcards. The postcards.
Ok, I know it's just a postcard,
but it's wild.
So the postcards were coming
Some of them were ripped,
some of them were creased,
people were saying they got a signed one
and it was ripped and they wanted
another one, but then they were worried
they wouldn't get another signed one and
how could the signed one be ripped?
It's a vintage postcard - these can't be reproduced.
But was it? Because people noticed that
there was a QR code on the postcard.
These are supposed to be vintage
and there was a QR code...
...on the postcard.
And I sh*t you not
this is what Glamour Dolls said:
"QR codes actually came out in the 90's,
if ya can believe it. These postcards
are right from the vault."
So, I had to look that up
because I was like,
"Are you being for serious right now?"
He's right - the QR codes did come
out in the 90's.
But nobody had any ability to use them
until smartphones had cameras.
According to the article on Microsoft,
"In 2002, Sharp introduced the first
cellphone with a QR scanner and competing
cell phone companies followed suit.
Eventually everyone who owned a smartphone
possessed a QR scanner in their pocket."
So at the very earliest, the postcards
were 15 years old.
But I will tell you there is a 0% chance-
a 0% chance- that these postcards
were 15 years old.
And the reason why was because the QR code
conveniently took you to a Lisa Frank app.
Which definitely did not exist in 2002.
I found the two apps that she
had available.
The apps at the time were the
"Lisa Frank Pick 'n Share", developed
in 2012 per this Buzzfeed article.
Apparently it sucked according to them.
The other app was called "Zoom 'n Color"
which launched in February of 2013.
So unless somebody calls something vintage
that is five years old,
these sh*t are not vintage. At all.
Not even close.
But it gets worse. It gets worse!
Not only weren't they vintage,
they weren't signed!
Some people were looking at their
their signature because a lot of people
in the group seemed to have
gotten signatures.
There were 1700 people who should have
gotten these postcards because they
pledged that $100 tier or more.
At least 1700 people.
But it seemed like almost everybody,
if not everybody, commenting was
getting one of these 25 rare
signed postcards.
Something was going on.
There was a woman named, Calli,
who didn't get her postcard yet and
was seeing all these people commenting
that they'd gotten a signed one and she
was like,
"Oh I guess I'm not going to get a signed
one with my order."
And Glamour Dolls was like, "Yeah, you
do have a chance because maybe not
all the 25 have been sent out. We're
not sure because Lisa sent them directly
to the warehouse and we don't know which
ones went into the boxes."
And Calli says, "Yes!! Definitely
still a chance. Realistically we won't
know who received the 25 postcards until
they're all sent out once all the
products are through production and
shipped out. Talk about suspense!!"
But we know how many of them were signed.
They were all signed.
Every single one of them were signed.
Because thanks to tips from people that
were commenting, they said well, there's
pictures of the cards on Instagram that
people are posting. The signatures are
absolutely 100% identical down to the
size of the commas and the sizes of the
loops and the extra little dot
in the smiley face.
These were photocopied. Every single one
had a Lisa Frank signature on it.
I even found an unboxing of one of these.
This was from a channel called,
"Beauty Pop". And here was
her reaction to getting the postcard:
"So first off there is this little card-
it's really, really cute. It has a
Lisa Frank, like, illustration on it.
I really like it.
And it says, "Lots of love! XO....
I don't...the team...or something maybe...
I don't know what that says.
That signature is kind of hard to read.
So it's this little postcard.
It's really really cute. I think I'm
going to save this because I
really like the art that's on it."
(Laughing) She didn't even realize that it
was Lisa Frank's signature because it
doesn't look like Lisa's Fran- Lisa
Frank's signature. We see the Lisa Frank
name on everything and it looks like a
That's not her real signature apparently,
(laughing) so she didn't even realize
that's what it was supposed to be. (Laugh)
Which I get! I totally get!
But it just goes to show how the signature
was of zero value. Absolutely zero value.
One person said her eyeshadow
came shattered.
And then a backer named, Denisha, was
super disappointed and she said she lost
all complete hope that anything would
work out for her. She said, "I was
happy to get one of the signed cards
[because at this point everybody thinks
that they're hand signed], but I'm
already not enthused about this makeup
working for me. The eyeshadow is beautiful
and I might use it as a highlighter,
but the "bronzer" is a complete
waste of time.
I really don't think based on the poll
winners, etc. that this line will work
out for melanated Backers."
Even Beauty Pop, who is closer to my
skin tone, swatches the bronzer
and pretty much says the same thing.
So the postcard was a complete scam. And
it doesn't seem like Glamour Dolls knew
that, but Lisa had to have known that.
Where did Glamour Dolls get the
information that 1. these were vintage
and 2. that they would be hand signed
because neither of those things were true.
Did Lisa lie to them? Did Glamour Dolls
know it and lie to the Backers?
I would dare to say Lisa probably
misled Glamour Dolls.
But it's Glamour Dolls fault for not even
seeing the postcards and verifying what
they were before giving false
promises to the Backers.
So at this point there starts to be
kind of a split between the backers.
Some people are really excited and some
people are starting to get
really disappointed. There's
a backer named Lizzie and she says,
"Honestly if I'd known about the other
shades not being available through the
Kickstarter when this whole thing
started, it wouldn't have bothered me.
What really irritates me is that we keep
finding out about these things being sent
out in Ipsy bags, Hot Topic suddenly
selling items from this collection, etc.
on our own and THEN we hear from you about
it once someone call you out and questions
It's important to be up front and open
with your Backers, so they feel like
they can trust you."
The problem is that they
weren't trustworthy. That's the problem.
And that's what a lot of the
Backers were learning.
And beyond that, people were really
disappointed about the design of the
eyeshadow and the bronzer themselves
because the Lisa Frank artwork was on the
outer cardboard box and not on the actual
packaging because a lot of people - I know
I do- I tend to throw away the outer box
and I USE the product itself, so the
artwork, I thought, was going to be on the
actual product and not on the outer carton
so people were really disappointed
about that, too.
On November 22nd, they send out a mock-up
of the lip balm tin. This is the first
time we see the lip balm tin.
And it looks kind of cute.
But like I said at this point, we kind of
are starting to get that split between
the Backers, but most people seem to
still be really excited.
In December of 2017, they send out a
big update with progress on
all of the products.
They stress again the process of
creating all of this product.
They get the sample, they get the artwork
from Lisa, they get the artwork put onto
the sample, they send that sample over
to Lisa for approval and then she has the
opportunity to revise the sample
and change things, then they have to send
that back to the lab with the revisions
and it doesn't seem like Lisa has a limit
on how many revisions she can make
on a product.
So, that's why things seem to be taking
so long - is because it's just such a
multi-step process and where I keep
digging back
is that - didn't they know this-
when they started the Kickstarter-
that this was the format they
were working with?
Why would you tell Backers that there was
an estimated ship date that wa- you knew
100% was going to be impossible, based on
what they're saying here that I'm sure
that they knew before they started,
I don't understand why they would just
outright lie like that.
Glamour Dolls has created this problem
for themselves.
Lisa isn't helping- which we'll find
out more in a minute.
But Glamour Dolls has created this situation.
So right now, as of December 17th,
the things that are available for purchase
were the crease/blending brush,
the blush brush,
the bronzer,
and the two eyeshadows
in "Heartthrob" and "Picnic".
"Heartthrob" was created specifically
for Hot Topic. "Picnic" was created for
the Backers, but they were selling
both at Hot Topic.
For the Unicorn Lippy, they said that the
design was finalized, but that they were
waiting for the manufacturer to hand paint
the product in order for them to see
what a final product was going
to look like.
This was the hand painted product
-is this lippy.
Each one of these is going to need to be
painted - by a person. 5,000 some of them.
By a person.
They said the vegan leather cosmetic bag,
the eyeliner, the lipbalm tin,
and the shimmer powder highlighter
were waiting for Lisa's approval.
The lip mousse was waiting for packaging
to come back because the color of the
mousse didn't match the cap.
And it was supposed to match the cap
and the logo and it didn't.
So they were waiting for that.
The palates were being remade because
they didn't like the way that they folded
together - they felt like the image didn't
line up properly, so once they got it to
line up properly, they were going to
send it to Lisa for approval.
And finally, the nail polish trio-
they were waiting for manufacturing of
the sample to send to Lisa.
(Laughing) You remember that the
nail polish set was a reward back
in February when the Kickstarter started?
Uh yeah, the sample bottles were still
being manufactured- in December.
People were also asking, Ok, so can we
get an actual ship date? Like what's the
actual timeline for this? When will
we have products in our hands?
On December 15th, Glamour Dolls breaks
the sad news that if you had bought two
of these or if you had bought
any piece of this as a holiday gift
for a friend or a family member,
that wasn't going to happen.
BUT they had a solution.
And it was a printable card to get your
friend or family member excited
about the products that they
would never receive. (Laughs)
Horrible! Horrible!
I don't know what the world
they were thinking.
Because it was literally like a card
that they made that had all of the items
and you were supposed to check off
the items you were giving to your friend
or your family member and you were
supposed to give them this printed thing
instead of their gift they were supposed
to get in December.
Like, "It's coming, it's coming!"
(Heavy sigh)
I do think, though, that at this point
Glamour Dolls really did think that
things would eventually come together.
When it would come together - I don't know
but I think that they did think that it
was still gonna come together eventually.
Now there is a CLEAR split between
the Backers.
People who are like, "This is messed up,
we're not getting our stuff, this is terrible."
And then people who are like,
"Trust the process. It's gonna be ok,
just trust the process."
Glamour Dolls even shared a picture of the
"messed up packaging".
And I- I swear, I watched this video
like three...four times and I can't see
anything messed up with it.
Can you see what's messed up with it?
I don't see anything. It looks fine to me.
And the Backers - their response
to this video?
They didn't see anything wrong either.
But nevertheless, this product was not
coming anytime soon.
Not a lot happened in January of 2018.
Mostly it was discussion over the
highlighter and what shade they should
for the highlighter. Uh, there was an
opal shade that everybody had picked
and when they did the swatches of it,
people realized that it wasn't going to
be as universal as they thought it would
be, so people were complaining that it
didn't look like anything that they
thought opal would look like.
So they decided they were also going to
make a second shade - a rose gold-
so that it would work for most people
and that in order to decide which one you
would get, you would fill out a survey.
They had a Google Form survey you would
fill out and if you chose one or the other
that's the one that you would get.
If you didn't choose through that survey,
then Glamour Dolls would just throw one
or the other in your box for you.
And that's it.
That's all that happened in January.
It is now February of 2018. It is now one
year after the Kickstarter began.
Here is what's happening.
February 8th, Peter posts a post into the
Kickstarter community. He admits that he's
been slow to communicate and he says that
sometimes there just isn't
anything new to update.
Regardless he says that he wants to
communicate more frequently-
which he DOES do.
Regarding the delivery schedules
he says that there's just things
that are stopping it from going along
and they're just stuck.
For example, they said that the original
highlighter powder that they had worked
out was not good, that it was leaking.
So then they had to start over and get
new packaging for it.
And then he mentions about the
hand painting of the damn unicorns -
which you know...
hand painting 5,549...
(because I counted them)
...unicorns is a lot!
I don't know what kind of logic made you
think that that was going to
be a good thing to do.
But I guess the problem was that they had
already sneaked this unicorn that was
going to be hand painted to the lower tier
Backers before they added
the upper tier Backers and they're just
going to leave it out of the higher tiers?
They could have because that would have
been realistic, but they didn't.
They added it into all the tiers.
And it's 5,549 Backers
because remember those $200 Backers
are getting TWO unicorns.
And everybody at $20 or more was supposed
to get one of these things.
But according to Peter there was good news
because he said that even though
it was going to cost Glamour Dolls more
he promised that as soon as an item
was ready, that they were going to
ship it out.
Even if it did cost them more money.
Then they do something that they
didn't have to do.
Which I think was really good of them.
They did a voice call
with their Backers on February 14th
and that call does still exist
and I listened to the whole thing.
And they really did open it up and
allow anybody with questions
to join in that call
to ask those questions.
in that call, they went through each individual product
and it seemed like a lot of them were either
waiting for Lisa Frank's artwork
or waiting for the Lisa Frank approval
and they couldn't constractionally
move forward with anything
until Lisa did those pieces
of her contract.
Peter also says that once Lisa approves
something, it's still going to take 45 days
in order for that product to go through
the manufacturing process,
And I'm sitting here thinking, "What about
all those times that you promised backers
that you were on schedule, that things
were coming."
You knew it was going to take 45 days, a
month and a half once Lisa approved it.
You knew you didn't have Lisa's approval,
and in some cases you didn't even have the
final mockup of a product, but you're
still telling people you're on track and
you're on time? Why would you do that? Why
would you just lie like that?
And I personally believe it was so that
backers wouldn't ask for refunds
because they couldn't afford to give out
all of those refunds and still have a
chance of making this happen so they just
lied to keep it all going.
In the call, they addressed some of the
most common questions that were happening
in the community and one of them was about
"Why didn't you tell us that this was
going to be an Ipsy?"
I'm going to go ahead and play the clip of
Peter talking now.
Because, yeah, you didn't have to say it
was with Ipsy, but you could have said
"Hey, there are a couple of products,
you're going to see them come out
somewhere, just so you know, they were
ordered before we started. We actually had
these products paid for before the
Kickstarter started, so these are ones
that were already pre-ordered, these are
not the products that you're paying for."
They didn't have to say that it was Ipsy.
They didn't have to say when they were
coming out, but just to make a general
statement that should not have violated
the non-disclosure, just to say that
somebody had purchased them.
Peter makes it very clear that refunds are
available. He mentions that
Lisa has her own proprietary color
and that every single lab has to be taught
how to make this color because it is very
specific, copyrighted color by Lisa Frank.
And then he was asked about the postcard
and his answer is super weird.
And you notice he doesn't mention anything
about the signature not being handsigned.
Nothing about that. Just straight up
trying to gloss it over, like dude, just,
it's not vintage, it's not vintage.
This is a very interesting part of the
question and answer session
that Peter outright lies, again, because
we have the information to prove that he lied.
So when asked how big he thought that the
Kickstarter would get, he says this:
But we know for a fact that this is
probably not true, at least this is not
what he told the Kickfurther people,
because this is the post that he put in
the Kickfurther community. He said that he
thought it was likely that they would hit
2 million dollars on the Kickstarter,
which would, "lead to an immediate general
house cleaning and pay off whatever little
debt we have, which is mostly here."
He says that the 2 million dollars he
expected to get from the Kickstarter,
he would use that money to pay back the
Kickfurther people.
Then he would use the Kickstarter money
in order to pay for the products.
I will, though, give credit where credit
is due in that they did not have to have
this call, they didn't have to do all of
these updates, they're not required to do
that, but they were, because I genuinely
believe that Glamour Dolls thought this
was going to happen, but it's just they're
not setting realistic goals, that's the
big problem.
In March of 2018, Glamour Dolls and the
team, like this is enough, we are flying
out to hang out with Lisa and find out
what the hell is happening, so they fly
the team out to "work out much of the
remaining artwork." Then they start
posting this matrix system where it talks
about where each product is in the
production process. It looks like the most
delay is happening on the Wengie palette,
the highlighters, and the nail polish set,
and that's the only update they give in
March, is that, "Hey, we're meeting with
Lisa, we're working out the artwork," and
then nothing, and the backers are
absolutely losing it at this point. Like,
almost everybody is turing on them, 'cause
they're like, "What the hell is happening,
what is this matrix, why is this stuff not
done yet? Because almost a year ago you
told us this stuff was already done and
now you're telling me it's not done?"
A backer named Kristen said, "I backed
this while pregnant with my now 10 month
old child and still nothing."
So, obviously, they're reading this over
at Glamour Dolls, and they wanted to post
something, so basically, they posted at
the end of March, "Uh, yeah, we don't have
anything else to tell you, so yeah, that's
it. That's all I got for ya, is we don't
have anything else to tell you," and then
people lost it even more.
It was so bad, people were so frustrated
And I'm laughing because it's so
ridiculous. It is so ridiculous.
The matrix that they posted at the end was
basically the same thing but in more
friendly language. That's it. That was the
only update.
Oh wait, there was one more thing. There
was a final draft of the cosmetic bag.
They did post that, and it's so cute. It's
so cute,my friends .Too bad nobody got it.
Now it is April of 2018, the 1 year
anniversary of the end of the Kickstarter
campaign, and the only thing that's been
shipped out are the eyeshadow and the
bronzer to a select handful of people who
were at the very top tier or people that
added them onto their bags. They've also
shipped out the blush brush or the crease
brush to anybody that added them, but
those top-tier backers have not received
them. But things get a little bit more
hopeful becuase we finally get the final
draft of the Bold and Bright palette, and
it is freaking adorable. It is so cute. I
mean, you can't tell me that's not cute.
That is so cute.
And of course, they give us a new matrix.
And if you look at it, it's like
everything's waiting for Lisa.
Everything's waiting for lisa.
They keep dragging it out throughout
April, dragging it out, giving us a little
sneak peek of this product here, a little
sneak peek of that product here, we got a
photo of 2 palettes, we got arm swatches
of the shades, we got a video of the
Natural palette. The matrix now says that
Lisa has the samples and they're waiting
for her feedback. By the end of April, we
get to see the box that the Lippie is in,
and it's so freaking cute, and we're
starting to get excited again, this is
finally coming to an end, we're finally
going to get our products.
In May of 2018, Glamour Dolls, in the
nicest way possible, is saying Lisa's
being a pain in the ass. They're trying
really hard to be kind and professional,
but mostly there's a problem with these
matte mousse products. The full
explanation is going to be on the screen
for you, you can pause to read it, but,
basically, she didn't like the way that
the color looked paired with the cap, so
she wanted them to make 4 mockups of 4
different empty containers, and then she
would decide which one matched with the
lip color the best. And they said that's
what's been holding up that particular
product. We also got a picture of the lip
balm tin finished. It is perfection. It is
so adorable.
The matrix for mid-May is still nothing
approved by Lisa. Glamour Dolls is making
progress on their end, but no updates on
Lisa's end. At the end of May we see the
draft of the nail polish bottles and oh my
gosh, are these things freaking gorgeous
or what. I can't even, I can't even. They
said that the colors weren't, of course,
the colors that were going to be in the
bottles, but these were the draft bottles
we have been waiting for since February of
2017 when we were told that they were
reward, they are finally here and they are
gorgeous, they did not disappoint.
But then, I'm sorry to say, my friends,
there was silence for 4 months.
And silence for 4 months is a very, very
bad sign.
September 21st of 2018, I'm going to read
this to you in full, because I feel like
you need to feel the emotion in this one.
Because, you know that meme, or that
little video where it's like, "and this is
when she knew, she f*cked up?"
That, this is it. This is the moment where
we all knew we were getting nothing. Here
it goes. "Hi Everyone, Thank you for your
patience as we've gathered facts and
information to provide you with a thorough
update on this campaign. We apologize for
the delay in delivery of the products and
understand that you might be disappointed.
Please know that we're making significant
efforts to deliver the products to you.
Despite those efforts, we are encountering
issues we never imagined when we
enthusiastically began this campaign. This
update is to share information with you
regarding our efforts to fulfill our
obligations and to account for the money
that you so generously committed to this
campaign. Below is how much we raised in
this campaign. This itemized list that
follows shows you how we have
appropriately expended those funds
towards completion of this project:
Total Kickstarter funds raised including
Backer Kit: $475,685.00
'Cause remember, they opened Backer Kit
after the Kickstarter ended so people that
missed out on the Kickstarter could fund
the project through Backer Kit, get
individual products or get in on those
bundles. Then he continues.
Cost Expended Towards Completion
Production Sample Costs: $15,329.00,
Contractual Payments to LFI, which is Lisa Frank Incorporated: $510,754.04
Contractual Payments to LFI, which is
Lisa Frank Incorporated: $510,754.04
Contractual Artwork Fees to Lisa Frank
Incorporated: $45,615.00
Total spent: $571,698.04, which, if you do
the math, is about $100,000 more than they
raised in the Kickstarter and the
Kickfurther. Then he continues reiterating
all the steps that it takes to make the
product, and you'll notice, all the fluffy
language he was using to describe Lisa,
that she was "using her creative genius"
and that she's "amazing," it's all gone.
It's now "LFI." There's no mention of Lisa
anymore. It's all LFI. And that's it. It's
become very, very professional. No more
Mister Nice Glamour Dolls. The next chart
is not a matrix of hope, but a matrix of
death, unfortunately, the death of this
project because we learn what we already
knew in a different format. The products
that have already been released: the 2
brushes, the bronzer, and the eyeshadow
in September of 2018 are still the only
ones that are ready because everything
else is waiting for Lisa. Either they are
waiting for Lisa to create artwork or they
are waiting for Lisa to approve the final
sample. The post continues: "We hope that
the information above demonstrates that we
have been working hard to deliver these
products to you. As a company, Glamour
Dolls is committed to producing the
highest quality makeup products for you at
an affordable, accessible, and inclusive
price. And to that end, we are committed
to making this right for you. Please know
that we are continuing to work towards
fulfilling our obligations to you and that
Glamour Dolls will do everything it can
to make sure that this situation is
resolved. We will continue to make
additional updates as we have more
information. We sincerely thank all of our
backers for your collective patience. With
gratitude, Peter and the Glamour Dolls Team
And this is when the backers collectively
lost their sh*t. A backer named Lauren
summed it up very, very well. She said,
"Lisa Frank is still up and running in
terms of selling product- if you go to
their site they still have things for
sale. Glamour Dolls has a fully
Functioning website selling tons of makeup
They even promote on Instagram to this
day, both of them. I am outraged. EVERYONE
they got almost HALF A MILLION DOLLARS
from us. When are we going to come
together and do something? $100 is not
nothing to me, I am not rich, I am a
single mom and this is something I treated
myself to. This is so wrong. Where is our
money? How do you have money to make and
sell other products and not refund us or
make our products we paid for over 2 years
ago? Because she said two years ago,
because we don't get another update from
Glamour Dolls until April of 2020. We are
now 3 years after the end of the
Kickstarter. This is the last update that
the backers will ever receive. Well, at
least up until February of 2024, that
we've ever received. This is what it says,
and keep in mind, this is right after the
pandemic began. Hi Backers, We hope that
everyone and their loved ones are healthy
and safe during this crazy time. It has
been a long while since our last update
but that does not mean that we have
forgotten about you or have stopped
fighting to get you resolution on this
project. We want to start by thanking all
the amazing people who have supported us
through this very difficult last 2 years,
especially the trade partners, friends and
family who have lived this with us. Please
understand that in July of 2018 the artist
who we were collaborating with on this
campaign threatened to take a legal action
against us if we continued to update you
about the status of the products. To date
we have paid over $750,000 to the artist
in artwork fees, royalty advances and
sales royalties, much of which was for the
products you purchased and did not
receive. It included all the money raised
by this Kickstarter campaign, whatever
money we had as a business and loans that
we and our families personally took out
to continue paying into this license. We
were blessed that a few law firms that
heard our situation reached out to help
and we are continuing to work with them
and follow their guidance as we take the
appropriate steps forward. Last year, we
met with our state's attorney general's
office where we shared the full collection
of products. The included items that were
produced, like brushes, as well as
production-ready samples that were ready
to manufacture in the spring of 2018. We
also provided proof of all funds received
and all the payments made to the artist.
Over the past few years, we have learned
we are not the first people to have a
negative experience working with this
artist, and then they link a Jezebel
article, which is full of all kinds of
stuff, I'm going to go ahead and link
Bailey Sarian's video about the Jezebel
article down below if you want to hear all
the sordid details of that, and I'll also
link the Jezebel article itself. Then they
continue, nor are we the last, and this is
an article from LA Weekly about another
business deal Lisa Frank did in 2019 that
bad. And then the letter continues. While
many of you are frustrated, there are a
number of people in this campaign who have
made it a mission to bully, defame and
harass us on social media. Some have gone
as far as posting the home addresses of
our team members or their families online.
Moving forward we will not tolerate this
behavior and will take appropriate action
if necessary. Thank you for being patient
with us as we continue to work with our
lawyers and trade partners. We are
fighting to get you your money back and to
get Glamour Dolls back on its feet as a
business. Sincerely, Peter and the Glamour
Dolls Team
Before I start the conclusion of this
video, I wanna be very clear that I
believe that Glamour Dolls played a huge
role in the misleading and the lying that
they did to backers. That's what this
whole video has been about. They set out
unrealistic expectations and never let
anybody that funded the unrealistic
expectations know that things were
unrealistic until it came out to the
public, until they were forced to tell the
backers that they had been lying to them.
They did everything they could to string
backers along to make sure that they
couldn't get refunds. Because a lot of us,
once this hit, of course, wanted a refund.
We knew we weren't getting our products.
Nobody was getting anything else, but by
now, we couldn't go to our banks. Even by
the time we hit that update in September
of 2018, most banks will not allow you to
get money back more than a year after your
purchase. I don't know of any bank that
will allow you to do that. So there was no
way at this point that we could get our
money back and I think that was the goal
of Glamour Dolls, was to hold on to all of
our money because they could not afford to
lose it, even if it meant us never getting
our products. I also believe that Glamour
Dolls really did think that eventually,
this would all go through. They were in
too deep financially to back out now. My
goal of this entire video was to show you
what it was like to be a backer, to show
you the rollercoaster that Glamour Dolls
knowiningly put us on, the way they
manipulated us and lied to us, but what we
did not know was this next piece that I
want to end the video with, which is what
Lisa was doing to Glamour Dolls, according
to Glamour Dolls and the court documents
that I was able to track down. I was only
able to access one court document from
this. They have a bunch of other ones that
are available to people that have access
to that system. I do not have access to it
so I was not able to look at them, but the
document I was able to look at, I found
out a lot. The original contract was
signed between the companies in June of
2016. That was supposed to last until
December of 2017, where Glamour Dolls
would sell cosmetic products branded with
LFI's artwork and/or trademark their
licensed products. Until December 21st of
2017, when the contract ended, Lisa Frank
was guaranteed, among other things, a
minimum royalty payment. Glamour Dolls
claimed that in June of 2017, Lisa started
being slow to review samples, and that
led them to start falling behind.
Remember, the products they were making at
this time were the 2 brushes, the
eyeshadow, and the bronzer that were paid
for by the Kickfurther campaign. So,
around when the contract was supposed to
end, they say it was somewhere around
December 17th, Lisa threatened to cease
production on all outstanding products,
including discussions and review feedback,
and approval on already submitted samples
unless Glamour Dolls signed another
licensing agreement. They called it the
2017 agreement and "tendered the first
guaranteed minimum royalty payment for
such in advance." Glamour Dolls says that
"under extreme duress" they signed a new
contract that increased Lisa's minimum
royalty payment from $100,000 to $500,000.
And this required quarterly payments
upfront rather than a lump sum at the end,
and this is where Glamour Dolls screwed
themselves. And I think it was because
they were so scared that Lisa was going to
pull out of it, because if Lisa pulled her
copyright, they had already promised all
of these products to all of these backers,
and their contract didn't cover the
production time of those products.
The lawsuit says that around June 15th of
2018, this was after the last update in
2018 where they turned everything and
changed everything to LFI instead of Lisa,
Glamour Dolls paid the 3rd $125,000
minimum guaranteed payment, which was
originally due on June 24th of 2018. They
said that Lisa refused to provide artwork
except samples for review, or engage in
any communication with Glamour Dolls
until they paid her that $125,000. This is
why she wasn't approving anything, because
she said outright, "I'm not going to do
anything until you give me money. You need
to give me my sum that was part of the
contract that we signed, and you're
supposed to give me quarterly, and if you
don't do it, I'm not doing any more work
for you until I get my money." So, they
said they did pay her. They felt like they
had to pay her or else everything was
going to be for nothing. They weren't
going to be able to release anything, they
weren't going to be able to sell anything,
they were absolutely screwed. So this is
the kicker. After they paid Lisa the
money, Glamour Dolls says that Lisa
"ordered the immediate halt of all product
development and advised Glamour Dolls that
an official response will be provided
within the next few days." According to
court documents, right after she got paid,
Lisa terminated their contract. I don't
know how she did it, I don't know how she
terminated it, but apparently, she
terminates the contract. The reason why
she did this, my friend, is because there
was another company that wanted to work
with her, and she couldn't work with them
if she was still working with Glamour
Dolls. And she was set, most likely, to
make more money from this other contract,
and that contract was with Morphe LLC. In
November of 2020, Insider published an
article about the collaboration between
Lisa Frank and Morphe. That palette did
launch, and supposedly did very, very
well. It's funny, because I went over to
the Insider article, and I was like,
"Oh, that's me, that's me complaining!"
Because, me, as a backer, I was like,
"I still haven't got my products from
Glamour Dolls, why is she collaborating
with Morphe?" So according to Glamour
Dolls, in that article, they say that she
made defamatory statements against Glamour
Dolls which caused "grave damage to
Glamour Dolls' business reputation and
loss of good will associated with Glamour
Dolls products." That article is gonna be
linked down below, I will put a screenshot
of the defamatory statements on the screen
for you to read, you can decide whether
they're defamatory or not. The courts have
yet to decide because in May of 2021,
Glamour Dolls filed an official lawsuit
against LFI. In December of 2021, Glamour
Dolls filed its first amended complaint.
That's the one that I was able to see.
This was against Lisa Frank, asserting 9
different claims. The claims are:
1- Breach of Contract, 2- Breach of Duty
of Good Faith and Fair Dealing, 3- Fraud,
4- Unjust Enrichment, 5- Business
Defamation, 6- False Advertising In
Violation of The Federal Lanham Act,
7- Trade Libel/Product Disparagement/
Injurious Falsehood, 8- Tortious
Interference with Business Expectations,
and 9- Liability for the Torts, Breaches
and Debts of Defendant LFI/Piercing the
Corporate Veil
I don't know what half that stuff means,
Imma be 100% with you, I don't know what
that means, but what I do know is what the
courts decided on those things as of now.
For Count #1- Breach of Contract, it was
partially dismissed. For Counts 2-9, the
dismissal was denied, meaning that the
courts feel that Glamour Dolls has a case
to push forward to present their evidence
for the rest of the counts. That includes
the fraud, that includes the business
defamation, that includes the unjust
enrichment, and all the things that I
don't even know what it means. What's
important to know here is the most recent
court filing on this was January 26th of
2024. In real time, that was just a couple
of weeks ago. The one before that was on
December 19th of 2023, and again, I can't
access those documents. Hello, editing Jen
here. So, I'm editing, and I'm searching
for something random on my computer and I
found this. This is a screenshot that I
captured from the Morphe bankruptcy case,
and in the bankruptcy filings, look what I
found. It is Lisa Frank who says that she
is owed $55,000 that she never got from
Morphe and is probably losing in their
bankruptcy, so take that for what you
will, but I could not end the video
without adding that in. Back to the video.
I do have a feeling that one day there
will be a part 2 to this video. Because
there is more of the story that's going to
unfold, and maybe, just maybe, one day I
will have my very own Trapper Keeper
eyeshadow palette. I'm not gonna hold my
breath, but based on the court documents,
it is still possible.
In conclusion, this is possibly the
biggest hot mess, I would argue, in the
history of makeup launches, especially in
the history of collaborations. This is so
much worse than I ever could have possibly
imagined, from all of the lies to the fake
vintage postcard to the fake signatures to
the "everything is ready" but it's not, to
the leading people on with the samples
and the choices, and the rewards that
weren't actually rewards, to the things
being sold to retailers before they were
even shipped to the backers, the lack of
communication and the too much
communication, the Lisa Frank screwing
over Glamour Dolls so incredibly royally
that they really didn't have a lot of
choice but to screw over their backers.
In hindsight of course, but there were so
many things that Glamour Dolls could have
done to avoid a lot of this, and the first
thing they could have done was to not add
so many products, especially adding so
many products that they knew they couldn't
deliver on. I do believe with my entire
soul that Glamour Dolls saw those dollar
signs, the dollar signs were in their
eyes, when they saw how much money they
made off of the Ipsy deal, and they wanted
to multiply that, and multiply that, and
multiply that, and, to be honest, that's
what businesses do. They are in the
business of making money, but this was
just pure bad business. It was bad
choosing a business partner, it was a lot
of bad luck, it was a lot of just bad.
All compounding into $350,000 of people's
money being given, essentially, to Lisa
Frank, and her going and collaborating
with Morphe and making more money, and the
backers never getting our money back.
So that is the full story of everything
that happened with the Glamour Dolls Lisa
Frank Kickstarter. If you are still here
with me, hi, thank you so much for being
here. If you are still here, leave me a
unicorn or a rainbow emoji to tell me you
made it. Thank you so much for watching
this very long video. I hope that you
found this ride interesting. I really hope
that you enjoyed this video, and, at this
point, my friend, it is your turn in the
collective brain of makeup awesomeness
where we help each other not to buy crap,
and to buy things that are totally worth
it, and help us to see red flags in
Kickstarter campaigns so we know when to
pull our money out. I would love to know
your thoughts about anything I presented
to you in this video. Were you a backer?
Did you watch what happened in real time?
Are you new to all of this information? Do
you think we will ever get our products?
Do you think there's a chance? I would
like to hold on to hope because my money
is way gone, so, maybe, what, I don't
know, I would like, I don't think so, I
don't think it's going to happen, but, you
know, maybe a .05% chance, we'll just have
to wait and see. Thank you again, so, so
much for watching. If you're not done, if
you feel like this video wasn't long
enough for you and you want to hang out
longer, oh my gosh, I would love for you
to hang out longer, YouTube should be
recommending a couple videos for you over
here including a past Behind the
Controversy, YouTube's going to pick the
top one based on your viewing history
but if you do gotta head out of here, I'll
get it. This was a long ass video. Thank
you for hanging out as long as you did,
love to you and I will see you in a video
very, very soon. Bye!