Y'all when I started researching for this video I honestly thought it was going to be faster huh I thought I knew everything I genuinely did I was a backer for the Lisa Frank Glamour Dolls campaign back in 2017 I really thought I knew the story I saw other peoples videos on it and I was in it, I did all of the things, I was part of it. My friend, oh-my gosh, I did not know. There was so much that I did not know It is so fucked up, like I am just- I am absolutely blown away. Because the thing is, the more I started looking into it, the more things that I found And the more connections I was making And I was like oh my gosh. This is a story, my friend. There is so much that happened in the Lisa Frank Glamour Dolls Collab That we did not know, because everything wasn't laid out through hindsight we know hindsight is 20/20. Now we're seeing 20/20 my friend. And the rainbows are not rainbowing, and the unicorns and the peguseseses, and they're not, it's not good, it's very bad. So if you are ready, to go on this wild journey with me This is Behind the Controversy. And its starting right now. [Music] I would dare to say, pretty much everybody watching this video has been online and seen something that you never intended to purchase, but you had that impulse feeling. You had that feeling because, for some reason, you didn't know that you needed this, and you needed to buy it. Maybe it solves some kind of problem in your life, maybe it was some kind of advancement on something you already knew or maybe it was due to nostalgia. Something that reminded you of your childhood or just when you were younger, something that made you feel happy, during that time. And maybe its even something that made an entire generation feel happy. That's the feeling that the backers had when we saw that Lisa Frank was coming out with makeup with a company named Glamour Dolls. Now we did not, a lot of us had never heard of Glamour Dolls. Imma be 100%, I'd never heard of Glamour Dolls before. But I had heard of Lisa Frank. And I was freaking out because I was a sticker collector. I-I will tell you though, the scratch-and-sniff stickers were my favorite, but Lisa Frank stickers were super cool too. They were very very popular, and that's the way it was for a lot of people that were GenX or older millennials. Mostly, probably mid-millennials as well. If it wasn't the stickers, maybe it was the school supplies. Because Trapper Keepers were a thing. It was not just a regular notebook. It was a cool notebook. And they were kind of pricey, so if you had a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper, you were cool. Or if you were like me, you had a knock-off version from K-mart, which made you moderately cool. Not really. But we pretended we were. "I'll never forget the day I got stuck on Lisa Frank. The stickers were so cool, the colors were awesome. I gotta find more. So go to the store, And WOW, there's tons of awesome Lisa Frank stuff. I gotta have it! What more can I say? Pretty soon my friends, Ashley and Lindsay are going Lisa Frank Crazy too." And like I mentioned earlier, the company that started all of this wasn't super well known. They're called Glamour Dolls, so they had to get their name out there somehow, so they used an uber popular youtuber, at the time, named Candy Johnson. And Candy Johnson was the perfect influencer for this campaign. I don't even know if we were calling people influencers at that point. But anyway, my point is that Candy Johnson was top of her game. Everybody freaking loved Candy, she was like the sweetest, sweetest, kindest person. And she has this really light voice. And everybody freakin' loved Candy. "Hi guys, 2016 is behind us, but I am gonna share with you my Best in Beauty of 2016. Make sure if you have not subscribed, subscribe, join the family, become a Candy Corn. Candy Corn, like a Unicorn, but like candy corn, I don't know, I'll have to think about that one. And follow me on Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook for all kinds of different and awesome things." So when Candy announced the collaboration between Glamour Dolls and Lisa Frank, people lost their minds, they opened their wallets to the tune of over $300,000 Almost 6,000 people backed this project. Now, if you don't know what I'm talking about as far as Kickstarter and "backing" a project, basically, it's kind of like a GoFundMe-ish kind of thing, but for a business. So the business wants to make a product, but they don't have the money, so they go and they tell people "Hey, we wanna make this product, if you back us, if you give us money at different tiers, you'll get X products for helping us to create the product." This story has been told many times before. But I don't think it has been told in this way, because what I'm gonna focus on in this video is the point of view of the backers. What was it like to be a backer from the beginning, and what kind of tactics did Glamour Dolls use to keep us hanging on for well over a year. Where many, many people, including me, did not ask for refunds even after they were over a year late in sending out products. Some of you are probably sitting there thinking, like, "why didn't you know?" like, "why didn't you see the red flags?" Like, "what happened?" I'm going to tell you. I'm going to share with you what they did to us. I'm pointing down because of a 22 page script here with all the fucked-up shit that they did. Because, if you haven't figured it out yet Yea, we didn't get anything. [wheeze] Well some people got a little bit, but I didn't get anything And the vast majority of people got absolutely nothing, the people that did get things, got very very little. It's layered. It's multi-layered. So lets just jump in to the very beginning which was the start of the Kickstarter in February of 2017. [Music] Something you might want to remember about 2017 was that we didn't have the inundation of weird collabs, like we do now, I mean, the Glamlite Pizza palette was still about a year away, and that one broke the internet. It was like the first really weird collab that people were like "that's odd, but also kind of cool". The kind of collabs we were getting at the time were things like Wonder Woman and Luxie and PUR and the Trolls Movie. A makeup collaboration with Lisa Frank had literally never been done before, so people, naturally, were very excited due to that strong feeling of nostalgia. The Kickstarter launches with a maximum bid of 40 dollars to get a few products and a goal of 30,000 dollars. And the lowest buy-in to get something was pretty cheap, at 5 dollars for what they called, a digital background. It was an image that you could use as your background on your phone, or on your computer, or whatever. The kickstarter ran for 45 days from February 16, 2017, to April 2, 2017. It's also important to talk about the fact that Glamour Dolls said that backers would have a say in the products being created. That there would be polling and voting and people would get sneak peaks, people would also get the products at a discount, because the products would eventually end up at retailers but the backers, because you bought in a bundle, would get things cheaper than you would get if you bought the products individually. Just 3 days into the campaign, Glamour Dolls posted their update. They were so so excited. They said that Lisa was "opening her vault and would be sending 1000 vintage goodies to be included, for the first 1000 backers". They promised a second treat, if they hit 2000 backers, and Lisa had something really special planned if they made it to 10,000. They're just hyping the heck out of the backers, because they also promised something called "stretch rewards". And they way they described it is not how it turned out. Basically, what they said is that if the backers, as a community, complete a set of challenges, that something will be unlocked, and this something was going to be very very exciting. Challenges included tasks like creating a Lisa Frank-inspired makeup look and taking a picture of it, writing a rap about Glitter and tweeting it, and they even had a challenge where a person had to create a foil unicorn horn and put it on their head and take a picture of themselves in public, wearing the unicorn horn. 40 people had to take a picture of their vintage Lisa Frank products and submit those pictures. See, the community's participating, they're excited, they're talking about all the things that they're doing because in every comment section under each post there's a place for people of the community to communicate, to talk about what's happening. Its almost like a little, not a message board, but just kind of a place to dump things that people were thinking after the update. So people are hyped about this, they're so excited about their stretch reward. And this is the first big disappointment for the backers. Because it was not an extra item added to the bag, it wasn't even a reward, because when you think of a reward, you think that you're getting something. What it actually was, was a mock-up photo of an image of three-piece nail polish set and this is the kicker about it, no pun intended, that the nail polish set wasn't included in any of the levels, so nobody that had put in any money at this point was going to get the nail polishes that were featured in the picture, in order to get the nail polishes, you had to now increase your bid by at least 15 dollars because Glamour Dolls had just created new tiers that required more investment and the backers were like "what?" "That's it?" What we just worked so hard for, we just did all the challenges, 40 of us sent pictures of our Lisa Frank stuff that we dug out of our basement or out of our attics, and we found the stuff and we took the picture and we did all the work, and we got a drawing of something we're not getting unless we spend more money? That's what happened. I'm gonna put the whole post on the screen for you to read, but I'll read one of the key points. "We started this collection with a handful of products, but a big part of this Kickstarter is expanding the collection with the community and developing new products to add to it. What maybe separates this Kickstarter from others is that we don't know how big the collection will ultimately be. It all depends on community engagement". But the thing was is that they told people how big it was going to be. Because that's what they put their money in for because it said if you put the money in for this amount, then you'll get this stuff, and now she's saying that it may get even bigger than that. Because what was about to happen is they were about to add even more tiers with even more products. The explanation continued with this, which was the kicker, "we would have told you from the beginning" that basically it was only a drawing of a mock-up of something that no one was getting yet, but "we only developed it last week. In response to fan engagement after we researched cost formulations. For many people, the challenges were a fun way to unlock it and we'll be clear going forward so you can choose whether to participate". Unlock what? They unlocked a picture of something they had to pay more for. Thing is is that kind of the way that these stretch rewards work, but they didn't explain it to people that way. When people see a stretch reward, they're going to think that they're getting something as a reward. What it is traditionally called is a "stretch goal" and that is not something that is officially part of kickstarter, but something that Kickstarter campaigns do often. They usually call them goals, not rewards, and from what I was reading, a lot of the stretch goals typically happen after the backers already have their first set of products because they have gotten their products, they're excited about it, they're loving it, and now they want something more. So in order to stretch their amount that they've collected and create more products they have a stretch goal. So let's say, If I get 100 people to donate 20 more dollars we can create X products, so lets see if we can get to our stretch goal, rather than, it's a mystery, it's a game, it's a reward, it wasn't. They just completely missed represented that to backers. But I'm telling you, that snafu is mild, compared to what is coming next, like that-that's just extremely minor. It gets so so much worse. So trying to backtrack, Glamour Dolls tells their backers "hey, if we get to 3,500 backers, then we're going to include in everybody's bag, the first 3500 people, a Lisa Frank designed crease brush. Sometimes they call this a crease brush, sometimes they call it a blending brush, its the same brush. The promise of the free crease brush, I am not kidding you, according to the Kickstarter brought them past that 3500 backer mark in 24 hours. So at this point in time, highest level includes everything that they've said so far, plus the nail polishes at a $60 price point. But people were still mad, people were like, this is not what you said it was going to be, sir, ma'am, sir. So in response, Glamour Dolls was like "ok, well, we will add something else, we'll add something from our own line", It was what they called their "Gypsy Eyeliners" to the first 2000 backers who complete a survey to pick their preferred color of this liner. They were going to add that into the boxes, and that I think kind of calmed people down a little bit, they were like "ok, that feels more like a reward." And people started getting really excited about everything all over again. A backer named Marsha said "Wow, thanks yet again, the entire vibe of this campaign totally reminds me of what it felt like to open my noisy Lisa Frank Trapperkeeper, write with my pencils, play with my erasers, that I never used, to keep pristine, like dolls LOL, etc. in school. It made me smile and dream. I feel like we're all reliving our childhoods through this campaign and your team is making this fun. I'm hoping this will begin a new generation of Lisa Frank fans, when kids see us using our stuff". Little did Marsha and the rest of us know, we'd never use the stuff, we're not getting the stuff. In March of 2017, the Kickstarter is still going on, and one of the founders and CEOs of Glamour Dolls came on to clarify a couple things. You're gonna see his name coming up a lot. His name is Peter, he looks like that. Just so you can get a visual of who we're talking to. Peter, CEO, founder, Glamour Dolls, along with a chick named Jessica, that's Jessica. Back in 2017, unless you were in the makeup industry, there wasn't as much information readily available about how makeup manufacturing worked, so Peter felt like it was important to explain to the backers, kind of, what we were in for with this. He explained something called minimum order quantities and he said "as we get more pledges we have to order more units and if the order gets big enough, we are able to consider adding new products, knowing that we will be able to meet the factory minimums for packaging and filling". And then he says "as we add new products, there will need to be some higher pledge tiers, there no way around it. I wish I could tell you exactly how much the highest tier will be or how many products we'll end up with, but we came here to figure that out with you. But, you may see the problem with this, in that they haven't even created or started to create the products they've already promised, and now we're talking about adding on another layer, more tiers, more products, that also they don't have any plan for how they're going to make them. There's no artwork from Lisa frank, there's no colors picked out, there's just a concept in their minds, that's all that exists. And as we go through this, you'll realize they didn't even calculate the financials on how much all this was going to cost, or if they did calculate the financials, they didn't care, they were like, we'll figure it out some how. And then Peter said something that stuck in the minds of backers for the rest of the campaign. This is what he said, "Ultimately, whatever we do and don't figure out, these products will be available for individual purchase before the end of the year". The end of 2017. Kickstarter backers will just be getting them first. They didn't. So you remember how I said they were adding all of these new products, and either they didn't calculate the financials to figure out how much they were gonna cost or they did know, but they "oh we'll get the money from somewhere" they kinda figured out how they might get the money. They tapped into a creator named Wengie, now back then, there was a big boom around creators who did DIY challenge kinds of videos. I'm gonna show you some of Wengie's thumbnails. She got tens of millions of views on these videos Wengie was huge in this space, especially with kids. At the time, Wengie only had 6 million official subscribers on her channel, but she had way more watching her. Wengie: Hey guys, it's Wengie Welcome back but today I'm here to make a special awesome announcement, I'm so excited to announce this, like I can't even right now. I'm going to be collaborating with Lisa Frank and Glamour Dolls on an eyeshadow palette, like What?! for those of you who haven't heard about Lisa Frank she is so amazing. She is, like, literally my childhood. And her art is all about rainbows, unicorns, colorful, like everything I'm about. Like, her art is my aesthetic, but the most amazing thing is you guys get to be involved as well because you guys are my Wingy-con fam and if I'm going to work on my first huge collaboration, it's got to be with you guys. So, I really want you guys to help contribute to our creative. Choose the colors with us, choose the designs of the pallet. And we've partnered with Glamour Dolls Make-up to make this come alive. Because they are a high quality, vegan, cruelty-free brand. Not only that, they make super affordable makeup, because I want this collaboration to be affordable to everyone. And the great thing about this whole process is this was Internationally available no matter where you are, you can pre-order this palette. I'm not a hundred percent on this timeline, but it seems like this is when they added more tiers. They added a seventy dollar tier, a one hundred dollar tier, and two hundred dollar tier, but what they added that was the most important thing that I think really turned everything, was the additional of the Trapper Keeper palettes. These were going to be six pan eye-shadow palettes that looked legit like a trapper keeper. No one had ever seen anything like this before and the nostalgia overload. Oh my gosh. People lost their minds when they were thinking, "Oh my gosh, a trapper keeper eye-shadow palette, I need to have this in my life!" So, along with Wengie trapper keeper palette there would be a naturally glam palette and a bold a bright palette. All adorned with Lisa Frank artwork. Just an hour before the kickstarted ended, Glamour Dolls made another promise. They said that everybody, thanks to their participation, anybody that participated in the Kickstarter was going to get a goody bag. What was in the goody bag? No idea - no one ever got it. But they promised, they said "There's gonna be a goody bag added, thank you so much for backing this project.": According to the community, at the time, it looked like before Wengie launched her video, they were at about two hundred fifty thousand dollars in pledges. After Wendgie launched her video, they reached their peak at three hundred seventy thousand dollars and almost six thousand people. That was an average of about sixty two dollars spent per backer. The one hundred dollar tier got everything from the collection. And the two hundred dollar tier got two sets of everything in the collection. Now me not having a ton of money, at the time, and being a procrastinator I waited until the last minute to back this campaign. So I joined in at the very last moment in the very last day of the campaign at the seventy dollar level, so I paid seventy dollars plus five dollar shipping. And I will tell you, I was most excited about those dang trapper keeper palettes. So excited about those things! And I was excited, after I saw the drawing I was excited about the nail polishes. They looked really cool. I'd never seen anything quite like that. And I wanted to review it for the channel, I was excited to talk to you all about it. Was it good quality along with being really cute? I wanted to let you know. [music] Then something really weird happened. Because, at the time, I was really in to subscription boxes, I got a ton of them. I got my Ipsy bag, and I got this in it. Yes, I still have it. This is the Lisa Frank blush brush. What? Why-why am I getting this in an Ipsy bag? Let me go ahead and show you, it is super super freaking cute. there is a little line here, where the image connects, but overall it's just a very cute design. I will show you though that the, ya know, it is a little wiggly, it's not great quality, but at the time, I was more just confused. We are all super confused on what is happening and why the Lisa Frank blush brushes are in Ipsy. You guys! I'm so excited! I saw that this might be a possibility, something you could get in your bag, and I got it! I'm so excited! The fourth grader in my is, like, jumping up and down, she has her Lisa Frank trapper keeper like in the air. This is a Lisa Frank inspired brush! Look at this thing! Look [laughs] at this thing! There's magical, like, unicorns on the handle. And it is pink, and vibrant, and blue, and green, and all sorts of magical colors. If I would've had this in fourth grade I would've been the coolest kid around I would've been like, "yes, I'm putting on my fake blush with my [laughs] Lisa Frank blush brush. Thank you very much." Guys, I'm completely serious, I had the trapper keeper, I had the folders, I had the pencils, I had the little, like pencil holder. I had everything - everything Lisa Frank. When I was in fourth grade, that was like, the only way to be cool was to have multicolored rainbow cheetahs on your trapper keeper. And now I am twentyfour yearold woman with a rainbow unicorn brush and I love it. But it does make sense, it will make sense I'm gonna get there. About a month after the kickstarter ended, there was a red flag. Besides the red flag of the blush brush being in Ipsy bags and them not telling us that this could happen, this was another major red flag that we probably should've seen. What they posted to the kickstarter was basically about lessons that they had learned so far. This is what they said: "Lisa knows how much we've got in the works, but her advice was to stop and focus on a few things with high production quality rather than trying to do everything at once. Our friends at Kickstarter gave us some very similar advice- this is a marathon, not a sprint. We've taken it to heart, and stopped, gone back to the lab and made sure that the next few weeks are going to run smoothly and be everything that we promised. " So ever body, Lisa Frank, Kickstarter, every body's telling Glamour Dolls you're doing too much. Stop. You have made too many promises and you are going to just lose everything slow down, figure out how you're going to just get a couple of high quality products out and then worry about the rest, but the thing is; is on the Kickstarter page, it had said 'estimated deliver of September of 2017, So we are now the beginning of May. June, July, August, Semptember, that's four months until the estimated deliver date of the products. Now, I didn't know at the time a lot about production, I had no idea, so I didn't know that was freaking impossible. [scoff[ I don't think a lot of us knew that that was freaking impossible, but it was freaking impossible. But Glamour Dolls didn't tell us it was freaking impossible, oh no, they made us think it was we were getting our stuff in September because, remember, at this point, they've got thirteen products that they've promised us, including counting each nail polish as one product. And then, on top of that, they had promised us that they would add in a Lisa Frank designed nail file, so that made it fourteen products that they needed to give us, in four months. [eh-eh] Because we didn't realize as backers, that Lisa was designing all of this stuff from scratch. Why in the world, she was not using existing artwork, I have no freaking clue. I still don't know why she didn't use existing artwork. And in hindsight, this is why hindsight is twenty - twenty. Glamour Dolls had to have know there was no way in hell we were getting this stuff by September but they didn't tell us that. They even went so far as people saying it was their birthday in September and they were so excited to get Glamour Doll's products for their birthday and Glamour Doll's like "yaaayy, we're so excited for you to get them too!" They knew darn well those people were not getting those products for their birthday. In May of 2017, the surveys continued They started really asking us our opinions on how we wanted things to be done. And we started seeing actual product coming together and they sent a picture of this unicorn lippy- it was a lip balm and it was a unicorn, and it was so freaking cute in this little empty white box. Of course it was a white box, because Lisa hadn't designed the artwork yet, but they were like, "yes look at this draft of this unicorn, it's so cute!" And then they sent over the picture of the vegan leather make-up bag also so cute! Really cute little zipper, that was like a rainbow, and it was white, of course, because again, Lisa hadn't designed the artwork yet. We also got a final look at the upcoming crease brush, now keep in mind, that the blush brush that was already sent out to Ipsy people, and this crease brush, were only going to be shipped to the highest tear backers. The 100 dollar level, and the 200 dollar level. This is going to be important in just a moment. In June, we get another in hindsight red-flag, because Glamour Dolls opened up another way to buy items from the collection from a site called 'backer kit' and on Backer Kit, you could order product individually to be added to your box when all of your stuff shipped. It was also a way for people who hadn't been part of the kickstarter to get on the action and order the products. If you did happen to order the angled blush brush from Backer Kit those blush brushes did go out but the 100 dollar and 200 dollar people, still didn't have a blush brush. Unless they got it in their Ipsy bag, then they had a blush brush. And if they were 200 dollar tear, they were gonna end up with 3 blush brushes by the end of it, if they also got it in Ipsy. And in June, Backers got a sneak peak of a single eye shadow and a bronzer - we are almost there of the big debacle with the bronzer and the eye shadow. That's a whole 'nother thing - we're almost there. Throughout June we also got sneaks of the Trapper Keeper palate - who are so excited! The draft of the actual product packaging. We also got sneaks of the matte mousse swatches, we also got information about what the nail polish colors were gonna look like, I mean they are giving us pieces and pieces, and pieces, of 'this is coming, this is coming, this is what we're working on.' They really did show us a lot! But one thing you'll notice, if you listen carefully to this video of this nail polish swatches, is somebody in the background says something about Hot Topic. [inaudible] That's gonna be another piece. [laughs] Hang tight. They also said that everything was still on track for shipping in September in three months! How are they telling us this? They lied to us! They outright lied to us! They had to have known, darn well, we weren't getting shit in September. Because at this point nobody had even gotten on this digital background yet, that should've been the easiest thing to do. You have a piece of art, you send it out as a background,-you just digitally send it you don't even have to mail anything! you don't even have to create a physical product! It's literally just a piece of art e-mailed, that's it! They didn't even make that yet. Here comes another red flag. Are you ready? In July, they started selling that crease brush that was supposed to go to the top tear backers, they started selling it on their website for 4.99 and according to Popsugar, it sold out immediately at the beginning of July, and then restocked in the middle of July So this is what I think happened, because, of course, you can't sell out and then restock two weeks later from a true sell out. You have to order more! They didn't sell out! What they did, I think, is they had a number of extra brushes beyond what people had, what they had, you know, allocated to send out. So they sold those brushes, and then they realized they were selling out so fast they sold the backer's brushes. I guess, figuring they would just make more. And they would just send more out later, I don't know. So while all of this has happened, Glamour Dolls is continually and constantly involving the backers in the development process of everything. We're watching everything go down, and I will honestly tell you... I kinda tuned out, I was like, "I don't even freakin' care" like, I don't care what thin- I just want the products! Like, I participated in a couple of surveys, but after that, I just stopped reading e-mails. I was like, I don't care! I don't care about all of this, it's too much! It's just- send me the products! I don't care what ya'll decide. It's j- it's fine - it's whatever. So I kinda tuned out at this point. But a lot of people were very invested in all of these choices. The backers even started arguing amongst each other, where some people were being a little harsh about the designs, like with the trapper keeper palate, saying that the mirror was too small and can you make the mirror bigger, people were complaining that there were too many unicorns. Like, and then some people, just being like, jus-just-what did you expect, it's Lisa Frank. Just let them do the thing. It's fine. It's fine. People were just getting frustrated and just started arguing back and forth a little bit. Jessica, the co-founder with Peter even came in and was like, "hey ya'll, you need to speak nicely to each other, like, we're a community we're working on this together, cause it's starting to get a little heated." Now we're in August of 2017, one month before we're supposed to be getting our products shipped. We get another shot of the bronzer, this time with swatches. this is what they said, "We specifically developed this formula so it's universally flattering, making it the perfect shade for all of our dolls." Unless the dolls are deeper than that color, I-I don't know. The thing is, you really can't make a universal shade of bronzer because what works for someone very deep skinned, is not gonna work for someone with very pale skin. You just can't do that. All you can do is shoot for the middle. So just saying that they made it for all of their dolls, just really was kind of insulting to some of the backers. The most interested update, i['m gonna go ahead, put it on the screen for you, but I'll read the most interesting part, they said, "we know we've been little quiet over the last few weeks, but trust us, we have so many fun and exciting updates to share with you guys. The Trapper Keeper palate artwork should be finalized any day now. " Any day now. "And we literally cannot wait to show you what it looks like! This collaboration has been long time in the works, and we know that in the end, it'll be worth all the blood, sweat and glitter tears that we put into it." There's no mention of any shipping delays, There's just - we're getting our products. All of them - in September apparently. [laughs] And the reason why we know this is because they keep showing us things, they keep showing us that things are almost done! We got a sneak peak of the shades that were gonna be in the bold and bright palat we also got an explanation about the digital artwork that was supposed to be going out, and what they basically said was that they wanted to start with the hardest products first, like the trapper keeper palates, and then work they way to the easiest stuff which would be the digital background. In mid-August they put out a statement that the Wengie palate was almost finished and that they would update when they had an exact delivery schedule. So it's getting towards the end of August and the people with the September birthdays are starting to realize I'm not getting this for my birthday, am I? So there was a backer that said "It's obvious that all the September birthday backers are not receiving their make-up next month it's almost September, and not many products and designs are finalized as much of a bummer this may be, getting Lisa Frank make-up for Christmas, will still be really cool. I hope it's ready by then." It's not gonna be ready. [music[ So September finally arrives and everybody is like okay we're gonna get our announcement that everything is gonna be shipped but we did not get that! What we got was a sneak of the shade of the lip mousse, and no mention of the fact that things are supposed to be shipping right now like, they just didn't even say anything. Comment after comment, people are like "what the hell? You're showing me a shade of the lip mousse, how are you still making this?! We're supposed to be getting them shipped this month!?" So, after that post, everybody was pissed. Everybody was sounding off in the comments how mad they were, so the CEO had to re-group and he ended up putting out a very lengthy statement. I will put it all on the screen for you. He sincerely apologizes for gaps in communication and disappointment, and he says that if for any reason backers are not happy that they can send an email and they will issue a refund immediately. followed with quote, "we need to stress to all of you that you will be receiving the products that you paid for no matter what." And I really genuinely don't think that people asked for refunds because of this because they saw things that they really wanted and they knew if they asked for a refund, they weren't going to get any of it. And they still had faith that at some point, this was going to happen. Maybe it wasn't going to happen right now, but, if I take my money out I'm not getting all this stuff. And if I do want it, I'm gonna have to wait for it to go to retailers and I'm gonna have to pay retail price for it- i'm gon-I I'm gonna have to pay a lot more money for it, when if I had just been patient, I would've gotten everything that I wanted. The post continued with statements about threats that they were getting across social media- and they said that the threats are unnecessary and if they want a refund, just let them know. And they also said, about the shipping delay, they said it was just an estimated shipping delivery for September. Quote, "We started all these products from scratch with you at the concept phase and this is our first time working with a license so there are new steps and things to learn. Hiccups have ranged from trying to find the right fulfillment agents, to some of the packaging samples we received not being up to our standards. We were clear from the beginning and in previous updates that things might get delayed as the process played out. We realize that September will be over within a few short weeks, which means we will unfortunately not be -be on target with our hopeful September estimation." This is a bold face lie! It is a straight up lie! They never once in any of the updates told any body that there could possibly be a delay.